### Copyright 2018 Pixar

###    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
###    with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
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###    Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
###    6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
###       names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
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###    You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
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module JSS

  ### Module Constants

  ### Module Variables

  ### Module Methods

  ### Classes

  ### A computer group in the JSS
  ### See also the parent class JSS::Group
  ### @see JSS::APIObject
  ### @see JSS::Group
  class ComputerGroup < JSS::Group

    ### Mix-Ins
    include JSS::MDM

    ### Class Methods

    ### Class Constants

    ### The base for REST resources of this class
    RSRC_BASE = "computergroups"

    ### the hash key used for the JSON list output of all objects in the JSS
    RSRC_LIST_KEY = :computer_groups

    ### The hash key used for the JSON object output.
    ### It's also used in various error messages
    RSRC_OBJECT_KEY = :computer_group

    ### these keys, as well as :id and :name,  are present in valid API JSON data for this class
    VALID_DATA_KEYS = [:is_smart, :computers ]

    ### this allows the parent Group class to do things right
    MEMBER_CLASS = JSS::Computer

    # the object type for this object in
    # the object history table.
    # See {APIObject#add_object_history_entry}

    # what kind of devices are these WRT MDM
    MDM_COMMAND_TARGET = :computergroups

    ### Class Variables

    ### Class Methods

    ### Attributes

    ### Public Instance Methods

    ### The serial numbers of members in this group
    ### @return [Array<String>] the member serial numbers
    def member_serial_numbers
      @members.map{|m| m[:serial_number]}

    ### Return an array of the mac_addrs of members in this group
    ### @return [Array<String>] the member mac addresses
    def member_mac_addresses
      @members.map{|m| m[:mac_address]} + @members.map{|m| m[:alt_mac_address]}

    ### Private Instance Methods

  end # class ComputerGroup

end # module