module PatronusFati module MessageParser # We receive some messages before we specifically request the abilities of # the server, when this happens we'll attempt to map the data using the # default attribute ordering that was provided by the Kismet server this # client was coded against, this may not be entirely accurate, but will # become accurate before we receive any meaningful data. def self.parse(msg) return unless (raw_data = handle_msg(msg)) unless (cap = get_model(raw_data[0])) warn('Message received had unknown message type: ' + raw_data[0]) return end src_keys = cap.enabled_keys.empty? ? cap.attribute_keys : cap.enabled_keys[[1])]) end protected def self.extract_data(data_line) data_line.scan(PatronusFati::DATA_DELIMITER).map { |a, b| (a || b).tr("\x01", '') } end def self.get_model(mdl) return unless PatronusFati::MessageModels.const_defined?(model_name(mdl)) PatronusFati::MessageModels.const_get(model_name(mdl)) end def self.handle_msg(line) resp = PatronusFati::SERVER_MESSAGE.match(line) return unless resp h = Hash[] [h['header'], extract_data(h['data'])] end def self.model_name(hdr) hdr.downcase.capitalize.to_sym end end end