--- source: - meta authors: - name: 7rans email: transfire@gmail.com copyrights: - holder: Rubyworks year: '2009' license: BSD-2-Clause replacements: [] alternatives: [] requirements: - name: detroit groups: - build development: true - name: qed groups: - test development: true dependencies: [] conflicts: [] repositories: - uri: git://github.com/rubyworks/opendsl.git scm: git name: upstream resources: home: http://rubyworks.github.com/opendsl code: http://github.com/rubyworks/opendsl mail: http://groups.google.com/group/rubyworks-mailinglist extra: {} load_path: - lib revision: 0 created: '2009-07-18' summary: The ultimate DSL! title: OpenDSL version: 1.1.1 description: ! 'OpenDSL is the ultimate DSL system. It marries Ruby''s metaprogramming chops with it''s versitle mixin system to create a remarkably simple but incredibly powerful DSL framework.' organization: rubyworks date: '2011-10-27'