# Author:: Eyal Oren # Copyright:: (c) 2005-2006 # License:: LGPL require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' require 'active_rdf' require 'federation/federation_manager' require 'queryengine/query' class TestRedlandAdapter < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup ConnectionPool.clear end def teardown end def test_registration adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source(:type => :redland) assert_instance_of RedlandAdapter, adapter end #def test_redland_postgres # adapter = ConnectionPool.add(:type => :redland, :name => 'db1', :location => :postgresql, # :host => 'localhost', :database => 'redland_test', # :user => 'eyal', :password => 'lief1234') #end def test_redland_connections adapter = RedlandAdapter.new({}) assert_instance_of RedlandAdapter, adapter end def test_simple_query adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source(:type => :redland) eyal = RDFS::Resource.new 'eyaloren.org' age = RDFS::Resource.new 'foaf:age' test = RDFS::Resource.new 'test' adapter.add(eyal, age, test) result = Query.new.distinct(:s).where(:s, :p, :o).execute(:flatten) assert_instance_of RDFS::Resource, result assert_equal 'eyaloren.org', result.uri end def test_federated_query adapter1 = ConnectionPool.add_data_source(:type => :redland) adapter2 = ConnectionPool.add_data_source(:type => :redland, :fake_symbol_to_get_unique_adapter => true) eyal = RDFS::Resource.new 'eyaloren.org' age = RDFS::Resource.new 'foaf:age' test = RDFS::Resource.new 'test' test2 = RDFS::Resource.new 'test2' adapter1.add(eyal, age, test) adapter2.add(eyal, age, test2) # assert only one distinct subject is found (same one in both adapters) assert_equal 1, Query.new.distinct(:s).where(:s, :p, :o).execute.size # assert two distinct objects are found results = Query.new.distinct(:o).where(:s, :p, :o).execute assert_equal 2, results.size results.all? {|result| assert result.instance_of?(RDFS::Resource) } end def test_query_with_block adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source(:type => :redland) eyal = RDFS::Resource.new 'eyaloren.org' age = RDFS::Resource.new 'foaf:age' test = RDFS::Resource.new 'test' adapter.add(eyal, age, test) Query.new.select(:s,:p).where(:s,:p,:o).execute do |s,p| assert_equal 'eyaloren.org', s.uri assert_equal 'foaf:age', p.uri end end def test_load_from_file adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source :type => :redland # adapter.load("/tmp/test_person_data.nt", "turtle") # adapter.load("/home/metaman/workspaces/deri-workspace/activerdf/test/test_person_data.nt", "turtle") adapter.load("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/test_person_data.nt", "turtle") assert_equal 28, adapter.size end def test_remote_load adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source :type => :redland adapter.load('http://www.eyaloren.org/foaf.rdf', 'rdfxml') assert_equal 9, adapter.size end def test_load_and_clear adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source :type => :redland adapter.load('http://www.eyaloren.org/foaf.rdf', 'rdfxml') assert_equal 9, adapter.size adapter.clear assert_equal 0, adapter.size end def test_close adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source :type => :redland, :location => '/tmp/test.db' adapter.load('http://www.eyaloren.org/foaf.rdf', 'rdfxml') assert_equal 9, adapter.size adapter.close assert_equal 0, ConnectionPool.adapters.size end def test_person_data ConnectionPool.add_data_source :type => :redland, :location => 'test/test-person' Namespace.register(:test, 'http://activerdf.org/test/') eyal = Namespace.lookup(:test, :eyal) eye = Namespace.lookup(:test, :eye) person = Namespace.lookup(:test, :Person) type = Namespace.lookup(:rdf, :type) resource = Namespace.lookup(:rdfs,:resource) color = Query.new.select(:o).where(eyal, eye,:o).execute assert 'blue', color assert_instance_of String, color ObjectManager.construct_classes assert eyal.instance_of?(TEST::Person) assert eyal.instance_of?(RDFS::Resource) end def test_federated_query adapter1 = ConnectionPool.add_data_source(:type => :redland) adapter2 = ConnectionPool.add_data_source(:type => :redland, :fake_symbol_to_get_unique_adapter => true) eyal = RDFS::Resource.new 'eyaloren.org' age = RDFS::Resource.new 'foaf:age' test = RDFS::Resource.new 'test' test2 = RDFS::Resource.new 'test2' adapter1.add(eyal, age, test) adapter2.add(eyal, age, test2) # assert only one distinct subject is found (same one in both adapters) assert_equal 1, Query.new.distinct(:s).where(:s, :p, :o).execute.size # assert two distinct objects are found results = Query.new.distinct(:o).where(:s, :p, :o).execute assert_equal 2, results.size results.all? {|result| assert result.instance_of?(RDFS::Resource) } end def test_query_with_block adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source(:type => :redland) eyal = RDFS::Resource.new 'eyaloren.org' age = RDFS::Resource.new 'foaf:age' test = RDFS::Resource.new 'test' adapter.add(eyal, age, test) Query.new.select(:s,:p).where(:s,:p,:o).execute do |s,p| assert_equal 'eyaloren.org', s.uri assert_equal 'foaf:age', p.uri end end def test_person_data adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source :type => :redland adapter.load("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/test_person_data.nt", "turtle") Namespace.register(:test, 'http://activerdf.org/test/') eyal = Namespace.lookup(:test, :eyal) eye = Namespace.lookup(:test, :eye) person = Namespace.lookup(:test, :Person) type = Namespace.lookup(:rdf, :type) resource = Namespace.lookup(:rdfs,:resource) assert_equal 'blue', eyal.test::eye ObjectManager.construct_classes assert eyal.instance_of?(TEST::Person) assert eyal.instance_of?(RDFS::Resource) end def test_write_to_file_and_reload require 'tmpdir' location = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/redland-temp" adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source(:type => :redland, :location => location) eyal = RDFS::Resource.new 'eyaloren.org' age = RDFS::Resource.new 'foaf:age' test = RDFS::Resource.new 'test' adapter.add(eyal, age, test) adapter.save # flush the pool and freshly load the file we just wrote into ConnectionPool.clear adapter2 = ConnectionPool.add_data_source(:type => :redland, :location => location) assert adapter2.object_id != adapter.object_id assert_equal 1, adapter2.size end def test_sparql_query adapter = ConnectionPool.add_data_source :type => :redland eyal = RDFS::Resource.new 'eyaloren.org' age = RDFS::Resource.new 'foaf:age' test = RDFS::Resource.new 'test' adapter.add(eyal, age, test) adapter.save query = Query.new.distinct(:s).where(:s,:p,:o) results = adapter.get_query_results(query) # TODO: test if results are correct; but we do this only when redland # supports this method in release assert results.include?('eyaloren.org') end end