/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ // Provides class sap.ui.commons.MessageBox sap.ui.define(['jquery.sap.global', 'sap/ui/core/library', 'sap/ui/core/ElementMetadata', 'sap/ui/core/Control', './library', './Button', './Dialog', './Image', './TextView', './layout/MatrixLayout', './layout/MatrixLayoutCell'], function (jQuery, core, ElementMetadata, Control, commons, Button, Dialog, Image, TextView, MatrixLayout, MatrixLayoutCell) { "use strict"; /** * Provides methods to create standard alerts, confirmation dialogs, or arbitrary message boxes. * * As MessageBox is a static class, a jQuery.sap.require("sap.ui.commons.MessageBox"); statement * must be explicitly executed before the class can be used. Example: *
		 *   jQuery.sap.require("sap.ui.commons.MessageBox");
		 *   sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.show(
		 *       "This message should appear in the message box.",
		 *       sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Icon.INFORMATION,
		 *       "My message box title",
		 *       [sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Action.YES, sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Action.NO],
		 *       function() { / * do something * / }
		 *   );
* * @namespace * @author SAP SE * @version 1.60.23 * @public * @since 0.8.8 * @deprecated Since version 1.38. Instead, use the sap.m.MessageBox control. * @alias sap.ui.commons.MessageBox */ var MessageBox = {}; /** * Enumeration of supported actions in a MessageBox. * * Each action is represented as a button in the message box. The values of this enumeration are used for both, * specifying the set of allowed actions as well as reporting back the user choice. * @enum * @public * @deprecated as of version 1.38 */ MessageBox.Action = { /** * Adds an "Ok" button to the message box. * @public */ OK: "OK", /** * Adds a "Cancel" button to the message box. * @public */ CANCEL: "CANCEL", /** * Adds a "Yes" button to the message box. * @public */ YES: "YES", /** * Adds a "No" button to the message box. * @public */ NO: "NO", /** * Adds an "Abort" button to the message box. * @public */ ABORT: "ABORT", /** * Adds a "Retry" button to the message box. * @public */ RETRY: "RETRY", /** * Adds an "Ignore" button to the message box. * @public */ IGNORE: "IGNORE", /** * Adds a "Close" button to the message box. * @public */ CLOSE: "CLOSE" }; /** * Enumeration of the pre-defined icons that can be used in a MessageBox. * @enum * @public * @deprecated as of version 1.38 */ MessageBox.Icon = { /** * Shows no icon in the message box. * @public */ NONE: "NONE", /** * Shows the information icon in the message box. * @public */ INFORMATION: "INFORMATION", /** * Shows the warning icon in the message box. * @public */ WARNING: "WARNING", /** * Shows the error icon in the message box. * @public */ ERROR: "ERROR", /** * Shows the critical error icon in the message box. * @public * @deprecated since 1.9.1: The error icon is used instead */ CRITICAL: "CRITICAL", /** * Shows the success icon in the message box. * @public */ SUCCESS: "SUCCESS", /** * Shows the question icon in the message box. * @public */ QUESTION: "QUESTION" }; // some shortcuts for enum types var AccessibleRole = core.AccessibleRole, Action = MessageBox.Action, Icon = MessageBox.Icon, Padding = commons.layout.Padding, VAlign = commons.layout.VAlign; var mIconClass = { // Note: keys must be equal to values(!) of the Icon enumeration above INFORMATION: "sapUiMboxInfo", CRITICAL: "sapUiMboxCritical", ERROR: "sapUiMboxError", WARNING: "sapUiMboxWarning", SUCCESS: "sapUiMboxSuccess", QUESTION: "sapUiMboxQuestion" }; /** * Creates and displays a simple message box with the given text and buttons, and optionally other parts. * After the user has selected a button or closed the message box using the close icon, the callback * function is invoked when given. * * The only mandatory parameter is vMessage. Either a string with the corresponding text or even * a layout control could be provided. * * The created dialog box is executed asynchronously. When it has been created and registered for rendering, * this function returns without waiting for a user reaction. * * When applications have to react on the users choice, they have to provide a callback function and * postpone any reaction on the user choice until that callback is triggered. * * The signature of the callback is * * function (oAction); * * where oAction is the button that the user has pressed. When the user has pressed the close button, * a MessageBox.Action.Close is returned. * * @param {string | sap.ui.core.Control} vMessage The message to be displayed. * @param {sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Icon} [oIcon=None] The icon to be displayed. * @param {string} [sTitle=''] The title of the message box. * @param {sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Action|sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Action[]} [vActions] Either a single action, or an array of actions. * If no action(s) are given, the single action MessageBox.Action.OK is taken as a default for the parameter. * @param {function} [fnCallback] Function to be called when the user has pressed a button or has closed the message box. * @param {sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Action} [oDefaultAction] Must be one of the actions provided in vActions. * @param {string} [sDialogId] ID to be used for the dialog. Intended for test scenarios, not recommended for productive apps * @public */ MessageBox.show = function (vMessage, oIcon, sTitle, vActions, fnCallback, oDefaultAction, sDialogId) { var rb = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.ui.commons"), oDialog, oResult, oContent, oMsg, oDefaultButton; // normalize the vActions array if (typeof vActions !== "undefined" && !jQuery.isArray(vActions)) { vActions = [vActions]; } if (!vActions || vActions.length === 0) { vActions = [Action.OK]; } // create a unique ID sDialogId = sDialogId || ElementMetadata.uid("mbox"); /** creates a button for the given action */ function button(sAction) { var sText = rb && rb.getText("MSGBOX_" + sAction), oButton = new Button({ id: sDialogId + "--btn-" + sAction, text: sText || sAction, press: function () { oResult = sAction; oDialog.close(); } }); if (sAction === oDefaultAction) { oDefaultButton = oButton; } return oButton; } /** wraps the given control in a top aligned MatrixLayoutCell with no padding */ function cell(oContent) { return new MatrixLayoutCell({ padding: Padding.None, vAlign: VAlign.Top, content: oContent }); } /** creates an Image for the given icon type */ function image(oIcon) { var oImage = new Image({ id: sDialogId + "--icon", tooltip: rb && rb.getText("MSGBOX_ICON_" + oIcon), decorative: true }); oImage.addStyleClass("sapUiMboxIcon"); oImage.addStyleClass(mIconClass[oIcon]); return oImage; } function onclose() { if (typeof fnCallback === "function") { fnCallback(oResult || Action.CLOSE); } // first detach close handler (to avoid recursion and multiple reports) oDialog.detachClosed(onclose); // then destroy dialog (would call onclose again) oDialog.destroy(); } oContent = new MatrixLayout({id: sDialogId + "--lyt", layoutFixed: false}).addStyleClass("sapUiMboxCont"); if (typeof (vMessage) === "string") { oMsg = new TextView({id: sDialogId + "--msg"}).setText(vMessage).addStyleClass("sapUiMboxText"); } else if (vMessage instanceof Control) { oMsg = vMessage.addStyleClass("sapUiMboxText"); } if (oIcon !== MessageBox.Icon.NONE) { oContent.createRow(cell(image(oIcon)), cell(oMsg)); } else { oContent.createRow(cell(oMsg)); } // oContent.addStyleClass("sapUiDbgMeasure"); oDialog = new Dialog({ id: sDialogId, applyContentPadding: false, accessibleRole: AccessibleRole.AlertDialog, resizable: false, modal: true, buttons: jQuery.map(vActions, button), // determines oDefaultButton as a side effect! content: oContent, defaultButton: oDefaultButton, closed: onclose }).setTitle(sTitle); oDialog.open(); }; /** * Displays an alert box with the given message and an OK button (no icons). * If a callback is given, it is called after the alert box has been closed * by the user via the OK button or via the Close icon. The callback is called * with the following signature: * *
		 *   function ()
* * The alert box opened by this method is modal and it is processed asynchronously. * Applications have to use the fnCallback to continue work after the * user closed the alert box. * * @param {string | sap.ui.core.Control} vMessage Message to be displayed in the alert box * @param {function} [fnCallback] callback function to be called when the user closed the dialog * @param {string} [sTitle] Title to be displayed in the alert box * @param {string} [sDialogId] ID to be used for the alert box. Intended for test scenarios, not recommended for productive apps * @public */ MessageBox.alert = function (vMessage, fnCallback, sTitle, sDialogId) { return MessageBox.show(vMessage, Icon.NONE, sTitle, Action.OK, function (oAction) { if (typeof fnCallback === "function") { fnCallback(); } }, Action.OK, sDialogId || ElementMetadata.uid("alert")); }; /** * Displays a confirmation dialog box with the given message, a question icon, * an OK button, and a Cancel button. If a callback is given, it is called after the * alert box has been closed by the user via one of the buttons or via the close icon. * The callback is called with the following signature * *
		 *   function(bConfirmed)
* * where bConfirmed is set to true when the user has activated the OK button. * * The confirmation dialog box opened by this method is modal and it is processed asynchronously. * Applications have to use the fnCallback to continue work after the * user closed the alert box. * * @param {string | sap.ui.core.Control} vMessage Message to display * @param {function} [fnCallback] Callback to be called * @param {string} [sTitle] Title to display * @param {string} [sDialogId] ID to be used for the confirmation dialog. Intended for test scenarios, not recommended for productive apps * @public */ MessageBox.confirm = function (vMessage, fnCallback, sTitle, sDialogId) { return MessageBox.show(vMessage, Icon.QUESTION, sTitle, [Action.OK, Action.CANCEL], function (oAction) { if (typeof fnCallback === "function") { fnCallback(oAction === Action.OK); } }, /* no default */ undefined, sDialogId || ElementMetadata.uid("confirm")); }; return MessageBox; }, /* bExport= */ true);