#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any
# kind.  You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software
# code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that
# you do not remove any proprietary notices.  Your use of this software
# code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against the author
# with respect to your use of this software code.
# (c) 2007 s3sync.net

module S3sync

  # always look "here" for include files (thanks aktxyz)
#  $LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "../lib/s3sync/")
  $LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "../lib/")

  require 's3sync'
  require 'getoptlong'

  def S3sync.s3cmdMain
    # ---------- OPTIONS PROCESSING ---------- #

    $S3syncOptions = Hash.new
    optionsParser = GetoptLong.new(
                                   [ '--help',    '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
                                   [ '--ssl',     '-s', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
                                   [ '--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
                                   [ '--dryrun',  '-n', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
                                   [ '--debug',   '-d', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
                                   [ '--progress',       GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
                                   [ '--expires-in', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ]

    def S3sync.s3cmdUsage(message = nil)
      $stderr.puts message if message
      name = $0.split('/').last
      $stderr.puts <<"ENDUSAGE"
#{name} [options] <command> [arg(s)]\t\tversion #{S3sync::VERSION}
  --help    -h        --verbose     -v     --dryrun    -n
  --ssl     -s        --debug       -d     --progress
  --expires-in=( <# of seconds> | [#d|#h|#m|#s] )

#{name}  listbuckets  [headers]
#{name}  createbucket  <bucket>  [constraint (i.e. EU)]
#{name}  deletebucket  <bucket>  [headers]
#{name}  list  <bucket>[:prefix]  [max/page]  [delimiter]  [headers]
#{name}  location  <bucket> [headers]
#{name}  delete  <bucket>:key  [headers]
#{name}  deleteall  <bucket>[:prefix]  [headers]
#{name}  get|put  <bucket>:key  <file>  [headers]
#{name}  copy  <bucket>:key <bucket>:key  [headers]
#{name}  copyall  <bucket>:key <bucket>:key  [headers]
#{name}  headers  <bucket>:key [headers]
    end #usage

      optionsParser.each {|opt, arg| $S3syncOptions[opt] = (arg || true)}
    rescue StandardError
      s3cmdUsage # the parser already printed an error message
    s3cmdUsage if $S3syncOptions['--help']
    $S3syncOptions['--verbose'] = true if $S3syncOptions['--dryrun'] or
      $S3syncOptions['--debug'] or

    # change from "" to true to appease s3 port chooser
    $S3syncOptions['--ssl'] = true if $S3syncOptions['--ssl']

    if $S3syncOptions['--expires-in'] =~ /d|h|m|s/
      e = $S3syncOptions['--expires-in']
      days = (e =~ /(\d+)d/)? (/(\d+)d/.match(e))[1].to_i : 0
      hours = (e =~ /(\d+)h/)? (/(\d+)h/.match(e))[1].to_i : 0
      minutes = (e =~ /(\d+)m/)? (/(\d+)m/.match(e))[1].to_i : 0
      seconds = (e =~ /(\d+)s/)? (/(\d+)s/.match(e))[1].to_i : 0
      $S3syncOptions['--expires-in'] = seconds + 60 * ( minutes + 60 * ( hours + 24 * ( days ) ) )

    # ---------- CONNECT ---------- #

    # ---------- COMMAND PROCESSING ---------- #
    command, path, file = ARGV

    s3cmdUsage("You didn't set up your environment variables; see README.txt") if not($AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
    s3cmdUsage("Need a command (etc)") if not command

    path = '' unless path
    path = path.dup # modifiable
    path += ':' unless path.match(':')
    bucket = (/^(.*?):/.match(path))[1]

    case command

    when "delete"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      s3cmdUsage("Need a key") if path == ''
      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[2...ARGV.length])
      $stderr.puts "delete #{bucket}:#{path} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      S3try(:delete, bucket, path) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun']

    when "deleteall"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[2...ARGV.length])
      $stderr.puts "delete ALL entries in #{bucket}:#{path} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      more = true
      marker = nil
      while more do
        res = s3cmdList(bucket, path, nil, nil, marker)
        res.entries.each do |item|
          # the s3 commands (with my modified UTF-8 conversion) expect native char encoding input
          key = item.key.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8")
          $stderr.puts "delete #{bucket}:#{key} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
          S3try(:delete, bucket, key) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun']

        more = res.properties.is_truncated
        marker = (res.properties.next_marker)? res.properties.next_marker : ((res.entries.length > 0) ? res.entries.last.key : nil)
        # get this into local charset; when we pass it to s3 that is what's expected
        marker = marker.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8") if marker

    when "list"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      max, delim = ARGV[2..3]
      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[4...ARGV.length])
      $stderr.puts "list #{bucket}:#{path} #{max} #{delim} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      puts "--------------------"

      more = true
      marker = nil
      while more do
        res = s3cmdList(bucket, path, max, delim, marker, headers)
        if delim
          res.common_prefix_entries.each do |item|
            puts "dir: " + item.prefix.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8")
          puts "--------------------"
        res.entries.each do |item|
          puts item.key.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8")
        if res.properties.is_truncated
          printf "More? Y/n: "
          more = (STDIN.gets.match('^[Yy]?$'))
          marker = (res.properties.next_marker)? res.properties.next_marker : ((res.entries.length > 0) ? res.entries.last.key : nil)
          # get this into local charset; when we pass it to s3 that is what's expected
          marker = marker.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8") if marker
          more = false
      end # more

    when "listbuckets"
      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[1...ARGV.length])
      $stderr.puts "list all buckets #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      if $S3syncOptions['--expires-in']
        $stdout.puts S3url(:list_all_my_buckets, headers)
        res = S3try(:list_all_my_buckets, headers)
        res.entries.each do |item|
          puts item.name

    when "createbucket"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      lc = ''
      if(ARGV.length > 2)
        lc = '<CreateBucketConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01"><LocationConstraint>' + ARGV[2] + '</LocationConstraint></CreateBucketConfiguration>'
      $stderr.puts "create bucket #{bucket} #{lc}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      S3try(:create_bucket, bucket, lc) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun']

    when "deletebucket"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[2...ARGV.length])
      $stderr.puts "delete bucket #{bucket} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      S3try(:delete_bucket, bucket, headers) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun']

    when "location"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[2...ARGV.length])
      query = Hash.new
      query['location'] = 'location'
      $stderr.puts "location request bucket #{bucket} #{query.inspect} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      S3try(:get_query_stream, bucket, '', query, headers, $stdout) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun']

    when "get"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      s3cmdUsage("Need a key") if path == ''
      s3cmdUsage("Need a file") if file == ''
      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[3...ARGV.length])
      $stderr.puts "get from key #{bucket}:#{path} into #{file} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun']
        if $S3syncOptions['--expires-in']
          $stdout.puts S3url(:get, bucket, path, headers)
          outStream = File.open(file, 'wb')
          outStream = ProgressStream.new(outStream) if $S3syncOptions['--progress']
          S3try(:get_stream, bucket, path, headers, outStream)

    when "put"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      s3cmdUsage("Need a key") if path == ''
      s3cmdUsage("Need a file") if file == ''
      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[3...ARGV.length])
      stream = File.open(file, 'rb')
      stream = ProgressStream.new(stream, File.stat(file).size) if $S3syncOptions['--progress']
      s3o = S3::S3Object.new(stream, {}) # support meta later?
      headers['Content-Length'] = FileTest.size(file).to_s
      $stderr.puts "put to key #{bucket}:#{path} from #{file} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      S3try(:put, bucket, path, s3o, headers) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun']

    when "copy"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      s3cmdUsage("Need a key") if path == ''
      s3cmdUsage("Need a file") if file == ''

      file = file.dup # modifiable
      file += ':' unless file.match(':')
      dest_bucket = (/^(.*?):/.match(file))[1]

      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[3...ARGV.length])
      if headers.length > 0
        headers["x-amz-metadata-directive"] = "REPLACE"
        headers["x-amz-metadata-directive"] = "COPY"
      headers["x-amz-copy-source"] = "/#{bucket}/#{URI.escape(path)}"

      $stderr.puts "copy #{bucket}:#{path} to #{dest_bucket}/#{file} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      S3try(:put, dest_bucket, file, nil, headers) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun']

    when "copyall"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      s3cmdUsage("Need a path") if path == ''

      file = file.dup # modifiable
      file += ':' unless file.match(':')
      dest_bucket = (/^(.*?):/.match(file))[1]
      dest_key = file.replace((/:(.*)$/.match(file))[1])

      src_path = path

      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[2...ARGV.length])

      $stderr.puts "copy #{bucket}:#{path} to #{dest_bucket}:#{dest_key} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      more = true
      marker = nil
      while more do
        res = s3cmdList(bucket, path, nil, nil, marker)
        res.entries.each do |item|
          # the s3 commands (with my modified UTF-8 conversion) expect native char encoding input
          path = item.key.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8")

          file = path.gsub(src_path, dest_key)

          headers = hashPairs(ARGV[3...ARGV.length])
          if headers.length > 0
            headers["x-amz-metadata-directive"] = "REPLACE"
            headers["x-amz-metadata-directive"] = "COPY"
          headers["x-amz-copy-source"] = "/#{bucket}/#{URI.escape(path)}"

          $stderr.puts "copy #{bucket}:#{path} to #{dest_bucket}/#{file} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
          S3try(:put, dest_bucket, file, nil, headers) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun']


        more = res.properties.is_truncated
        marker = (res.properties.next_marker)? res.properties.next_marker : ((res.entries.length > 0) ? res.entries.last.key : nil)
        # get this into local charset; when we pass it to s3 that is what's expected
        marker = marker.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8") if marker

    when "headers"
      s3cmdUsage("Need a bucket") if bucket == ''
      s3cmdUsage("Need a path") if path == ''

      headers = hashPairs(ARGV[2...ARGV.length])

      $stderr.puts "apply headers to ALL entries in #{bucket}:#{path} #{headers.inspect if headers}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
      more = true
      marker = nil
      while more do
        res = s3cmdList(bucket, path, nil, nil, marker)
        res.entries.each do |item|
          # the s3 commands (with my modified UTF-8 conversion) expect native char encoding input
          key = item.key.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8")

          tmpHeaders = headers.merge({
            "x-amz-copy-source" => "/#{bucket}/#{URI.escape(key)}",
            "x-amz-metadata-directive" => "REPLACE"

          # grab the current content-type unless its been specified explicitly
          if not tmpHeaders.key?("content-type")
            currentHeaders = S3try(:head, bucket, key).object.metadata
            tmpHeaders["content-type"] = currentHeaders["content-type"]

          $stderr.puts "apply headers to #{bucket}:#{key} #{tmpHeaders.inspect}" if $S3syncOptions['--verbose']
          S3try(:put, bucket, key, nil, tmpHeaders) unless $S3syncOptions['--dryrun']

        more = res.properties.is_truncated
        marker = (res.properties.next_marker)? res.properties.next_marker : ((res.entries.length > 0) ? res.entries.last.key : nil)
        # get this into local charset; when we pass it to s3 that is what's expected
        marker = marker.encode($S3SYNC_NATIVE_CHARSET, "UTF-8") if marker


  end #main

end #module

S3sync::s3cmdMain #go!