#include "ruby.h" #include "ruby/encoding.h" #include #include #ifndef bool #define bool int #define false ((bool)0) #define true ((bool)1) #endif /* max_size: pass nil if no limit is specified */ static VALUE rb_parse_csv_line(VALUE self, VALUE line, VALUE col_sep, VALUE quote_char, VALUE max_size) { if (RB_TYPE_P(line, T_NIL) == 1) { return rb_ary_new(); } if (RB_TYPE_P(line, T_STRING) != 1) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "ERROR in SmarterCSV.parse_line: line has to be a string or nil"); } rb_encoding *encoding = rb_enc_get(line); /* get the encoding from the input line */ char *startP = RSTRING_PTR(line); /* may not be null terminated */ long line_len = RSTRING_LEN(line); char *endP = startP + line_len ; /* points behind the string */ char *p = startP; char *col_sepP = RSTRING_PTR(col_sep); long col_sep_len = RSTRING_LEN(col_sep); char *quoteP = RSTRING_PTR(quote_char); long quote_count = 0; bool col_sep_found = true; VALUE elements = rb_ary_new(); VALUE field; long i; while (p < endP) { /* does the remaining string start with col_sep ? */ col_sep_found = true; for(i=0; (i < col_sep_len) && (p+i < endP) ; i++) { col_sep_found = col_sep_found && (*(p+i) == *(col_sepP+i)); } /* if col_sep was found and we have even quotes */ if (col_sep_found && (quote_count % 2 == 0)) { /* if max_size != nil && lements.size >= header_size */ if ((max_size != Qnil) && RARRAY_LEN(elements) >= NUM2INT(max_size)) { break; } else { /* push that field with original encoding onto the results */ field = rb_enc_str_new(startP, p - startP, encoding); rb_ary_push(elements, field); p += col_sep_len; startP = p; } } else { if (*p == *quoteP) { quote_count += 1; } p++; } } /* while */ /* check if the last part of the line needs to be processed */ if ((max_size == Qnil) || RARRAY_LEN(elements) < NUM2INT(max_size)) { /* copy the remaining line as a field with original encoding onto the results */ field = rb_enc_str_new(startP, endP - startP, encoding); rb_ary_push(elements, field); } return elements; } VALUE SmarterCSV = Qnil; void Init_smarter_csv(void) { VALUE SmarterCSV = rb_define_module("SmarterCSV"); rb_define_module_function(SmarterCSV, "parse_csv_line_c", rb_parse_csv_line, 4); }