class MockExpectationError < StandardError; end # :nodoc: module Minitest # :nodoc: ## # A simple and clean mock object framework. # # All mock objects are an instance of Mock class Mock alias :__respond_to? :respond_to? overridden_methods = %w[ === class inspect instance_eval instance_variables object_id public_send respond_to_missing? send to_s ] instance_methods.each do |m| undef_method m unless overridden_methods.include?(m.to_s) || m =~ /^__/ end do |method_id| define_method method_id do |*args, &b| if @expected_calls.key? method_id then method_missing(method_id, *args, &b) else super(*args, &b) end end end def initialize(delegator = nil) # :nodoc: @delegator = delegator @expected_calls = { |calls, name| calls[name] = [] } @actual_calls = { |calls, name| calls[name] = [] } end ## # Expect that method +name+ is called, optionally with +args+ or a # +blk+, and returns +retval+. # # @mock.expect(:meaning_of_life, 42) # @mock.meaning_of_life # => 42 # # @mock.expect(:do_something_with, true, [some_obj, true]) # @mock.do_something_with(some_obj, true) # => true # # @mock.expect(:do_something_else, true) do |a1, a2| # a1 == "buggs" && a2 == :bunny # end # # +args+ is compared to the expected args using case equality (ie, the # '===' operator), allowing for less specific expectations. # # @mock.expect(:uses_any_string, true, [String]) # @mock.uses_any_string("foo") # => true # @mock.verify # => true # # @mock.expect(:uses_one_string, true, ["foo"]) # @mock.uses_one_string("bar") # => raises MockExpectationError def expect(name, retval, args = [], &blk) name = name.to_sym if block_given? raise ArgumentError, "args ignored when block given" unless args.empty? @expected_calls[name] << { :retval => retval, :block => blk } else raise ArgumentError, "args must be an array" unless Array === args @expected_calls[name] << { :retval => retval, :args => args } end self end def __call name, data # :nodoc: case data when Hash then "#{name}(#{data[:args].inspect[1..-2]}) => #{data[:retval].inspect}" else { |d| __call name, d }.join ", " end end ## # Verify that all methods were called as expected. Raises # +MockExpectationError+ if the mock object was not called as # expected. def verify @expected_calls.each do |name, expected| actual = @actual_calls.fetch(name, nil) raise MockExpectationError, "expected #{__call name, expected[0]}" unless actual raise MockExpectationError, "expected #{__call name, expected[actual.size]}, got [#{__call name, actual}]" if actual.size < expected.size end true end def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) # :nodoc: unless @expected_calls.key?(sym) then if @delegator && @delegator.respond_to?(sym) return @delegator.public_send(sym, *args, &block) else raise NoMethodError, "unmocked method %p, expected one of %p" % [sym, @expected_calls.keys.sort_by(&:to_s)] end end index = @actual_calls[sym].length expected_call = @expected_calls[sym][index] unless expected_call then raise MockExpectationError, "No more expects available for %p: %p" % [sym, args] end expected_args, retval, val_block = expected_call.values_at(:args, :retval, :block) if val_block then # keep "verify" happy @actual_calls[sym] << expected_call raise MockExpectationError, "mocked method %p failed block w/ %p" % [sym, args] unless*args, &block) return retval end if expected_args.size != args.size then raise ArgumentError, "mocked method %p expects %d arguments, got %d" % [sym, expected_args.size, args.size] end zipped_args = fully_matched = zipped_args.all? { |mod, a| mod === a or mod == a } unless fully_matched then raise MockExpectationError, "mocked method %p called with unexpected arguments %p" % [sym, args] end @actual_calls[sym] << { :retval => retval, :args =>! { |mod, a| mod === a ? mod : a }, } retval end def respond_to?(sym, include_private = false) # :nodoc: return true if @expected_calls.key? sym.to_sym return true if @delegator && @delegator.respond_to?(sym, include_private) __respond_to?(sym, include_private) end end end module Minitest::Assertions ## # Assert that the mock verifies correctly. def assert_mock mock assert mock.verify end end ## # Object extensions for Minitest::Mock. class Object ## # Add a temporary stubbed method replacing +name+ for the duration # of the +block+. If +val_or_callable+ responds to #call, then it # returns the result of calling it, otherwise returns the value # as-is. If stubbed method yields a block, +block_args+ will be # passed along. Cleans up the stub at the end of the +block+. The # method +name+ must exist before stubbing. # # def test_stale_eh # obj_under_test = # refute obj_under_test.stale? # # Time.stub :now, do # assert obj_under_test.stale? # end # end # def stub name, val_or_callable, *block_args new_name = "__minitest_stub__#{name}" metaclass = class << self; self; end if respond_to? name and not name.to_s then metaclass.send :define_method, name do |*args| super(*args) end end metaclass.send :alias_method, new_name, name metaclass.send :define_method, name do |*args, &blk| ret = if val_or_callable.respond_to? :call then*args) else val_or_callable end*block_args) if blk ret end yield self ensure metaclass.send :undef_method, name metaclass.send :alias_method, name, new_name metaclass.send :undef_method, new_name end end