# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU class Cloud class AWS # A load balancer as configured in {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::loadbalancers} class LoadBalancer < MU::Cloud::LoadBalancer @deploy = nil @lb = nil attr_reader :mu_name attr_reader :config attr_reader :cloud_id attr_reader :targetgroups @cloudformation_data = {} attr_reader :cloudformation_data # @param mommacat [MU::MommaCat]: A {MU::Mommacat} object containing the deploy of which this resource is/will be a member. # @param kitten_cfg [Hash]: The fully parsed and resolved {MU::Config} resource descriptor as defined in {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::loadbalancers} def initialize(mommacat: nil, kitten_cfg: nil, mu_name: nil, cloud_id: nil) @deploy = mommacat @config = MU::Config.manxify(kitten_cfg) @cloud_id ||= cloud_id if !mu_name.nil? @mu_name = mu_name elsif @config['scrub_mu_isms'] @mu_name = @config['name'] else @mu_name = @deploy.getResourceName(@config["name"], max_length: 32, need_unique_string: true) @mu_name.gsub!(/[^\-a-z0-9]/i, "-") # AWS ELB naming rules end end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def create if @config["zones"] == nil @config["zones"] = MU::Cloud::AWS.listAZs(@config['region']) MU.log "Using zones from #{@config['region']}", MU::DEBUG, details: @config['zones'] end lb_options = { tags: [] } if @config['classic'] lb_options[:load_balancer_name] = @mu_name else lb_options[:name] = @mu_name end MU::MommaCat.listStandardTags.each_pair { |name, value| lb_options[:tags] << {key: name, value: value} } if @config['optional_tags'] MU::MommaCat.listOptionalTags.each_pair { |name, value| lb_options[:tags] << {key: name, value: value} } end if !@config['tags'].nil? @config['tags'].each { |tag| lb_options[:tags] << {key: tag['key'], value: tag['value']} } end sgs = [] if @dependencies.has_key?("firewall_rule") @dependencies['firewall_rule'].values.each { |sg| sgs << sg.cloud_id } end if sgs.size > 0 and !@config['vpc'].nil? lb_options[:security_groups] = sgs @config['sgs'] = sgs end if @config["vpc"] != nil if @vpc.nil? raise MuError, "LoadBalancer #{@config['name']} is configured to use a VPC, but no VPC found" end lb_options[:subnets] = [] @config["vpc"]["subnets"].each { |subnet| subnet_obj = @vpc.getSubnet(cloud_id: subnet["subnet_id"], name: subnet["subnet_name"]) if subnet_obj.nil? raise MuError, "Failed to locate subnet from #{subnet} in LoadBalancer #{@config['name']}" end lb_options[:subnets] << subnet_obj.cloud_id } if @config["private"] lb_options[:scheme] = "internal" end else lb_options[:availability_zones] = @config["zones"] end listeners = Array.new if @config['classic'] @config["listeners"].each { |listener| listen_struct = { :load_balancer_port => listener["lb_port"], :protocol => listener["lb_protocol"], :instance_port => listener["instance_port"], :instance_protocol => listener["instance_protocol"] } listen_struct[:ssl_certificate_id] = listener["ssl_certificate_id"] if !listener["ssl_certificate_id"].nil? listeners << listen_struct } lb_options[:listeners] = listeners end zones_to_try = @config["zones"] retries = 0 lb = nil begin if @config['classic'] MU.log "Creating Elastic Load Balancer #{@mu_name}", details: lb_options lb = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).create_load_balancer(lb_options) else MU.log "Creating Application Load Balancer #{@mu_name}", details: lb_options lb = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).create_load_balancer(lb_options).load_balancers.first begin if lb.state.code != "active" MU.log "Waiting for ALB #{@mu_name} to enter 'active' state", MU::NOTICE sleep 20 lb = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).describe_load_balancers( names: [@mu_name] ).load_balancers.first end end while lb.state.code != "active" end rescue Aws::ElasticLoadBalancing::Errors::ValidationError, Aws::ElasticLoadBalancing::Errors::SubnetNotFound, Aws::ElasticLoadBalancing::Errors::InvalidConfigurationRequest => e if zones_to_try.size > 0 and lb_options.has_key?(:availability_zones) MU.log "Got #{e.inspect} when creating #{@mu_name} retrying with individual AZs in case that's the problem", MU::WARN lb_options[:availability_zones] = [zones_to_try.pop] retry else raise MuError, "#{e.inspect} when creating #{@mu_name}", e.backtrace end rescue Aws::ElasticLoadBalancing::Errors::InvalidSecurityGroup => e if retries < 5 MU.log "#{e.inspect}, waiting then retrying", MU::WARN sleep 10 retries = retries + 1 retry else raise MuError, "#{e.inspect} when creating #{@mu_name}", e.backtrace end end @cloud_id = @mu_name MU.log "LoadBalancer #{@config['name']} is at #{lb.dns_name}" MU.log "LoadBalancer #{@config['name']} is at #{lb.dns_name}", MU::SUMMARY parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id generic_mu_dns = nil dnsthread = Thread.new { if !MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud? MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) generic_mu_dns = MU::Cloud::AWS::DNSZone.genericMuDNSEntry(name: @mu_name, target: "#{lb.dns_name}.", cloudclass: MU::Cloud::LoadBalancer, sync_wait: @config['dns_sync_wait']) end } if zones_to_try.size < @config["zones"].size zones_to_try.each { |zone| begin MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer( load_balancer_name: @mu_name, availability_zones: [zone] ) rescue Aws::ElasticLoadBalancing::Errors::ValidationError => e MU.log "Couldn't enable Availability Zone #{zone} for Load Balancer #{@mu_name} (#{e.message})", MU::WARN end } end @targetgroups = {} if !@config['healthcheck'].nil? and @config['classic'] MU.log "Configuring custom health check for ELB #{@mu_name}", details: @config['healthcheck'] MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).configure_health_check( load_balancer_name: @mu_name, health_check: { target: @config['healthcheck']['target'], interval: @config['healthcheck']['interval'], timeout: @config['healthcheck']['timeout'], unhealthy_threshold: @config['healthcheck']['unhealthy_threshold'], healthy_threshold: @config['healthcheck']['healthy_threshold'] } ) elsif !@config['classic'] if @config['targetgroups'] MU.log "Configuring target groups and health checks check for ELB #{@mu_name}", details: @config['healthcheck'] @config['targetgroups'].each { |tg| tg_name = @deploy.getResourceName(tg["name"], max_length: 32) tg_descriptor = { :name => tg_name, :protocol => tg['proto'], :vpc_id => @vpc.cloud_id, :port => tg['port'] } if tg['httpcode'] tg_descriptor[:matcher] = { :http_code => tg['httpcode'] } end if tg['healthcheck'] hc_target = tg['healthcheck']['target'].match(/^([^:]+):(\d+)(.*)/) tg_descriptor[:health_check_protocol] = hc_target[1] tg_descriptor[:health_check_port] = hc_target[2] tg_descriptor[:health_check_path] = hc_target[3] tg_descriptor[:health_check_interval_seconds] = tg['healthcheck']['interval'] tg_descriptor[:health_check_timeout_seconds] = tg['healthcheck']['timeout'] tg_descriptor[:healthy_threshold_count] = tg['healthcheck']['healthy_threshold'] tg_descriptor[:unhealthy_threshold_count] = tg['healthcheck']['unhealthy_threshold'] if tg['healthcheck']['httpcode'] and !tg_descriptor.has_key?(:matcher) tg_descriptor[:matcher] = { :http_code => tg['healthcheck']['httpcode'] } end end tg_resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).create_target_group(tg_descriptor) @targetgroups[tg['name']] = tg_resp.target_groups.first MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).add_tags( resource_arns: [tg_resp.target_groups.first.target_group_arn], tags: lb_options[:tags] ) } end end if !@config['classic'] @config["listeners"].each { |l| if !@targetgroups.has_key?(l['targetgroup']) raise MuError, "Listener in #{@mu_name} configured for target group #{l['targetgroup']}, but I don't have data on a targetgroup by that name" end listen_descriptor = { :default_actions => [{ :target_group_arn => @targetgroups[l['targetgroup']].target_group_arn, :type => "forward" }], :load_balancer_arn => lb.load_balancer_arn, :port => l['lb_port'], :protocol => l['lb_protocol'] } if l['ssl_certificate_id'] listen_descriptor[:certificates] = [{ :certificate_arn => l['ssl_certificate_id'] }] listen_descriptor[:ssl_policy] = case l['tls_policy'] when "tls1.0" "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-0-2015-04" when "tls1.1" "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-1-2017-01" when "tls1.2" "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01" end end listen_resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).create_listener(listen_descriptor).listeners.first if !l['rules'].nil? l['rules'].each { |rule| rule_descriptor = { :listener_arn => listen_resp.listener_arn, :priority => rule['order'], :conditions => rule['conditions'], :actions => [] } rule['actions'].each { |a| rule_descriptor[:actions] << { :target_group_arn => @targetgroups[a['targetgroup']].target_group_arn, :type => a['action'] } } MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).create_rule(rule_descriptor) } end } else @config["listeners"].each { |l| if l['ssl_certificate_id'] resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener( load_balancer_name: @cloud_id, load_balancer_port: l['lb_port'], policy_names: [ case l['tls_policy'] when "tls1.0" "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08" when "tls1.1" # XXX This policy shows up in the console, but doesn't # work there either. I think it's Amazon's bug, though we # could get around it by creating a custom policy with all # the bits we want. Ugh. Just use an ALB, man. # "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-1-2017-01" MU.log "Correct TLS1.1 cipher policy for classic Load Balancers is currently not supported, falling back to ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08", MU::WARN "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08" when "tls1.2" # XXX This policy shows up in the console, but doesn't # work there either. I think it's Amazon's bug, though we # could get around it by creating a custom policy with all # the bits we want. Ugh. Just use an ALB, man. # "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01" MU.log "Correct TLS1.2 cipher policy for classic Load Balancers is currently not supported, falling back to ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08", MU::WARN "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08" end ] ) end } end if @config['cross_zone_unstickiness'] MU.log "Enabling cross-zone un-stickiness on #{lb.dns_name}" if @config['classic'] MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).modify_load_balancer_attributes( load_balancer_name: @mu_name, load_balancer_attributes: { cross_zone_load_balancing: { enabled: true } } ) else @targetgroups.each_pair { |tg_name, tg| MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).modify_target_group_attributes( target_group_arn: tg.target_group_arn, attributes: [ { key: "stickiness.enabled", value: "true" } ] ) } end end if !@config['idle_timeout'].nil? MU.log "Setting idle timeout to #{@config['idle_timeout']} #{lb.dns_name}" if @config['classic'] MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).modify_load_balancer_attributes( load_balancer_name: @mu_name, load_balancer_attributes: { connection_settings: { idle_timeout: @config['idle_timeout'] } } ) else MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).modify_load_balancer_attributes( load_balancer_arn: lb.load_balancer_arn, attributes: [ { key: "idle_timeout.timeout_seconds", value: @config['idle_timeout'].to_s } ] ) end end if !@config['connection_draining_timeout'].nil? if @config['classic'] if @config['connection_draining_timeout'] >= 0 MU.log "Setting connection draining timeout to #{@config['connection_draining_timeout']} on #{lb.dns_name}" MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).modify_load_balancer_attributes( load_balancer_name: @mu_name, load_balancer_attributes: { connection_draining: { enabled: true, timeout: @config['connection_draining_timeout'] } } ) else MU.log "Disabling connection draining on #{lb.dns_name}" MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).modify_load_balancer_attributes( load_balancer_name: @mu_name, load_balancer_attributes: { connection_draining: { enabled: false } } ) end else timeout = @config['connection_draining_timeout'].to_s if @config['connection_draining_timeout'] >= 0 MU.log "Setting connection draining timeout to #{@config['connection_draining_timeout']} on #{lb.dns_name}" else timeout = 0 MU.log "Disabling connection draining on #{lb.dns_name}" end @targetgroups.each_pair { |tg_name, tg| MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).modify_target_group_attributes( target_group_arn: tg.target_group_arn, attributes: [ { key: "deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds", value: timeout.to_s } ] ) } end end if !@config['access_log'].nil? MU.log "Setting access log params for #{lb.dns_name}", details: @config['access_log'] if @config['classic'] MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).modify_load_balancer_attributes( load_balancer_name: @mu_name, load_balancer_attributes: { access_log: { enabled: @config['access_log']['enabled'], emit_interval: @config['access_log']['emit_interval'], s3_bucket_name: @config['access_log']['s3_bucket_name'], s3_bucket_prefix: @config['access_log']['s3_bucket_prefix'] } } ) else MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).modify_load_balancer_attributes( load_balancer_arn: lb.load_balancer_arn, attributes: [ { key: "access_logs.s3.enabled", value: "true" }, { key: "access_logs.s3.bucket", value: @config['access_log']['s3_bucket_name'] }, { key: "access_logs.s3.prefix", value: @config['access_log']['s3_bucket_prefix'] } ] ) end end if !@config['lb_cookie_stickiness_policy'].nil? MU.log "Setting ELB cookie stickiness policy for #{lb.dns_name}", details: @config['lb_cookie_stickiness_policy'] if @config['classic'] cookie_policy = { load_balancer_name: @mu_name, policy_name: @config['lb_cookie_stickiness_policy']['name'] } if !@config['lb_cookie_stickiness_policy']['timeout'].nil? cookie_policy[:cookie_expiration_period] = @config['lb_cookie_stickiness_policy']['timeout'] end MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy(cookie_policy) lb_policy_names = Array.new lb_policy_names << @config['lb_cookie_stickiness_policy']['name'] listener_policy = { load_balancer_name: @mu_name, policy_names: lb_policy_names } lb_options[:listeners].each do |listener| if listener[:protocol].upcase == 'HTTP' or listener[:protocol].upcase == 'HTTPS' listener_policy[:load_balancer_port] = listener[:load_balancer_port] MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener(listener_policy) end end else @targetgroups.each_pair { |tg_name, tg| MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).modify_target_group_attributes( target_group_arn: tg.target_group_arn, attributes: [ { key: "stickiness.type", value: "lb_cookie" }, { key: "stickiness.enabled", value: "true" }, { key: "stickiness.lb_cookie.duration_seconds", value: @config['lb_cookie_stickiness_policy']['timeout'].to_s } ] ) } end end if !@config['app_cookie_stickiness_policy'].nil? if @config['classic'] MU.log "Setting application cookie stickiness policy for #{lb.dns_name}", details: @config['app_cookie_stickiness_policy'] cookie_policy = { load_balancer_name: @mu_name, policy_name: @config['app_cookie_stickiness_policy']['name'], cookie_name: @config['app_cookie_stickiness_policy']['cookie'] } MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy(cookie_policy) lb_policy_names = Array.new lb_policy_names << @config['app_cookie_stickiness_policy']['name'] listener_policy = { load_balancer_name: @mu_name, policy_names: lb_policy_names } lb_options[:listeners].each do |listener| if listener[:protocol].upcase == 'HTTP' or listener[:protocol].upcase == 'HTTPS' listener_policy[:load_balancer_port] = listener[:load_balancer_port] MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener(listener_policy) end end else MU.log "App cookie stickiness not supported in ALBs. Redeploy with 'classic' set to true if you need this functionality.", MU::WARN end end dnsthread.join # from genericMuDNS if !@config['dns_records'].nil? # XXX this should be a call to @deploy.nameKitten @config['dns_records'].each { |dnsrec| dnsrec['name'] = @mu_name.downcase if !dnsrec.has_key?('name') dnsrec['name'] = "#{dnsrec['name']}.#{MU.environment.downcase}" if dnsrec["append_environment_name"] && !dnsrec['name'].match(/\.#{MU.environment.downcase}$/) } if !@config['classic'] # XXX should be R53ALIAS, but we get "the alias target name does not lie within the target zone" @config['dns_records'].each { |r| r['type'] = "CNAME" } end if !MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud? MU::Cloud::AWS::DNSZone.createRecordsFromConfig(@config['dns_records'], target: cloud_desc.dns_name) end end notify end # Canonical Amazon Resource Number for this resource # @return [String] def arn if @config['classic'] "arn:"+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(@config["region"]) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+":elasticloadbalancing:"+@config['region']+":"+MU.account_number+":loadbalancer/"+@cloud_id else cloud_desc.load_balancer_arn end end # Wrapper for cloud_desc method that deals with elb vs. elb2 resources. def cloud_desc if @config['classic'] resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).describe_load_balancers( load_balancer_names: [@cloud_id] ).load_balancer_descriptions.first return resp else resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).describe_load_balancers( names: [@cloud_id] ).load_balancers.first if @targetgroups.nil? and !@deploy.nil? and @deploy.deployment['loadbalancers'].has_key?(@config['name']) and @deploy.deployment['loadbalancers'][@config['name']].has_key?("targetgroups") @targetgroups = {} @deploy.deployment['loadbalancers'][@config['name']]["targetgroups"].each_pair { |tg_name, tg_arn| @targetgroups[tg_name] = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).describe_target_groups(target_group_arns: [tg_arn]).target_groups.first } end return resp end end # Return the metadata for this LoadBalancer # @return [Hash] def notify deploy_struct = { "awsname" => @mu_name, "dns" => cloud_desc.dns_name, "targetgroups" => {} } deploy_struct["arn"] = cloud_desc.load_balancer_arn if !@config['classic'] @targetgroups.each { |tgname, tg| deploy_struct["targetgroups"][tgname] = tg.target_group_arn } return deploy_struct end # Register a Server node with an existing LoadBalancer. # # @param instance_id [String] A node to register. # @param targetgroups [Array] The target group(s) of which this node should be made a member. Not applicable to classic LoadBalancers. If not supplied, the node will be registered to all available target groups on this LoadBalancer. def registerNode(instance_id, targetgroups: nil) if @config['classic'] or !@config.has_key?("classic") MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(@config['region']).register_instances_with_load_balancer( load_balancer_name: @cloud_id, instances: [ {instance_id: instance_id} ] ) else if targetgroups.nil? or !targetgroups.is_a?(Array) or targetgroups.size == 0 if @targetgroups.nil? cloud_desc return end targetgroups = @targetgroups.keys end targetgroups.each { |tg| MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(@config['region']).register_targets( target_group_arn: @targetgroups[tg].target_group_arn, targets: [ {id: instance_id} ] ) } end end # Remove all load balancers associated with the currently loaded deployment. # @param noop [Boolean]: If true, will only print what would be done # @param ignoremaster [Boolean]: If true, will remove resources not flagged as originating from this Mu server # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @return [void] def self.cleanup(noop: false, ignoremaster: false, region: MU.curRegion, flags: {}) raise MuError, "Can't touch ELBs without MU-ID" if MU.deploy_id.nil? or MU.deploy_id.empty? # Check for tags matching the current deploy identifier on an elb or # elb2 resource. # @param arn [String]: The ARN of the resource to check # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @param ignoremaster [Boolean]: Whether to ignore the MU-MASTER-IP tag # @param classic [Boolean]: Whether to look for a classic ELB instead of an ALB (ELB2) def self.checkForTagMatch(arn, region, ignoremaster, classic = false) tags = [] if classic tags = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(region).describe_tags( load_balancer_names: [arn] ).tag_descriptions.first.tags else tags = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(region).describe_tags( resource_arns: [arn] ).tag_descriptions.first.tags end muid_match = false mumaster_match = false saw_tags = [] if !tags.nil? tags.each { |tag| saw_tags << tag.key muid_match = true if tag.key == "MU-ID" and tag.value == MU.deploy_id mumaster_match = true if tag.key == "MU-MASTER-IP" and tag.value == MU.mu_public_ip } end if saw_tags.include?("MU-ID") and (saw_tags.include?("MU-MASTER-IP") or ignoremaster) if muid_match and (mumaster_match or ignoremaster) return true end end return false end resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(region).describe_load_balancers resp2 = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(region).describe_load_balancers (resp.load_balancer_descriptions + resp2.load_balancers).each { |lb| classic = true if lb.class.name != "Aws::ElasticLoadBalancing::Types::LoadBalancerDescription" and !lb.type.nil? and lb.type == "application" classic = false end begin tags = [] matched = false if classic matched = self.checkForTagMatch(lb.load_balancer_name, region, ignoremaster, classic) else matched = self.checkForTagMatch(lb.load_balancer_arn, region, ignoremaster, classic) end if matched if !MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud? MU::Cloud::AWS::DNSZone.genericMuDNSEntry(name: lb.load_balancer_name, target: lb.dns_name, cloudclass: MU::Cloud::LoadBalancer, delete: true) if !noop end MU.log "Removing Elastic Load Balancer #{lb.load_balancer_name}" if classic MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(region).delete_load_balancer(load_balancer_name: lb.load_balancer_name) if !noop else MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(region).describe_listeners( load_balancer_arn: lb.load_balancer_arn ).listeners.each { |l| MU.log "Removing ALB Listener #{l.listener_arn}" MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(region).delete_listener( listener_arn: l.listener_arn ) if !noop } tgs = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(region).describe_target_groups.target_groups begin if lb.state.code == "provisioning" MU.log "Waiting for ALB #{lb.load_balancer_name} to leave 'provisioning' state", MU::NOTICE sleep 45 lb = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(region).describe_load_balancers( load_balancer_arns: [lb.load_balancer_arn] ).load_balancers.first end end while lb.state.code == "provisioning" MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(region).delete_load_balancer(load_balancer_arn: lb.load_balancer_arn) if !noop tgs.each { |tg| if self.checkForTagMatch(tg.target_group_arn, region, ignoremaster) MU.log "Removing Load Balancer Target Group #{tg.target_group_name}" retries = 0 begin MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(region).delete_target_group(target_group_arn: tg.target_group_arn) if !noop rescue Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Errors::ResourceInUse => e if retries < 6 retries = retries + 1 sleep 10 retry else MU.log "Failed to delete ALB targetgroup #{tg.target_group_arn}: #{e.message}", MU::WARN end end end } end next end rescue Aws::ElasticLoadBalancing::Errors::LoadBalancerNotFound, Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Errors::LoadBalancerNotFound MU.log "ELB #{lb.load_balancer_name} already deleted", MU::WARN end } return nil end # Cloud-specific configuration properties. # @param config [MU::Config]: The calling MU::Config object # @return [Array]: List of required fields, and json-schema Hash of cloud-specific configuration parameters for this resource def self.schema(config) toplevel_required = [] schema = { "targetgroups" => { "items" => { "properties" => { "proto" => { "type" => "string", "enum" => ["HTTP", "HTTPS", "TCP", "SSL"], } } } }, "ingress_rules" => { "items" => { "properties" => { "sgs" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "description" => "Other AWS Security Groups; resources that are associated with this group will have this rule applied to their traffic", "type" => "string" } }, "lbs" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "description" => "AWS Load Balancers which will have this rule applied to their traffic", "type" => "string" } } } } } } [toplevel_required, schema] end # Cloud-specific pre-processing of {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::loadbalancers}, bare and unvalidated. # @param lb [Hash]: The resource to process and validate # @param configurator [MU::Config]: The overall deployment configurator of which this resource is a member # @return [Boolean]: True if validation succeeded, False otherwise def self.validateConfig(lb, configurator) ok = true # XXX what about raw targetgroup ssl declarations? lb['listeners'].each { |listener| if (!listener["ssl_certificate_name"].nil? and !listener["ssl_certificate_name"].empty?) or (!listener["ssl_certificate_id"].nil? and !listener["ssl_certificate_id"].empty?) if lb['cloud'] != "CloudFormation" # XXX or maybe do this anyway? begin listener["ssl_certificate_id"] = MU::Cloud::AWS.findSSLCertificate(name: listener["ssl_certificate_name"].to_s, id: listener["ssl_certificate_id"].to_s, region: lb['region']) rescue MuError => e ok = false next end MU.log "Using SSL cert #{listener["ssl_certificate_id"]} on port #{listener['lb_port']} in ELB #{lb['name']}" end end } # if lb["alarms"] && !lb["alarms"].empty? # lb["alarms"].each { |alarm| # alarm["name"] = "lb-#{lb["name"]}-#{alarm["name"]}" # alarm['dimensions'] = [] if !alarm['dimensions'] # alarm['dimensions'] << { "name" => lb["name"], "cloud_class" => "LoadBalancerName" } # alarm["namespace"] = "AWS/ELB" if alarm["namespace"].nil? # alarm['cloud'] = lb['cloud'] # alarms << alarm.dup # } # end if !lb["classic"] if lb["vpc"].nil? MU.log "LoadBalancer #{lb['name']} has no VPC configured. Either set 'classic' to true or configure a VPC.", MU::ERR ok = false end else lb.delete("targetgroups") end ok end # Locate an existing LoadBalancer or LoadBalancers and return an array containing matching AWS resource descriptors for those that match. # @param cloud_id [String]: The cloud provider's identifier for this resource. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @param tag_key [String]: A tag key to search. # @param tag_value [String]: The value of the tag specified by tag_key to match when searching by tag. # @param flags [Hash]: Optional flags # @return [Array>]: The cloud provider's complete descriptions of matching LoadBalancers def self.find(cloud_id: nil, region: MU.curRegion, tag_key: "Name", tag_value: nil, flags: {}) classic = flags['classic'] ? true : false matches = {} list = {} arn2name = {} resp = nil if classic resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(region).describe_load_balancers().load_balancer_descriptions else resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(region).describe_load_balancers().load_balancers end resp.each { |lb| list[lb.load_balancer_name] = lb arn2name[lb.load_balancer_arn] = lb.load_balancer_name if !classic if !cloud_id.nil? and lb.load_balancer_name == cloud_id matches[cloud_id] = lb end } return matches if matches.size > 0 if !tag_key.nil? and !tag_value.nil? and !tag_key.empty? and list.size > 0 tag_descriptions = nil if classic tag_descriptions = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb(region).describe_tags( load_balancer_names: list.keys ).tag_descriptions else tag_descriptions = MU::Cloud::AWS.elb2(region).describe_tags( resource_arns: list.values.map { |l| l.load_balancer_arn } ).tag_descriptions end if !resp.nil? tag_descriptions.each { |lb| lb_name = classic ? lb.load_balancer_name : arn2name[lb.resource_arn] lb.tags.each { |tag| if tag.key == tag_key and tag.value == tag_value matches[lb_name] = list[lb_name] end } } end end return matches end end end end end