0.4.0: x Work x Postgres quoting toggles x Postgres binding toggles x Test for #20489 * Release checklist: x Update ChangeLog x rake x remove all related gems, install all DBI/DBD gems (check prereqs) x write a few test scripts to make sure drivers are loading x Update homepage (irc channel, git, other changes) * tag as 0.4.0 * upload rdoc * upload packages * release announcement (rf, ruby-talk, dbi lists, other places?) * rebase master from development * BEER 0.6.0: * Cleanup: * Arrays: * Find some way to get the extents of an array type * checked pg_type, pg_attribute and pg_class, can't find anything. * I don't think this is possible, but let's slate it for 0.6.0 anyways. * Tracing * WTH do we want to do with this * Wow, this module has *serious issues*. Crashes DBI without warning. Redo this completely. * 0.6.0 * Re-institute drivers * Proxy * Slated for 0.6.0 * Finish type management system * Unify ColumnInfo * Should we enforce ColumnInfo requirements at the DBI level? * At least test the result of statement colinfo uniformly * 0.6.0 * Cleanup core * Require code is a mess * Just remove the case-sensitivity from the DBDs in general * 0.6.0 * Find a good clean way to enumerate drivers in separate gems * Some registration-on-require would be cleaner and safer * 0.6.0 * Scripts * bin/dbd_proxy seems to have never worked; slate it for 0.6.0