require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../spec_helper' require 'set' include OpenEHR::AM::Archetype include OpenEHR::AM::Archetype::ConstraintModel include OpenEHR::AM::Archetype::Ontology include OpenEHR::RM::DataTypes::Text include OpenEHR::RM::Common::Resource include OpenEHR::RM::Support::Identification describe Archetype do before(:each) do original_language = stub(CodePhrase, :code_string => 'ja') archetype_id = => 'openEHR-EHR-SECTION.physical_examination-prenatal.v2') definition = stub(CComplexObject, :rm_type_name => 'SECTION') items = {:text => 'Physical examination'} term1 = => 'at0000', :items => items) ontology = => 1, :term_definitions => {'ja' => [term1]}) uid = => 'ABCD::1') parent_archetype_id = => 'openEHR-EHR-SECTION.physical_examination.v1') invariants = stub(Set, :size => 2) @archetype = => original_language, :adl_version => '1.4', :archetype_id => archetype_id, :concept => 'at0000', :definition => definition, :ontology => ontology, :uid => uid, :parent_archetype_id => parent_archetype_id, :invariants => invariants) end it 'should be an instance of Archetype' do @archetype.should be_an_instance_of Archetype end it 'adl_version should be assigned properly' do @archetype.adl_version.should == '1.4' end it 'archetype_id should be assigned prorperly' do @archetype.archetype_id.value.should == 'openEHR-EHR-SECTION.physical_examination-prenatal.v2' end it 'should raise ArgumentError when archetype_id is nil' do lambda { @archetype.archetype_id = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'uid should be assigned properly' do @archetype.uid.value.should == 'ABCD::1' end it 'concept should be assigned properly' do @archetype.concept.should == 'at0000' end it 'should raise ArgumentError when concept is nil' do lambda { @archetype.concept = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'parent_archetype_id should be assigned properly' do @archetype.parent_archetype_id.value.should == 'openEHR-EHR-SECTION.physical_examination.v1' end it 'definition should be assigned properly' do @archetype.definition.rm_type_name.should == 'SECTION' end it 'should raise ArgumentError when definition is nil' do lambda { @archetype.definition = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'ontology should be assigned properly' do @archetype.ontology.specialisation_depth.should be_equal 1 end it 'should raise ArgumentError when ontology is nil' do lambda { @archetype.ontology = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'invariants should be assigned properly' do @archetype.invariants.size.should be_equal 2 end it 'version should be extracted form id' do @archetype.version.should == 'v2' end it 'short concept name should be extracted from archetype id' do @archetype.short_concept_name.should == 'physical_examination' end it 'concept name should be extracted from ontology' do @archetype.concept_name('ja').should == 'Physical examination' end end