Rails 3.2 Integration for TinyMCE ================================= The `tinymce-rails` gem integrates the [TinyMCE](http://www.tinymce.com/) editor with the Rails 3.2 asset pipeline. Instructions ------------ **1. Add `tinymce-rails` to your Gemfile** gem 'tinymce-rails' Then run `bundle install`. **2. Use TinyMCE Add to your application.js: //= require tinymce-jquery and use TinyMCE in your view: <%= text_area_tag :editor, "", :rows => 40, :cols => 120 %> Custom Plugins & Skins ---------------------- To use custom plugins or skins, simply add the files to your asset load path so that they are locatable at a path beneath `tinymce/plugins/` or `tinymce/themes/advanced/skins/`. For example, a plugin called `mycustomplugin` could have its main JS file at `app/assets/javascripts/tinymce/plugins/mycustomplugin/editor_plugin.js`. Any files with a path beginning with `tinymce/` will be automatically precompiled. Updating -------- When new versions of TinyMCE are released, simply update the `tinymce-rails` gem to the latest version. There is no need to run any extra rake tasks (apart from `rake assets:precompile`).