# # This file is part of the lazier gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun . # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # require "spec_helper" describe Lazier::I18n do before(:all) do Lazier::I18n.default_locale = :en end before(:each) do |example| unless example.metadata[:skip_locale_whitelist] ::I18n.locale = :en allow(::I18n).to receive("locale=") Lazier::I18n.default_locale = nil else Lazier::I18n.default_locale = :en end end subject! { Lazier::I18n.instance(force: true) } describe ".instance" do it "should return the singleton instance" do expect(subject).to be_a(Lazier::I18n) expect(Lazier::I18n.instance).to be(subject) end it "should return a new instance" do another = Lazier::I18n.instance(force: true) expect(another).not_to be(subject) end end describe "#initialize" do it "should save attributes" do subject = Lazier::I18n.new("it", root: "foo", path: "/dev/abc/..") expect(subject.locale).to eq(:it) expect(subject.root).to eq(:foo) expect(subject.path).to eq("/dev") end it "should fallback to the default locale" do Lazier::I18n.default_locale = "pt" expect(Lazier::I18n.new.locale).to eq(:pt) end describe "should fallback to the system locale" do it "in JRuby" do expect(Lazier).to receive(:platform).exactly(2).and_return(:java) if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /java/ stub_const("Java", Object.new) allow(Java).to receive(:java).and_return(Object.new) allow(Java.java).to receive(:util).and_return(Object.new) allow(Java.java.util).to receive(:Locale).and_return(Object.new) allow(Java.java.util.Locale).to receive(:getDefault).and_return(Object.new) end allow(Java.java.util.Locale.getDefault).to receive(:toString).and_return("jp") expect(Lazier::I18n.new.locale).to eq(:jp) end it "in OSX" do allow_any_instance_of(Lazier::I18n).to receive(:`).with("defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleLanguages | awk 'NR==2{gsub(/[ ,]/, \"\");print}'").and_return("in") expect(Lazier).to receive(:platform).exactly(2).and_return(:osx) expect(Lazier::I18n.new.locale).to eq(:in) end it "in UNIX" do old_env = ENV["LANG"] ENV["LANG"] = "it" expect(Lazier).to receive(:platform).exactly(2).and_return(:posix) expect(Lazier::I18n.new.locale).to eq(:it) ENV["LANG"] = old_env end it "falling back to English" do expect(Lazier).to receive(:platform).and_return(:other) expect(Lazier::I18n.new.locale).to eq(:en) end end it "should setup the backend" do open("/tmp/it.yml", "w") {|f| f.write("---\nit:\n lazier:") } subject = Lazier::I18n.new("it", path: "/tmp") expect(::I18n.enforce_available_locales).to be_truthy expect(::I18n.load_path).to include("/tmp/it.yml") expect(::I18n.exception_handler).to be_a(::Lazier::Exceptions::TranslationExceptionHandler) expect(subject.backend).to be_a(::I18n::Backend::Simple) File.unlink("/tmp/it.yml") ::I18n.load_path.delete("/tmp/it.yml") end end describe "#reload" do it "should reload translations" do expect_any_instance_of(::I18n::Backend::Simple).to receive(:load_translations).and_call_original subject.reload end end describe "#translations" do it "should return the list of translations" do subject.locale = "en" subject.reload expect(subject.translations.keys).to eq([:date, :time, :support, :number, :lazier]) end end describe "#locale=" do it "should assign the new locale" do expect(::I18n).to receive("locale=").with(:it) subject.locale = :it expect(subject.locale).to eq(:it) end end describe "#locales" do it "should return the list of locales" do expect(subject.locales).to eq([:en, :it]) end end describe "#translate" do it "should return the translation" do expect(subject.translate("configuration.not_defined", name: "foo", class: "bar")).to eq("Property foo is not defined for bar.") expect(subject.translate(".date.formats")).to eq({:default=>"%Y-%m-%d", :short=>"%b %d", :long=>"%B %d, %Y"}) expect { subject.translate("::configuration.not_defined", property_name: "foo", class: "bar") }.to raise_error(Lazier::Exceptions::MissingTranslation) end end describe "#translate_in_locale" do it "should return the translation in the desired locale", skip_locale_whitelist: true do expect(subject.translate_in_locale(:it, "configuration.not_defined", name: "foo", class: "bar")).to eq("La proprietà foo non è definita per bar.") end end describe "#with_locale" do it "should execute a block with the new locale and then set the old locale back", skip_locale_whitelist: true do new_locale = nil subject.with_locale(:it) do new_locale = subject.locale end expect(new_locale).to eq(:it) expect(subject.locale).to eq(:en) end it "should raise exception after having restored the old locale", skip_locale_whitelist: true do new_locale = nil expect { subject.with_locale(:it) do new_locale = subject.locale raise RuntimeError end }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) expect(new_locale).to eq(:it) expect(subject.locale).to eq(:en) end end end