class @AnjLab.Uploads.Button constructor: (element, options) -> @options = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.uploaderButtonDefaults, options) @$element = $(@options.element ? element) # make button suitable container for input @$element.css position: 'relative' overflow: 'hidden' # Make sure browse button is in the right side # in Internet Explorer direction: 'ltr' @input = @createInput() getInput: -> @input # cleans/recreates the file input reset: -> if @input.parentNode $(@input).remove() @$element.removeClass(@options.focusClass) @input = @createInput() createInput: -> input = document.createElement("input") if @options.multiple input.setAttribute("multiple", "multiple") if @options.acceptFiles input.setAttribute("accept", @options.acceptFiles) input.setAttribute("type", "file") input.setAttribute("name", $(input).css position: 'absolute' # in Opera only 'browse' button # is clickable and it is located at # the right side of the input right: 0 top: 0 fontFamily: 'Arial' # 4 persons reported this, the max values that worked for them were 243, 236, 236, 118 fontSize: '118px' margin: 0 padding: 0 cursor: 'pointer' opacity: 0 @$element.append(input) $(input).on change: => @options.onChange(input) mouseover: => @$element.addClass(@options.hoverClass) mouseout: => @$element.removeClass(@options.hoverClass) focus: => @$element.addClass(@options.focusClass) blur: => @$element.removeClass(@options.focusClass) # IE and Opera, unfortunately have 2 tab stops on file input # which is unacceptable in our case, disable keyboard access if window.attachEvent # it is IE or Opera input.setAttribute('tabIndex', '-1') input $.fn.uploaderButtonDefaults = element: null # if set to true adds multiple attribute to file input multiple: false, acceptFiles: null, # name attribute of file input name: 'file', onChange: (input) -> null, hoverClass: 'qq-upload-button-hover', focusClass: 'qq-upload-button-focus'