# cocoapods-pdk8 > 因为精力有限,目前只兼容了`cocoapods 1.10.0`,如有其他版本的需求,可以提`issue`给我,在时间允许的情况下我会兼容的 `pdk8`的取名来自于保时捷`pdk`8速变速箱,也是我这边的期望,我们这个小工具可以让`pod install/update`的速度可以跟保时捷的跑车一样快。 ## Feature - 减少文件IO和优化获取算法 - 多线程加载`Pods` ## Installation $ gem install cocoapods-pdk8 ## Usage `Podfile`里面如果有的多个`source`,如果定义`force`,会优先匹配`force`的源 ``` force_source 'source2' source 'source1' ``` 然后就按照普通的`pod install/update`即可,就可以享受到加速,命令行看到`pkd8 enable`即享受到了加速 ``` pdk8 enable Analyzing dependencies Downloading dependencies finish xxx cost: 0s finish xxx cost: 0s finish xxx cost: 0s finish xxx cost: 0s finish xxx cost: 0s finish xxx cost: 0s finish xxx cost: 0s finish xxx cost: 0s finish xxx cost: 0s Generating Pods project Integrating client project Pod installation complete! There is 1 dependency from the Podfile and 14 total pods installed. - total: 1s -- prepare: 0s -- resolve_dependencies: 0s --- run_source_provider_hooks: 0s --- create_analyzer: 0s --- analyze: 1s -- download_dependencies: 0s --- install_pod_sources: 0s --- run_podfile_pre_install_hooks: 0s --- clean_pod_sources: 0s -- validate_targets: 0s -- integrate: 0s --- generate_pods_project: 0s --- integrate_user_project: 0s -- write_lockfiles: 0s -- perform_post_install_actions: 0s ``` 不想享受加速直接卸载即可 ``` gem uninstall cocoapods-pdk8 ```