Given /^I have github instance$/ do @github = :basic_auth => SETTINGS['basic_auth'], :oauth_token => SETTINGS['oauth_token'] ) end Given /^I have "([^"]*)" instance$/ do |api_classes| @instance = convert_to_constant(api_classes).new( :basic_auth => SETTINGS['basic_auth'], :oauth_token => SETTINGS['oauth_token'] ) end When /^I am not authorized$/ do [:basic_auth, :login, :password, :oauth_token].each do |attr| @instance.send("#{attr}=", nil) end end When /^I fetch "([^"]*)"$/ do |method| @response = @github.send(method.to_sym) end When /^I call (.*)$/ do |api_part| @response = @instance.send(api_part.to_sym) end When /^I will have access to "([^"]*)" API$/ do |api| @response.class.to_s.should match api end When /^I want(?: to|) (.*) (?:resource|resources)$/ do |method| @method = method end When /^I want(?: to|) (.*) (?:resource|resources) with the following (?:params|arguments):$/ do |method, table| table.hashes.each do |attributes| @method = method.to_sym @attributes = attributes end end When /^I pass the following request options:$/ do |table| table.hashes.each do |options| @options = options end end When /^I am looking for "([^"]*)" with the following params:$/ do |method, table| table.hashes.each do |attributes| @method = method.to_sym @attributes = attributes end end When /^I make request$/ do @options ||= {} @attributes ||= {} @response = @instance.send @method, *@attributes.values, @options end When /^I request (.*) page$/ do |link| @next_response = @response.send :"#{link}_page" end When /^I iterate through collection pages$/ do @pages = [] @response.each_page do |page| @pages << page.flatten end end Then /^the request header (.*) should be$/ do |header, value| expect(@response.headers.env[:request_headers][header]).to eql(value) end Then /^the response collection of resources is different for "([^"]*)" attribute$/ do |attr| @next_response.first.send(:"#{attr}").should_not eql @response.first.send(:"#{attr}") end Then /^this collection should include first page$/ do include end Then /^request should fail with "([^"]*)"$/ do |exception| @options ||= {} @attributes ||= {} expect { @response = @instance.send @method, *@attributes.values, @options }.to raise_error(convert_to_constant(exception)) end