// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context ok same */ module("SC.View#layoutDidChange"); test("notifies layoutStyle & frame change", function() { var view = SC.View.create(); var callCount = 0; view.addObserver('layoutStyle', function() { callCount++; }); view.addObserver('frame', function() { callCount++; }); view.layoutDidChange(); equals(callCount,2,'should trigger observers for layoutStyle + frame'); }); test("invokes layoutDidChangeFor() on layoutView each time it is called", function() { var callCount = 0 ; var layoutView = SC.View.create({ layoutDidChangeFor: function(changedView){ equals(this.get('childViewsNeedLayout'), YES, 'should set childViewsNeedLayout to YES before calling layoutDidChangeFor()'); equals(view, changedView, 'should pass view'); callCount++; } }); var view = SC.View.create({ layoutView: layoutView }); view.layoutDidChange(); view.layoutDidChange(); view.layoutDidChange(); equals(callCount, 3, 'should call layoutView.layoutDidChangeFor each time'); }); test("invokes layoutChildViewsIfNeeded() on layoutView once per runloop", function() { var callCount = 0 ; var layoutView = SC.View.create({ layoutChildViewsIfNeeded: function(){ callCount++; } }); var view = SC.View.create({ layoutView: layoutView }); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.layoutDidChange(); view.layoutDidChange(); view.layoutDidChange(); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(callCount, 1, 'should call layoutView.layoutChildViewsIfNeeded one time'); }); test("should not invoke layoutChildViewsIfNeeded() if layoutDidChangeFor() sets childViewsNeedLayout to NO each time", function() { var callCount = 0 ; var layoutView = SC.View.create({ layoutDidChangeFor: function() { this.set('childViewsNeedLayout', NO); }, layoutChildViewsIfNeeded: function(){ callCount++; } }); var view = SC.View.create({ layoutView: layoutView }); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.layoutDidChange(); view.layoutDidChange(); view.layoutDidChange(); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(callCount, 0, 'should not call layoutView.layoutChildViewsIfNeeded'); }); test('returns receiver', function() { var view = SC.View.create(); equals(view.layoutDidChange(), view, 'should return receiver'); }); test("is invoked whenever layout property changes", function() { var callCount = 0 ; var layoutView = SC.View.create({ layoutDidChangeFor: function(changedView){ callCount++; } }); var view = SC.View.create({ layoutView: layoutView }); view.set('layout', { top: 0, left: 10 }); equals(callCount, 1, 'should call layoutDidChangeFor when setting layout of child view'); }); test("is invoked on parentView if no layoutView whenever layout property changes", function() { var callCount = 0 ; var parentView = SC.View.create({ layoutDidChangeFor: function(changedView){ callCount++; } }); var view = SC.View.create({}); view.set('parentView', parentView); view.set('layout', { top: 0, left: 10 }); equals(callCount, 1, 'should call layoutDidChangeFor when setting layout of child view'); });