# # ActiveFacts Unified Index Schema Generator # # Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'digest/sha1' require 'activefacts/metamodel' require 'activefacts/metamodel/datatypes' require 'activefacts/compositions' require 'activefacts/compositions/names' require 'activefacts/generator' require 'activefacts/generator/traits/sql' module ActiveFacts module Generators module ETL class Unidex MM = ActiveFacts::Metamodel unless const_defined?(:MM) def self.options # REVISIT: There's no way to support SQL dialect options here sql_trait = ActiveFacts::Generators::Traits::SQL Class.new.extend(sql_trait). # Anonymous class to enable access to traits module instance methods options. merge( { dialect: [String, "SQL Dialect to use"] } ) end def initialize composition, options = {} @composition = composition @options = options @trait = ActiveFacts::Generators::Traits::SQL if @dialect = options.delete("dialect") require 'activefacts/generator/traits/sql/'+@dialect trait_name = ActiveFacts::Generators::Traits::SQL.constants.detect{|c| c.to_s =~ %r{#{@dialect}}i} @trait = @trait.const_get(trait_name) end self.class.include @trait self.class.extend @trait extend @trait process_options options end def process_options options super end def generate @all_table_unions = [] header + @composition. all_composite. sort_by{|c| c.mapping.name}. map{|c| generate_composite c}. concat([all_union(@all_table_unions)]). compact*"\n" + trailer end def all_union unions return '' if unions.empty? create_or_replace("#{schema_name}_unidex", 'VIEW') + " AS\n" + unions.compact.map{|s| "SELECT * FROM "+s } * "\nUNION ALL " + ";\n" end def header schema_prefix end def generate_composite composite return nil if composite.mapping.injection_annotation return nil if composite.mapping.object_type.is_static trace :unidex, "Generating view for #{table_name(composite)}" do union = composite.mapping.all_member.to_a.sort_by{|m| m.name}.flat_map do |member| next nil if member.injection_annotation rank_key = member.rank_key case key_type = rank_key[0] when MM::Component::RANK_SURROGATE, # A surrogate key; these do not get indexed MM::Component::RANK_DISCRIMINATOR, # Replacement for exclusive indicators, often subtypes MM::Component::RANK_MULTIPLE # Nested absorption trace :unidex, "Ignoring #{MM::DataTypes::TypeNames[key_type]} #{column_name member}" next nil when MM::Component::RANK_INJECTION # ValueField (index), ValidFrom (don't) or an Absorption with an injection annotation if MM::ValueField === member generate_value leaf else nil end when MM::Component::RANK_INDICATOR generate_indicator member else raise "Unexpected non-Absorption" unless MM::Absorption === member if member.foreign_key # Index this record by the natural key of the FK target record, if possible generate_joined_value member # elsif member.full_absorption # REVISIT: Anything special to do here? else (member.all_member.size > 0 ? member.all_leaf : [member]).flat_map do |leaf| generate_value leaf end end end end.compact * "\nUNION ALL" if union.size > 0 union_name = "#{table_name(composite)}_unidex" @all_table_unions << union_name "/*\n"+ " * View to extract unified index values for #{table_name(composite)}\n"+ " */\n"+ create_or_replace("#{union_name}", 'VIEW') + " AS" + union + ";\n" else '' end end end def trailer '' end def generate_indicator leaf nil # REVISIT: Do we need anything here? # select(leaf.root, safe_column_name(leaf), 1, column_name(leaf)) end # This foreign key connects two composites (tables) def generate_joined_value member foreign_key = member.foreign_key # REVISIT: Is this restriction even necessary? return nil unless foreign_key.composite.mapping.object_type.is_static # Index the source table by the natural key of the target, if we can find one indices = foreign_key.composite.all_index return null if indices.empty? search_index_by = {} searchable_indices = indices.select do |ix| next false if !ix.is_unique non_fk_components = ix.all_index_field.map(&:component) - foreign_key.all_index_field.map(&:component) next unless non_fk_components.size == 1 component = non_fk_components[0] next unless MM::Absorption === component value_type = component.object_type search_methods = value_type.applicable_parameter_restrictions('Search') search_methods.reject!{|vtpr| m = vtpr.value_range.minimum_bound and m.value == 'none'} search_methods.map!{|sm| sm.value_range.minimum_bound.value.effective_value} if search_methods.empty? false else search_index_by[ix] = search_methods end end return nil if search_index_by.empty? search_index_by.flat_map do |search_index, search_methods| trace :unidex, "Search #{table_name foreign_key.source_composite} via #{table_name search_index.composite}.#{column_name search_index.all_index_field.to_a[0].component} using #{search_methods.map(&:inspect)*', '}" fk_pairs = foreign_key.all_foreign_key_field.to_a. zip foreign_key.all_index_field.to_a leaf = search_index.all_index_field.to_a[0].component # Returning this natural index value source_table = table_name(foreign_key.composite) source_field = safe_column_name(member) type_name, options = leaf.data_type(data_type_context) # Which has this type_name intrinsic_type = MM::DataType.intrinsic_type(type_name) # Which corresponds to this intrinsic type col_expr = Expression.new( %Q{ (SELECT #{safe_column_name(leaf)} FROM #{source_table} AS f WHERE #{ fk_pairs.map do |fkf, ixf| "#{table_name foreign_key.source_composite}.#{safe_column_name(fkf.component)} = f.#{safe_column_name(ixf.component)}" end*' AND ' })}. gsub(/\s+/,' '), intrinsic_type, foreign_key.all_foreign_key_field.to_a.all?{|fkf| fkf.component.path_mandatory} ) search_expr foreign_key.source_composite, intrinsic_type, col_expr, search_methods, source_field end end def generate_value leaf return nil unless leaf.is_a?(MM::Absorption) value_type = leaf.object_type type_name, options = leaf.data_type(data_type_context) length = options[:length] value_constraint = options[:value_constraint] # Look for instructions on how to index this leaf for search: search_methods = value_type.applicable_parameter_restrictions('Search') search_methods.reject!{|vtpr| m = vtpr.value_range.minimum_bound and m.value == 'none'} return nil if search_methods.empty? search_methods.map!{|sm| sm.value_range.minimum_bound.value.effective_value} # Convert from the model's data type to a metamodel type, if possible intrinsic_type = MM::DataType.intrinsic_type(type_name) data_type_name = intrinsic_type ? MM::DataType::TypeNames[intrinsic_type] : type_name trace :unidex, "Search #{table_name leaf.root}.#{column_name(leaf)} as #{data_type_name} using #{search_methods.map(&:inspect)*', '}" col_expr = Expression.new(safe_column_name(leaf), intrinsic_type, leaf.is_mandatory) source_field = safe_column_name(leaf) search_expr leaf.root, intrinsic_type, col_expr, search_methods, source_field end def search_expr composite, intrinsic_type, col_expr, search_methods, source_field case intrinsic_type when MM::DataType::TYPE_Char, MM::DataType::TYPE_String, MM::DataType::TYPE_Text # Produce a select yielding values for the requested search type search_methods.flat_map do |sm| case sm when 'none' # Do not index this value nil when 'simple' # Disregard white-space only select(composite, col_expr, 'simple', source_field) when 'alpha' # Strip white space and punctuation, just use alphabetic characters select(composite, as_alpha(col_expr), sm, source_field) when 'phonetic' # Use phonetic matching as well as trigrams and alpha select(composite, as_alpha(col_expr), 'phonetic', source_field, phonetics(col_expr)) when 'words' # Break the text into words and match each word like alpha select(composite, unnest(as_words(col_expr)), sm, source_field) when 'names' # Break the text into words and match each word like phonetic value = unnest(as_words(col_expr, "''-")) # N.B. ' is doubled for SQL phonetic_select(value, select(composite, value, 'names', source_field)) when 'text' # Index a large text field using significant words and phrases nil # REVISIT: Implement this type when 'number' # Cast to number and back to text to canonicalise the value; # If it doesn't look like a number, we don't index it. value = number_or_null(col_expr) select(composite, value, 'number', source_field, nil, ["#{value} IS NOT NULL"]) when 'phone' # Phone numbers; split, strip each to digits, take the last 8 of each select(composite, phone_numbers(col_expr), 'phone', source_field) when 'email' # Use a regexp to find email addresses in this field select(composite, email_addresses(col_expr), 'email', source_field) when 'date' # REVISIT: Convert string to standard date format # If it doesn't look like a date, we don't index it. value = date_or_null(col_expr) select(composite, value, 'date', source_field, nil, ["#{value} IS NOT NULL"]) else $stderrs.puts "Unknown search method #{sm}" end end when MM::DataType::TYPE_Boolean nil # REVISIT: Implement this type when MM::DataType::TYPE_Integer, MM::DataType::TYPE_Real, MM::DataType::TYPE_Decimal, MM::DataType::TYPE_Money select(composite, col_expr, 'simple', source_field) when MM::DataType::TYPE_Date # Produce an ISO representation that sorts lexically (YYYY-MM-DD) # REVISIT: Support search methods here select(composite, lexical_date(col_expr), 'date', source_field) when MM::DataType::TYPE_DateTime, MM::DataType::TYPE_Timestamp # Produce an ISO representation that sorts lexically (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) # REVISIT: Support search methods here select(composite, lexical_datetime(col_expr), 'datetime', source_field) when MM::DataType::TYPE_Time # Produce an ISO representation that sorts lexically (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) select(composite, lexical_time(col_expr), 'time', source_field) when MM::DataType::TYPE_Binary nil # No indexing applied when nil # Data Type is unknown else end end def stylise_column_name name name.words.send(@column_case)*@column_joiner end def field_names @field_names ||= %w{Value Phonetic Processing SourceTable SourceField LoadBatchID RecordGUID}. map{|n| stylise_column_name(n)} end def phonetic_select expression, select field_list = field_names. map do |n| if n =~ /Phonetic/i phonetics(Expression.new(stylise_column_name('Value'), MM::DataType::TYPE_String, true)).to_s + " AS #{n}" else n end end. join(",\n\t") %Q{ SELECT DISTINCT FROM ( ) AS s}. unindent. sub(//, field_list). sub(//, select.gsub(/\n/,"\n\t")) end def select composite, expression, processing, source_field, phonetic = nil, conditions = [] # These fields are in order of index precedence, to co-locate # comparable values regardless of source record type or column select_list = [ expression.to_s, phonetic ? phonetic.to_s : 'NULL', "'"+processing+"'::text", "'"+safe_table_name(composite)+"'::text", "'"+source_field+"'::text", nil, nil, ].zip(field_names). map(&:compact). map{|a| a * ' AS '}. join(%q{, }) where = if conditions.empty? '' else "\nWHERE\t#{conditions*"\n AND\t"}" end select = %Q{ SELECT DISTINCT #{select_list} FROM #{safe_table_name(composite)}}. unindent+ where end end end publish_generator ETL::Unidex end end