require 'rails' require 'rom/rails/inflections' require 'rom/rails/configuration' require 'rom/rails/controller_extension' require 'rom/rails/active_record/configuration' Spring.after_fork { ROM::Rails::Railtie.disconnect } if defined?(Spring) module ROM module Rails class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie COMPONENT_DIRS = %w(relations mappers commands).freeze MissingGatewayConfigError = # Make `ROM::Rails::Configuration` instance available to the user via # `Rails.application.config` before other initializers run. config.before_initialize do |_app| config.rom = end initializer 'rom.configure_action_controller' do ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do ActionController::Base.send(:include, ControllerExtension) end end initializer 'rom.adjust_eager_load_paths' do |app| paths = auto_registration_paths.inject([]) do |result, root_path| result.concat( { |dir| root_path.join('app', dir).to_s }) end app.config.eager_load_paths -= paths end rake_tasks do load "rom/rails/tasks/db.rake" unless active_record? end # Reload ROM-related application code on each request. config.to_prepare do |_config| ROM.env = Railtie.create_container end # Behaves like `Railtie#configure` if the given block does not take any # arguments. Otherwise yields the ROM configuration to the block. # # @example # ROM::Rails::Railtie.configure do |config| # config.gateways[:default] = [:yaml, 'yaml:///data'] # config.auto_registration_paths += [MyEngine.root] # end # # @api public def configure(&block) config.rom = unless config.respond_to?(:rom) if block.arity == 1 else super end end def create_configuration end # @api private def create_container configuration = create_configuration auto_registration_paths.each do |root_path| configuration.auto_registration(root_path.join('app'), namespace: false) end ROM.container(configuration) end # @api private def gateways config.rom.gateways[:default] ||= infer_default_gateway if active_record? if config.rom.gateways.empty? Rails.logger.warn "It seems that you have not configured any gateways" config.rom.gateways[:default] = [ :memory, "memory://test" ] end config.rom.gateways end # If there's no default gateway configured, try to infer it from # other sources, e.g. ActiveRecord. # # @api private def infer_default_gateway spec = [:sql, spec[:uri], spec[:options]] end def load_initializer load "#{root}/config/initializers/rom.rb" rescue LoadError # do nothing end # @api private def disconnect container.disconnect unless container.nil? end # @api private def root ::Rails.root end def container ROM.env end def auto_registration_paths config.rom.auto_registration_paths + [root] end # @api private def active_record? defined?(::ActiveRecord) end end end end