# coding: utf-8 module I18n::Tasks::Configuration # i18n-tasks config (defaults + config/i18n-tasks.yml) # @return [Hash{String => String,Hash,Array}] def config @config || (self.config = {}) end CONFIG_FILES = %w( config/i18n-tasks.yml config/i18n-tasks.yml.erb i18n-tasks.yml i18n-tasks.yml.erb ) def file_config file = CONFIG_FILES.detect { |f| File.exists?(f) } file = YAML.load(Erubis::Eruby.new(File.read(file)).result) if file {}.with_indifferent_access.merge(file.presence || {}) end def config=(conf) @config = file_config.deep_merge(conf) @config_sections = {} @config end # data config # @return [{adapter: String, options: Hash}] def data_config @config_sections[:data] ||= begin { adapter: data.class.name, config: data.config } end end def relative_roots @config_sections[:relative_roots] ||= config[:relative_roots].presence || %w(app/views) end # translation config # @return [Hash{String => String,Hash,Array}] def translation_config @config_sections[:translation] ||= begin conf = (config[:translation] || {}).with_indifferent_access conf[:api_key] ||= ENV['GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY'] if ENV.key?('GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY') conf end end def search_config @config_sections[:search] ||= { scanner: scanner.class.name, config: scanner.config } end # @return [Array] all available locales, base_locale is always first def locales @config_sections[:locales] ||= begin locales = config[:locales] locales ||= data.available_locales locales = locales.map(&:to_s) locales = if locales.include?(base_locale) [base_locale] + (locales - [base_locale]) else [base_locale] + locales end if config[:locales] log_verbose "config.locales set to #{locales}" else log_verbose "config.locales inferred from data #{locales}" end locales end end def non_base_locales(from = nil) from ||= self.locales Array(from) - [base_locale] end # @return [String] default i18n locale def base_locale @config_sections[:base_locale] ||= (config[:base_locale] || 'en').to_s end def ignore_config(type = nil) key = type ? "ignore_#{type}" : 'ignore' @config_sections[key] ||= config[key] end # evaluated configuration (as the app sees it) def config_sections # init all sections base_locale locales data_config search_config relative_roots translation_config [nil, :missing, :unused, :eq_base].each do |ignore_type| ignore_config ignore_type end @config_sections end def config_for_inspect to_hash_from_indifferent(config_sections.deep_stringify_keys.reject { |k, v| v.blank? }).tap do |sections| sections.each do |_k, section| section.merge! section.delete('config') if Hash === section && section.key?('config') end end end private def to_hash_from_indifferent(v) case v when Hash v.to_hash when Array v.map { |e| to_hash_from_indifferent e } else v end end end