# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class String # moved from lib\obj_ext\string.rb def irc_colorize self.gsub(/!\[(.*?)\]/) { $1.tr('boruic', 2.chr + 15.chr + 18.chr + 31.chr + 29.chr + 3.chr) } #Note to self, tr and gsub is your friend! #Thanks to j416 on #ruby@freenode! end end module Plugins class Rainbow include Cinch::Plugin include Cinch::Helpers enable_acl set plugin_name: "Rainbow", help: "Rainbowificates your text.\nUsage: `?rainbow [text]`.\nUsage: `?eyerape [text]`.", suffix: /$/ def rainbowification(s) s.gsub(/\x03([0-9]{2}(,[0-9]{2})?)?/, "") # Because total function abuse. colour = %w{04 07 08 09 10 06 13} i = Random.new.rand(0..colour.size-1); new_string = "" s.each_char { |c| new_string << "\x03#{colour[i]}#{c}"; i = i < colour.size-1 ? i.next : 0; } new_string end def eyerapeification(s) sd = s.dup sd.gsub(/\x03([0-9]{2}(,[0-9]{2})?)?/, "") # Because total function abuse. colour = %w{04 07 08 09 10 06 13} offset = Random.new.rand(0..colour.size-1) sd = "\x02" + sd.upcase.split(" ").map { |c| offset = (offset < colour.size-1 ? offset.next : 0) "\x03#{colour[offset]},#{colour[offset-4]}#{c.each_char.each_with_index.map { |char, index| index % 2 == 0 ? char : char.downcase }.join}" }.join(" ") #sd end match /rainbow (.+)/, method: :execute_rainbow def execute_rainbow(m, string) m.reply(rainbowification(string), false) end match /eyerape (.+)/, method: :execute_eyerape def execute_eyerape(m, string) m.reply(eyerapeification(string), false) end end end # AutoLoad Bot.config.plugins.plugins.push Plugins::Rainbow