/* Shiltiumcomp -- the first Shiltolang compiler Copyright (C) 2010 Gregory Cohen This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef __cplusplus #include #else #include #endif #include "../global_headers/headers.h" #include "ensure_type_is_valid_otherwise_give_type_error.h" #include "insert_variable_into_scope.h" #include "show_tokens.h" #include "line_number.h" #include "read_char.h" #undef unsigned #undef short static Variable* get_variable(ParserState* cr state, const String* cr name) { Scope* scope; assert_comparison(state, !=, NULL, ParserState* cr, void*); assert_comparison(name, !=, NULL, const String* cr, void*); scope = &state->scope; while (scope) { bool in_hash_table; Variable* variable; variable = (Variable*)DEREF( hash_table_get_value_from_string_key( &scope->variables_in_scope, ARROW(name, string), ARROW(name, length), &in_hash_table ) ); if (in_hash_table) { return variable; } scope = ARROW(scope, parent_scope); } return NULL; } static Subroutine* get_subroutine(ParserState* cr state, const char* subroutine_name, const u length_of_subroutine_name) { Scope* scope; assert_comparison(state, !=, NULL, ParserState* cr, void*); assert_comparison(subroutine_name, !=, NULL, const char*, void*); assert_comparison(length_of_subroutine_name, !=, 0, const u, u); scope = &state->scope; while (scope) { bool in_hash_table; Subroutine* subroutine; subroutine = (Subroutine*)DEREF( hash_table_get_value_from_string_key( &scope->subroutines_in_scope, subroutine_name, length_of_subroutine_name, &in_hash_table ) ); if (in_hash_table) { return subroutine; } scope = ARROW(scope, parent_scope); } return NULL; } attr_nonnull static void ensure_that_argument_counts_are_equal_otherwise_give_type_error( const Subroutine* cr subroutine, const u length ) { assert_comparison(subroutine, !=, NULL, const Subroutine* cr, void*); if (unlikely(length != ARROW(subroutine, length_of_argument_type_list))) { output_nullt_string("Type error: gave "); putu(length); output_nullt_string(" argument"); if (length != 1) { output_char('s'); } output_nullt_string(" but "); putu(ARROW(subroutine, length_of_argument_type_list)); output_nullt_string(" are expected\n"); exit_program(); } } static Variable* create_variable_from_argument_expression( ParserState* cr state, Token** const tokens, const u first_argument_expression_index, const u last_argument_expression_index ) { Variable* variable; variable = (Variable*)m_alloc(sizeof(Variable)); if (unlikely(!variable)) { output_nullt_string("Unable to allocate a temporary variable for an expression in an argument list.\n"); exit_program(); } #if DEBUG /* This is set to point to -1 so that the program will definitely crash if it's used. It's set to this to prevent a debugging nightmare, or even worse, the program working in DEBUG mode but not working in release mode. */ ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, statement_declared_on) = (Statement*)-1; #endif ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, line_declared_on) = ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, first_argument_expression_index), line_number); ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, name).string = NULL; ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, name).length = 0; parse_expression( variable, tokens, last_argument_expression_index, first_argument_expression_index, &state->scope.variables_in_scope, TYPE_FLOAT ); translate_expression_into_mid_level_instructions(ARROW(state, dac), ARROW(state, mli), variable, ARROW(state, stack_offset)); return variable; } __attribute__((nonnull (1, 4))) static void create_variables_from_argument_expressions_and_push_them_onto_the_stack( ParserState* cr state, Subroutine* cr subroutine, SubroutineForwardReference* cr subroutine_forward_reference, Token** const tokens, const u number_of_tokens ) { MidLevelInstruction* mid_level_instruction; u beginning_of_argument_expression_index; LinkedListHead argument_type_list_head; bool previous_token_is_a_comma; Variable* variable; u i; u length; assert_comparison(state, !=, NULL, ParserState* cr, void*); assert_comparison(tokens, !=, NULL, Token** const, void*); if (subroutine) { length = 0; if (!number_of_tokens) { ensure_that_argument_counts_are_equal_otherwise_give_type_error(subroutine, length); return; } } else { /* If this is removed, gcc gives an error. */ argument_type_list_head = NULL; if (!number_of_tokens) return; } if (unlikely( ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).length == 1 && DEREF(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).string) == ',' )) { output_nullt_string("Syntax error: an argument list cannot begin with a comma\n"); exit_program(); } if (subroutine) { argument_type_list_head = ARROW(subroutine, argument_type_list); } previous_token_is_a_comma = false; beginning_of_argument_expression_index = false; for (i = 0; i < number_of_tokens; ++i) { /* if token is a comma */ if ( ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, i), string).length == 1 && DEREF(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, i), string).string) == ',' ) { if (unlikely(previous_token_is_a_comma)) { output_nullt_string("Syntax error: two commas in a row in an argument list\n"); exit_program(); } in: variable = create_variable_from_argument_expression(state, tokens, beginning_of_argument_expression_index, i); if (subroutine) { if (likely(argument_type_list_head)) { if (unlikely((Type)(u)ARROW(argument_type_list_head, value) != TYPE_FLOAT)) { output_nullt_string("Type error: argument needs to be a float\n"); exit_program(); } } else { output_nullt_string("Type error: calling subroutine with too many arguments.\n"); exit_program(); } ++length; } else { linked_list_append(&subroutine_forward_reference->argument_type_list, (void*)TYPE_FLOAT); ARROW_ASSIGN(subroutine_forward_reference, length_of_argument_type_list)++; } mid_level_instruction = (MidLevelInstruction*)m_alloc(sizeof(MidLevelInstruction)); if (unlikely(!mid_level_instruction)) { output_nullt_string( "Memory error: unable to allocate memory for a " OPENING_QUOTE "push_argument" CLOSING_QUOTE " mid-level instruction.\n" ); } ARROW_ASSIGN(mid_level_instruction, opcode) = MLI_OPCODE_PUSH_ARGUMENT; ARROW_ASSIGN(mid_level_instruction, argument1) = variable; mid_level_instructions_append(ARROW(state, mli), mid_level_instruction, ARROW(state, dac)); beginning_of_argument_expression_index = i + 1; previous_token_is_a_comma = true; } else { previous_token_is_a_comma = false; } } if ( i == number_of_tokens && !( ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, number_of_tokens - 1), string).length == 1 && DEREF(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, number_of_tokens - 1), string).string) == ',' ) ) { goto in; } if (subroutine) { ensure_that_argument_counts_are_equal_otherwise_give_type_error(subroutine, length); } } attr_nonnull static void variable_free_function(void* cr variable_) { Variable* variable; assert_comparison(variable_, !=, NULL, void*, void*); variable = (Variable*)variable_; if (unlikely(!ARROW(variable, evaluated))) { output_nullt_string("Variable error: unused variable " OPENING_QUOTE); output_string(ARROW(variable, name).string, ARROW(variable, name).length); output_nullt_string(CLOSING_QUOTE " (it was declared on line "); putu(ARROW(variable, line_declared_on)); output_nullt_string(")\n"); output_source_lines(ARROW(variable, statement_declared_on), ARROW(variable, line_declared_on)); exit_program(); } operand_linked_list_del(&variable->operands); operator_linked_list_del(&variable->operators); m_free(variable); } attr_nonnull void parse_statement(ParserState* cr state, Statement* cr statement) { #if DEBUG && SHOW_TOKENS u j; #endif /* just easier names to refer to */ Token** tokens; u number_of_tokens; assert_comparison(state, !=, NULL, ParserState* cr, void*); if (unlikely(!ARROW(state, in_subroutine))) { output_syntax_error_beginning_text(get_line_number(state), 0); output_nullt_string("normal statement not in subroutine\n"); exit_program(); } number_of_tokens = ARROW(statement, length_of_tokens); tokens = ARROW(statement, tokens); #if DEBUG && SHOW_TOKENS output_nullt_string("Tokens in statement:\n"); for (j = 0; j < number_of_tokens; ++j) { output_nullt_string(" "); output_string(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, j), string).string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, j), string).length); output_newline(); } #endif /* This branch handles declaring initialized variables, for example: i = 0; */ if (number_of_tokens >= 4 && ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 2), string).length == 1 && ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 2), string).string[0] == '=') { Variable* variable; ensure_type_is_valid_otherwise_give_type_error( &ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0)->string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), line_number) ); if (unlikely(!is_valid_identifier(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).length))) { output_nullt_string("Identifier error on line "); putu(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), line_number)); output_nullt_string(": invalid variable name " OPENING_QUOTE); output_string(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).length); output_nullt_string(CLOSING_QUOTE "\n"); exit_program(); } variable = (Variable*)m_alloc(sizeof(Variable)); if (unlikely(!variable)) { output_nullt_string("Memory error: Unable to allocate memory for variable.\n"); exit_program(); } free_list_append(ARROW(state, free_list_head), variable, variable_free_function); ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, statement_declared_on) = statement; ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, line_declared_on) = ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), line_number); ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, name).string = ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).string; ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, name).length = ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).length; ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, evaluated) = false; insert_variable_into_scope( state, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).length, variable ); switch (DEREF(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).string)) { case 'u': { ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, type) = TYPE_UINT; parse_expression( variable, tokens, ARROW(statement, length_of_tokens), 3, &state->scope.variables_in_scope, TYPE_UINT ); break; } case 'f': { ARROW_ASSIGN(variable, type) = TYPE_FLOAT; parse_expression( variable, tokens, ARROW(statement, length_of_tokens), 3, &state->scope.variables_in_scope, TYPE_FLOAT ); break; } default: output_nullt_string("Not implemented yet. Please fix this.\n"); exit_program(); } } else if ( number_of_tokens == 2 && strnequal(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).string, "output", ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).length, 6) ) { MidLevelInstruction* mid_level_instruction; Variable* variable; variable = get_variable(state, &ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1)->string); if (unlikely(!variable)) { output_nullt_string("Name error on line "); putu(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), line_number)); output_nullt_string(": " OPENING_QUOTE); output_string(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).length); output_nullt_string(CLOSING_QUOTE " undeclared\n"); exit_program(); } mid_level_instruction = (MidLevelInstruction*)m_alloc(sizeof(MidLevelInstruction)); if (unlikely(!mid_level_instruction)) { output_nullt_string("Unable to allocate memory for " OPENING_QUOTE "send_message_to_ui" CLOSING_QUOTE " mid-level instruction.\n"); exit_program(); } if (!ARROW(variable, evaluated)) { translate_expression_into_mid_level_instructions(ARROW(state, dac), ARROW(state, mli), variable, ARROW(state, stack_offset)); } switch (ARROW(variable, type)) { case TYPE_UINT: ARROW_ASSIGN(mid_level_instruction, opcode) = MLI_OPCODE_SEND_OUTPUT_UINT_MESSAGE_TO_UI; break; case TYPE_SINT: output_nullt_string("SINT\n"); exit_program(); case TYPE_FLOAT: ARROW_ASSIGN(mid_level_instruction, opcode) = MLI_OPCODE_SEND_OUTPUT_FLOAT_MESSAGE_TO_UI; break; case TYPE_BOOL: output_nullt_string("SINT\n"); exit_program(); break; default: assert_comparison(0, !=, 0, u, u); } ARROW_ASSIGN(mid_level_instruction, argument1) = (void*)DEREF(ARROW(state, stack_offset)); ARROW_ASSIGN(mid_level_instruction, argument2) = (void*)variable; DEREF_ASSIGN(ARROW(state, stack_offset)) += sizeof(f) * 2; mid_level_instructions_append(ARROW(state, mli), mid_level_instruction, ARROW(state, dac)); } else if ( number_of_tokens == 1 && strnequal(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).string, "hello_world", ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).length, 11) ) { MidLevelInstruction* mid_level_instruction = (MidLevelInstruction*)m_alloc(sizeof(MidLevelInstruction)); if (unlikely(!mid_level_instruction)) { output_nullt_string("Unable to allocate memory for mid-level instruction.\n"); exit_program(); } ARROW_ASSIGN(mid_level_instruction, opcode) = MLI_OPCODE_SEND_HELLO_WORLD_MESSAGE_TO_UI; ARROW_ASSIGN(mid_level_instruction, argument1) = (void*)DEREF(ARROW(state, stack_offset)); mid_level_instructions_append(ARROW(state, mli), mid_level_instruction, ARROW(state, dac)); DEREF_ASSIGN(ARROW(state, stack_offset)) += 8; } /* This branch handles calling subroutines. */ else if ( number_of_tokens >= 3 && ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).length == 1 && DEREF(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).string) == '(' && ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, number_of_tokens - 1), string).length == 1 && DEREF(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, number_of_tokens - 1), string).string) == ')' ) { MidLevelInstruction* mid_level_instruction; Subroutine* subroutine; mid_level_instruction = (MidLevelInstruction*)m_alloc(sizeof(MidLevelInstruction)); if (unlikely(!mid_level_instruction)) { output_nullt_string( "Memory error: unable to allocate memory for a " OPENING_QUOTE "call_subroutine" CLOSING_QUOTE " mid-level instruction.\n" ); exit_program(); } subroutine = get_subroutine(state, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).length); /* if the subroutine has already been defined */ if (subroutine) { create_variables_from_argument_expressions_and_push_them_onto_the_stack( state, subroutine, NULL, tokens + 2, number_of_tokens - 3 ); ARROW_ASSIGN(subroutine, used) = true; ARROW_ASSIGN(mid_level_instruction, argument1) = (void*)ARROW(subroutine, code_offset); } else { SubroutineForwardReference* subroutine_forward_reference = NULL; void** new_value; hash_table_insert_with_string_key( ARROW(state, subroutine_forward_references), ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).length, NULL, false, &new_value ); if (!DEREF(new_value)) { /* m_zero_initialized_alloc() is called because all of the members of the SubroutineForwardReference struct should be initialized to zero. */ subroutine_forward_reference = (SubroutineForwardReference*)m_zero_initialized_alloc(sizeof(SubroutineForwardReference)); if (unlikely(!subroutine_forward_reference)) { output_nullt_string("Memory error: unable to allocate memory for a SubroutineForwardReference\n"); exit_program(); } DEREF_ASSIGN(new_value) = subroutine_forward_reference; } create_variables_from_argument_expressions_and_push_them_onto_the_stack( state, NULL, subroutine_forward_reference, tokens + 2, number_of_tokens - 3 ); linked_list_append(&subroutine_forward_reference->mid_level_instruction_list, mid_level_instruction); } ARROW_ASSIGN(mid_level_instruction, opcode) = MLI_OPCODE_CALL_SUBROUTINE; mid_level_instructions_append(ARROW(state, mli), mid_level_instruction, ARROW(state, dac)); } else if ( number_of_tokens == 2 && strnequal(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).string, "import", ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), string).length, 6) ) { char* argv[3]; char* string; void real_main(char** const argv); string = m_alloc(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).length + 1); memcpy(string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).length); ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 1), string).length) = '\0'; argv[0] = NULL; argv[1] = string; argv[2] = NULL; real_main(argv); m_free(string); } /* Unknown syntax error */ else { output_syntax_error_beginning_text(ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), line_number), ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, number_of_tokens - 1), line_number)); output_newline(); output_source_lines(statement, ARROW(ARRAY_INDEX(tokens, 0), line_number)); output_newline(); exit_program(); } }