module Neo4j module Core module Relationship # Same as Java::OrgNeo4jGraphdb::Relationship#getEndNode # @see def _end_node get_end_node end # Same as Java::OrgNeo4jGraphdb::Relationship#getStartNode # @see def _start_node get_start_node end # Same as Java::OrgNeo4jGraphdb::Relationship#getOtherNode # @see def _other_node(node) get_other_node(node) end # Deletes the relationship between the start and end node # May raise an exception if delete was unsuccessful. # # @return [nil] def del delete end # Same as Java::OrgNeo4jGraphdb::Relationship#getEndNode but returns the wrapper for it (if it exist) # @see Neo4j::Node#wrapper def end_node _end_node.wrapper end # Same as Java::OrgNeo4jGraphdb::Relationship#getStartNode but returns the wrapper for it (if it exist) # @see Neo4j::Node#wrapper def start_node _start_node.wrapper end # A convenience operation that, given a node that is attached to this relationship, returns the other node. # For example if node is a start node, the end node will be returned, and vice versa. # This is a very convenient operation when you're manually traversing the node space by invoking one of the #rels # method on a node. For example, to get the node "at the other end" of a relationship, use the following: # # @example # end_node = node.rels.first.other_node(node) # # @raise This operation will throw a runtime exception if node is neither this relationship's start node nor its end node. # # @param [Neo4j::Node] node the node that we don't want to return # @return [Neo4j::Node] the other node wrapper # @see #_other_node def other_node(node) _other_node(node._java_node).wrapper end # same as #_java_rel # Used so that we have same method for both relationship and nodes def _java_entity self end # @return self def _java_rel self end # @return [true, false] if the relationship exists def exist? Neo4j::Relationship.exist?(self) end # Returns the relationship name # # @example # a = # a.outgoing(:friends) << # a.rels.first.rel_type # => :friends # @return [Symbol] the type of the relationship def rel_type getType().name().to_sym end def class Neo4j::Relationship end end end end