erlectricity by Scott Fleckenstein Tom Preston-Werner == DESCRIPTION: Erlectricity allows a Ruby program to receive and respond to Erlang messages sent over the Erlang binary protocol. == INSTALL: $ gem install erlectricity == USAGE (Ruby side): require 'rubygems' require 'erlectricity' require 'stringio' receive do |f| f.when(:echo, String) do |text| f.send!(:result, "You said: #{text}") f.receive_loop end end == USAGE (Erlang side): -module(echo). -export([test/0]). test() -> Cmd = "ruby echo.rb", Port = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [{packet, 4}, use_stdio, exit_status, binary]), Payload = term_to_binary({echo, <<"hello world!">>}), port_command(Port, Payload), receive {Port, {data, Data}} -> {result, Text} = binary_to_term(Data), io:format("~p~n", [Text]) end.