# TheBigDB Ruby Wrapper [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/thebigdb/thebigdb-ruby.png)](http://travis-ci.org/thebigdb/thebigdb-ruby) A simple ruby wrapper for making requests to the API of [TheBigDB.com](http://thebigdb.com). [Full API documentation](http://developers.thebigdb.com/api). ## Install gem install thebigdb ## Simple usage The following actions return a TheBigDB::StatementRequest object, on which you can add params using ``.with(hash_of_params)``. The request will be executed once you call regular methods of Hash on it (``each_pair``, ``[key]``, etc.), or force it with ``load``. The Hash returned represents the server's JSON response. ### Search \([api doc](http://developers.thebigdb.com/api#statements-search)\) TheBigDB.search("iPhone").with(page: 2) TheBigDB.search({match: "James"}, "job", "President of the United States") TheBigDB.search({match: "Facebook"}, "job", {match: "Executive"}) ### Create \([api doc](http://developers.thebigdb.com/api#statements-create)\) TheBigDB.create("iPhone 5", "weight", "112 grams") TheBigDB.create("Bill Clinton", "job", "President of the United States").with(period: {from: "1993-01-20 12:00:00", to: "2001-01-20 11:59:59"}) ### Show \([api doc](http://developers.thebigdb.com/api#statements-show)\), Upvote \([api doc](http://developers.thebigdb.com/api#statements-upvote)\) and Downvote \([api doc](http://developers.thebigdb.com/api#statements-downvote)\) TheBigDB.show("id-of-the-sentence") TheBigDB.upvote("id-of-the-sentence") TheBigDB.downvote("id-of-the-sentence") That's it! ## TheBigDB::Request object If you want more details on what is sent and what is received, you can use the generic TheBigDB::Statement method. It returns a TheBigDB::Request object. It has several readable attributes: request = TheBigDB::Statement(:search, {nodes: ["iPhone", "weight"]}) request.http # Net::HTTP request.http_request # subclass of Net::HTTPGenericRequest (Net::HTTP::Get or Net::HTTP::Post) request.http_response # subclass of Net::HTTPResponse (e.g. Net::HTTPOK) request.data_sent # Hash of the data sent, keys: "headers", "host", "port", "path", "method", "params" request.data_received # Hash of the data received, keys: "headers", "content" request.response # Hash, body of the http response converted from json ## Other Features You can access other parts of the API in the same way as statements: TheBigDB::User(action, parameters) # Examples TheBigDB::User(:show, {login: "christophe"}).response["user"]["karma"] You can modify the TheBigDB module with several configuration options: TheBigDB.api_key = "your-private-api-key" # default: nil TheBigDB.use_ssl = true # default: false # If true, and a request response has {"status" => "error"}, it will raise a TheBigDB::Request::ApiStatusError exception with the API error code TheBigDB.raise_on_api_status_error = true # default: false # Both of them take a Proc or a Lambda, the TheBigDB::Request instance is passed as argument TheBigDB.before_request_execution = ->(request){ logger.info(request.data_sent) } # default: Proc.new{} TheBigDB.after_request_execution = ->(request){ logger.info(request.data_received) } # default: Proc.new{} # You can also modify the configuration temporarily TheBigDB.with_configuration(use_ssl: true) do # your code here end ## Contributing Don't hesitate to send a pull request ! ## Testing rspec spec/ ## License This software is distributed under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013, Christophe Maximin