# RenderReact [![[version]](https://badge.fury.io/rb/render_react.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/render_react) [![[travis]](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/render_react.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/render_react)
A lo-fi way to render client- and server-side React components from Ruby:
class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
RenderReact.on_client_and_server("ExampleComponent", { example: "!" })
# =>
It is *bring your own tooling*: React is not included, nor any ES6 transpilers or module bundlers. It expects you to prepare the JavaScript bundle file in a specific format, which must contain React and all of your components.
If you are looking for higher-level alternatives, checkout [react_on_rails](https://github.com/shakacode/react_on_rails) or [react-rails](https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails).
## Setup
Add to your `Gemfile`:
gem 'render_react'
### JavaScript Source Preparation
**RenderReact** expects the JavaScript bundle to include a global variable called `RenderReact` with the following contents:
React: [variable which contains React],
ReactDOM: [variable which contains ReactDOM],
ReactDOMServer: [variable which contains ReactDOMServer],
components: {
ComponentIdentifier1: [variable which contains the component 1],
ComponentIdentifier2: [variable which contains the component 2],
- Where is **React**? See first paragraph of https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/react-api.html
- Where is **ReactDOM**? See first paragraph of https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/react-dom.html
- Where is **ReactDOMServer**? See first paragraph of https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/react-dom-server.html
You can have two different javascript bundle files - one for server rendering, and one for client-rendering.
- The client bundle has to be included into your application by a method of your choice. You may skip passing in `ReactDOMServer` for the client bundle
- The server bundle has to be passed to `RenderReact` (see Usage section). You may skip passing in `ReactDOM` for the server bundle
#### Example (With ES6 Modules)
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'
import ExampleComponent from './components/example_component'
export default {
React: React,
ReactDOM: ReactDOM,
ReactDOMServer: ReactDOMServer,
components: {
ExampleComponent: ExampleComponent
Gets imported as `RenderReact`
#### Example (With Browser Globals)
window.RenderReact = {
React: React,
ReactDOM: ReactDOM,
ReactDOMServer: ReactDOMServer,
components: {
ExampleComponent: ExampleComponent
## Usage
Create a **RenderReact** context by passing your server-side JavaScript bundle:
RenderReact.create_context! File.read('path/to/your/server-bundle.js'), mode: :client_and_server
You can use it without a server-side bundle by not passing any file source.
The optional `mode:` keyword argument can have one of the following values
- `:client_and_server` (default) - component will be rendered server-side and mounted in the client
- `:client` - component will be mounted in the client
- `:server` - component will be render statically
You can then render a component with
RenderReact.("ExampleComponent", { example: "prop" })
It is possible to overwrite the context-rendering-mode by using specfic render methods:
RenderReact.on_client_and_server("ExampleComponent") # server- and client-side
RenderReact.on_client("ExampleComponent") # only client-side
RenderReact.on_server("ExampleComponent") # only static
## MIT License
Copyright (C) 2017 Jan Lelis . Released under the MIT license.
React is BSD licensed.