// ========================================================================== // Docs.DocsController // ========================================================================== require('core'); Docs.docsController = SC.Object.create({ // This is used in the client warning dialog. windowLocation: window.location.href.toString(), // This is the current client name. clientName: '', clientRoot: '', isRebuilding: false, canRebuild: NO, nowShowingContainer: function() { return (this.get('isRebuilding')) ? 'rebuilding' : (this.get('selectedDoc')) ? 'runner' : 'empty' ; }.property('isRebuilding', 'selectedDoc'), // This is displayed as the main UI label. displayClientName: function() { var clientName = (this.get('clientName') || '').humanize().capitalize() ; if (clientName.toLowerCase() == 'sproutcore') clientName = 'SproutCore'; return "%@ Reference".fmt(clientName) ; }.property('clientName'), nowShowingLabel: function() { var sel = this.get('selection') ; var rec = (sel && sel.get('length') > 0) ? sel.objectAt(0) : null ; return (rec) ? rec.get('title') : '' ; }.property('selection'), arrangedObjects: [], selection: [], selectedDoc: function() { var sel = this.get('selection') ; return (sel && sel.length > 0) ? sel[0] : null ; }.property('selection'), reloadDocs: function() { // Use Ajax to ask the server for the latest set of tests for the // current client. var clientName = this.get('clientName') ; var clientRoot = this.get('clientRoot') ; clientRoot = clientRoot.replace(new RegExp("^%@/?".fmt(window.indexPrefix)), window.urlPrefix + '/'); console.log('clientName: '+ clientRoot) ; Docs.server.request(clientRoot, ['data','classes.js'].join('/'), null, { onSuccess: this._reloadSuccess.bind(this), onFailure: this._reloadFailure.bind(this) }) ; }, _reloadSuccess: function(status, transport) { var json = transport.responseText ; var records = eval(json) ; if ($type(records) != T_ARRAY) { return this._reloadFailure(status, transport) ; } // update the list of tests from the server. The return value will be // the records included in the list. This is what will become our new // list. var recs = SC.Store.updateRecords(records, this, Docs.Doc, true); console.log('recs: %@'.fmt(recs)) ; // show warning panel if the records are empty. Also reload tests // periodically so that when the user resolves the problem, we can start // working away immediately. if (recs.length == 0) { SC.page.get('noDocsPanel').set('isVisible',true) ; this.invokeLater(this.reloadDocs,2000) ; } else { SC.page.get('noDocsPanel').set('isVisible',false) ; } this.set('allRecords', recs) ; }, rebuildArrangedDocs: function() { var search = this.get('search') ; var recs = this.get('allRecords') ; // filter out search if (search && search.length > 0) { search = search.toLowerCase() ; var filtered =[]; var idx = recs.get('length') ; while(--idx >= 0) { var rec = recs.objectAt(idx) ; var symbols = (rec.get('symbols') || '') ; if (symbols.indexOf(search) >= 0) filtered.push(rec) ; } recs = filtered ; } // sort the records by name and set as the new arrangedObjects. recs = recs.sort(function(a,b) { var g_a = a.get('group') || ''; var g_b = b.get('group') || ''; var groupCompare = g_a.localeCompare(g_b) ; if (groupCompare == 0) { a = a.get('guid') || '' ; b = b.get('guid') || '' ; return a.localeCompare(b) ; } else return groupCompare ; }) ; var hadArrangedObjects = this.get('arrangedObjects').length > 0 ; this.set('arrangedObjects', recs) ; // if the current selection is not in the list, clear the selection. var doc = this.get('selectedDoc') ; if (doc && !(recs.include(doc))) this.set('selection', []) ; }.observes('allRecords', 'search'), _reloadFailure: function(status, transport) { console.log('TEST RELOAD FAILED!') ; }, rebuildDocs: function() { var clientName = this.get('clientName') ; var clientRoot = this.get('clientRoot') ; Docs.server.request(clientRoot, null, null, { nonce: Date.now().toString(), onSuccess: this._rebuildSuccess.bind(this), onFailure: this._rebuildFailure.bind(this) }, 'post') ; this.set('isRebuilding', true) ; }, _rebuildSuccess: function() { this.reloadDocs() ; this.set('isRebuilding', false) ; }, _rebuildFailure: function() { this.set('isRebuilding', false) ; } }) ;