command 'create s3 bucket' do |c| c.syntax = 'datapimp create s3 bucket BUCKETNAME' c.description = 'create an s3 bucket to use for website hosting' Datapimp::Cli.accepts_keys_for(c, :amazon) c.option '--setup-website', 'Setup the bucket for website hosting' c.option '--create-redirect-bucket', 'Setup a redirect bucket' c.action do |args, options| raise 'Must specify bucket name' unless args.first args.first, redirect: !!(options.create_redirect_bucket), setup_website: !!(options.setup_website)).run_create_action() end end command 'create cloudfront distribution' do |c| c.syntax = "datapimp create cloudfront distribution" c.description = "create a cloudfront distribution to link to a specific bucket" Datapimp::Cli.accepts_keys_for(c, :amazon) c.option '--bucket NAME', String, 'The name of the bucket that will provide the content' c.option '--domains DOMAINS', Array, 'What domains will be pointing to this bucket?' c.action do |args, options| bucket = options.bucket) cdn_options = { enabled: true, custom_origin: { 'DNSName'=> bucket.website_hostname, 'OriginProtocolPolicy'=>'http-only' }, comment: options.bucket, caller_reference:, cname: Array(","), default_root_object: 'index.html' } distributions = distribution = distributions.find {|d| d.comment == options.bucket } if !distribution distribution = end log "Cloudfront distribution created: #{ distribution.domain } status: #{ distribution.status }" end end