require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe SousChef do describe "execute" do it "returns a simple command" do script = SousChef.prep do execute "run a command" do command "ls" end end script.should == "ls\n" end it "concatenates multiple commands" do script = SousChef.prep do execute "run multiple commands" do command "curl -O" command "tar xvfz file.tgz" end end script.should == "curl -O\ntar xvfz file.tgz\n" end it "respects multiline commands" do script = SousChef.prep do execute "run multiline commands" do command <<-CODE curl -O tar xvfz file.tgz CODE end end script.should == "curl -O\ntar xvfz file.tgz\n" end it "changes current working directory on cwd" do script = SousChef.prep do execute "change directory" do cwd "/home/user" end end script.should == "cd /home/user\n" end it "changes the current working directory before any commands" do script = SousChef.prep do execute "change directory before commands" do command "cp foo bar" cwd "/home/user" end end script.should == "cd /home/user\ncp foo bar\n" end it "can use a method defined within the prep block" do script = SousChef.prep do def report(message) command "echo #{message}" end execute "say the date" do report "`date`" end end script.should == "echo `date`\n" end it "scopes cwd to the correct execute block" do script = SousChef.prep do execute "install bundler" do command "gem install bundler" end execute "bundle some project" do cwd "/data/projects/foo" command "gem bundle" end end script.should == "gem install bundler\n\ncd /data/projects/foo\ngem bundle\n" end it "wraps commands in an if block on not_if" do script = SousChef.prep do execute "bundle some project" do cwd "/data/projects/foo" command "gem bundle" not_if "test -d /data/projects/foo/vendor" end end script.should == <<-EOSH if ! test -d /data/projects/foo/vendor; then cd /data/projects/foo gem bundle fi EOSH end it "wraps commands in an if block with test -e on creates" do script = SousChef.prep do execute "bundle some project" do creates "/data/projects/foo/vendor" cwd "/data/projects/foo" command "gem bundle" end end script.should == <<-EOSH if ! test -e /data/projects/foo/vendor; then cd /data/projects/foo gem bundle fi EOSH end end describe "file" do it "creates a file" do script = SousChef.prep do file "bash config" do path "~/.bash_profile" content "export PATH=~/bin:$PATH" end end script.should == <<-EOSH if ! test -e ~/.bash_profile; then cat <<'SousChefHeredoc' > ~/.bash_profile export PATH=~/bin:\$PATH SousChefHeredoc fi EOSH end end describe "directory" do it "creates a directory" do script = SousChef.prep do directory "/usr/local/bin" end script.should == "mkdir -p /usr/local/bin\n" end end describe "log" do it "sets logging to a file" do script = SousChef.prep do log "~/script.log" end script.should == "exec 1>~/script.log 2>&1\n" end it "allows logging stdout only" do script = SousChef.prep do log do stdout "stdout.log" end end script.should == "exec 1>stdout.log\n" end it "allows logging stdout and stderr" do script = SousChef.prep do log do stdout "stdout.log" stderr "stderr.log" end end script.should == "exec 1>stdout.log 2>stderr.log\n" end end describe "halt_on_failed_command" do it "outputs set -e" do script = SousChef.prep do halt_on_failed_command end script.should == "set -e\n" end end describe "echo" do it "echoes the given string" do script = SousChef.prep do echo "I'm in bash!" end script.should == %{echo 'I'"'"'m in bash!'\n} end it "echoes from anywhere" do script = SousChef.prep do file "newfile.txt" do echo "I'm in bash!" content "something" end end script.should == <<-EOSH if ! test -e newfile.txt; then echo 'I'"'"'m in bash!' cat <<'SousChefHeredoc' > newfile.txt something SousChefHeredoc fi EOSH end end describe "gemfile" do it "creates a gemfile with the given path" do script = SousChef.prep do gemfile "/data/projects/foo" do gem "rails", "2.3.2" gem "rack", "1.0.0" end end script.should == <<-EOSH if ! test -e /data/projects/foo/Gemfile; then cat <<'SousChefHeredoc' > /data/projects/foo/Gemfile gem "rack", "1.0.0" gem "rails", "2.3.2" SousChefHeredoc fi EOSH end it "can have sources" do script = SousChef.prep do gemfile "/data/projects/foo" do gem "rails" source '' end end script.should == <<-EOSH if ! test -e /data/projects/foo/Gemfile; then cat <<'SousChefHeredoc' > /data/projects/foo/Gemfile source "" gem "rails" SousChefHeredoc fi EOSH end end describe "node" do it "has a node accessible as set within the recipe" do recipe = do execute "run a command" do command "ls #{node[:dir]}" end end recipe.node = { :dir => '/home' } recipe.to_script.should == "ls /home\n" end end end