require "method_locator/version" # MethodLocator finds all method definitions in an object instance, class, or # module ancestor chain. This code will make more sense if you understand Ruby's # object model and method lookup path. A great explanation of this can be found in: # "Ruby's Eigenclasses Demystified" - module MethodLocator def methods_for(meth) method_lookup_path.each_with_object([]) do |clazz, matches| matches << clazz.instance_method(meth) if instance_methods_for(clazz).include?(meth) end end def method_lookup_path is_a?(Class) ? class_lookup_path : nonclass_lookup_path end private def nonclass_lookup_path self.class.ancestors.unshift(singleton_class) end def class_lookup_path lookup_path = ancestors.grep(Class).map(&:singleton_class) + Class.ancestors # reverse is used here since included_modules contains all modules defined in # the current class as well as in its ancestors. do |clazz| [clazz.included_modules, clazz] end.flatten.uniq.reverse end def instance_methods_for(clazz) clazz.instance_methods(false) + clazz.private_instance_methods(false) end end Object.send(:include, MethodLocator)