require 'spec_helper' require 'ostruct' describe Grape::Entity do let(:fresh_class) { } context 'class methods' do subject { fresh_class } describe '.expose' do context 'multiple attributes' do it 'is able to add multiple exposed attributes with a single call' do subject.expose :name, :email, :location expect(subject.root_exposures.size).to eq 3 end it 'sets the same options for all.root_exposures passed' do subject.expose :name, :email, :location, documentation: true subject.root_exposures.each { |v| expect(v.documentation).to eq true } end end context 'option validation' do it 'makes sure that :as only works on single attribute calls' do expect { subject.expose :name, :email, as: :foo }.to raise_error ArgumentError expect { subject.expose :name, as: :foo }.not_to raise_error end it 'makes sure that :format_with as a proc cannot be used with a block' do expect { subject.expose :name, format_with: proc {} {} }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'makes sure unknown options are not silently ignored' do expect { subject.expose :name, unknown: nil }.to raise_error ArgumentError end end context 'with a :merge option' do let(:nested_hash) do { something: { like_nested_hash: true }, special: { like_nested_hash: '12' } } end it 'merges an exposure to the root' do subject.expose(:something, merge: true) expect(subject.represent(nested_hash).serializable_hash).to eq(nested_hash[:something]) end it 'allows to solve collisions providing a lambda to a :merge option' do subject.expose(:something, merge: true) subject.expose(:special, merge: ->(_, v1, v2) { v1 && v2 ? 'brand new val' : v2 }) expect(subject.represent(nested_hash).serializable_hash).to eq(like_nested_hash: 'brand new val') end end context 'with a block' do it 'errors out if called with multiple attributes' do expect { subject.expose(:name, :email) { true } }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'references an instance of the entity with :using option' do module EntitySpec class SomeObject1 attr_accessor :prop1 def initialize @prop1 = 'value1' end end class BogusEntity < Grape::Entity expose :prop1 end end subject.expose(:bogus, using: EntitySpec::BogusEntity) do |entity| entity.prop1 = 'MODIFIED 2' entity end object = value = subject.represent(object).value_for(:bogus) expect(value).to be_instance_of EntitySpec::BogusEntity prop1 = value.value_for(:prop1) expect(prop1).to eq 'MODIFIED 2' end context 'with parameters passed to the block' do it 'sets the :proc option in the exposure options' do block = ->(_) { true } subject.expose :name, using: 'Awesome', &block exposure = subject.find_exposure(:name) expect(exposure.subexposure.block).to eq(block) expect(exposure.using_class_name).to eq('Awesome') end it 'references an instance of the entity without any options' do subject.expose(:size) { |_| self } expect(subject.represent({}).value_for(:size)).to be_an_instance_of fresh_class end end context 'with no parameters passed to the block' do it 'adds a nested exposure' do subject.expose :awesome do subject.expose :nested do subject.expose :moar_nested, as: 'weee' end subject.expose :another_nested, using: 'Awesome' end awesome = subject.find_exposure(:awesome) nested = awesome.find_nested_exposure(:nested) another_nested = awesome.find_nested_exposure(:another_nested) moar_nested = nested.find_nested_exposure(:moar_nested) expect(awesome).to be_nesting expect(nested).to_not be_nil expect(another_nested).to_not be_nil expect(another_nested.using_class_name).to eq('Awesome') expect(moar_nested).to_not be_nil expect(moar_nested.key).to eq(:weee) end it 'represents the exposure as a hash of its nested.root_exposures' do subject.expose :awesome do subject.expose(:nested) { |_| 'value' } subject.expose(:another_nested) { |_| 'value' } end expect(subject.represent({}).value_for(:awesome)).to eq( nested: 'value', another_nested: 'value' ) end it 'does not represent nested.root_exposures whose conditions are not met' do subject.expose :awesome do subject.expose(:condition_met, if: ->(_, _) { true }) { |_| 'value' } subject.expose(:condition_not_met, if: ->(_, _) { false }) { |_| 'value' } end expect(subject.represent({}).value_for(:awesome)).to eq(condition_met: 'value') end it 'does not represent attributes, declared inside nested exposure, outside of it' do subject.expose :awesome do subject.expose(:nested) { |_| 'value' } subject.expose(:another_nested) { |_| 'value' } subject.expose :second_level_nested do subject.expose(:deeply_exposed_attr) { |_| 'value' } end end expect(subject.represent({}).serializable_hash).to eq( awesome: { nested: 'value', another_nested: 'value', second_level_nested: { deeply_exposed_attr: 'value' } } ) end it 'merges complex nested attributes' do class ClassRoom < Grape::Entity expose(:parents, using: 'Parent') { |_| [{}, {}] } end class Person < Grape::Entity expose :user do expose(:in_first) { |_| 'value' } end end class Student < Person expose :user do expose(:user_id) { |_| 'value' } expose(:user_display_id, as: :display_id) { |_| 'value' } end end class Parent < Person expose(:children, using: 'Student') { |_| [{}, {}] } end expect(ClassRoom.represent({}).serializable_hash).to eq( parents: [ { user: { in_first: 'value' }, children: [ { user: { in_first: 'value', user_id: 'value', display_id: 'value' } }, { user: { in_first: 'value', user_id: 'value', display_id: 'value' } } ] }, { user: { in_first: 'value' }, children: [ { user: { in_first: 'value', user_id: 'value', display_id: 'value' } }, { user: { in_first: 'value', user_id: 'value', display_id: 'value' } } ] } ] ) end it 'merges results of deeply nested double.root_exposures inside of nesting exposure' do entity = do expose :data do expose :something do expose(:x) { |_| 'x' } end expose :something do expose(:y) { |_| 'y' } end end end expect(entity.represent({}).serializable_hash).to eq( data: { something: { x: 'x', y: 'y' } } ) end it 'serializes deeply nested presenter exposures' do e = do expose :f end subject.expose :a do subject.expose :b do subject.expose :c do subject.expose :lol, using: e end end end expect(subject.represent(lol: { f: 123 }).serializable_hash).to eq( a: { b: { c: { lol: { f: 123 } } } } ) end it 'is safe if its nested.root_exposures are safe' do subject.with_options safe: true do subject.expose :awesome do subject.expose(:nested) { |_| 'value' } end subject.expose :not_awesome do subject.expose :nested end end expect(subject.represent({}, serializable: true)).to eq( awesome: { nested: 'value' }, not_awesome: { nested: nil } ) end it 'merges attriutes if :merge option is passed' do user_entity = admin_entity = user_entity.expose(:id, :name) admin_entity.expose(:id, :name) subject.expose(:profiles) do subject.expose(:users, merge: true, using: user_entity) subject.expose(:admins, merge: true, using: admin_entity) end subject.expose :awesome do subject.expose(:nested, merge: true) { |_| { just_a_key: 'value' } } subject.expose(:another_nested, merge: true) { |_| { just_another_key: 'value' } } end additional_hash = { users: [{ id: 1, name: 'John' }, { id: 2, name: 'Jay' }], admins: [{ id: 3, name: 'Jack' }, { id: 4, name: 'James' }] } expect(subject.represent(additional_hash).serializable_hash).to eq( profiles: additional_hash[:users] + additional_hash[:admins], awesome: { just_a_key: 'value', just_another_key: 'value' } ) end end end context 'inherited.root_exposures' do it 'returns.root_exposures from an ancestor' do subject.expose :name, :email child_class = expect(child_class.root_exposures).to eq(subject.root_exposures) end it 'returns.root_exposures from multiple ancestor' do subject.expose :name, :email parent_class = child_class = expect(child_class.root_exposures).to eq(subject.root_exposures) end it 'returns descendant.root_exposures as a priority' do subject.expose :name, :email child_class = child_class.expose :name do |_| 'foo' end expect(subject.represent({ name: 'bar' }, serializable: true)).to eq(email: nil, name: 'bar') expect(child_class.represent({ name: 'bar' }, serializable: true)).to eq(email: nil, name: 'foo') end end context 'register formatters' do let(:date_formatter) { ->(date) { date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') } } it 'registers a formatter' do subject.format_with :timestamp, &date_formatter expect(subject.formatters[:timestamp]).not_to be_nil end it 'inherits formatters from ancestors' do subject.format_with :timestamp, &date_formatter child_class = expect(child_class.formatters).to eq subject.formatters end it 'does not allow registering a formatter without a block' do expect { subject.format_with :foo }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'formats an exposure with a registered formatter' do subject.format_with :timestamp do |date| date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end subject.expose :birthday, format_with: :timestamp model = { birthday:, 2, 27) } expect([:birthday]).to eq '02/27/2012' end it 'formats an exposure with a :format_with lambda that returns a value from the entity instance' do object = {} subject.expose(:size, format_with: ->(_value) { self.object.class.to_s }) expect(subject.represent(object).value_for(:size)).to eq object.class.to_s end it 'formats an exposure with a :format_with symbol that returns a value from the entity instance' do subject.format_with :size_formatter do |_date| self.object.class.to_s end object = {} subject.expose(:size, format_with: :size_formatter) expect(subject.represent(object).value_for(:size)).to eq object.class.to_s end it 'works global on Grape::Entity' do Grape::Entity.format_with :size_formatter do |_date| self.object.class.to_s end object = {} subject.expose(:size, format_with: :size_formatter) expect(subject.represent(object).value_for(:size)).to eq object.class.to_s end end it 'works global on Grape::Entity' do Grape::Entity.expose :a object = { a: 11, b: 22 } expect(Grape::Entity.represent(object).value_for(:a)).to eq 11 subject.expose :b expect(subject.represent(object).value_for(:a)).to eq 11 expect(subject.represent(object).value_for(:b)).to eq 22 Grape::Entity.unexpose :a end end describe '.unexpose' do it 'is able to remove exposed attributes' do subject.expose :name, :email subject.unexpose :email expect(subject.root_exposures.length).to eq 1 expect(subject.root_exposures[0].attribute).to eq :name end context 'inherited.root_exposures' do it 'when called from child class, only removes from the attribute from child' do subject.expose :name, :email child_class = child_class.unexpose :email expect(child_class.root_exposures.length).to eq 1 expect(child_class.root_exposures[0].attribute).to eq :name expect(subject.root_exposures[0].attribute).to eq :name expect(subject.root_exposures[1].attribute).to eq :email end context 'when called from the parent class' do it 'remove from parent and do not remove from child classes' do subject.expose :name, :email child_class = subject.unexpose :email expect(subject.root_exposures.length).to eq 1 expect(subject.root_exposures[0].attribute).to eq :name expect(child_class.root_exposures[0].attribute).to eq :name expect(child_class.root_exposures[1].attribute).to eq :email end end end it 'does not allow unexposing inside of nesting exposures' do expect do do expose :something do expose :x unexpose :x end end raise_error(/You cannot call 'unexpose`/) end it 'works global on Grape::Entity' do Grape::Entity.expose :x expect(Grape::Entity.root_exposures[0].attribute).to eq(:x) Grape::Entity.unexpose :x expect(Grape::Entity.root_exposures).to eq([]) end end describe '.with_options' do it 'raises an error for unknown options' do block = proc do with_options(unknown: true) do expose :awesome_thing end end expect { subject.class_eval(&block) }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'applies the options to all.root_exposures inside' do subject.class_eval do with_options(if: { awesome: true }) do expose :awesome_thing, using: 'Awesome' end end exposure = subject.find_exposure(:awesome_thing) expect(exposure.using_class_name).to eq('Awesome') expect(exposure.conditions[0].cond_hash).to eq(awesome: true) end it 'allows for nested .with_options' do subject.class_eval do with_options(if: { awesome: true }) do with_options(using: 'Something') do expose :awesome_thing end end end exposure = subject.find_exposure(:awesome_thing) expect(exposure.using_class_name).to eq('Something') expect(exposure.conditions[0].cond_hash).to eq(awesome: true) end it 'overrides nested :as option' do subject.class_eval do with_options(as: :sweet) do expose :awesome_thing, as: :extra_smooth end end exposure = subject.find_exposure(:awesome_thing) expect(exposure.key).to eq :extra_smooth end it 'merges nested :if option' do match_proc = ->(_obj, _opts) { true } subject.class_eval do # Symbol with_options(if: :awesome) do # Hash with_options(if: { awesome: true }) do # Proc with_options(if: match_proc) do # Hash (override existing key and merge new key) with_options(if: { awesome: false, less_awesome: true }) do expose :awesome_thing end end end end end exposure = subject.find_exposure(:awesome_thing) expect(exposure.conditions.any?(&:inversed?)).to be_falsey expect(exposure.conditions[0].symbol).to eq(:awesome) expect(exposure.conditions[1].block).to eq(match_proc) expect(exposure.conditions[2].cond_hash).to eq(awesome: false, less_awesome: true) end it 'merges nested :unless option' do match_proc = ->(_, _) { true } subject.class_eval do # Symbol with_options(unless: :awesome) do # Hash with_options(unless: { awesome: true }) do # Proc with_options(unless: match_proc) do # Hash (override existing key and merge new key) with_options(unless: { awesome: false, less_awesome: true }) do expose :awesome_thing end end end end end exposure = subject.find_exposure(:awesome_thing) expect(exposure.conditions.all?(&:inversed?)).to be_truthy expect(exposure.conditions[0].symbol).to eq(:awesome) expect(exposure.conditions[1].block).to eq(match_proc) expect(exposure.conditions[2].cond_hash).to eq(awesome: false, less_awesome: true) end it 'overrides nested :using option' do subject.class_eval do with_options(using: 'Something') do expose :awesome_thing, using: 'SomethingElse' end end exposure = subject.find_exposure(:awesome_thing) expect(exposure.using_class_name).to eq('SomethingElse') end it 'aliases :with option to :using option' do subject.class_eval do with_options(using: 'Something') do expose :awesome_thing, with: 'SomethingElse' end end exposure = subject.find_exposure(:awesome_thing) expect(exposure.using_class_name).to eq('SomethingElse') end it 'overrides nested :proc option' do match_proc = ->(_obj, _opts) { 'more awesomer' } subject.class_eval do with_options(proc: ->(_obj, _opts) { 'awesome' }) do expose :awesome_thing, proc: match_proc end end exposure = subject.find_exposure(:awesome_thing) expect(exposure.block).to eq(match_proc) end it 'overrides nested :documentation option' do subject.class_eval do with_options(documentation: { desc: 'Description.' }) do expose :awesome_thing, documentation: { desc: 'Other description.' } end end exposure = subject.find_exposure(:awesome_thing) expect(exposure.documentation).to eq(desc: 'Other description.') end end describe '.represent' do it 'returns a single entity if called with one object' do expect(subject.represent( be_kind_of(subject) end it 'returns a single entity if called with a hash' do expect(subject.represent({})).to be_kind_of(subject) end it 'returns multiple entities if called with a collection' do representation = subject.represent( { }) expect(representation).to be_kind_of Array expect(representation.size).to eq(4) expect(representation.reject { |r| r.is_a?(subject) }).to be_empty end it 'adds the collection: true option if called with a collection' do representation = subject.represent( { }) representation.each { |r| expect(r.options[:collection]).to be true } end it 'returns a serialized hash of a single object if serializable: true' do subject.expose(:awesome) { |_| true } representation = subject.represent(, serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(awesome: true) end it 'returns a serialized array of hashes of multiple objects if serializable: true' do subject.expose(:awesome) { |_| true } representation = subject.represent( { }, serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq([{ awesome: true }, { awesome: true }]) end it 'returns a serialized hash of a hash' do subject.expose(:awesome) representation = subject.represent({ awesome: true }, serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(awesome: true) end it 'returns a serialized hash of an OpenStruct' do subject.expose(:awesome) representation = subject.represent(, serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(awesome: nil) end it 'raises error if field not found' do subject.expose(:awesome) expect do subject.represent(, serializable: true) raise_error(NoMethodError, /missing attribute `awesome'/) end context 'with specified fields' do it 'returns only specified fields with only option' do subject.expose(:id, :name, :phone) representation = subject.represent(, only: [:id, :name], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, name: nil) end it 'returns all fields except the ones specified in the except option' do subject.expose(:id, :name, :phone) representation = subject.represent(, except: [:phone], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, name: nil) end it 'returns only fields specified in the only option and not specified in the except option' do subject.expose(:id, :name, :phone) representation = subject.represent(, only: [:name, :phone], except: [:phone], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(name: nil) end context 'with strings or symbols passed to only and except' do let(:object) { {}) } before do user_entity = user_entity.expose(:id, :name, :email) subject.expose(:id, :name, :phone, :address) subject.expose(:user, using: user_entity) end it 'can specify "only" option attributes as strings' do representation = subject.represent(object, only: ['id', 'name', { 'user' => ['email'] }], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, name: nil, user: { email: nil }) end it 'can specify "except" option attributes as strings' do representation = subject.represent(object, except: ['id', 'name', { 'user' => ['email'] }], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(phone: nil, address: nil, user: { id: nil, name: nil }) end it 'can specify "only" option attributes as symbols' do representation = subject.represent(object, only: [:name, :phone, { user: [:name] }], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(name: nil, phone: nil, user: { name: nil }) end it 'can specify "except" option attributes as symbols' do representation = subject.represent(object, except: [:name, :phone, { user: [:name] }], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, address: nil, user: { id: nil, email: nil }) end it 'can specify "only" attributes as strings and symbols' do representation = subject.represent(object, only: [:id, 'address', { user: [:id, 'name'] }], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, address: nil, user: { id: nil, name: nil }) end it 'can specify "except" attributes as strings and symbols' do representation = subject.represent(object, except: [:id, 'address', { user: [:id, 'name'] }], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(name: nil, phone: nil, user: { email: nil }) end context 'with nested attributes' do before do subject.expose :additional do subject.expose :something end end it 'preserves nesting' do expect(subject.represent({ something: 123 }, only: [{ additional: [:something] }], serializable: true)).to eq( additional: { something: 123 } ) end end end it 'can specify children attributes with only' do user_entity = user_entity.expose(:id, :name, :email) subject.expose(:id, :name, :phone) subject.expose(:user, using: user_entity) representation = subject.represent( {}), only: [:id, :name, { user: [:name, :email] }], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, name: nil, user: { name: nil, email: nil }) end it 'can specify children attributes with except' do user_entity = user_entity.expose(:id, :name, :email) subject.expose(:id, :name, :phone) subject.expose(:user, using: user_entity) representation = subject.represent( {}), except: [:phone, { user: [:id] }], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, name: nil, user: { name: nil, email: nil }) end it 'can specify children attributes with mixed only and except' do user_entity = user_entity.expose(:id, :name, :email, :address) subject.expose(:id, :name, :phone, :mobile_phone) subject.expose(:user, using: user_entity) representation = subject.represent( {}), only: [:id, :name, :phone, user: [:id, :name, :email]], except: [:phone, { user: [:id] }], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, name: nil, user: { name: nil, email: nil }) end context 'specify attribute with exposure condition' do it 'returns only specified fields' do subject.expose(:id) subject.with_options(if: { condition: true }) do subject.expose(:name) end representation = subject.represent(, condition: true, only: [:id, :name], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, name: nil) end it 'does not return fields specified in the except option' do subject.expose(:id, :phone) subject.with_options(if: { condition: true }) do subject.expose(:name, :mobile_phone) end representation = subject.represent(, condition: true, except: [:phone, :mobile_phone], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, name: nil) end it 'choses proper exposure according to condition' do strategy1 = ->(_obj, _opts) { 'foo' } strategy2 = ->(_obj, _opts) { 'bar' } subject.expose :id, proc: strategy1 subject.expose :id, proc: strategy2 expect(subject.represent({}, condition: false, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 'bar') expect(subject.represent({}, condition: true, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 'bar') subject.unexpose_all subject.expose :id, proc: strategy1, if: :condition subject.expose :id, proc: strategy2 expect(subject.represent({}, condition: false, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 'bar') expect(subject.represent({}, condition: true, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 'bar') subject.unexpose_all subject.expose :id, proc: strategy1 subject.expose :id, proc: strategy2, if: :condition expect(subject.represent({}, condition: false, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 'foo') expect(subject.represent({}, condition: true, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 'bar') subject.unexpose_all subject.expose :id, proc: strategy1, if: :condition1 subject.expose :id, proc: strategy2, if: :condition2 expect(subject.represent({}, condition1: false, condition2: false, serializable: true)).to eq({}) expect(subject.represent({}, condition1: false, condition2: true, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 'bar') expect(subject.represent({}, condition1: true, condition2: false, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 'foo') expect(subject.represent({}, condition1: true, condition2: true, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 'bar') end it 'does not merge nested exposures with plain hashes' do subject.expose(:id) subject.expose(:info, if: :condition1) do subject.expose :a, :b subject.expose(:additional, if: :condition2) do |_obj, _opts| { x: 11, y: 22, c: 123 } end end subject.expose(:info, if: :condition2) do subject.expose(:additional) do subject.expose :c end end subject.expose(:d, as: :info, if: :condition3) obj = { id: 123, a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 } expect(subject.represent(obj, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 123) expect(subject.represent(obj, condition1: true, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 123, info: { a: 1, b: 2 }) expect(subject.represent(obj, condition2: true, serializable: true)).to eq( id: 123, info: { additional: { c: 3 } } ) expect(subject.represent(obj, condition1: true, condition2: true, serializable: true)).to eq( id: 123, info: { a: 1, b: 2, additional: { c: 3 } } ) expect(subject.represent(obj, condition3: true, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 123, info: 4) expect(subject.represent(obj, condition1: true, condition2: true, condition3: true, serializable: true)).to eq(id: 123, info: 4) end end context 'attribute with alias' do it 'returns only specified fields' do subject.expose(:id) subject.expose(:name, as: :title) representation = subject.represent(, condition: true, only: [:id, :title], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, title: nil) end it 'does not return fields specified in the except option' do subject.expose(:id) subject.expose(:name, as: :title) subject.expose(:phone, as: :phone_number) representation = subject.represent(, condition: true, except: [:phone_number], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, title: nil) end end context 'attribute that is an entity itself' do it 'returns correctly the children entity attributes' do user_entity = user_entity.expose(:id, :name, :email) nephew_entity = nephew_entity.expose(:id, :name, :email) subject.expose(:id, :name, :phone) subject.expose(:user, using: user_entity) subject.expose(:nephew, using: nephew_entity) representation = subject.represent( {}), only: [:id, :name, :user], except: [:nephew], serializable: true) expect(representation).to eq(id: nil, name: nil, user: { id: nil, name: nil, email: nil }) end end end end describe '.present_collection' do it 'make the objects accessible' do subject.present_collection true subject.expose :items representation = subject.represent( { }) expect(representation).to be_kind_of(subject) expect(representation.object).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(representation.object).to have_key :items expect(representation.object[:items]).to be_kind_of Array expect(representation.object[:items].size).to be 4 end it 'serializes items with my root name' do subject.present_collection true, :my_items subject.expose :my_items representation = subject.represent( { }, serializable: true) expect(representation).to be_kind_of(Grape::Entity::Exposure::NestingExposure::OutputBuilder) expect(representation).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(representation).to have_key :my_items expect(representation[:my_items]).to be_kind_of Array expect(representation[:my_items].size).to be 4 end end describe '.root' do context 'with singular and plural root keys' do before(:each) do subject.root 'things', 'thing' end context 'with a single object' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do representation = subject.represent( expect(representation).to be_kind_of Hash expect(representation).to have_key 'thing' expect(representation['thing']).to be_kind_of(subject) end end context 'with an array of objects' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do representation = subject.represent( { }) expect(representation).to be_kind_of Hash expect(representation).to have_key 'things' expect(representation['things']).to be_kind_of Array expect(representation['things'].size).to eq 4 expect(representation['things'].reject { |r| r.is_a?(subject) }).to be_empty end end context 'it can be overridden' do it 'can be disabled' do representation = subject.represent( { }, root: false) expect(representation).to be_kind_of Array expect(representation.size).to eq 4 expect(representation.reject { |r| r.is_a?(subject) }).to be_empty end it 'can use a different name' do representation = subject.represent( { }, root: 'others') expect(representation).to be_kind_of Hash expect(representation).to have_key 'others' expect(representation['others']).to be_kind_of Array expect(representation['others'].size).to eq 4 expect(representation['others'].reject { |r| r.is_a?(subject) }).to be_empty end end end context 'with singular root key' do before(:each) do subject.root nil, 'thing' end context 'with a single object' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do representation = subject.represent( expect(representation).to be_kind_of Hash expect(representation).to have_key 'thing' expect(representation['thing']).to be_kind_of(subject) end end context 'with an array of objects' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do representation = subject.represent( { }) expect(representation).to be_kind_of Array expect(representation.size).to eq 4 expect(representation.reject { |r| r.is_a?(subject) }).to be_empty end end end context 'with plural root key' do before(:each) do subject.root 'things' end context 'with a single object' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do expect(subject.represent( be_kind_of(subject) end end context 'with an array of objects' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do representation = subject.represent( { }) expect(representation).to be_kind_of Hash expect(representation).to have_key('things') expect(representation['things']).to be_kind_of Array expect(representation['things'].size).to eq 4 expect(representation['things'].reject { |r| r.is_a?(subject) }).to be_empty end end end context 'inheriting from parent entity' do before(:each) do subject.root 'things', 'thing' end it 'inherits single root' do child_class = representation = child_class.represent( expect(representation).to be_kind_of Hash expect(representation).to have_key 'thing' expect(representation['thing']).to be_kind_of(child_class) end it 'inherits array root root' do child_class = representation = child_class.represent( { }) expect(representation).to be_kind_of Hash expect(representation).to have_key('things') expect(representation['things']).to be_kind_of Array expect(representation['things'].size).to eq 4 expect(representation['things'].reject { |r| r.is_a?(child_class) }).to be_empty end end end describe '#initialize' do it 'takes an object and an optional options hash' do expect { }.not_to raise_error expect { }.to raise_error ArgumentError expect {, {}) }.not_to raise_error end it 'has attribute readers for the object and options' do entity ='abc', {}) expect(entity.object).to eq 'abc' expect(entity.options).to eq({}) end end end context 'instance methods' do let(:model) { double(attributes) } let(:attributes) do { name: 'Bob Bobson', email: '', birthday:, 2, 27), fantasies: ['Unicorns', 'Double Rainbows', 'Nessy'], characteristics: [ { key: 'hair_color', value: 'brown' } ], friends: [ double(name: 'Friend 1', email: '', characteristics: [], fantasies: [], birthday:, 2, 27), friends: []), double(name: 'Friend 2', email: '', characteristics: [], fantasies: [], birthday:, 2, 27), friends: []) ], extra: { key: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, nested: [ { name: 'n1', data: { key: 'ex1', value: 'v1' } }, { name: 'n2', data: { key: 'ex2', value: 'v2' } } ] } end subject { } describe '#serializable_hash' do it 'does not throw an exception if a nil options object is passed' do expect { }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not blow up when the model is nil' do fresh_class.expose :name expect { }.not_to raise_error end context 'with safe option' do it 'does not throw an exception when an attribute is not found on the object' do fresh_class.expose :name, :nonexistent_attribute, safe: true expect { }.not_to raise_error end it 'exposes values of private method calls' do some_class = do define_method :name do true end private :name end fresh_class.expose :name, safe: true expect( eq(name: true) end it "does expose attributes that don't exist on the object" do fresh_class.expose :email, :nonexistent_attribute, :name, safe: true res = expect(res).to have_key :email expect(res).to have_key :nonexistent_attribute expect(res).to have_key :name end it "does expose attributes that don't exist on the object as nil" do fresh_class.expose :email, :nonexistent_attribute, :name, safe: true res = expect(res[:nonexistent_attribute]).to eq(nil) end it 'does expose attributes marked as safe if model is a hash object' do fresh_class.expose :name, safe: true res = 'myname').serializable_hash expect(res).to have_key :name end it "does expose attributes that don't exist on the object as nil if criteria is true" do fresh_class.expose :email fresh_class.expose :nonexistent_attribute, safe: true, if: ->(_obj, _opts) { false } fresh_class.expose :nonexistent_attribute2, safe: true, if: ->(_obj, _opts) { true } res = expect(res).to have_key :email expect(res).not_to have_key :nonexistent_attribute expect(res).to have_key :nonexistent_attribute2 end end context 'without safe option' do it 'throws an exception when an attribute is not found on the object' do fresh_class.expose :name, :nonexistent_attribute expect { }.to raise_error NoMethodError end it "exposes attributes that don't exist on the object only when they are generated by a block" do fresh_class.expose :nonexistent_attribute do |_model, _opts| 'well, I do exist after all' end res = expect(res).to have_key :nonexistent_attribute end it 'does not expose attributes that are generated by a block but have not passed criteria' do fresh_class.expose :nonexistent_attribute, proc: ->(_model, _opts) { 'I exist, but it is not yet my time to shine' }, if: ->(_model, _opts) { false } res = expect(res).not_to have_key :nonexistent_attribute end end it "exposes attributes that don't exist on the object only when they are generated by a block with options" do module EntitySpec class TestEntity < Grape::Entity end end fresh_class.expose :nonexistent_attribute, using: EntitySpec::TestEntity do |_model, _opts| 'well, I do exist after all' end res = expect(res).to have_key :nonexistent_attribute end it 'does not expose attributes that are generated by a block but have not passed criteria' do fresh_class.expose :nonexistent_attribute, proc: ->(_, _) { 'I exist, but it is not yet my time to shine' }, if: ->(_, _) { false } res = expect(res).not_to have_key :nonexistent_attribute end context '#serializable_hash' do module EntitySpec class EmbeddedExample def serializable_hash(_opts = {}) { abc: 'def' } end end class EmbeddedExampleWithHash def name 'abc' end def embedded { a: nil, b: } end end class EmbeddedExampleWithMany def name 'abc' end def embedded [,] end end class EmbeddedExampleWithOne def name 'abc' end def embedded end end end it 'serializes embedded objects which respond to #serializable_hash' do fresh_class.expose :name, :embedded presenter = expect(presenter.serializable_hash).to eq(name: 'abc', embedded: { abc: 'def' }) end it 'serializes embedded arrays of objects which respond to #serializable_hash' do fresh_class.expose :name, :embedded presenter = expect(presenter.serializable_hash).to eq(name: 'abc', embedded: [{ abc: 'def' }, { abc: 'def' }]) end it 'serializes embedded hashes of objects which respond to #serializable_hash' do fresh_class.expose :name, :embedded presenter = expect(presenter.serializable_hash).to eq(name: 'abc', embedded: { a: nil, b: { abc: 'def' } }) end end context '#attr_path' do it 'for all kinds of attributes' do module EntitySpec class EmailEntity < Grape::Entity expose(:email, as: :addr) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } end class UserEntity < Grape::Entity expose(:name, as: :full_name) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } expose :email, using: 'EntitySpec::EmailEntity' end class ExtraEntity < Grape::Entity expose(:key) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } expose(:value) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } end class NestedEntity < Grape::Entity expose(:name) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } expose :data, using: 'EntitySpec::ExtraEntity' end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose(:id) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } expose(:foo, as: :bar) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } expose :title do expose :full do expose(:prefix, as: :pref) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } expose(:main) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } end end expose :friends, as: :social, using: 'EntitySpec::UserEntity' expose :extra, using: 'EntitySpec::ExtraEntity' expose :nested, using: 'EntitySpec::NestedEntity' end expect(subject.serializable_hash).to eq( id: 'id', bar: 'bar', title: { full: { pref: 'title/full/pref', main: 'title/full/main' } }, social: [ { full_name: 'social/full_name', email: { addr: 'social/email/addr' } }, { full_name: 'social/full_name', email: { addr: 'social/email/addr' } } ], extra: { key: 'extra/key', value: 'extra/value' }, nested: [ { name: 'nested/name', data: { key: 'nested/data/key', value: 'nested/data/value' } }, { name: 'nested/name', data: { key: 'nested/data/key', value: 'nested/data/value' } } ] ) end it 'allows customize path of an attribute' do module EntitySpec class CharacterEntity < Grape::Entity expose(:key) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } expose(:value) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :characteristics, using: EntitySpec::CharacterEntity, attr_path: ->(_obj, _opts) { :character } end expect(subject.serializable_hash).to eq( characteristics: [ { key: 'character/key', value: 'character/value' } ] ) end it 'can drop one nest level by set path_for to nil' do module EntitySpec class NoPathCharacterEntity < Grape::Entity expose(:key) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } expose(:value) { |_, o| o[:attr_path].join('/') } end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :characteristics, using: EntitySpec::NoPathCharacterEntity, attr_path: proc { nil } end expect(subject.serializable_hash).to eq( characteristics: [ { key: 'key', value: 'value' } ] ) end end context 'with projections passed in options' do it 'allows to pass different :only and :except params using the same instance' do fresh_class.expose :a, :b, :c presenter = 1, b: 2, c: 3) expect(presenter.serializable_hash(only: [:a, :b])).to eq(a: 1, b: 2) expect(presenter.serializable_hash(only: [:b, :c])).to eq(b: 2, c: 3) end end end describe '#value_for' do before do fresh_class.class_eval do expose :name, :email expose :friends, using: self expose :computed do |_, options| options[:awesome] end expose :birthday, format_with: :timestamp def timestamp(date) date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end expose :fantasies, format_with: ->(f) { f.reverse } end end it 'passes through bare expose attributes' do expect(subject.value_for(:name)).to eq attributes[:name] end it 'instantiates a representation if that is called for' do rep = subject.value_for(:friends) expect(rep.reject { |r| r.is_a?(fresh_class) }).to be_empty expect(rep.first.serializable_hash[:name]).to eq 'Friend 1' expect(rep.last.serializable_hash[:name]).to eq 'Friend 2' end context 'child representations' do after { EntitySpec::FriendEntity.unexpose_all } it 'disables root key name for child representations' do module EntitySpec class FriendEntity < Grape::Entity root 'friends', 'friend' expose :name, :email end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :friends, using: EntitySpec::FriendEntity end rep = subject.value_for(:friends) expect(rep).to be_kind_of Array expect(rep.reject { |r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::FriendEntity) }).to be_empty expect(rep.first.serializable_hash[:name]).to eq 'Friend 1' expect(rep.last.serializable_hash[:name]).to eq 'Friend 2' end it 'passes through the proc which returns an array of objects with custom options(:using)' do module EntitySpec class FriendEntity < Grape::Entity root 'friends', 'friend' expose :name, :email end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :custom_friends, using: EntitySpec::FriendEntity do |user, _opts| user.friends end end rep = subject.value_for(:custom_friends) expect(rep).to be_kind_of Array expect(rep.reject { |r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::FriendEntity) }).to be_empty expect(rep.first.serializable_hash).to eq(name: 'Friend 1', email: '') expect(rep.last.serializable_hash).to eq(name: 'Friend 2', email: '') end it 'passes through the proc which returns single object with custom options(:using)' do module EntitySpec class FriendEntity < Grape::Entity root 'friends', 'friend' expose :name, :email end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :first_friend, using: EntitySpec::FriendEntity do |user, _opts| user.friends.first end end rep = subject.value_for(:first_friend) expect(rep).to be_kind_of EntitySpec::FriendEntity expect(rep.serializable_hash).to eq(name: 'Friend 1', email: '') end it 'passes through the proc which returns empty with custom options(:using)' do module EntitySpec class FriendEntity < Grape::Entity root 'friends', 'friend' expose :name, :email end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :first_friend, using: EntitySpec::FriendEntity do |_user, _opts| end end rep = subject.value_for(:first_friend) expect(rep).to be_kind_of EntitySpec::FriendEntity expect(rep.serializable_hash).to be_nil end it 'passes through exposed entity with key and value attributes' do module EntitySpec class CharacteristicsEntity < Grape::Entity root 'characteristics', 'characteristic' expose :key, :value end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :characteristics, using: EntitySpec::CharacteristicsEntity end rep = subject.value_for(:characteristics) expect(rep).to be_kind_of Array expect(rep.reject { |r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::CharacteristicsEntity) }).to be_empty expect(rep.first.serializable_hash[:key]).to eq 'hair_color' expect(rep.first.serializable_hash[:value]).to eq 'brown' end it 'passes through custom options' do module EntitySpec class FriendEntity < Grape::Entity root 'friends', 'friend' expose :name expose :email, if: { user_type: :admin } end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :friends, using: EntitySpec::FriendEntity end rep = subject.value_for(:friends) expect(rep).to be_kind_of Array expect(rep.reject { |r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::FriendEntity) }).to be_empty expect(rep.first.serializable_hash[:email]).to be_nil expect(rep.last.serializable_hash[:email]).to be_nil rep = subject.value_for(:friends, :admin)) expect(rep).to be_kind_of Array expect(rep.reject { |r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::FriendEntity) }).to be_empty expect(rep.first.serializable_hash[:email]).to eq '' expect(rep.last.serializable_hash[:email]).to eq '' end it 'ignores the :collection parameter in the source options' do module EntitySpec class FriendEntity < Grape::Entity root 'friends', 'friend' expose :name expose :email, if: { collection: true } end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :friends, using: EntitySpec::FriendEntity end rep = subject.value_for(:friends, false)) expect(rep).to be_kind_of Array expect(rep.reject { |r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::FriendEntity) }).to be_empty expect(rep.first.serializable_hash[:email]).to eq '' expect(rep.last.serializable_hash[:email]).to eq '' end end it 'calls through to the proc if there is one' do expect(subject.value_for(:computed, 123))).to eq 123 end it 'returns a formatted value if format_with is passed' do expect(subject.value_for(:birthday)).to eq '02/27/2012' end it 'returns a formatted value if format_with is passed a lambda' do expect(subject.value_for(:fantasies)).to eq ['Nessy', 'Double Rainbows', 'Unicorns'] end context 'delegate_attribute' do module EntitySpec class DelegatingEntity < Grape::Entity root 'friends', 'friend' expose :name expose :email expose :system private def name 'cooler name' end end end it 'tries instance methods on the entity first' do friend = double('Friend', name: 'joe', email: '') rep = expect(rep.value_for(:name)).to eq 'cooler name' expect(rep.value_for(:email)).to eq '' another_friend = double('Friend', email: '') rep = expect(rep.value_for(:name)).to eq 'cooler name' end it 'does not delegate Kernel methods' do foo = double 'Foo', system: 'System' rep = foo expect(rep.value_for(:system)).to eq 'System' end module EntitySpec class DerivedEntity < DelegatingEntity end end it 'derived entity get methods from base entity' do foo = double 'Foo', name: 'joe' rep = foo expect(rep.value_for(:name)).to eq 'cooler name' end end context 'using' do before do module EntitySpec class UserEntity < Grape::Entity expose :name, :email end end end it 'string' do fresh_class.class_eval do expose :friends, using: 'EntitySpec::UserEntity' end rep = subject.value_for(:friends) expect(rep).to be_kind_of Array expect(rep.size).to eq 2 expect(rep.all? { |r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::UserEntity) }).to be true end it 'class' do fresh_class.class_eval do expose :friends, using: EntitySpec::UserEntity end rep = subject.value_for(:friends) expect(rep).to be_kind_of Array expect(rep.size).to eq 2 expect(rep.all? { |r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::UserEntity) }).to be true end end end describe '.documentation' do it 'returns an empty hash is no documentation is provided' do fresh_class.expose :name expect(subject.documentation).to eq({}) end it 'returns each defined documentation hash' do doc = { type: 'foo', desc: 'bar' } fresh_class.expose :name, documentation: doc fresh_class.expose :email, documentation: doc fresh_class.expose :birthday expect(subject.documentation).to eq(name: doc, email: doc) end it 'returns each defined documentation hash with :as param considering' do doc = { type: 'foo', desc: 'bar' } fresh_class.expose :name, documentation: doc, as: :label fresh_class.expose :email, documentation: doc fresh_class.expose :birthday expect(subject.documentation).to eq(label: doc, email: doc) end it 'resets memoization when exposing additional attributes' do fresh_class.expose :x, documentation: { desc: 'just x' } expect(fresh_class.instance_variable_get(:@documentation)).to be_nil doc1 = fresh_class.documentation expect(fresh_class.instance_variable_get(:@documentation)).not_to be_nil fresh_class.expose :y, documentation: { desc: 'just y' } expect(fresh_class.instance_variable_get(:@documentation)).to be_nil doc2 = fresh_class.documentation expect(doc1).to eq(x: { desc: 'just x' }) expect(doc2).to eq(x: { desc: 'just x' }, y: { desc: 'just y' }) end context 'inherited documentation' do it 'returns documentation from ancestor' do doc = { type: 'foo', desc: 'bar' } fresh_class.expose :name, documentation: doc child_class = child_class.expose :email, documentation: doc expect(fresh_class.documentation).to eq(name: doc) expect(child_class.documentation).to eq(name: doc, email: doc) end it 'obeys unexposed attributes in subclass' do doc = { type: 'foo', desc: 'bar' } fresh_class.expose :name, documentation: doc fresh_class.expose :email, documentation: doc child_class = child_class.unexpose :email expect(fresh_class.documentation).to eq(name: doc, email: doc) expect(child_class.documentation).to eq(name: doc) end it 'obeys re-exposed attributes in subclass' do doc = { type: 'foo', desc: 'bar' } fresh_class.expose :name, documentation: doc fresh_class.expose :email, documentation: doc child_class = child_class.unexpose :email nephew_class = new_doc = { type: 'todler', descr: '???' } nephew_class.expose :email, documentation: new_doc expect(fresh_class.documentation).to eq(name: doc, email: doc) expect(child_class.documentation).to eq(name: doc) expect(nephew_class.documentation).to eq(name: doc, email: new_doc) end it 'includes only root exposures' do fresh_class.expose :name, documentation: { desc: 'foo' } fresh_class.expose :nesting do fresh_class.expose :smth, documentation: { desc: 'should not be seen' } end expect(fresh_class.documentation).to eq(name: { desc: 'foo' }) end end end describe '::DSL' do subject { } it 'creates an Entity class when called' do expect(subject).not_to be_const_defined :Entity subject.send(:include, Grape::Entity::DSL) expect(subject).to be_const_defined :Entity end context 'pre-mixed' do before { subject.send(:include, Grape::Entity::DSL) } it 'is able to define entity traits through DSL' do subject.entity do expose :name end expect(subject.entity_class.root_exposures).not_to be_empty end it 'is able to expose straight from the class' do subject.entity :name, :email expect(subject.entity_class.root_exposures.size).to eq 2 end it 'is able to mix field and advanced.root_exposures' do subject.entity :name, :email do expose :third end expect(subject.entity_class.root_exposures.size).to eq 3 end context 'instance' do let(:instance) { } describe '#entity' do it 'is an instance of the entity class' do expect(instance.entity).to be_kind_of(subject.entity_class) end it 'has an object of itself' do expect(instance.entity.object).to eq instance end it 'instantiates with options if provided' do expect(instance.entity(awesome: true).options).to eq(awesome: true) end end end end end describe Grape::Entity::Options do module EntitySpec class Crystalline attr_accessor :prop1, :prop2 def initialize @prop1 = 'value1' @prop2 = 'value2' end end class CrystallineEntity < Grape::Entity expose :prop1, if: ->(_, options) { options.fetch(:signal) } expose :prop2, if: ->(_, options) { options.fetch(:beam, 'destructive') == 'destructive' } end end context '#fetch' do it 'without passing in a required option raises KeyError' do expect { EntitySpec::CrystallineEntity.represent( }.to raise_error KeyError end it 'passing in a required option will expose the values' do crystalline_entity = EntitySpec::CrystallineEntity.represent(, signal: true) expect(crystalline_entity.as_json).to eq(prop1: 'value1', prop2: 'value2') end it 'with an option that is not default will not expose that value' do crystalline_entity = EntitySpec::CrystallineEntity.represent(, signal: true, beam: 'intermittent') expect(crystalline_entity.as_json).to eq(prop1: 'value1') end end end end end