Feature: Name List As a client I want to list file names So that I can see what file to transfer Background: Given the test server is started Scenario: Implicit Given a successful login And the server has file "foo" And the server has file "bar" When the client successfully name-lists the directory Then the file list should be in short form And the file list should contain "foo" And the file list should contain "bar" Scenario: Root Given a successful login And the server has file "foo" And the server has file "bar" When the client successfully name-lists the directory "/" Then the file list should be in short form And the file list should contain "foo" And the file list should contain "bar" Scenario: Parent of root Given a successful login And the server has file "foo" And the server has file "bar" When the client successfully name-lists the directory "/.." Then the file list should be in short form And the file list should contain "foo" And the file list should contain "bar" Scenario: Subdir Given a successful login And the server has file "subdir/foo" When the client successfully name-lists the directory "subdir" Then the file list should be in short form And the file list should contain "foo" Scenario: Passive Given a successful login And the server has file "foo" And the server has file "bar" And the client is in passive mode When the client successfully name-lists the directory Then the file list should be in short form And the file list should contain "foo" And the file list should contain "bar" Scenario: Missing directory Given a successful login When the client successfully name-lists the directory "missing/file" Then the file list should be empty Scenario: Not logged in Given a successful connection When the client name-lists the directory Then the server returns a not logged in error Scenario: List not enabled Given the test server lacks list And a successful login When the client name-lists the directory Then the server returns an unimplemented command error