require 'ostruct' module Shenzhen::XcodeBuild class Info < OpenStruct; end class Settings < OpenStruct include Enumerable def initialize(hash = {}) super self.targets = hash.keys end def members self.targets end def each members.each do |target| yield target, send(target) end self end end class Error < StandardError; end class NilOutputError < Error; end class << self def info(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} output = `xcodebuild -list #{(args + args_from_options(options)).join(" ")} 2>&1` raise $1 if /^xcodebuild\: error\: (.+)$/ === output raise NilOutputError unless /\S/ === output lines = output.split(/\n/) info, group = {}, nil info[:project] = lines.shift.match(/\"(.+)\"\:/)[1] rescue nil lines.each do |line| if /\:$/ === line group = line.strip[0...-1].downcase.gsub(/\s+/, '_') info[group] = [] next end unless group.nil? or /\.$/ === line info[group] << line.strip end end info.each do |group, values| next unless Array === values values.delete("") and values.uniq! end end def settings(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} output = `xcodebuild #{(args + args_from_options(options)).join(" ")} -showBuildSettings 2> /dev/null` raise $1 if /^xcodebuild\: error\: (.+)$/ === output raise NilOutputError unless /\S/ === output lines = output.split(/\n/) lines.shift settings, target = {}, nil lines.each do |line| case line when /Build settings for action build and target (\w+)/ target = $1 settings[target] = {} else key, value = line.split(/\=/).collect(&:strip) settings[target][key] = value if target end end end def version output = `xcodebuild -version` output.scan(/([\d+\.?]+)/).flatten.first rescue nil end private def args_from_options(options = {}) options.reject{|key, value| value.nil?}.collect{|key, value| "-#{key} #{value}"} end end end