= Lazydoc[http://tap.rubyforge.org/lazydoc] Lazydoc lazily pulls documentation out of source files and makes it available in code through lazy attributes. Lazydoc is used by the Tap[http://tap.rubyforge.org] framework. == Description Lazydoc allows you to define lazy attributes that act as markers for documentation in a source file. When you call the lazy attribute, Lazydoc pulls out the documentation: # Sample::key # This is the comment content. A content # string can span multiple lines... class Sample extend Lazydoc::Attributes lazy_attr :key end comment = Sample::key comment.value # => "" comment.comment # => "This is the comment content. A content string can span multiple lines..." Comments support wrapping, allowing for easy presentation: thirtydots = "\n#{'.' * 30}\n" "#{thirtydots}#{comment.wrap(30)}#{thirtydots}" # => %q{ # .............................. # This is the comment content. # A content string can span # multiple lines... # .............................. # } In addition, Lazydoc provides helpers to register individual lines of code, particularly method definitions: class Helpers extend Lazydoc::Attributes lazy_register(:method_one) # method_one is registered whenever it # gets defined def method_one(a, b='str', &c) end # register_caller will register the line # that *calls* method_two def method_two Lazydoc.register_caller end end # *THIS* is the line that gets # registered by method_two Helpers.const_attrs[:method_two] = Helpers.new.method_two doc = Helpers.lazydoc doc.resolve one = Helpers.const_attrs[:method_one] one.method_name # => "method_one" one.arguments # => ["a", "b='str'", "&c"] one.to_s # => "method_one is registered whenever it gets defined" two = Helpers.const_attrs[:method_two] two.subject # => "Helpers.const_attrs[:method_two] = Helpers.new.method_two" two.to_s # => "*THIS* is the line that gets registered by method_two" Lazy accessors may be defined to map the registered lines as well: class Helpers lazy_attr(:one, :method_one) lazy_attr(:two, :method_two) end Helpers.one.method_name # => "method_one" Helpers.two.subject # => "Helpers.const_attrs[:method_two] = Helpers.new.method_two" Check out these links for development, and bug tracking. * Website[http://tap.rubyforge.org/lazydoc] * Github[http://github.com/bahuvrihi/lazydoc/tree/master] * Lighthouse[http://bahuvrihi.lighthouseapp.com/projects/19948-lazydoc/tickets?q=all] * {Google Group}[http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-on-tap] == Usage Lazydoc can find two types of documentation, constant attributes and code comments. The distinction is primarily how they are found and parsed; both are represented by Comment objects. === Constant Attributes Constant attributes are like constants in Ruby, but with an extra 'key' that must consist of only lowercase letters and/or underscores. For example, these are constant attributes: # Const::Name::key # Const::Name::key_with_underscores # ::key While these are not: # Const::Name::Key # Const::Name::key2 # Const::Name::k@y Lazydoc parses a Lazydoc::Comment for each constant attribute by using the remainder of the line as a value (ie subject) and parsing down for content. Parsing continues until a non-comment line, an end key, or a new attribute is reached; the comment is then stored by constant name and key. str = %Q{ # Const::Name::key value for key # comment for key # parsed until a # non-comment line # Const::Name::another value for another # comment for another # parsed to an end key # Const::Name::another- # # ignored comment } doc = Lazydoc::Document.new doc.resolve(str) doc.summarize {|c| [c.value, c.comment] } # => { # 'Const::Name' => { # 'key' => ['value for key', 'comment for key parsed until a non-comment line'], # 'another' => ['value for another', 'comment for another parsed to an end key']} # } Constant attributes are only parsed from commented lines. To turn off attribute parsing for a section of documentation, use start/stop keys: str = %Q{ Const::Name::not_parsed # :::- # Const::Name::not_parsed # :::+ # Const::Name::parsed value } doc = Lazydoc::Document.new doc.resolve(str) doc.summarize {|comment| comment.value } # => {'Const::Name' => {'parsed' => 'value'}} To hide attributes from RDoc, make use of the RDoc :startdoc: document modifier like this (note that spaces are added to prevent RDoc from hiding the example): # :start doc::Const::Name::one hidden in RDoc # * This line is visible in RDoc. # :start doc::Const::Name::one- # #-- # Const::Name::two # You can hide attribute comments like this. # Const::Name::two- #++ # # * This line is also visible in RDoc. As a side note, 'Const::Name::key' is not a reference to the 'key' constant (that would be invalid). In *very* idiomatic ruby 'Const::Name::key' is equivalent to the method call 'Const::Name.key'. === Code Comments Code comments are lines registered for parsing if and when a Lazydoc gets resolved. Unlike constant attributes, the registered line is the comment subject (ie value) and contents are parsed up from it (basically mimicking the behavior of RDoc). str = %Q{ # comment lines for # the method def method end # as in RDoc, the comment can be # separated from the method def another_method end } doc = Lazydoc::Document.new doc.register(3) doc.register(9) doc.resolve(str) doc.comments.collect {|c| [c.subject, c.comment] } # => [ # ['def method', 'comment lines for the method'], # ['def another_method', 'as in RDoc, the comment can be separated from the method']] Comments may be registered to specific line numbers, or with a Proc or Regexp that will determine the line number during resolution. In the case of a Regexp, the first matching line is used; Procs receive an array of lines and should return the line number that should be used. See {Comment#parse_up}[link://classes/Lazydoc/Comment.html] for more details. == Installation Lazydoc is available as a gem on RubyForge[http://rubyforge.org/projects/tap]. Use: % gem install lazydoc == Info Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Regents of the University of Colorado. Developer:: {Simon Chiang}[http://bahuvrihi.wordpress.com], {Biomolecular Structure Program}[http://biomol.uchsc.edu/], {Hansen Lab}[http://hsc-proteomics.uchsc.edu/hansenlab/] Support:: CU Denver School of Medicine Deans Academic Enrichment Fund License:: {MIT-Style}[link:files/MIT-LICENSE.html]