describe("matchersUtil", function() { describe("equals", function() { it("passes for literals that are triple-equal", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(null, null)).toBe(true); expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(void 0, void 0)).toBe(true); }); it("fails for things that are not equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals({a: "foo"}, 1)).toBe(false); }); it("passes for Strings that are equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals("foo", "foo")).toBe(true); }); it("fails for Strings that are not equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals("foo", "bar")).toBe(false); }); it("passes for Numbers that are equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(123, 123)).toBe(true); }); it("fails for Numbers that are not equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(123, 456)).toBe(false); }); it("passes for Dates that are equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(new Date("Jan 1, 1970"), new Date("Jan 1, 1970"))).toBe(true); }); it("fails for Dates that are not equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(new Date("Jan 1, 1970"), new Date("Feb 3, 1991"))).toBe(false); }); it("passes for Booleans that are equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(true, true)).toBe(true); }); it("fails for Booleans that are not equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(true, false)).toBe(false); }); it("passes for RegExps that are equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(/foo/, /foo/)).toBe(true); }); it("fails for RegExps that are not equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(/foo/, /bar/)).toBe(false); expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(new RegExp("foo", "i"), new RegExp("foo"))).toBe(false); }); it("passes for Arrays that are equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals([1, 2], [1, 2])).toBe(true); }); it("fails for Arrays that are not equivalent", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals([1, 2], [1, 2, 3])).toBe(false); }); it("passes for Errors that are the same type and have the same message", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(new Error("foo"), new Error("foo"))).toBe(true); }); it("fails for Errors that are the same type and have different messages", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(new Error("foo"), new Error("bar"))).toBe(false); }); it("passes for Objects that are equivalent (simple case)", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals({a: "foo"}, {a: "foo"})).toBe(true); }); it("fails for Objects that are not equivalent (simple case)", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals({a: "foo"}, {a: "bar"})).toBe(false); }); it("passes for Objects that are equivalent (deep case)", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals({a: "foo", b: { c: "bar"}}, {a: "foo", b: { c: "bar"}})).toBe(true); }); it("fails for Objects that are not equivalent (deep case)", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals({a: "foo", b: { c: "baz"}}, {a: "foo", b: { c: "bar"}})).toBe(false); }); it("passes for Objects that are equivalent (with cycles)", function() { var actual = { a: "foo" }, expected = { a: "foo" }; actual.b = actual; expected.b = actual; expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(actual, expected)).toBe(true); }); it("fails for Objects that are not equivalent (with cycles)", function() { var actual = { a: "foo" }, expected = { a: "bar" }; actual.b = actual; expected.b = actual; expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(actual, expected)).toBe(false); }); it("fails when comparing an empty object to an empty array (issue #114)", function() { var emptyObject = {}, emptyArray = []; expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(emptyObject, emptyArray)).toBe(false); expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(emptyArray, emptyObject)).toBe(false); }); it("passes for equivalent frozen objects (GitHub issue #266)", function() { if (jasmine.getEnv().ieVersion < 9) { return; } var a = { foo: 1 }, b = {foo: 1 }; Object.freeze(a); Object.freeze(b); expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(a,b)).toBe(true); }); it("passes when Any is used", function() { var number = 3, anyNumber = new j$.Any(Number); expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(number, anyNumber)).toBe(true); expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(anyNumber, number)).toBe(true); }); it("fails when Any is compared to something unexpected", function() { var number = 3, anyString = new j$.Any(String); expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(number, anyString)).toBe(false); expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(anyString, number)).toBe(false); }); it("passes when ObjectContaining is used", function() { var obj = { foo: 3, bar: 7 }; expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(obj, new j$.ObjectContaining({foo: 3}))).toBe(true); }); it("passes when a custom equality matcher returns true", function() { var tester = function(a, b) { return true; }; expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(1, 2, [tester])).toBe(true); }); it("passes for two empty Objects", function () { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals({}, {})).toBe(true); }); describe("when a custom equality matcher is installed that returns 'undefined'", function () { var tester = function(a, b) { return jasmine.undefined; }; it("passes for two empty Objects", function () { expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals({}, {}, [tester])).toBe(true); }); }); it("fails for equivalents when a custom equality matcher returns false", function() { var tester = function(a, b) { return false; }; expect(j$.matchersUtil.equals(1, 1, [tester])).toBe(false); }); }); describe("contains", function() { it("passes when expected is a substring of actual", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.contains("ABC", "BC")).toBe(true); }); it("fails when expected is a not substring of actual", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.contains("ABC", "X")).toBe(false); }); it("passes when expected is an element in an actual array", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.contains(['foo', 'bar'], 'foo')).toBe(true); }); it("fails when expected is not an element in an actual array", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.contains(['foo', 'bar'], 'baz')).toBe(false); }); it("passes with mixed-element arrays", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.contains(["foo", {some: "bar"}], "foo")).toBe(true); expect(j$.matchersUtil.contains(["foo", {some: "bar"}], {some: "bar"})).toBe(true); }); it("uses custom equality testers if passed in and actual is an Array", function() { var customTester = function(a, b) {return true;}; expect(j$.matchersUtil.contains([1, 2], 2, [customTester])).toBe(true); }); it("fails when actual is undefined", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.contains(undefined, 'A')).toBe(false); }); it("fails when actual is null", function() { expect(j$.matchersUtil.contains(null, 'A')).toBe(false); }); it("passes with array-like objects", function() { var capturedArgs = null; function testFunction(){ capturedArgs = arguments; } testFunction('foo', 'bar'); expect(j$.matchersUtil.contains(capturedArgs, 'bar')).toBe(true); }); }); describe("buildMessage", function() { it("builds an English sentence for a failure case", function() { var actual = "foo", name = "toBar", message = j$.matchersUtil.buildFailureMessage(name, false, actual); expect(message).toEqual("Expected 'foo' to bar."); }); it("builds an English sentence for a 'not' failure case", function() { var actual = "foo", name = "toBar", isNot = true, message = message = j$.matchersUtil.buildFailureMessage(name, isNot, actual); expect(message).toEqual("Expected 'foo' not to bar."); }); it("builds an English sentence for an arbitrary array of expected arguments", function() { var actual = "foo", name = "toBar", message = j$.matchersUtil.buildFailureMessage(name, false, actual, "quux", "corge"); expect(message).toEqual("Expected 'foo' to bar 'quux', 'corge'."); }); }); });