## Circuit Breaker A circuit breaker which terminates a connection or block of code from executing when it reaches the failure threshold and a percentage. Also it gets reset when a connection succeeds. It also keeps monitoring if connections are working again by checking if it has attained a time to retry. ## Installation ``` gem install circuit_breaker-ruby ``` ## Usage ``` circuit_breaker = CircuitBreaker::Shield.new( invocation_timeout: 1, failure_threshold: 2, failure_threshold_percentage, 0.2, retry_timeout: 10 ) circuit_breaker.protect { sleep(10) } ``` ### Running the specs ``` bundle exec rspec spec ``` ### Configuration Add the following configuration to config/initializers/circuit_breaker.rb. These are the default values. ``` CircuitBreaker.configure do |cb| cb.failure_threshold = 10 cb.failure_threshold_percentage = 0.5 cb.invocation_timeout = 10 cb.retry_timeout = 60 end ``` ### Contributing If you have any issues with circuit_breaker-ruby, or feature requests, please [add an issue](https://github.com/scripbox/circuit_breaker-ruby/issues) on GitHub or fork the project and send a pull request. Please include passing specs with all pull requests.