<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
<!-- INTUIT CONFIDENTIAL.                                                    -->
<!-- Copyright 2001-2002 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved.                    -->
<!-- Use is subject to the terms specified at:                               -->
<!--          http://developer.intuit.com/legal/devsite_tos.html             -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- Sample data for dtd: qbxmlops20.dtd                                     -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- This dtd contains requests/responses for the QBXML message set.         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- Comments use the following abbreviations:                               -->
<!--   QBD stands for the QuickBooks Desktop SDK                             -->
<!--   QBOE stands for the QuickBooks Online Edition SDK                     -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- Message set QBXML contains the following requests and responses:        -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Host (Query)                                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Company (Query)                                                      -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    CompanyActivity (Query)                                              -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Preferences (Query)                                                  -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Account (Add and Query)                                              -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Customer (Add, Mod and Query)                                        -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Employee (Add, Mod and Query)                                        -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    OtherName (Add, Mod and Query)                                       -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Vendor (Add, Mod and Query)                                          -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Entity (Query)                                                       -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    StandardTerms (Add and Query)                                        -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    DateDrivenTerms (Add and Query)                                      -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Terms (Query)                                                        -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Class (Add and Query)                                                -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    SalesRep (Add and Query)                                             -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    CustomerType (Add and Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    VendorType (Add and Query)                                           -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    JobType (Add and Query)                                              -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    CustomerMsg (Add and Query)                                          -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    PaymentMethod (Add and Query)                                        -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ShipMethod (Add and Query)                                           -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    SalesTaxCode (Add and Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ToDo (Add and Query)                                                 -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemService (Add, Mod and Query)                                     -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemNonInventory (Add, Mod and Query)                                -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemOtherCharge (Add and Query)                                      -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemInventory (Add, Mod and Query)                                   -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemInventoryAssembly (Add and Query)                                -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemSubtotal (Add and Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemDiscount (Add and Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemPayment (Add and Query)                                          -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemSalesTax (Add and Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemSalesTaxGroup (Add and Query)                                    -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ItemGroup (Add and Query)                                            -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Item (Query)                                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    PayrollItemWage (Add and Query)                                      -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Invoice (Add and Query)                                              -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Estimate (Add and Query)                                             -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    SalesReceipt (Add and Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    CreditMemo (Add and Query)                                           -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ReceivePayment (Add and Query)                                       -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ReceivePaymentToDeposit (Query)                                      -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Charge (Add and Query)                                               -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    PurchaseOrder (Add and Query)                                        -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Bill (Add and Query)                                                 -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    VendorCredit (Add and Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    BillPaymentCheck (Add and Query)                                     -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    BillPaymentCreditCard (Add and Query)                                -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    BillToPay (Query)                                                    -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    SalesTaxPaymentCheck (Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    InventoryAdjustment (Add and Query)                                  -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    TimeTracking (Add and Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Check (Add and Query)                                                -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    CreditCardCharge (Add and Query)                                     -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    CreditCardCredit (Add and Query)                                     -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    JournalEntry (Add and Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Deposit (Add and Query)                                              -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    List (Del)                                                           -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ListDeleted (Query)                                                  -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Txn (Del)                                                            -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    Txn (Void)                                                           -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    TxnDeleted (Query)                                                   -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    ClearedStatus (Mod)                                                  -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    GeneralSummaryReport (Query)                                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    JobReport (Query)                                                    -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    TimeReport (Query)                                                   -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    AgingReport (Query)                                                  -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    GeneralDetailReport (Query)                                          -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    CustomDetailReport (Query)                                           -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    CustomSummaryReport (Query)                                          -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    DataExtDef (Add, Mod, Del and Query)                                 -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!--    DataExt (Add, Mod and Del)                                           -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- This means that DataExt has, for example, 3 separate requests.          -->
<!-- They are: DataExtAdd, DataExtMod and DataExtDel                         -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- A valid DOCTYPE or processing instruction must be included with the XML -->
<!-- request stream. For QBD you may use either a DOCTYPE or a processing    -->                                                      
<!-- instruction, but not both. For QBOE you must use the DOCTYPE shown      -->
<!-- below.                                                                  -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- All samples of DOCTYPE or processing instruction shown below are        -->
<!-- commented out for the purposes of this sample                           -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- The correct syntax for the processing instruction used by QBD is        -->
<!-- shown below.                                                            -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<?qbxml version="2.0"?>
  <!-- QBXMLMsgsRq contains 4 attributes -->
  <!--    'oldMessageSetID' is optional -->
  <!--    'newMessageSetID' is optional -->
  <!--    'responseData' may have one of the following values: includeAll[DEFAULT], includeNone -->
  <!--    'onError' is required and must have one of the following values: stopOnError, continueOnError, rollbackOnError -->
  <QBXMLMsgsRq oldMessageSetID = "STRTYPE" newMessageSetID = "STRTYPE" responseData = "ENUMTYPE" onError = "ENUMTYPE">
    <!-- HostQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <HostQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE"/>
    <!-- CompanyQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CompanyQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
    <!-- CompanyActivityQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CompanyActivityQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE"/>        <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- PreferencesQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <PreferencesQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE"/>            <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- AccountAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <AccountAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <!-- AccountType may have one of the following values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, Bank, CostOfGoodsSold, CreditCard, Equity, Expense, FixedAsset, Income, LongTermLiability, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, NonPosting -->
        <!-- DetailAccountType may have one of the following values: AR,AllowanceForBadDebts,Checking,Savings,MoneyMarket,CashOnHand,TrustAccounts,RentsHeldInTrust,EmployeeCashAdvances,PrepaidExpenses,Retainage,UndepositedFunds,DevelopmentCosts,Inventory,LoansToOfficers,LoansToStockholders,LoansToOthers,OtherCurrentAssets,InvestmentUSGovObligations,InvestmentTaxExemptSecurities,InvestmentMortgageOrRealEstateLoans,InvestmentOther,Buildings,FurnitureAndFixtures,LeaseholdImprovements,MachineryAndEquipment,OtherFixedAssets,Vehicles,AccumulatedDepreciation,DepletableAssets,AccumulatedDepletion,IntangibleAssets,AccumulatedAmortization,Land,Goodwill,LeaseBuyout,Licenses,OrganizationalCosts,SecurityDeposits,OtherLongTermAssets,AccumulatedAmortizationOfOtherAssets,AP,CreditCard,InsurancePayable,PayrollClearing,PayrollTaxPayable,SalesTaxPayable,FederalIncomeTaxPayable,StateOrLocalIncomeTaxPayable,TrustAccountsLiab,RentsInTrustLiab,LineOfCredit,LoanPayable,PrepaidExpensesPayable,OtherCurrentLiab,NotesPayable,ShareholderNotesPayable,OtherLongTermLiab,AccumulatedAdjustment,CommonStock,PreferredStock,PaidInCapitalOrSurplus,TreasuryStock,OpeningBalanceEquity,OwnersEquity,PartnersEquity,PartnerContributions,PartnerDistributions,RetainedEarnings,ServiceOrFeeIncome,SalesOfProductIncome,NonProfitIncome,OtherPrimaryIncome,DiscountsOrRefundsGiven,InterestEarned,TaxExemptInterest,DividendIncome,OtherInvestmentIncome,OtherMiscIncome,CostOfLaborCOS,SuppliesAndMaterialsCOGS,ShippingFreightAndDeliveryCOS,EquipmentRentalCOS,OtherCostsOfServiceCOS,Auto,CharitableContributions,TaxesPaid,PayrollExpenses,LegalAndProfessionalFees,DuesAndSubscriptions,Insurance,OfficeOrGeneralAdministrativeExpenses,Utilities,RentOrLeaseOfBuildings,RepairAndMaintenance,TravelMeals,EntertainmentMeals,PromotionalMeals,Travel,Entertainment,AdvertisingOrPromotional,BankCharges,BadDebts,InterestPaid,CostOfLabor,SuppliesAndMaterials,ShippingFreightAndDelivery,EquipmentRental,OtherMiscServiceCost,Depreciation,Amortization,PenaltiesAndSettlements,OtherMiscExpense -->
        <DetailAccountType>ENUMTYPE</DetailAccountType>     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 7, QBOE max = 7 -->
        <BankNumber>STRTYPE</BankNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 25,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 29, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <OpenBalance>AMTTYPE</OpenBalance>                  <!-- opt -->
        <OpenBalanceDate>DATETYPE</OpenBalanceDate>         <!-- opt -->
    <!-- AccountQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <AccountQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) AND AccountType )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- AccountType may have one of the following values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, Bank, CostOfGoodsSold, CreditCard, Equity, Expense, FixedAsset, Income, LongTermLiability, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, NonPosting -->
      <AccountType>ENUMTYPE</AccountType>                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- CustomerAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CustomerAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBOE max = 110,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CustomerTypeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <OpenBalance>AMTTYPE</OpenBalance>                  <!-- opt -->
        <OpenBalanceDate>DATETYPE</OpenBalanceDate>         <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <ResaleNumber>STRTYPE</ResaleNumber>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 15 -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CreditLimit>AMTTYPE</CreditLimit>                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- JobStatus may have one of the following values: None [DEFAULT], Pending, Awarded, InProgress, Closed, NotAwarded -->
        <JobStatus>ENUMTYPE</JobStatus>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobStartDate>DATETYPE</JobStartDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobProjectedEndDate>DATETYPE</JobProjectedEndDate> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobEndDate>DATETYPE</JobEndDate>                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobDesc>STRTYPE</JobDesc>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobTypeRef>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsStatementWithParent>BOOLTYPE</IsStatementWithParent> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- DeliveryMethod may have one of the following values: Print [DEFAULT], Fax, Email -->
        <DeliveryMethod>ENUMTYPE</DeliveryMethod>           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
    <!-- CustomerModRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CustomerModRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBOE max = 110,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- CustomerQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CustomerQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) AND TotalBalanceFilter )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <TotalBalanceFilter>                                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- Operator may have one of the following values: LessThan, LessThanEqual, Equal, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- EmployeeAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <EmployeeAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <EmployeeAddress>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBOE max = 255,  not supported by QBD -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <SSN>STRTYPE</SSN>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 20 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <!-- EmployeeType may have one of the following values: Regular [DEFAULT], Officer, Statutory, Owner -->
        <EmployeeType>ENUMTYPE</EmployeeType>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- Gender may have one of the following values: Male, Female -->
        <Gender>ENUMTYPE</Gender>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <HiredDate>DATETYPE</HiredDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <ReleasedDate>DATETYPE</ReleasedDate>               <!-- opt -->
        <BirthDate>DATETYPE</BirthDate>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <EmployeePayrollInfo>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <!-- PayPeriod may have one of the following values: Daily, Weekly, Biweekly [DEFAULT], Semimonthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly -->
          <PayPeriod>ENUMTYPE</PayPeriod>                   <!-- opt -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Earnings>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
          <IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks>BOOLTYPE</IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks> <!-- opt -->
          <SickHours>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
          <VacationHours>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
    <!-- EmployeeModRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <EmployeeModRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <EmployeeAddress>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBOE max = 255,  not supported by QBD -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <BirthDate>DATETYPE</BirthDate>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <EmployeePayrollInfoMod>                            <!-- opt -->
          <!-- PayPeriod may have one of the following values: Daily, Weekly, Biweekly [DEFAULT], Semimonthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly -->
          <PayPeriod>ENUMTYPE</PayPeriod>                   <!-- opt -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ClearEarnings OR Earnings -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <Earnings>                                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks>BOOLTYPE</IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks> <!-- opt -->
          <SickHours>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
          <VacationHours>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
    <!-- EmployeeQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <EmployeeQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- OtherNameAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <OtherNameAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                 <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <OtherNameAddress>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
    <!-- OtherNameModRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <OtherNameModRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                 <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 41 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <OtherNameAddress>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
    <!-- OtherNameQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <OtherNameQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">               <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- VendorAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <VendorAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <VendorAddress>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <NameOnCheck>STRTYPE</NameOnCheck>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <VendorTypeRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <CreditLimit>AMTTYPE</CreditLimit>                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <VendorTaxIdent>STRTYPE</VendorTaxIdent>            <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 20 -->
        <IsVendorEligibleFor1099>BOOLTYPE</IsVendorEligibleFor1099> <!-- opt -->
        <OpenBalance>AMTTYPE</OpenBalance>                  <!-- opt -->
        <OpenBalanceDate>DATETYPE</OpenBalanceDate>         <!-- opt -->
    <!-- VendorModRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <VendorModRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <VendorAddress>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <NameOnCheck>STRTYPE</NameOnCheck>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
    <!-- VendorQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <VendorQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) AND TotalBalanceFilter )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <TotalBalanceFilter>                                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- Operator may have one of the following values: LessThan, LessThanEqual, Equal, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- EntityQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <EntityQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- StandardTermsAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <StandardTermsAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <StdDueDays>INTTYPE</StdDueDays>                    <!-- opt -->
        <StdDiscountDays>INTTYPE</StdDiscountDays>          <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountPct>PERCENTTYPE</DiscountPct>              <!-- opt -->
    <!-- StandardTermsQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <StandardTermsQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- DateDrivenTermsAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DateDrivenTermsAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <DueNextMonthDays>INTTYPE</DueNextMonthDays>        <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountDayOfMonth>INTTYPE</DiscountDayOfMonth>    <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountPct>PERCENTTYPE</DiscountPct>              <!-- opt -->
    <!-- DateDrivenTermsQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DateDrivenTermsQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- TermsQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <TermsQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                   <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ClassAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ClassAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ClassQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ClassQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- SalesRepAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <SalesRepAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Initial>STRTYPE</Initial>                          <!-- QBD max = 5 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
    <!-- SalesRepQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <SalesRepQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- CustomerTypeAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CustomerTypeAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">              <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- CustomerTypeQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CustomerTypeQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">            <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- VendorTypeAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <VendorTypeAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- VendorTypeQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <VendorTypeQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">              <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- JobTypeAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <JobTypeAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                   <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- JobTypeQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <JobTypeQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                 <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- CustomerMsgAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CustomerMsgAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">               <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- CustomerMsgQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CustomerMsgQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- PaymentMethodAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <PaymentMethodAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- PaymentMethodQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <PaymentMethodQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ShipMethodAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ShipMethodAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 15 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ShipMethodQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ShipMethodQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">              <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- SalesTaxCodeAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <SalesTaxCodeAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">              <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 3 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 31 -->
    <!-- SalesTaxCodeQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <SalesTaxCodeQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">            <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ToDoAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ToDoAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                      <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- QBD max = 4095 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <IsDone>BOOLTYPE</IsDone>                           <!-- opt -->
        <ReminderDate>DATETYPE</ReminderDate>               <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ToDoQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ToDoQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                    <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) AND DoneStatus )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- DoneStatus may have one of the following values: NotDoneOnly [DEFAULT], DoneOnly, All -->
      <DoneStatus>ENUMTYPE</DoneStatus>                     <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ItemServiceAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemServiceAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <SalesAndPurchase>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ItemServiceModRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemServiceModRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have SalesOrPurchaseMod OR SalesAndPurchaseMod -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <SalesAndPurchaseMod>                               <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ItemServiceQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemServiceQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemNonInventoryAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemNonInventoryAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ItemNonInventoryModRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemNonInventoryModRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have SalesOrPurchaseMod OR SalesAndPurchaseMod -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ItemNonInventoryQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemNonInventoryQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">        <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemOtherChargeAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemOtherChargeAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">           <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ItemOtherChargeQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemOtherChargeQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">         <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemInventoryAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemInventoryAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>              <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PrefVendorRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ReorderPoint>QUANTYPE</ReorderPoint>               <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnHand>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnHand>           <!-- opt -->
        <TotalValue>AMTTYPE</TotalValue>                    <!-- opt -->
        <InventoryDate>DATETYPE</InventoryDate>             <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ItemInventoryModRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemInventoryModRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                  <!-- opt -->
        <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>              <!-- opt -->
        <COGSAccountRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PrefVendorRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <AssetAccountRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ReorderPoint>QUANTYPE</ReorderPoint>               <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ItemInventoryQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemInventoryQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">           <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemInventoryAssemblyAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemInventoryAssemblyAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>              <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PrefVendorRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <BuildPoint>QUANTYPE</BuildPoint>                   <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnHand>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnHand>           <!-- opt -->
        <TotalValue>AMTTYPE</TotalValue>                    <!-- opt -->
        <InventoryDate>DATETYPE</InventoryDate>             <!-- opt -->
        <ItemInventoryAssemblyLine>                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ItemInventoryAssemblyQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemInventoryAssemblyQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">   <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemSubtotalAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemSubtotalAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">              <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
    <!-- ItemSubtotalQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemSubtotalQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">            <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemDiscountAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemDiscountAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">              <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have DiscountRate OR DiscountRatePercent -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <AccountRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
    <!-- ItemDiscountQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemDiscountQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">            <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemPaymentAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemPaymentAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">               <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <DepositToAccountRef>                               <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PaymentMethodRef>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
    <!-- ItemPaymentQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemPaymentQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemSalesTaxAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemSalesTaxAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">              <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <TaxRate>PERCENTTYPE</TaxRate>                      <!-- opt -->
        <TaxVendorRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
    <!-- ItemSalesTaxQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemSalesTaxQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">            <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemSalesTaxGroupAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemSalesTaxGroupAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">         <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
    <!-- ItemSalesTaxGroupQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemSalesTaxGroupQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemGroupAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemGroupAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                 <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <IsPrintItemsInGroup>BOOLTYPE</IsPrintItemsInGroup> <!-- opt -->
        <ItemGroupLine>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ItemGroupQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemGroupQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">               <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ItemQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ItemQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                    <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- PayrollItemWageAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <PayrollItemWageAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">           <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- WageType may have one of the following values: HourlyRegular, HourlySick, HourlyVacation, SalaryRegular, SalarySick, SalaryVacation, Bonus, Commission -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
    <!-- PayrollItemWageQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <PayrollItemWageQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">         <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ListID OR FullName OR ( MaxReturned AND ActiveStatus AND FromModifiedDate AND ToModifiedDate AND ( NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- ActiveStatus may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All -->
      <ActiveStatus>ENUMTYPE</ActiveStatus>                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>     <!-- opt -->
      <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>         <!-- opt -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have NameFilter OR NameRangeFilter -->
      <NameFilter>                                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <FromName>STRTYPE</FromName>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ToName>STRTYPE</ToName>                            <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- InvoiceAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <InvoiceAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- InvoiceAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <InvoiceAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsPending>BOOLTYPE</IsPending>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <PONumber>STRTYPE</PONumber>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ShipDate>DATETYPE</ShipDate>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more InvoiceLineAdd OR InvoiceLineGroupAdd -->
        <!-- InvoiceLineAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <InvoiceLineAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <OverrideItemAccountRef>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <InvoiceLineGroupAdd>                               <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- InvoiceQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <InvoiceQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) AND PaidStatus )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- PaidStatus may have one of the following values: All [DEFAULT], PaidOnly, NotPaidOnly -->
      <PaidStatus>ENUMTYPE</PaidStatus>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <IncludeLinkedTxns>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLinkedTxns>       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- EstimateAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <EstimateAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- EstimateAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <EstimateAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <PONumber>STRTYPE</PONumber>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more EstimateLineAdd OR EstimateLineGroupAdd -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have MarkupRate OR MarkupRatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <OverrideItemAccountRef>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- EstimateQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <EstimateQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- SalesReceiptAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <SalesReceiptAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- SalesReceiptAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <SalesReceiptAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsPending>BOOLTYPE</IsPending>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CheckNumber>STRTYPE</CheckNumber>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <PaymentMethodRef>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <ShipDate>DATETYPE</ShipDate>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <DepositToAccountRef>                               <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more SalesReceiptLineAdd OR SalesReceiptLineGroupAdd -->
        <!-- SalesReceiptLineAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <SalesReceiptLineAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <OverrideItemAccountRef>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <SalesReceiptLineGroupAdd>                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- SalesReceiptQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <SalesReceiptQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- CreditMemoAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CreditMemoAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- CreditMemoAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <CreditMemoAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsPending>BOOLTYPE</IsPending>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <PONumber>STRTYPE</PONumber>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ShipDate>DATETYPE</ShipDate>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more CreditMemoLineAdd OR CreditMemoLineGroupAdd -->
        <!-- CreditMemoLineAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <CreditMemoLineAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <OverrideItemAccountRef>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <CreditMemoLineGroupAdd>                            <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- CreditMemoQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CreditMemoQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <IncludeLinkedTxns>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLinkedTxns>       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ReceivePaymentAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ReceivePaymentAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">            <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- ReceivePaymentAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <ReceivePaymentAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <PaymentMethodRef>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <DepositToAccountRef>                               <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have IsAutoApply OR AppliedToTxnAdd -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <AppliedToTxnAdd>                                   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                             <!-- may be macro value -->
          <PaymentAmount>AMTTYPE</PaymentAmount>            <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
          <SetCredit>                                       <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <DiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</DiscountAmount>          <!-- opt -->
          <DiscountAccountRef>                              <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ReceivePaymentQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ReceivePaymentQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ReceivePaymentToDepositQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ReceivePaymentToDepositQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE"/> <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ChargeAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ChargeAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                    <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- ChargeAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <ChargeAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                       <!-- opt -->
        <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                              <!-- opt -->
        <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                            <!-- opt -->
        <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <BilledDate>DATETYPE</BilledDate>                   <!-- opt -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ChargeQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ChargeQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep -->
    <!-- PurchaseOrderAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <PurchaseOrderAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- PurchaseOrderAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <PurchaseOrderAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
        <VendorRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ShipToEntityRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
        <VendorAddress>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <ExpectedDate>DATETYPE</ExpectedDate>               <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <VendorMsg>STRTYPE</VendorMsg>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more PurchaseOrderLineAdd OR PurchaseOrderLineGroupAdd -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                            <!-- opt -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <OverrideItemAccountRef>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- PurchaseOrderQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <PurchaseOrderQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">           <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- BillAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <BillAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BillAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <BillAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 20, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <!-- ExpenseLineAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <ExpenseLineAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">             <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineAdd OR ItemGroupLineAdd -->
        <ItemLineAdd>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
          <OverrideItemAccountRef>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineAdd>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- BillQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <BillQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) AND PaidStatus )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- PaidStatus may have one of the following values: All [DEFAULT], PaidOnly, NotPaidOnly -->
      <PaidStatus>ENUMTYPE</PaidStatus>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <IncludeLinkedTxns>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLinkedTxns>       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- VendorCreditAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <VendorCreditAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- VendorCreditAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <VendorCreditAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 20, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <!-- ExpenseLineAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <ExpenseLineAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">             <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineAdd OR ItemGroupLineAdd -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
          <OverrideItemAccountRef>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- VendorCreditQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <VendorCreditQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <IncludeLinkedTxns>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLinkedTxns>       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- BillPaymentCheckAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <BillPaymentCheckAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BillPaymentCheckAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <BillPaymentCheckAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have IsToBePrinted OR RefNumber -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <AppliedToTxnAdd>                                   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                             <!-- may be macro value -->
          <PaymentAmount>AMTTYPE</PaymentAmount>            <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
          <SetCredit>                                       <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <DiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</DiscountAmount>          <!-- opt -->
          <DiscountAccountRef>                              <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
    <!-- BillPaymentCheckQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <BillPaymentCheckQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">        <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- BillPaymentCreditCardAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <BillPaymentCreditCardAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BillPaymentCreditCardAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <BillPaymentCreditCardAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <AppliedToTxnAdd>                                   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                             <!-- may be macro value -->
          <PaymentAmount>AMTTYPE</PaymentAmount>            <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
          <SetCredit>                                       <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <DiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</DiscountAmount>          <!-- opt -->
          <DiscountAccountRef>                              <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
    <!-- BillPaymentCreditCardQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <BillPaymentCreditCardQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">   <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- BillToPayQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <BillToPayQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">               <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- opt -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
      <APAccountRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- opt -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
      <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                           <!-- opt -->
    <!-- SalesTaxPaymentCheckQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <SalesTaxPaymentCheckQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">    <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ItemFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ItemFilter>                                          <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more), QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullNameWithChildren>STRTYPE</FullNameWithChildren> <!-- QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep -->
    <!-- InventoryAdjustmentAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <InventoryAdjustmentAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- InventoryAdjustmentAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <InventoryAdjustmentAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <InventoryAdjustmentLineAdd>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have QuantityAdjustment OR ValueAdjustment -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have NewQuantity OR QuantityDifference -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
          <!-- OR -->
            <NewQuantity>QUANTYPE</NewQuantity>             <!-- opt -->
          <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- InventoryAdjustmentQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <InventoryAdjustmentQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ItemFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ItemFilter>                                          <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more), QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullNameWithChildren>STRTYPE</FullNameWithChildren> <!-- QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep -->
    <!-- TimeTrackingAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <TimeTrackingAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- TimeTrackingAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <TimeTrackingAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ItemServiceRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                              <!-- opt -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayrollItemWageRef>                                <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <IsBillable>BOOLTYPE</IsBillable>                   <!-- opt -->
    <!-- TimeTrackingQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <TimeTrackingQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND TimeTrackingEntityFilter )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <TimeTrackingEntityFilter>                            <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- CheckAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CheckAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- CheckAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <CheckAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <Address>                                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ExpenseLineAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <ExpenseLineAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">             <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineAdd OR ItemGroupLineAdd -->
        <ItemLineAdd>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
          <OverrideItemAccountRef>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineAdd>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- CheckQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CheckQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- CreditCardChargeAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CreditCardChargeAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- CreditCardChargeAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <CreditCardChargeAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <!-- ExpenseLineAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <ExpenseLineAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">             <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineAdd OR ItemGroupLineAdd -->
        <ItemLineAdd>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
          <OverrideItemAccountRef>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineAdd>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- CreditCardChargeQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CreditCardChargeQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- CreditCardCreditAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CreditCardCreditAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- CreditCardCreditAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <CreditCardCreditAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <!-- ExpenseLineAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <ExpenseLineAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">             <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineAdd OR ItemGroupLineAdd -->
        <ItemLineAdd>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
          <OverrideItemAccountRef>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineAdd>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- CreditCardCreditQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CreditCardCreditQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- JournalEntryAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <JournalEntryAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- JournalEntryAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <JournalEntryAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBOE max = 4000,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more JournalDebitLine OR JournalCreditLine -->
        <!-- JournalDebitLine contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <JournalDebitLine defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                     <!-- opt -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <EntityRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- JournalCreditLine contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <JournalCreditLine defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                     <!-- opt -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <EntityRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- JournalEntryQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <JournalEntryQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR RefNumber OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter AND ( RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter ) )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- rep (1 or more),  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
      <ModifiedDateRangeFilter>                             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <TxnDateRangeFilter>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have RefNumberFilter OR RefNumberRangeFilter -->
      <RefNumberFilter>                                     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- MatchCriterion may have one of the following values: StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <RefNumberRangeFilter>                                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <FromRefNumber>STRTYPE</FromRefNumber>              <!-- opt -->
        <ToRefNumber>STRTYPE</ToRefNumber>                  <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- DepositAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DepositAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                   <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- DepositAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
      <DepositAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <!-- CashBackInfoAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <CashBackInfoAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <!-- DepositLineAdd contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <DepositLineAdd defMacro = "MACROTYPE">             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( PaymentTxnID AND PaymentTxnLineID )  OR ( EntityRef AND AccountRef AND Memo AND CheckNumber AND PaymentMethodRef AND ClassRef AND Amount )  -->
          <PaymentTxnID>IDTYPE</PaymentTxnID>               <!-- may be macro value -->
          <PaymentTxnLineID>IDTYPE</PaymentTxnLineID>       <!-- opt, may be macro value -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <EntityRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <CheckNumber>STRTYPE</CheckNumber>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
          <PaymentMethodRef>                                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- DepositQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DepositQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                 <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have TxnID OR ( MaxReturned AND ( ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter ) AND EntityFilter AND AccountFilter )  -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <MaxReturned>INTTYPE</MaxReturned>                    <!-- opt, min value = 1, max value = 9999 -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ModifiedDateRangeFilter OR TxnDateRangeFilter -->
        <FromModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromModifiedDate>   <!-- opt -->
        <ToModifiedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToModifiedDate>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( FromTxnDate AND ToTxnDate )  OR DateMacro -->
        <FromTxnDate>DATETYPE</FromTxnDate>                 <!-- opt -->
        <ToTxnDate>DATETYPE</ToTxnDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <!-- DateMacro may have one of the following values: ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonthToDate, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalYearToDate, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalYear -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <EntityFilter>                                        <!-- opt -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <AccountFilter>                                       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <IncludeLineItems>BOOLTYPE</IncludeLineItems>         <!-- opt -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep -->
    <!-- ListDelRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ListDelRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                      <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- ListDelType may have one of the following values: Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, StandardTerms, DateDrivenTerms, Class, SalesRep, CustomerType, VendorType, JobType, CustomerMsg, PaymentMethod, ShipMethod, SalesTaxCode, ToDo, ItemService, ItemNonInventory, ItemOtherCharge, ItemInventory, ItemInventoryAssembly, ItemSubtotal, ItemDiscount, ItemPayment, ItemSalesTax, ItemSalesTaxGroup, ItemGroup -->
    <!-- ListDeletedQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ListDeletedQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- ListDelType may have one of the following values: Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, StandardTerms, DateDrivenTerms, Class, SalesRep, CustomerType, VendorType, JobType, CustomerMsg, PaymentMethod, ShipMethod, SalesTaxCode, ToDo, ItemService, ItemNonInventory, ItemOtherCharge, ItemInventory, ItemInventoryAssembly, ItemSubtotal, ItemDiscount, ItemPayment, ItemSalesTax, ItemSalesTaxGroup, ItemGroup -->
      <ListDelType>ENUMTYPE</ListDelType>                   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <DeletedDateRangeFilter>                              <!-- opt -->
        <FromDeletedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromDeletedDate>     <!-- opt -->
        <ToDeletedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToDeletedDate>         <!-- opt -->
    <!-- TxnDelRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <TxnDelRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- TxnDelType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt,  TimeTracking, VendorCredit  -->
    <!-- TxnVoidRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <TxnVoidRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                      <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- TxnVoidType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, SalesReceipt, VendorCredit -->
    <!-- TxnDeletedQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <TxnDeletedQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">              <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- TxnDelType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt,  TimeTracking, VendorCredit  -->
      <TxnDelType>ENUMTYPE</TxnDelType>                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <DeletedDateRangeFilter>                              <!-- opt -->
        <FromDeletedDate>DATETIMETYPE</FromDeletedDate>     <!-- opt -->
        <ToDeletedDate>DATETIMETYPE</ToDeletedDate>         <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ClearedStatusModRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <ClearedStatusModRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                               <!-- may be macro value -->
        <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                       <!-- opt, may be macro value -->
        <!-- ClearedStatus may have one of the following values: Cleared, NotCleared, Pending -->
    <!-- GeneralSummaryReportQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <GeneralSummaryReportQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">    <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- GeneralSummaryReportType may have one of the following values: BalanceSheetPrevYearComp, BalanceSheetStandard, BalanceSheetSummary, CustomerBalanceSummary, ExpenseByVendorSummary, IncomeByCustomerSummary, InventoryStockStatusByItem, InventoryStockStatusByVendor, IncomeTaxSummary, InventoryValuationSummary, PhysicalInventoryWorksheet, ProfitAndLossByClass, ProfitAndLossByJob, ProfitAndLossPrevYearComp, ProfitAndLossStandard, ProfitAndLossYTDComp, PurchaseByItemSummary, PurchaseByVendorSummary, SalesByCustomerSummary, SalesByItemSummary, SalesByRepSummary, SalesTaxLiability, SalesTaxRevenueSummary, TrialBalance, VendorBalanceSummary -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ReportPeriod OR ReportDateMacro -->
        <FromReportDate>DATETYPE</FromReportDate>           <!-- opt -->
        <ToReportDate>DATETYPE</ToReportDate>               <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportDateMacro may have one of the following values: All, Today, ThisWeek, ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonth, ThisMonthToDate, ThisQuarter, ThisQuarterToDate, ThisYear, ThisYearToDate, Yesterday, LastWeek, LastWeekToDate, LastMonth, LastMonthToDate, LastQuarter, LastQuarterToDate,  LastYear, LastYearToDate, NextWeek, NextFourWeeks, NextMonth, NextQuarter, NextYear -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportAccountFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- AccountTypeFilter may have one of the following values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, AllowedFor1099, APAndSalesTax, APOrCreditCard, ARAndAP, Asset, BalanceSheet, Bank, BankAndARAndAPAndUF, BankAndUF, CostOfSales, CreditCard, CurrentAsset, CurrentAssetAndExpense, CurrentLiability, Equity, EquityAndIncomeAndExpense, ExpenseAndOtherExpense, FixedAsset, IncomeAndExpense, IncomeAndOtherIncome, Liability, LiabilityAndEquity, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OrdinaryExpense, OrdinaryIncome, OrdinaryIncomeAndCOGS, OrdinaryIncomeAndExpense, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, OtherIncomeOrExpense -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have AccountTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportEntityFilter>                                  <!-- opt -->
        <!-- EntityTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have EntityTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportItemFilter>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ItemTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Assembly, Discount, Inventory, InventoryAndAssembly, NonInventory, OtherCharge, Payment, Sales, SalesTax, Service -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ItemTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportTxnTypeFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- TxnTypeFilter may have one of the following values: All, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, ItemReceipt, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
        <TxnTypeFilter>ENUMTYPE</TxnTypeFilter>             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- SummarizeColumnsBy may have one of the following values: Account, BalanceSheet, Class, Customer, CustomerType, Day, Employee, FourWeek, HalfMonth, IncomeStatement, ItemDetail, ItemType, Month, Payee, PaymentMethod, PayrollItemDetail, PayrollYtdDetail, Quarter, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipMethod, Terms, TotalOnly, TwoWeek, Vendor, VendorType, Week, Year -->
      <SummarizeColumnsBy>ENUMTYPE</SummarizeColumnsBy>     <!-- opt -->
      <IncludeSubcolumns>BOOLTYPE</IncludeSubcolumns>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportCalendar may have one of the following values: FiscalYear, CalendarYear, TaxYear -->
      <ReportCalendar>ENUMTYPE</ReportCalendar>             <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReturnRows may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly, NonZero, All -->
      <ReturnRows>ENUMTYPE</ReturnRows>                     <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReturnColumns may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly, NonZero, All -->
      <ReturnColumns>ENUMTYPE</ReturnColumns>               <!-- opt -->
    <!-- JobReportQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <JobReportQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">               <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- JobReportType may have one of the following values: JobEstimatesVsActualsDetail, JobEstimatesVsActualsSummary, JobProfitabilityDetail, JobProfitabilitySummary, ItemEstimatesVsActuals, ItemProfitability -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ReportPeriod OR ReportDateMacro -->
        <FromReportDate>DATETYPE</FromReportDate>           <!-- opt -->
        <ToReportDate>DATETYPE</ToReportDate>               <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportDateMacro may have one of the following values: All, Today, ThisWeek, ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonth, ThisMonthToDate, ThisQuarter, ThisQuarterToDate, ThisYear, ThisYearToDate, Yesterday, LastWeek, LastWeekToDate, LastMonth, LastMonthToDate, LastQuarter, LastQuarterToDate,  LastYear, LastYearToDate, NextWeek, NextFourWeeks, NextMonth, NextQuarter, NextYear -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportAccountFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- AccountTypeFilter may have one of the following values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, AllowedFor1099, APAndSalesTax, APOrCreditCard, ARAndAP, Asset, BalanceSheet, Bank, BankAndARAndAPAndUF, BankAndUF, CostOfSales, CreditCard, CurrentAsset, CurrentAssetAndExpense, CurrentLiability, Equity, EquityAndIncomeAndExpense, ExpenseAndOtherExpense, FixedAsset, IncomeAndExpense, IncomeAndOtherIncome, Liability, LiabilityAndEquity, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OrdinaryExpense, OrdinaryIncome, OrdinaryIncomeAndCOGS, OrdinaryIncomeAndExpense, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, OtherIncomeOrExpense -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have AccountTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportEntityFilter>                                  <!-- opt -->
        <!-- EntityTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have EntityTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportItemFilter>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ItemTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Assembly, Discount, Inventory, InventoryAndAssembly, NonInventory, OtherCharge, Payment, Sales, SalesTax, Service -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ItemTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportTxnTypeFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- TxnTypeFilter may have one of the following values: All, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, ItemReceipt, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
        <TxnTypeFilter>ENUMTYPE</TxnTypeFilter>             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- SummarizeColumnsBy may have one of the following values: Account, BalanceSheet, Class, Customer, CustomerType, Day, Employee, FourWeek, HalfMonth, IncomeStatement, ItemDetail, ItemType, Month, Payee, PaymentMethod, PayrollItemDetail, PayrollYtdDetail, Quarter, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipMethod, Terms, TotalOnly, TwoWeek, Vendor, VendorType, Week, Year -->
      <SummarizeColumnsBy>ENUMTYPE</SummarizeColumnsBy>     <!-- opt -->
      <IncludeSubcolumns>BOOLTYPE</IncludeSubcolumns>       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- TimeReportQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <TimeReportQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">              <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- TimeReportType may have one of the following values: TimeByItem, TimeByJobDetail, TimeByJobSummary, TimeByName -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ReportPeriod OR ReportDateMacro -->
        <FromReportDate>DATETYPE</FromReportDate>           <!-- opt -->
        <ToReportDate>DATETYPE</ToReportDate>               <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportDateMacro may have one of the following values: All, Today, ThisWeek, ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonth, ThisMonthToDate, ThisQuarter, ThisQuarterToDate, ThisYear, ThisYearToDate, Yesterday, LastWeek, LastWeekToDate, LastMonth, LastMonthToDate, LastQuarter, LastQuarterToDate,  LastYear, LastYearToDate, NextWeek, NextFourWeeks, NextMonth, NextQuarter, NextYear -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportEntityFilter>                                  <!-- opt -->
        <!-- EntityTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have EntityTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportItemFilter>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ItemTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Assembly, Discount, Inventory, InventoryAndAssembly, NonInventory, OtherCharge, Payment, Sales, SalesTax, Service -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ItemTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <!-- SummarizeColumnsBy may have one of the following values: Account, BalanceSheet, Class, Customer, CustomerType, Day, Employee, FourWeek, HalfMonth, IncomeStatement, ItemDetail, ItemType, Month, Payee, PaymentMethod, PayrollItemDetail, PayrollYtdDetail, Quarter, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipMethod, Terms, TotalOnly, TwoWeek, Vendor, VendorType, Week, Year -->
      <SummarizeColumnsBy>ENUMTYPE</SummarizeColumnsBy>     <!-- opt -->
      <IncludeSubcolumns>BOOLTYPE</IncludeSubcolumns>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportCalendar may have one of the following values: FiscalYear, CalendarYear, TaxYear -->
      <ReportCalendar>ENUMTYPE</ReportCalendar>             <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReturnRows may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly, NonZero, All -->
      <ReturnRows>ENUMTYPE</ReturnRows>                     <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReturnColumns may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly, NonZero, All -->
      <ReturnColumns>ENUMTYPE</ReturnColumns>               <!-- opt -->
    <!-- AgingReportQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <AgingReportQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">             <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- AgingReportType may have one of the following values: APAgingDetail, APAgingSummary, ARAgingDetail, ARAgingSummary, CollectionsReport -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ReportPeriod OR ReportDateMacro -->
        <FromReportDate>DATETYPE</FromReportDate>           <!-- opt -->
        <ToReportDate>DATETYPE</ToReportDate>               <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportDateMacro may have one of the following values: All, Today, ThisWeek, ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonth, ThisMonthToDate, ThisQuarter, ThisQuarterToDate, ThisYear, ThisYearToDate, Yesterday, LastWeek, LastWeekToDate, LastMonth, LastMonthToDate, LastQuarter, LastQuarterToDate,  LastYear, LastYearToDate, NextWeek, NextFourWeeks, NextMonth, NextQuarter, NextYear -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportAccountFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- AccountTypeFilter may have one of the following values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, AllowedFor1099, APAndSalesTax, APOrCreditCard, ARAndAP, Asset, BalanceSheet, Bank, BankAndARAndAPAndUF, BankAndUF, CostOfSales, CreditCard, CurrentAsset, CurrentAssetAndExpense, CurrentLiability, Equity, EquityAndIncomeAndExpense, ExpenseAndOtherExpense, FixedAsset, IncomeAndExpense, IncomeAndOtherIncome, Liability, LiabilityAndEquity, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OrdinaryExpense, OrdinaryIncome, OrdinaryIncomeAndCOGS, OrdinaryIncomeAndExpense, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, OtherIncomeOrExpense -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have AccountTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportEntityFilter>                                  <!-- opt -->
        <!-- EntityTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have EntityTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportItemFilter>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ItemTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Assembly, Discount, Inventory, InventoryAndAssembly, NonInventory, OtherCharge, Payment, Sales, SalesTax, Service -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ItemTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportTxnTypeFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- TxnTypeFilter may have one of the following values: All, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, ItemReceipt, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
        <TxnTypeFilter>ENUMTYPE</TxnTypeFilter>             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- IncludeColumn may have one of the following values: Account, Aging, Amount, AmountDifference, AverageCost, BilledDate, BillingStatus, CalculatedAmount, Class, ClearedStatus, CostPrice, Credit, Date, Debit, DeliveryDate, DueDate, EstimateActive, FOB, IncomeSubjectToTax, Item, ItemDesc, LastModifiedBy, Memo, ModifiedTime, Name, NameAccountNumber, NameAddress, NameCity, NameContact, NameEmail, NameFax, NamePhone, NameState, NameZip, OpenBalance, OriginalAmount, PaidStatus, PaidThroughDate, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, PONumber, PrintStatus, Quantity, QuantityAvailable, QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnSalesOrder, ReceivedQuantity, RefNumber, RunningBalance, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipDate, ShipMethod, SourceName, SplitAccount, SSNOrTaxID, TaxLine, Terms, TxnNumber, TxnType, UnitPrice, ValueOnHand, WageBase, WageBaseTips -->
      <IncludeColumn>ENUMTYPE</IncludeColumn>               <!-- opt, may rep -->
      <!-- IncludeAccounts may have one of the following values: InUse, All -->
      <IncludeAccounts>ENUMTYPE</IncludeAccounts>           <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportAgingAsOf may have one of the following values: ReportEndDate [DEFAULT], Today -->
      <ReportAgingAsOf>ENUMTYPE</ReportAgingAsOf>           <!-- opt -->
    <!-- GeneralDetailReportQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <GeneralDetailReportQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- GeneralDetailReportType may have one of the following values: 1099Detail, AuditTrail, BalanceSheetDetail, CheckDetail, CustomerBalanceDetail, DepositDetail, EstimatesByJob, ExpenseByVendorDetail, GeneralLedger, IncomeByCustomerDetail, IncomeTaxDetail, InventoryValuationDetail, JobProgressInvoicesVsEstimates, Journal, MissingChecks, OpenInvoices, OpenPOs, OpenPOsByJob, PendingSales, ProfitAndLossDetail, PurchaseByItemDetail, PurchaseByVendorDetail, SalesByCustomerDetail, SalesByItemDetail, SalesByRepDetail, TxnDetailByAccount, TxnListByCustomer, TxnListByDate, TxnListByVendor, UnpaidBillsDetail, UnbilledCostsByJob,  VendorBalanceDetail -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ReportPeriod OR ReportDateMacro -->
        <FromReportDate>DATETYPE</FromReportDate>           <!-- opt -->
        <ToReportDate>DATETYPE</ToReportDate>               <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportDateMacro may have one of the following values: All, Today, ThisWeek, ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonth, ThisMonthToDate, ThisQuarter, ThisQuarterToDate, ThisYear, ThisYearToDate, Yesterday, LastWeek, LastWeekToDate, LastMonth, LastMonthToDate, LastQuarter, LastQuarterToDate,  LastYear, LastYearToDate, NextWeek, NextFourWeeks, NextMonth, NextQuarter, NextYear -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportAccountFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- AccountTypeFilter may have one of the following values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, AllowedFor1099, APAndSalesTax, APOrCreditCard, ARAndAP, Asset, BalanceSheet, Bank, BankAndARAndAPAndUF, BankAndUF, CostOfSales, CreditCard, CurrentAsset, CurrentAssetAndExpense, CurrentLiability, Equity, EquityAndIncomeAndExpense, ExpenseAndOtherExpense, FixedAsset, IncomeAndExpense, IncomeAndOtherIncome, Liability, LiabilityAndEquity, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OrdinaryExpense, OrdinaryIncome, OrdinaryIncomeAndCOGS, OrdinaryIncomeAndExpense, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, OtherIncomeOrExpense -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have AccountTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportEntityFilter>                                  <!-- opt -->
        <!-- EntityTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have EntityTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportItemFilter>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ItemTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Assembly, Discount, Inventory, InventoryAndAssembly, NonInventory, OtherCharge, Payment, Sales, SalesTax, Service -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ItemTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportTxnTypeFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- TxnTypeFilter may have one of the following values: All, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, ItemReceipt, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
        <TxnTypeFilter>ENUMTYPE</TxnTypeFilter>             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- SummarizeRowsBy may have one of the following values: Account,BalanceSheet,Class,Customer,CustomerType,Day,Employee,FourWeek,HalfMonth,IncomeStatement,ItemDetail,ItemType,Month,Payee,PaymentMethod,PayrollItemDetail,PayrollYtdDetail,Quarter,SalesRep,SalesTaxCode,ShipMethod,TaxLine, Terms,TotalOnly,TwoWeek,Vendor,VendorType,Week,Year -->
      <SummarizeRowsBy>ENUMTYPE</SummarizeRowsBy>           <!-- opt -->
      <!-- IncludeColumn may have one of the following values: Account, Aging, Amount, AmountDifference, AverageCost, BilledDate, BillingStatus, CalculatedAmount, Class, ClearedStatus, CostPrice, Credit, Date, Debit, DeliveryDate, DueDate, EstimateActive, FOB, IncomeSubjectToTax, Item, ItemDesc, LastModifiedBy, Memo, ModifiedTime, Name, NameAccountNumber, NameAddress, NameCity, NameContact, NameEmail, NameFax, NamePhone, NameState, NameZip, OpenBalance, OriginalAmount, PaidStatus, PaidThroughDate, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, PONumber, PrintStatus, Quantity, QuantityAvailable, QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnSalesOrder, ReceivedQuantity, RefNumber, RunningBalance, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipDate, ShipMethod, SourceName, SplitAccount, SSNOrTaxID, TaxLine, Terms, TxnNumber, TxnType, UnitPrice, ValueOnHand, WageBase, WageBaseTips -->
      <IncludeColumn>ENUMTYPE</IncludeColumn>               <!-- opt, may rep -->
      <!-- IncludeAccounts may have one of the following values: InUse, All -->
      <IncludeAccounts>ENUMTYPE</IncludeAccounts>           <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportOpenBalanceAsOf may have one of the following values: Today [DEFAULT], ReportEndDate -->
      <ReportOpenBalanceAsOf>ENUMTYPE</ReportOpenBalanceAsOf> <!-- opt -->
    <!-- CustomDetailReportQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CustomDetailReportQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">      <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- CustomDetailReportType may have one of the following values: CustomTxnDetail -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ReportPeriod OR ReportDateMacro -->
        <FromReportDate>DATETYPE</FromReportDate>           <!-- opt -->
        <ToReportDate>DATETYPE</ToReportDate>               <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportDateMacro may have one of the following values: All, Today, ThisWeek, ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonth, ThisMonthToDate, ThisQuarter, ThisQuarterToDate, ThisYear, ThisYearToDate, Yesterday, LastWeek, LastWeekToDate, LastMonth, LastMonthToDate, LastQuarter, LastQuarterToDate,  LastYear, LastYearToDate, NextWeek, NextFourWeeks, NextMonth, NextQuarter, NextYear -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportAccountFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- AccountTypeFilter may have one of the following values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, AllowedFor1099, APAndSalesTax, APOrCreditCard, ARAndAP, Asset, BalanceSheet, Bank, BankAndARAndAPAndUF, BankAndUF, CostOfSales, CreditCard, CurrentAsset, CurrentAssetAndExpense, CurrentLiability, Equity, EquityAndIncomeAndExpense, ExpenseAndOtherExpense, FixedAsset, IncomeAndExpense, IncomeAndOtherIncome, Liability, LiabilityAndEquity, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OrdinaryExpense, OrdinaryIncome, OrdinaryIncomeAndCOGS, OrdinaryIncomeAndExpense, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, OtherIncomeOrExpense -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have AccountTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportEntityFilter>                                  <!-- opt -->
        <!-- EntityTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have EntityTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportItemFilter>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ItemTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Assembly, Discount, Inventory, InventoryAndAssembly, NonInventory, OtherCharge, Payment, Sales, SalesTax, Service -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ItemTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportTxnTypeFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- TxnTypeFilter may have one of the following values: All, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, ItemReceipt, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
        <TxnTypeFilter>ENUMTYPE</TxnTypeFilter>             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- SummarizeRowsBy may have one of the following values: Account,BalanceSheet,Class,Customer,CustomerType,Day,Employee,FourWeek,HalfMonth,IncomeStatement,ItemDetail,ItemType,Month,Payee,PaymentMethod,PayrollItemDetail,PayrollYtdDetail,Quarter,SalesRep,SalesTaxCode,ShipMethod,TaxLine, Terms,TotalOnly,TwoWeek,Vendor,VendorType,Week,Year -->
      <!-- IncludeColumn may have one of the following values: Account, Aging, Amount, AmountDifference, AverageCost, BilledDate, BillingStatus, CalculatedAmount, Class, ClearedStatus, CostPrice, Credit, Date, Debit, DeliveryDate, DueDate, EstimateActive, FOB, IncomeSubjectToTax, Item, ItemDesc, LastModifiedBy, Memo, ModifiedTime, Name, NameAccountNumber, NameAddress, NameCity, NameContact, NameEmail, NameFax, NamePhone, NameState, NameZip, OpenBalance, OriginalAmount, PaidStatus, PaidThroughDate, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, PONumber, PrintStatus, Quantity, QuantityAvailable, QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnSalesOrder, ReceivedQuantity, RefNumber, RunningBalance, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipDate, ShipMethod, SourceName, SplitAccount, SSNOrTaxID, TaxLine, Terms, TxnNumber, TxnType, UnitPrice, ValueOnHand, WageBase, WageBaseTips -->
      <IncludeColumn>ENUMTYPE</IncludeColumn>               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- IncludeAccounts may have one of the following values: InUse, All -->
      <IncludeAccounts>ENUMTYPE</IncludeAccounts>           <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportOpenBalanceAsOf may have one of the following values: Today [DEFAULT], ReportEndDate -->
      <ReportOpenBalanceAsOf>ENUMTYPE</ReportOpenBalanceAsOf> <!-- opt -->
    <!-- CustomSummaryReportQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <CustomSummaryReportQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">     <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- CustomSummaryReportType may have one of the following values: CustomSummary -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have ReportPeriod OR ReportDateMacro -->
        <FromReportDate>DATETYPE</FromReportDate>           <!-- opt -->
        <ToReportDate>DATETYPE</ToReportDate>               <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportDateMacro may have one of the following values: All, Today, ThisWeek, ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonth, ThisMonthToDate, ThisQuarter, ThisQuarterToDate, ThisYear, ThisYearToDate, Yesterday, LastWeek, LastWeekToDate, LastMonth, LastMonthToDate, LastQuarter, LastQuarterToDate,  LastYear, LastYearToDate, NextWeek, NextFourWeeks, NextMonth, NextQuarter, NextYear -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportAccountFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- AccountTypeFilter may have one of the following values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, AllowedFor1099, APAndSalesTax, APOrCreditCard, ARAndAP, Asset, BalanceSheet, Bank, BankAndARAndAPAndUF, BankAndUF, CostOfSales, CreditCard, CurrentAsset, CurrentAssetAndExpense, CurrentLiability, Equity, EquityAndIncomeAndExpense, ExpenseAndOtherExpense, FixedAsset, IncomeAndExpense, IncomeAndOtherIncome, Liability, LiabilityAndEquity, LongTermLiability, NonPosting, OrdinaryExpense, OrdinaryIncome, OrdinaryIncomeAndCOGS, OrdinaryIncomeAndExpense, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, OtherIncomeOrExpense -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have AccountTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportEntityFilter>                                  <!-- opt -->
        <!-- EntityTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have EntityTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportItemFilter>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ItemTypeFilter may have one of the following values: Assembly, Discount, Inventory, InventoryAndAssembly, NonInventory, OtherCharge, Payment, Sales, SalesTax, Service -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have ItemTypeFilter OR ListID OR FullName OR ListIDWithChildren OR FullNameWithChildren -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
      <ReportTxnTypeFilter>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- TxnTypeFilter may have one of the following values: All, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, ItemReceipt, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
        <TxnTypeFilter>ENUMTYPE</TxnTypeFilter>             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
      <!-- SummarizeColumnsBy may have one of the following values: Account, BalanceSheet, Class, Customer, CustomerType, Day, Employee, FourWeek, HalfMonth, IncomeStatement, ItemDetail, ItemType, Month, Payee, PaymentMethod, PayrollItemDetail, PayrollYtdDetail, Quarter, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipMethod, Terms, TotalOnly, TwoWeek, Vendor, VendorType, Week, Year -->
      <!-- SummarizeRowsBy may have one of the following values: Account,BalanceSheet,Class,Customer,CustomerType,Day,Employee,FourWeek,HalfMonth,IncomeStatement,ItemDetail,ItemType,Month,Payee,PaymentMethod,PayrollItemDetail,PayrollYtdDetail,Quarter,SalesRep,SalesTaxCode,ShipMethod,TaxLine, Terms,TotalOnly,TwoWeek,Vendor,VendorType,Week,Year -->
      <IncludeSubcolumns>BOOLTYPE</IncludeSubcolumns>       <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReportCalendar may have one of the following values: FiscalYear, CalendarYear, TaxYear -->
      <ReportCalendar>ENUMTYPE</ReportCalendar>             <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReturnRows may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly, NonZero, All -->
      <ReturnRows>ENUMTYPE</ReturnRows>                     <!-- opt -->
      <!-- ReturnColumns may have one of the following values: ActiveOnly, NonZero, All -->
      <ReturnColumns>ENUMTYPE</ReturnColumns>               <!-- opt -->
    <!-- DataExtDefAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DataExtDefAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- AssignToObject may have one of the following values: Company, Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, Item, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
        <AssignToObject>ENUMTYPE</AssignToObject>           <!-- opt, may rep -->
    <!-- DataExtDefModRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DataExtDefModRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <DataExtNewName>STRTYPE</DataExtNewName>            <!-- opt, QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- AssignToObject may have one of the following values: Company, Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, Item, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
        <AssignToObject>ENUMTYPE</AssignToObject>           <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <!-- RemoveFromObject may have one of the following values: Company, Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, Item, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
        <RemoveFromObject>ENUMTYPE</RemoveFromObject>       <!-- opt, may rep -->
    <!-- DataExtDefDelRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DataExtDefDelRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                    <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
    <!-- DataExtDefQueryRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DataExtDefQueryRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">              <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have OwnerID OR AssignToObject -->
      <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                           <!-- opt, may rep -->
      <!-- AssignToObject may have one of the following values: Company, Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, Item, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
      <!-- OR -->
      <AssignToObject>ENUMTYPE</AssignToObject>             <!-- opt, may rep -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- DataExtAddRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DataExtAddRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                   <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( ListDataExtType AND ListObjRef )  OR ( TxnDataExtType AND TxnID )  OR OtherDataExtType -->
        <!-- ListDataExtType may have one of the following values: Customer, Vendor, Employee, OtherName, Item, Account -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- TxnDataExtType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
        <!-- OtherDataExtType may have one of the following values: Company -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <OtherDataExtType>ENUMTYPE</OtherDataExtType>       <!--  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- DataExtModRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DataExtModRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                   <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( ListDataExtType AND ListObjRef )  OR ( TxnDataExtType AND TxnID )  OR OtherDataExtType -->
        <!-- ListDataExtType may have one of the following values: Customer, Vendor, Employee, OtherName, Item, Account -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- TxnDataExtType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
        <!-- OtherDataExtType may have one of the following values: Company -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <OtherDataExtType>ENUMTYPE</OtherDataExtType>       <!--  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- DataExtDelRq contains 1 optional attribute: 'requestID' -->
    <DataExtDelRq requestID = "UUIDTYPE">                   <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have  ( ListDataExtType AND ListObjRef )  OR ( TxnDataExtType AND TxnID )  OR OtherDataExtType -->
        <!-- ListDataExtType may have one of the following values: Customer, Vendor, Employee, OtherName, Item, Account -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- TxnDataExtType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
        <!-- OtherDataExtType may have one of the following values: Company -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <OtherDataExtType>ENUMTYPE</OtherDataExtType>       <!--  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- END OR -->
  <!-- QBXMLMsgsRs contains 2 attributes -->
  <!--    'newMessageSetID' is optional -->
  <!--    'messageSetStatusCode' is optional -->
  <QBXMLMsgsRs newMessageSetID = "STRTYPE" messageSetStatusCode = "INTTYPE">
    <!-- HostQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <HostQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <HostRet>                                             <!-- opt -->
        <ProductName>STRTYPE</ProductName>                  <!-- QBD max = 255, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <MajorVersion>STRTYPE</MajorVersion>                <!-- QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 5 -->
        <MinorVersion>STRTYPE</MinorVersion>                <!-- QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 5 -->
        <SupportedQBXMLVersion>STRTYPE</SupportedQBXMLVersion> <!-- rep (1 or more), QBD max = 10, QBOE max = 10 -->
    <!-- CompanyQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CompanyQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CompanyRet>                                          <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 59, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <LegalCompanyName>STRTYPE</LegalCompanyName>        <!-- opt, QBD max = 59, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Address>                                           <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <LegalAddress>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <CompanyAddressForCustomer>                         <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 51, QBOE max = 20 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 51,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <CompanyEmailForCustomer>STRTYPE</CompanyEmailForCustomer> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <CompanyWebSite>STRTYPE</CompanyWebSite>            <!-- opt, QBD max = 128,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- FirstMonthFiscalYear may have one of the following values: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December -->
        <FirstMonthFiscalYear>ENUMTYPE</FirstMonthFiscalYear> <!-- opt -->
        <!-- FirstMonthIncomeTaxYear may have one of the following values: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December -->
        <FirstMonthIncomeTaxYear>ENUMTYPE</FirstMonthIncomeTaxYear> <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyType>STRTYPE</CompanyType>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 255, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <EIN>STRTYPE</EIN>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 20,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CompanyActivityQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CompanyActivityQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CompanyActivityRet>                                  <!-- opt -->
    <!-- PreferencesQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <PreferencesQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <PreferencesRet>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ClosingDate>DATETYPE</ClosingDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <FinanceChargeAccountRef>                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- CalculateChargesFrom may have one of the following values: DueDate, InvoiceOrBilledDate -->
          <DefaultDiscountAccountRef>                       <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- AgingReportBasis may have one of the following values: AgeFromDueDate, AgeFromTransactionDate -->
          <!-- SummaryReportBasis may have one of the following values: Accrual, Cash -->
          <DefaultShipMethodRef>                            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <DefaultFOB>STRTYPE</DefaultFOB>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13 -->
          <DefaultMarkup>PERCENTTYPE</DefaultMarkup>        <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxPreferences>                               <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <!-- PaySalesTax may have one of the following values: Monthly, Quarterly, Annually -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <TimeTrackingPreferences>                           <!-- opt -->
          <!-- FirstDayOfWeek may have one of the following values: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday -->
          <AutomaticLoginUserName>STRTYPE</AutomaticLoginUserName> <!-- opt, QBD max = 29 -->
    <!-- AccountAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <AccountAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <AccountRet>                                          <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <!-- AccountType may have one of the following values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, Bank, CostOfGoodsSold, CreditCard, Equity, Expense, FixedAsset, Income, LongTermLiability, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, NonPosting -->
        <!-- DetailAccountType may have one of the following values: AR,AllowanceForBadDebts,Checking,Savings,MoneyMarket,CashOnHand,TrustAccounts,RentsHeldInTrust,EmployeeCashAdvances,PrepaidExpenses,Retainage,UndepositedFunds,DevelopmentCosts,Inventory,LoansToOfficers,LoansToStockholders,LoansToOthers,OtherCurrentAssets,InvestmentUSGovObligations,InvestmentTaxExemptSecurities,InvestmentMortgageOrRealEstateLoans,InvestmentOther,Buildings,FurnitureAndFixtures,LeaseholdImprovements,MachineryAndEquipment,OtherFixedAssets,Vehicles,AccumulatedDepreciation,DepletableAssets,AccumulatedDepletion,IntangibleAssets,AccumulatedAmortization,Land,Goodwill,LeaseBuyout,Licenses,OrganizationalCosts,SecurityDeposits,OtherLongTermAssets,AccumulatedAmortizationOfOtherAssets,AP,CreditCard,InsurancePayable,PayrollClearing,PayrollTaxPayable,SalesTaxPayable,FederalIncomeTaxPayable,StateOrLocalIncomeTaxPayable,TrustAccountsLiab,RentsInTrustLiab,LineOfCredit,LoanPayable,PrepaidExpensesPayable,OtherCurrentLiab,NotesPayable,ShareholderNotesPayable,OtherLongTermLiab,AccumulatedAdjustment,CommonStock,PreferredStock,PaidInCapitalOrSurplus,TreasuryStock,OpeningBalanceEquity,OwnersEquity,PartnersEquity,PartnerContributions,PartnerDistributions,RetainedEarnings,ServiceOrFeeIncome,SalesOfProductIncome,NonProfitIncome,OtherPrimaryIncome,DiscountsOrRefundsGiven,InterestEarned,TaxExemptInterest,DividendIncome,OtherInvestmentIncome,OtherMiscIncome,CostOfLaborCOS,SuppliesAndMaterialsCOGS,ShippingFreightAndDeliveryCOS,EquipmentRentalCOS,OtherCostsOfServiceCOS,Auto,CharitableContributions,TaxesPaid,PayrollExpenses,LegalAndProfessionalFees,DuesAndSubscriptions,Insurance,OfficeOrGeneralAdministrativeExpenses,Utilities,RentOrLeaseOfBuildings,RepairAndMaintenance,TravelMeals,EntertainmentMeals,PromotionalMeals,Travel,Entertainment,AdvertisingOrPromotional,BankCharges,BadDebts,InterestPaid,CostOfLabor,SuppliesAndMaterials,ShippingFreightAndDelivery,EquipmentRental,OtherMiscServiceCost,Depreciation,Amortization,PenaltiesAndSettlements,OtherMiscExpense -->
        <DetailAccountType>ENUMTYPE</DetailAccountType>     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 7, QBOE max = 7 -->
        <BankNumber>STRTYPE</BankNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 25,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <LastCheckNumber>STRTYPE</LastCheckNumber>          <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 29, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Balance>AMTTYPE</Balance>                          <!-- opt -->
        <TotalBalance>AMTTYPE</TotalBalance>                <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- AccountQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <AccountQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <AccountRet>                                          <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <!-- AccountType may have one of the following values: AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, Bank, CostOfGoodsSold, CreditCard, Equity, Expense, FixedAsset, Income, LongTermLiability, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, OtherCurrentLiability, OtherExpense, OtherIncome, NonPosting -->
        <!-- DetailAccountType may have one of the following values: AR,AllowanceForBadDebts,Checking,Savings,MoneyMarket,CashOnHand,TrustAccounts,RentsHeldInTrust,EmployeeCashAdvances,PrepaidExpenses,Retainage,UndepositedFunds,DevelopmentCosts,Inventory,LoansToOfficers,LoansToStockholders,LoansToOthers,OtherCurrentAssets,InvestmentUSGovObligations,InvestmentTaxExemptSecurities,InvestmentMortgageOrRealEstateLoans,InvestmentOther,Buildings,FurnitureAndFixtures,LeaseholdImprovements,MachineryAndEquipment,OtherFixedAssets,Vehicles,AccumulatedDepreciation,DepletableAssets,AccumulatedDepletion,IntangibleAssets,AccumulatedAmortization,Land,Goodwill,LeaseBuyout,Licenses,OrganizationalCosts,SecurityDeposits,OtherLongTermAssets,AccumulatedAmortizationOfOtherAssets,AP,CreditCard,InsurancePayable,PayrollClearing,PayrollTaxPayable,SalesTaxPayable,FederalIncomeTaxPayable,StateOrLocalIncomeTaxPayable,TrustAccountsLiab,RentsInTrustLiab,LineOfCredit,LoanPayable,PrepaidExpensesPayable,OtherCurrentLiab,NotesPayable,ShareholderNotesPayable,OtherLongTermLiab,AccumulatedAdjustment,CommonStock,PreferredStock,PaidInCapitalOrSurplus,TreasuryStock,OpeningBalanceEquity,OwnersEquity,PartnersEquity,PartnerContributions,PartnerDistributions,RetainedEarnings,ServiceOrFeeIncome,SalesOfProductIncome,NonProfitIncome,OtherPrimaryIncome,DiscountsOrRefundsGiven,InterestEarned,TaxExemptInterest,DividendIncome,OtherInvestmentIncome,OtherMiscIncome,CostOfLaborCOS,SuppliesAndMaterialsCOGS,ShippingFreightAndDeliveryCOS,EquipmentRentalCOS,OtherCostsOfServiceCOS,Auto,CharitableContributions,TaxesPaid,PayrollExpenses,LegalAndProfessionalFees,DuesAndSubscriptions,Insurance,OfficeOrGeneralAdministrativeExpenses,Utilities,RentOrLeaseOfBuildings,RepairAndMaintenance,TravelMeals,EntertainmentMeals,PromotionalMeals,Travel,Entertainment,AdvertisingOrPromotional,BankCharges,BadDebts,InterestPaid,CostOfLabor,SuppliesAndMaterials,ShippingFreightAndDelivery,EquipmentRental,OtherMiscServiceCost,Depreciation,Amortization,PenaltiesAndSettlements,OtherMiscExpense -->
        <DetailAccountType>ENUMTYPE</DetailAccountType>     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 7, QBOE max = 7 -->
        <BankNumber>STRTYPE</BankNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 25,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <LastCheckNumber>STRTYPE</LastCheckNumber>          <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 29, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Balance>AMTTYPE</Balance>                          <!-- opt -->
        <TotalBalance>AMTTYPE</TotalBalance>                <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CustomerAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CustomerAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CustomerRet>                                         <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBOE max = 110,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CustomerTypeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <Balance>AMTTYPE</Balance>                          <!-- opt -->
        <TotalBalance>AMTTYPE</TotalBalance>                <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <ResaleNumber>STRTYPE</ResaleNumber>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 15 -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CreditLimit>AMTTYPE</CreditLimit>                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- JobStatus may have one of the following values: None [DEFAULT], Pending, Awarded, InProgress, Closed, NotAwarded -->
        <JobStatus>ENUMTYPE</JobStatus>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobStartDate>DATETYPE</JobStartDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobProjectedEndDate>DATETYPE</JobProjectedEndDate> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobEndDate>DATETYPE</JobEndDate>                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobDesc>STRTYPE</JobDesc>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobTypeRef>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <IsStatementWithParent>BOOLTYPE</IsStatementWithParent> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- DeliveryMethod may have one of the following values: Print [DEFAULT], Fax, Email -->
        <DeliveryMethod>ENUMTYPE</DeliveryMethod>           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CustomerModRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CustomerModRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CustomerRet>                                         <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBOE max = 110,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CustomerTypeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <Balance>AMTTYPE</Balance>                          <!-- opt -->
        <TotalBalance>AMTTYPE</TotalBalance>                <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <ResaleNumber>STRTYPE</ResaleNumber>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 15 -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CreditLimit>AMTTYPE</CreditLimit>                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- JobStatus may have one of the following values: None [DEFAULT], Pending, Awarded, InProgress, Closed, NotAwarded -->
        <JobStatus>ENUMTYPE</JobStatus>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobStartDate>DATETYPE</JobStartDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobProjectedEndDate>DATETYPE</JobProjectedEndDate> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobEndDate>DATETYPE</JobEndDate>                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobDesc>STRTYPE</JobDesc>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobTypeRef>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <IsStatementWithParent>BOOLTYPE</IsStatementWithParent> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- DeliveryMethod may have one of the following values: Print [DEFAULT], Fax, Email -->
        <DeliveryMethod>ENUMTYPE</DeliveryMethod>           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CustomerQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CustomerQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CustomerRet>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBOE max = 110,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CustomerTypeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <Balance>AMTTYPE</Balance>                          <!-- opt -->
        <TotalBalance>AMTTYPE</TotalBalance>                <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <ResaleNumber>STRTYPE</ResaleNumber>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 15 -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CreditLimit>AMTTYPE</CreditLimit>                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- JobStatus may have one of the following values: None [DEFAULT], Pending, Awarded, InProgress, Closed, NotAwarded -->
        <JobStatus>ENUMTYPE</JobStatus>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobStartDate>DATETYPE</JobStartDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobProjectedEndDate>DATETYPE</JobProjectedEndDate> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobEndDate>DATETYPE</JobEndDate>                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobDesc>STRTYPE</JobDesc>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobTypeRef>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <IsStatementWithParent>BOOLTYPE</IsStatementWithParent> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- DeliveryMethod may have one of the following values: Print [DEFAULT], Fax, Email -->
        <DeliveryMethod>ENUMTYPE</DeliveryMethod>           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- EmployeeAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <EmployeeAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <EmployeeRet>                                         <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <EmployeeAddress>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBOE max = 255,  not supported by QBD -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <SSN>STRTYPE</SSN>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 11,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <!-- EmployeeType may have one of the following values: Regular [DEFAULT], Officer, Statutory, Owner -->
        <EmployeeType>ENUMTYPE</EmployeeType>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- Gender may have one of the following values: Male, Female -->
        <Gender>ENUMTYPE</Gender>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <HiredDate>DATETYPE</HiredDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <ReleasedDate>DATETYPE</ReleasedDate>               <!-- opt -->
        <BirthDate>DATETYPE</BirthDate>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <EmployeePayrollInfo>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <!-- PayPeriod may have one of the following values: Daily, Weekly, Biweekly [DEFAULT], Semimonthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly -->
          <PayPeriod>ENUMTYPE</PayPeriod>                   <!-- opt -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Earnings>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
          <IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks>BOOLTYPE</IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks> <!-- opt -->
          <SickHours>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
          <VacationHours>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- EmployeeModRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <EmployeeModRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <EmployeeRet>                                         <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <EmployeeAddress>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBOE max = 255,  not supported by QBD -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <SSN>STRTYPE</SSN>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 11,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <!-- EmployeeType may have one of the following values: Regular [DEFAULT], Officer, Statutory, Owner -->
        <EmployeeType>ENUMTYPE</EmployeeType>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- Gender may have one of the following values: Male, Female -->
        <Gender>ENUMTYPE</Gender>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <HiredDate>DATETYPE</HiredDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <ReleasedDate>DATETYPE</ReleasedDate>               <!-- opt -->
        <BirthDate>DATETYPE</BirthDate>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <EmployeePayrollInfo>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <!-- PayPeriod may have one of the following values: Daily, Weekly, Biweekly [DEFAULT], Semimonthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly -->
          <PayPeriod>ENUMTYPE</PayPeriod>                   <!-- opt -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Earnings>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
          <IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks>BOOLTYPE</IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks> <!-- opt -->
          <SickHours>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
          <VacationHours>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- EmployeeQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <EmployeeQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <EmployeeRet>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <EmployeeAddress>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBOE max = 255,  not supported by QBD -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <SSN>STRTYPE</SSN>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 11,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <!-- EmployeeType may have one of the following values: Regular [DEFAULT], Officer, Statutory, Owner -->
        <EmployeeType>ENUMTYPE</EmployeeType>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- Gender may have one of the following values: Male, Female -->
        <Gender>ENUMTYPE</Gender>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <HiredDate>DATETYPE</HiredDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <ReleasedDate>DATETYPE</ReleasedDate>               <!-- opt -->
        <BirthDate>DATETYPE</BirthDate>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <EmployeePayrollInfo>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <!-- PayPeriod may have one of the following values: Daily, Weekly, Biweekly [DEFAULT], Semimonthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly -->
          <PayPeriod>ENUMTYPE</PayPeriod>                   <!-- opt -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Earnings>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
          <IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks>BOOLTYPE</IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks> <!-- opt -->
          <SickHours>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
          <VacationHours>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- OtherNameAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <OtherNameAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <OtherNameRet>                                        <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <OtherNameAddress>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- OtherNameModRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <OtherNameModRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <OtherNameRet>                                        <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <OtherNameAddress>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- OtherNameQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <OtherNameQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <OtherNameRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <OtherNameAddress>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- VendorAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <VendorAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <VendorRet>                                           <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <VendorAddress>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <NameOnCheck>STRTYPE</NameOnCheck>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <VendorTypeRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <CreditLimit>AMTTYPE</CreditLimit>                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <VendorTaxIdent>STRTYPE</VendorTaxIdent>            <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 20 -->
        <IsVendorEligibleFor1099>BOOLTYPE</IsVendorEligibleFor1099> <!-- opt -->
        <Balance>AMTTYPE</Balance>                          <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- VendorModRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <VendorModRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <VendorRet>                                           <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <VendorAddress>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <NameOnCheck>STRTYPE</NameOnCheck>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <VendorTypeRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <CreditLimit>AMTTYPE</CreditLimit>                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <VendorTaxIdent>STRTYPE</VendorTaxIdent>            <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 20 -->
        <IsVendorEligibleFor1099>BOOLTYPE</IsVendorEligibleFor1099> <!-- opt -->
        <Balance>AMTTYPE</Balance>                          <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- VendorQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <VendorQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <VendorRet>                                           <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <VendorAddress>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <NameOnCheck>STRTYPE</NameOnCheck>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <VendorTypeRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <CreditLimit>AMTTYPE</CreditLimit>                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <VendorTaxIdent>STRTYPE</VendorTaxIdent>            <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 20 -->
        <IsVendorEligibleFor1099>BOOLTYPE</IsVendorEligibleFor1099> <!-- opt -->
        <Balance>AMTTYPE</Balance>                          <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- EntityQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <EntityQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more CustomerRet OR EmployeeRet OR OtherNameRet OR VendorRet -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBOE max = 110,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CustomerTypeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <Balance>AMTTYPE</Balance>                          <!-- opt -->
        <TotalBalance>AMTTYPE</TotalBalance>                <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <ResaleNumber>STRTYPE</ResaleNumber>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 15 -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CreditLimit>AMTTYPE</CreditLimit>                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- JobStatus may have one of the following values: None [DEFAULT], Pending, Awarded, InProgress, Closed, NotAwarded -->
        <JobStatus>ENUMTYPE</JobStatus>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobStartDate>DATETYPE</JobStartDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobProjectedEndDate>DATETYPE</JobProjectedEndDate> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobEndDate>DATETYPE</JobEndDate>                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobDesc>STRTYPE</JobDesc>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <JobTypeRef>                                        <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <IsStatementWithParent>BOOLTYPE</IsStatementWithParent> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- DeliveryMethod may have one of the following values: Print [DEFAULT], Fax, Email -->
        <DeliveryMethod>ENUMTYPE</DeliveryMethod>           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <EmployeeAddress>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 500,  not supported by QBD -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBOE max = 255,  not supported by QBD -->
        <PrintAs>STRTYPE</PrintAs>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <SSN>STRTYPE</SSN>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 11,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <!-- EmployeeType may have one of the following values: Regular [DEFAULT], Officer, Statutory, Owner -->
        <EmployeeType>ENUMTYPE</EmployeeType>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- Gender may have one of the following values: Male, Female -->
        <Gender>ENUMTYPE</Gender>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <HiredDate>DATETYPE</HiredDate>                     <!-- opt -->
        <ReleasedDate>DATETYPE</ReleasedDate>               <!-- opt -->
        <BirthDate>DATETYPE</BirthDate>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <EmployeePayrollInfo>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <!-- PayPeriod may have one of the following values: Daily, Weekly, Biweekly [DEFAULT], Semimonthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly -->
          <PayPeriod>ENUMTYPE</PayPeriod>                   <!-- opt -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Earnings>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
          <IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks>BOOLTYPE</IsUsingTimeDataToCreatePaychecks> <!-- opt -->
          <SickHours>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
          <VacationHours>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAvailable>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAvailable> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- AccrualPeriod may have one of the following values: BeginningOfYear, EveryPaycheck, EveryHourOnPaycheck -->
            <AccrualPeriod>ENUMTYPE</AccrualPeriod>         <!-- opt -->
            <HoursAccrued>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</HoursAccrued>   <!-- opt -->
            <MaximumHours>TIMEINTERVALTYPE</MaximumHours>   <!-- opt -->
            <IsResettingHoursEachNewYear>BOOLTYPE</IsResettingHoursEachNewYear> <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <OtherNameAddress>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CompanyName>STRTYPE</CompanyName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 50 -->
        <Salutation>STRTYPE</Salutation>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 15 -->
        <FirstName>STRTYPE</FirstName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <MiddleName>STRTYPE</MiddleName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 5, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <LastName>STRTYPE</LastName>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <Suffix>STRTYPE</Suffix>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 10,  not supported by QBD -->
        <VendorAddress>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <Phone>STRTYPE</Phone>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Mobile>STRTYPE</Mobile>                            <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <Pager>STRTYPE</Pager>                              <!-- opt, QBOE max = 21,  not supported by QBD -->
        <AltPhone>STRTYPE</AltPhone>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Fax>STRTYPE</Fax>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Email>STRTYPE</Email>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Contact>STRTYPE</Contact>                          <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AltContact>STRTYPE</AltContact>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <NameOnCheck>STRTYPE</NameOnCheck>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 110 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <AccountNumber>STRTYPE</AccountNumber>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <VendorTypeRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <CreditLimit>AMTTYPE</CreditLimit>                  <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <VendorTaxIdent>STRTYPE</VendorTaxIdent>            <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 20 -->
        <IsVendorEligibleFor1099>BOOLTYPE</IsVendorEligibleFor1099> <!-- opt -->
        <Balance>AMTTYPE</Balance>                          <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- StandardTermsAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <StandardTermsAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <StandardTermsRet>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <StdDueDays>INTTYPE</StdDueDays>                    <!-- opt -->
        <StdDiscountDays>INTTYPE</StdDiscountDays>          <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountPct>PERCENTTYPE</DiscountPct>              <!-- opt -->
    <!-- StandardTermsQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <StandardTermsQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <StandardTermsRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <StdDueDays>INTTYPE</StdDueDays>                    <!-- opt -->
        <StdDiscountDays>INTTYPE</StdDiscountDays>          <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountPct>PERCENTTYPE</DiscountPct>              <!-- opt -->
    <!-- DateDrivenTermsAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DateDrivenTermsAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <DateDrivenTermsRet>                                  <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <DueNextMonthDays>INTTYPE</DueNextMonthDays>        <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountDayOfMonth>INTTYPE</DiscountDayOfMonth>    <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountPct>PERCENTTYPE</DiscountPct>              <!-- opt -->
    <!-- DateDrivenTermsQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DateDrivenTermsQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <DateDrivenTermsRet>                                  <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <DueNextMonthDays>INTTYPE</DueNextMonthDays>        <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountDayOfMonth>INTTYPE</DiscountDayOfMonth>    <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountPct>PERCENTTYPE</DiscountPct>              <!-- opt -->
    <!-- TermsQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <TermsQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more StandardTermsRet OR DateDrivenTermsRet -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <StdDueDays>INTTYPE</StdDueDays>                    <!-- opt -->
        <StdDiscountDays>INTTYPE</StdDiscountDays>          <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountPct>PERCENTTYPE</DiscountPct>              <!-- opt -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <DueNextMonthDays>INTTYPE</DueNextMonthDays>        <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountDayOfMonth>INTTYPE</DiscountDayOfMonth>    <!-- opt -->
        <DiscountPct>PERCENTTYPE</DiscountPct>              <!-- opt -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- ClassAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ClassAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ClassRet>                                            <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ClassQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ClassQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ClassRet>                                            <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- SalesRepAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <SalesRepAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <SalesRepRet>                                         <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Initial>STRTYPE</Initial>                          <!-- QBD max = 5 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
    <!-- SalesRepQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <SalesRepQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <SalesRepRet>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Initial>STRTYPE</Initial>                          <!-- QBD max = 5 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
    <!-- CustomerTypeAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CustomerTypeAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CustomerTypeRet>                                     <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- CustomerTypeQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CustomerTypeQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CustomerTypeRet>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- VendorTypeAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <VendorTypeAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <VendorTypeRet>                                       <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- VendorTypeQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <VendorTypeQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <VendorTypeRet>                                       <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- JobTypeAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <JobTypeAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <JobTypeRet>                                          <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- JobTypeQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <JobTypeQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <JobTypeRet>                                          <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- CustomerMsgAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CustomerMsgAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CustomerMsgRet>                                      <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- CustomerMsgQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CustomerMsgQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CustomerMsgRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- PaymentMethodAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <PaymentMethodAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <PaymentMethodRet>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- PaymentMethodQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <PaymentMethodQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <PaymentMethodRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
    <!-- ShipMethodAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ShipMethodAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ShipMethodRet>                                       <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 15 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ShipMethodQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ShipMethodQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ShipMethodRet>                                       <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 15 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- SalesTaxCodeAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <SalesTaxCodeAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <SalesTaxCodeRet>                                     <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 3 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 31 -->
    <!-- SalesTaxCodeQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <SalesTaxCodeQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <SalesTaxCodeRet>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 3 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 31 -->
    <!-- ToDoAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ToDoAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ToDoRet>                                             <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- QBD max = 4095 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ToDoQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ToDoQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ToDoRet>                                             <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- QBD max = 4095 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ItemServiceAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemServiceAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemServiceRet>                                      <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <SalesAndPurchase>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemServiceModRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemServiceModRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemServiceRet>                                      <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <SalesAndPurchase>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemServiceQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemServiceQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemServiceRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <SalesAndPurchase>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemNonInventoryAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemNonInventoryAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemNonInventoryRet>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemNonInventoryModRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemNonInventoryModRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemNonInventoryRet>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemNonInventoryQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemNonInventoryQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemNonInventoryRet>                                 <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemOtherChargeAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemOtherChargeAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemOtherChargeRet>                                  <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemOtherChargeQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemOtherChargeQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemOtherChargeRet>                                  <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemInventoryAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemInventoryAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemInventoryRet>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>              <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PrefVendorRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ReorderPoint>QUANTYPE</ReorderPoint>               <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnHand>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnHand>           <!-- opt -->
        <AverageCost>PRICETYPE</AverageCost>                <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnOrder>         <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnSalesOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnSalesOrder> <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemInventoryModRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemInventoryModRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemInventoryRet>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>              <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PrefVendorRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ReorderPoint>QUANTYPE</ReorderPoint>               <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnHand>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnHand>           <!-- opt -->
        <AverageCost>PRICETYPE</AverageCost>                <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnOrder>         <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnSalesOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnSalesOrder> <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemInventoryQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemInventoryQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemInventoryRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>              <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PrefVendorRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ReorderPoint>QUANTYPE</ReorderPoint>               <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnHand>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnHand>           <!-- opt -->
        <AverageCost>PRICETYPE</AverageCost>                <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnOrder>         <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnSalesOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnSalesOrder> <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemInventoryAssemblyAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemInventoryAssemblyAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemInventoryAssemblyRet>                            <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>              <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PrefVendorRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <BuildPoint>QUANTYPE</BuildPoint>                   <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnHand>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnHand>           <!-- opt -->
        <AverageCost>PRICETYPE</AverageCost>                <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnOrder>         <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnSalesOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnSalesOrder> <!-- opt -->
        <ItemInventoryAssemblyLine>                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemInventoryAssemblyQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemInventoryAssemblyQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemInventoryAssemblyRet>                            <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>              <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PrefVendorRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <BuildPoint>QUANTYPE</BuildPoint>                   <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnHand>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnHand>           <!-- opt -->
        <AverageCost>PRICETYPE</AverageCost>                <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnOrder>         <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnSalesOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnSalesOrder> <!-- opt -->
        <ItemInventoryAssemblyLine>                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemSubtotalAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemSubtotalAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemSubtotalRet>                                     <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemSubtotalQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemSubtotalQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemSubtotalRet>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemDiscountAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemDiscountAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemDiscountRet>                                     <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have DiscountRate OR DiscountRatePercent -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <AccountRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemDiscountQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemDiscountQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemDiscountRet>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have DiscountRate OR DiscountRatePercent -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <AccountRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemPaymentAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemPaymentAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemPaymentRet>                                      <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <DepositToAccountRef>                               <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PaymentMethodRef>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemPaymentQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemPaymentQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemPaymentRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <DepositToAccountRef>                               <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PaymentMethodRef>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemSalesTaxAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemSalesTaxAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemSalesTaxRet>                                     <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <TaxRate>PERCENTTYPE</TaxRate>                      <!-- opt -->
        <TaxVendorRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemSalesTaxQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemSalesTaxQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemSalesTaxRet>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <TaxRate>PERCENTTYPE</TaxRate>                      <!-- opt -->
        <TaxVendorRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemSalesTaxGroupAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemSalesTaxGroupAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemSalesTaxGroupRet>                                <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemSalesTaxGroupQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemSalesTaxGroupQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemSalesTaxGroupRet>                                <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemGroupAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemGroupAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemGroupRet>                                        <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <IsPrintItemsInGroup>BOOLTYPE</IsPrintItemsInGroup> <!-- opt -->
        <ItemGroupLine>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemGroupQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemGroupQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ItemGroupRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <IsPrintItemsInGroup>BOOLTYPE</IsPrintItemsInGroup> <!-- opt -->
        <ItemGroupLine>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ItemQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ItemQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemServiceRet OR ItemNonInventoryRet OR ItemOtherChargeRet OR ItemInventoryRet OR ItemInventoryAssemblyRet OR ItemSubtotalRet OR ItemDiscountRet OR ItemPaymentRet OR ItemSalesTaxRet OR ItemSalesTaxGroupRet OR ItemGroupRet -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <SalesAndPurchase>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have SalesOrPurchase OR SalesAndPurchase -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Price OR PricePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>            <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <PrefVendorRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>              <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PrefVendorRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ReorderPoint>QUANTYPE</ReorderPoint>               <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnHand>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnHand>           <!-- opt -->
        <AverageCost>PRICETYPE</AverageCost>                <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnOrder>         <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnSalesOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnSalesOrder> <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SalesDesc>STRTYPE</SalesDesc>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesPrice>PRICETYPE</SalesPrice>                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PurchaseDesc>STRTYPE</PurchaseDesc>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <PurchaseCost>PRICETYPE</PurchaseCost>              <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PrefVendorRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <BuildPoint>QUANTYPE</BuildPoint>                   <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnHand>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnHand>           <!-- opt -->
        <AverageCost>PRICETYPE</AverageCost>                <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnOrder>         <!-- opt -->
        <QuantityOnSalesOrder>QUANTYPE</QuantityOnSalesOrder> <!-- opt -->
        <ItemInventoryAssemblyLine>                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- QBD max = 159 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ParentRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have DiscountRate OR DiscountRatePercent -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <AccountRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <DepositToAccountRef>                               <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PaymentMethodRef>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <TaxRate>PERCENTTYPE</TaxRate>                      <!-- opt -->
        <TaxVendorRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- OR -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ItemDesc>STRTYPE</ItemDesc>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <IsPrintItemsInGroup>BOOLTYPE</IsPrintItemsInGroup> <!-- opt -->
        <ItemGroupLine>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
      <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- PayrollItemWageAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <PayrollItemWageAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <PayrollItemWageRet>                                  <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- WageType may have one of the following values: HourlyRegular, HourlySick, HourlyVacation, SalaryRegular, SalarySick, SalaryVacation, Bonus, Commission -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
    <!-- PayrollItemWageQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <PayrollItemWageQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <PayrollItemWageRet>                                  <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <Name>STRTYPE</Name>                                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <IsActive>BOOLTYPE</IsActive>                       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- WageType may have one of the following values: HourlyRegular, HourlySick, HourlyVacation, SalaryRegular, SalarySick, SalaryVacation, Bonus, Commission -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
    <!-- InvoiceAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <InvoiceAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <InvoiceRet>                                          <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsPending>BOOLTYPE</IsPending>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <IsFinanceCharge>BOOLTYPE</IsFinanceCharge>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <PONumber>STRTYPE</PONumber>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ShipDate>DATETYPE</ShipDate>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Subtotal>AMTTYPE</Subtotal>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesTaxPercentage>PERCENTTYPE</SalesTaxPercentage> <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxTotal>AMTTYPE</SalesTaxTotal>              <!-- opt -->
        <AppliedAmount>AMTTYPE</AppliedAmount>              <!-- opt -->
        <BalanceRemaining>AMTTYPE</BalanceRemaining>        <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <IsPaid>BOOLTYPE</IsPaid>                           <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SuggestedDiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</SuggestedDiscountAmount> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <SuggestedDiscountDate>DATETYPE</SuggestedDiscountDate> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <LinkedTxn>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more InvoiceLineRet OR InvoiceLineGroupRet -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <InvoiceLineGroupRet>                               <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <InvoiceLineRet>                                  <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>             <!-- opt -->
            <SalesTaxCodeRef>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
            <DataExtRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                   <!-- opt -->
              <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>            <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
              <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- InvoiceQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <InvoiceQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <InvoiceRet>                                          <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsPending>BOOLTYPE</IsPending>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <IsFinanceCharge>BOOLTYPE</IsFinanceCharge>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <PONumber>STRTYPE</PONumber>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ShipDate>DATETYPE</ShipDate>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Subtotal>AMTTYPE</Subtotal>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesTaxPercentage>PERCENTTYPE</SalesTaxPercentage> <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxTotal>AMTTYPE</SalesTaxTotal>              <!-- opt -->
        <AppliedAmount>AMTTYPE</AppliedAmount>              <!-- opt -->
        <BalanceRemaining>AMTTYPE</BalanceRemaining>        <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <IsPaid>BOOLTYPE</IsPaid>                           <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <SuggestedDiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</SuggestedDiscountAmount> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <SuggestedDiscountDate>DATETYPE</SuggestedDiscountDate> <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <LinkedTxn>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more InvoiceLineRet OR InvoiceLineGroupRet -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <InvoiceLineGroupRet>                               <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <InvoiceLineRet>                                  <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>             <!-- opt -->
            <SalesTaxCodeRef>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
            <DataExtRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                   <!-- opt -->
              <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>            <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
              <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- EstimateAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <EstimateAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <EstimateRet>                                         <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <PONumber>STRTYPE</PONumber>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13 -->
        <Subtotal>AMTTYPE</Subtotal>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesTaxPercentage>PERCENTTYPE</SalesTaxPercentage> <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxTotal>AMTTYPE</SalesTaxTotal>              <!-- opt -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more EstimateLineRet OR EstimateLineGroupRet -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have MarkupRate OR MarkupRatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <EstimateLineRet>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <SalesTaxCodeRef>                               <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have MarkupRate OR MarkupRatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
            <DataExtRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
              <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                   <!-- opt -->
              <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>            <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
              <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- EstimateQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <EstimateQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <EstimateRet>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <PONumber>STRTYPE</PONumber>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13 -->
        <Subtotal>AMTTYPE</Subtotal>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesTaxPercentage>PERCENTTYPE</SalesTaxPercentage> <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxTotal>AMTTYPE</SalesTaxTotal>              <!-- opt -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more EstimateLineRet OR EstimateLineGroupRet -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have MarkupRate OR MarkupRatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <EstimateLineRet>                                 <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <SalesTaxCodeRef>                               <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have MarkupRate OR MarkupRatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
            <DataExtRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
              <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                   <!-- opt -->
              <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>            <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
              <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- SalesReceiptAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <SalesReceiptAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <SalesReceiptRet>                                     <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsPending>BOOLTYPE</IsPending>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CheckNumber>STRTYPE</CheckNumber>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <PaymentMethodRef>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <ShipDate>DATETYPE</ShipDate>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Subtotal>AMTTYPE</Subtotal>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesTaxPercentage>PERCENTTYPE</SalesTaxPercentage> <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxTotal>AMTTYPE</SalesTaxTotal>              <!-- opt -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <DepositToAccountRef>                               <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more SalesReceiptLineRet OR SalesReceiptLineGroupRet -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <SalesReceiptLineGroupRet>                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <SalesReceiptLineRet>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>             <!-- opt -->
            <SalesTaxCodeRef>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
            <DataExtRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                   <!-- opt -->
              <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>            <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
              <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- SalesReceiptQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <SalesReceiptQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <SalesReceiptRet>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsPending>BOOLTYPE</IsPending>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <CheckNumber>STRTYPE</CheckNumber>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 25, QBOE max = 25 -->
        <PaymentMethodRef>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <ShipDate>DATETYPE</ShipDate>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <Subtotal>AMTTYPE</Subtotal>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesTaxPercentage>PERCENTTYPE</SalesTaxPercentage> <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxTotal>AMTTYPE</SalesTaxTotal>              <!-- opt -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <DepositToAccountRef>                               <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more SalesReceiptLineRet OR SalesReceiptLineGroupRet -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <SalesReceiptLineGroupRet>                          <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <SalesReceiptLineRet>                             <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>             <!-- opt -->
            <SalesTaxCodeRef>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
            <DataExtRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                   <!-- opt -->
              <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>            <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
              <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CreditMemoAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CreditMemoAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CreditMemoRet>                                       <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsPending>BOOLTYPE</IsPending>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <PONumber>STRTYPE</PONumber>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ShipDate>DATETYPE</ShipDate>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Subtotal>AMTTYPE</Subtotal>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesTaxPercentage>PERCENTTYPE</SalesTaxPercentage> <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxTotal>AMTTYPE</SalesTaxTotal>              <!-- opt -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <CreditRemaining>AMTTYPE</CreditRemaining>          <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <LinkedTxn>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more CreditMemoLineRet OR CreditMemoLineGroupRet -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <CreditMemoLineGroupRet>                            <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <CreditMemoLineRet>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>             <!-- opt -->
            <SalesTaxCodeRef>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
            <DataExtRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                   <!-- opt -->
              <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>            <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
              <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CreditMemoQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CreditMemoQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CreditMemoRet>                                       <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <BillAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsPending>BOOLTYPE</IsPending>                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <PONumber>STRTYPE</PONumber>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 25,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <SalesRepRef>                                       <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 5 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <ShipDate>DATETYPE</ShipDate>                       <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Subtotal>AMTTYPE</Subtotal>                        <!-- opt -->
        <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                   <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <SalesTaxPercentage>PERCENTTYPE</SalesTaxPercentage> <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxTotal>AMTTYPE</SalesTaxTotal>              <!-- opt -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <CreditRemaining>AMTTYPE</CreditRemaining>          <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <CustomerMsgRef>                                    <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 101 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerSalesTaxCodeRef>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
        <LinkedTxn>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more CreditMemoLineRet OR CreditMemoLineGroupRet -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- END OR -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <SalesTaxCodeRef>                                 <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <CreditMemoLineGroupRet>                            <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <CreditMemoLineRet>                               <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have Rate OR RatePercent -->
            <!-- OR -->
            <!-- END OR -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>             <!-- opt -->
            <SalesTaxCodeRef>                               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 3 -->
            <DataExtRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
              <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                   <!-- opt -->
              <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>            <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
              <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ReceivePaymentAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ReceivePaymentAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ReceivePaymentRet>                                   <!-- opt -->
        <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                               <!-- opt -->
        <TimeCreated>DATETIMETYPE</TimeCreated>             <!-- opt -->
        <TimeModified>DATETIMETYPE</TimeModified>           <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <PaymentMethodRef>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <DepositToAccountRef>                               <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <UnusedPayment>AMTTYPE</UnusedPayment>              <!-- opt -->
        <UnusedCredits>AMTTYPE</UnusedCredits>              <!-- opt -->
        <AppliedToTxnRet>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                       <!-- opt -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
          <BalanceRemaining>AMTTYPE</BalanceRemaining>      <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
          <DiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</DiscountAmount>          <!-- opt -->
          <DiscountAccountRef>                              <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ReceivePaymentQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ReceivePaymentQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ReceivePaymentRet>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                               <!-- opt -->
        <TimeCreated>DATETIMETYPE</TimeCreated>             <!-- opt -->
        <TimeModified>DATETIMETYPE</TimeModified>           <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <PaymentMethodRef>                                  <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <DepositToAccountRef>                               <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <UnusedPayment>AMTTYPE</UnusedPayment>              <!-- opt -->
        <UnusedCredits>AMTTYPE</UnusedCredits>              <!-- opt -->
        <AppliedToTxnRet>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                       <!-- opt -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
          <BalanceRemaining>AMTTYPE</BalanceRemaining>      <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
          <DiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</DiscountAmount>          <!-- opt -->
          <DiscountAccountRef>                              <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ReceivePaymentToDepositQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ReceivePaymentToDepositQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ReceivePaymentToDepositRet>                          <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ChargeAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ChargeAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ChargeRet>                                           <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                       <!-- opt -->
        <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                              <!-- opt -->
        <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                            <!-- opt -->
        <BalanceRemaining>AMTTYPE</BalanceRemaining>        <!-- opt -->
        <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <BilledDate>DATETYPE</BilledDate>                   <!-- opt -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ChargeQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ChargeQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ChargeRet>                                           <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                       <!-- opt -->
        <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                              <!-- opt -->
        <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                            <!-- opt -->
        <BalanceRemaining>AMTTYPE</BalanceRemaining>        <!-- opt -->
        <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <ARAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <BilledDate>DATETYPE</BilledDate>                   <!-- opt -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- PurchaseOrderAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <PurchaseOrderAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <PurchaseOrderRet>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <VendorRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ShipToEntityRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
        <VendorAddress>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <ExpectedDate>DATETYPE</ExpectedDate>               <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13 -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <VendorMsg>STRTYPE</VendorMsg>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more PurchaseOrderLineRet OR PurchaseOrderLineGroupRet -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                            <!-- opt -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <ReceivedQuantity>QUANTYPE</ReceivedQuantity>     <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <PurchaseOrderLineRet>                            <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>             <!-- opt -->
            <ReceivedQuantity>QUANTYPE</ReceivedQuantity>   <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
              <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                   <!-- opt -->
              <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>            <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
              <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- PurchaseOrderQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <PurchaseOrderQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <PurchaseOrderRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <VendorRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ShipToEntityRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
        <VendorAddress>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <ShipAddress>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <ExpectedDate>DATETYPE</ExpectedDate>               <!-- opt -->
        <ShipMethodRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 15, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <FOB>STRTYPE</FOB>                                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13 -->
        <TotalAmount>AMTTYPE</TotalAmount>                  <!-- opt -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <VendorMsg>STRTYPE</VendorMsg>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 99 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more PurchaseOrderLineRet OR PurchaseOrderLineGroupRet -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                            <!-- opt -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt -->
          <ReceivedQuantity>QUANTYPE</ReceivedQuantity>     <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- OR -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>               <!-- opt,  not supported by QBD -->
          <PurchaseOrderLineRet>                            <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                          <!-- opt -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ServiceDate>DATETYPE</ServiceDate>             <!-- opt -->
            <ReceivedQuantity>QUANTYPE</ReceivedQuantity>   <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
              <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                   <!-- opt -->
              <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>            <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
              <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
          <DataExtRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                     <!-- opt -->
            <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>              <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
            <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- BillAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <BillAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <BillRet>                                             <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 20, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <IsPaid>BOOLTYPE</IsPaid>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <LinkedTxn>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
        <ExpenseLineRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineRet OR ItemGroupLineRet -->
        <ItemLineRet>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineRet>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ItemLineRet>                                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                          <!-- opt -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
            <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <OpenAmount>AMTTYPE</OpenAmount>                    <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- BillQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <BillQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <BillRet>                                             <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 20, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <TermsRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <IsPaid>BOOLTYPE</IsPaid>                           <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <LinkedTxn>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
        <ExpenseLineRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineRet OR ItemGroupLineRet -->
        <ItemLineRet>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineRet>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ItemLineRet>                                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                          <!-- opt -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
            <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <OpenAmount>AMTTYPE</OpenAmount>                    <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- VendorCreditAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <VendorCreditAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <VendorCreditRet>                                     <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 20, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <LinkedTxn>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
        <ExpenseLineRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineRet OR ItemGroupLineRet -->
        <ItemLineRet>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineRet>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ItemLineRet>                                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                          <!-- opt -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
            <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <OpenAmount>AMTTYPE</OpenAmount>                    <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- VendorCreditQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <VendorCreditQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <VendorCreditRet>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 20, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <LinkedTxn>                                         <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
        <ExpenseLineRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineRet OR ItemGroupLineRet -->
        <ItemLineRet>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineRet>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ItemLineRet>                                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                          <!-- opt -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
            <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <OpenAmount>AMTTYPE</OpenAmount>                    <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- BillPaymentCheckAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <BillPaymentCheckAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <BillPaymentCheckRet>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                               <!-- opt -->
        <TimeCreated>DATETIMETYPE</TimeCreated>             <!-- opt -->
        <TimeModified>DATETIMETYPE</TimeModified>           <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <BankAccountRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                            <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <Address>                                           <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <AppliedToTxnRet>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                       <!-- opt -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
          <BalanceRemaining>AMTTYPE</BalanceRemaining>      <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
          <DiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</DiscountAmount>          <!-- opt -->
          <DiscountAccountRef>                              <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- BillPaymentCheckQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <BillPaymentCheckQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <BillPaymentCheckRet>                                 <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                               <!-- opt -->
        <TimeCreated>DATETIMETYPE</TimeCreated>             <!-- opt -->
        <TimeModified>DATETIMETYPE</TimeModified>           <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
        <BankAccountRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                            <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <Address>                                           <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <AppliedToTxnRet>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                       <!-- opt -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
          <BalanceRemaining>AMTTYPE</BalanceRemaining>      <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
          <DiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</DiscountAmount>          <!-- opt -->
          <DiscountAccountRef>                              <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- BillPaymentCreditCardAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <BillPaymentCreditCardAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <BillPaymentCreditCardRet>                            <!-- opt -->
        <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                               <!-- opt -->
        <TimeCreated>DATETIMETYPE</TimeCreated>             <!-- opt -->
        <TimeModified>DATETIMETYPE</TimeModified>           <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                            <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <AppliedToTxnRet>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                       <!-- opt -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
          <BalanceRemaining>AMTTYPE</BalanceRemaining>      <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
          <DiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</DiscountAmount>          <!-- opt -->
          <DiscountAccountRef>                              <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- BillPaymentCreditCardQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <BillPaymentCreditCardQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <BillPaymentCreditCardRet>                            <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                               <!-- opt -->
        <TimeCreated>DATETIMETYPE</TimeCreated>             <!-- opt -->
        <TimeModified>DATETIMETYPE</TimeModified>           <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <APAccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                         <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                            <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <AppliedToTxnRet>                                   <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <TxnDate>DATETYPE</TxnDate>                       <!-- opt -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
          <BalanceRemaining>AMTTYPE</BalanceRemaining>      <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <TxnLineDetail>                                   <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBD -->
          <DiscountAmount>AMTTYPE</DiscountAmount>          <!-- opt -->
          <DiscountAccountRef>                              <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- BillToPayQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <BillToPayQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <BillToPayRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have BillToPay OR CreditToApply -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <APAccountRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 20, QBOE max = 21 -->
          <DueDate>DATETYPE</DueDate>                       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <APAccountRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 20, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- SalesTaxPaymentCheckQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <SalesTaxPaymentCheckQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <SalesTaxPaymentCheckRet>                             <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <Address>                                           <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <SalesTaxPaymentCheckLineRet>                       <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <ItemSalesTaxRef>                                 <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- InventoryAdjustmentAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <InventoryAdjustmentAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <InventoryAdjustmentRet>                              <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <InventoryAdjustmentLineRet>                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- InventoryAdjustmentQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <InventoryAdjustmentQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <InventoryAdjustmentRet>                              <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <InventoryAdjustmentLineRet>                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- TimeTrackingAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <TimeTrackingAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <TimeTrackingRet>                                     <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ItemServiceRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                              <!-- opt -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayrollItemWageRef>                                <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <IsBillable>BOOLTYPE</IsBillable>                   <!-- opt -->
        <IsBilled>BOOLTYPE</IsBilled>                       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- TimeTrackingQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <TimeTrackingQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <TimeTrackingRet>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <CustomerRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <ItemServiceRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Rate>PRICETYPE</Rate>                              <!-- opt -->
        <ClassRef>                                          <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayrollItemWageRef>                                <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
        <Notes>STRTYPE</Notes>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <IsBillable>BOOLTYPE</IsBillable>                   <!-- opt -->
        <IsBilled>BOOLTYPE</IsBilled>                       <!-- opt -->
    <!-- CheckAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CheckAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CheckRet>                                            <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <Address>                                           <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <ExpenseLineRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineRet OR ItemGroupLineRet -->
        <ItemLineRet>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineRet>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ItemLineRet>                                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                          <!-- opt -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
            <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CheckQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CheckQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CheckRet>                                            <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <Address>                                           <!-- opt -->
          <Addr1>STRTYPE</Addr1>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr2>STRTYPE</Addr2>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr3>STRTYPE</Addr3>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <Addr4>STRTYPE</Addr4>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 41, QBOE max = 500 -->
          <City>STRTYPE</City>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <State>STRTYPE</State>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 21, QBOE max = 255 -->
          <PostalCode>STRTYPE</PostalCode>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 13, QBOE max = 30 -->
          <Country>STRTYPE</Country>                        <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 255 -->
        <IsToBePrinted>BOOLTYPE</IsToBePrinted>             <!-- opt -->
        <ExpenseLineRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineRet OR ItemGroupLineRet -->
        <ItemLineRet>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineRet>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ItemLineRet>                                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                          <!-- opt -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
            <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CreditCardChargeAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CreditCardChargeAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CreditCardChargeRet>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <ExpenseLineRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineRet OR ItemGroupLineRet -->
        <ItemLineRet>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineRet>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ItemLineRet>                                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                          <!-- opt -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
            <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CreditCardChargeQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CreditCardChargeQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CreditCardChargeRet>                                 <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <ExpenseLineRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineRet OR ItemGroupLineRet -->
        <ItemLineRet>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineRet>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ItemLineRet>                                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                          <!-- opt -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
            <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CreditCardCreditAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CreditCardCreditAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CreditCardCreditRet>                                 <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <ExpenseLineRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineRet OR ItemGroupLineRet -->
        <ItemLineRet>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineRet>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ItemLineRet>                                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                          <!-- opt -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
            <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- CreditCardCreditQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CreditCardCreditQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <CreditCardCreditRet>                                 <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <PayeeEntityRef>                                    <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
        <ExpenseLineRet>                                    <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt,  not supported by QBOE -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more ItemLineRet OR ItemGroupLineRet -->
        <ItemLineRet>                                       <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
          <ItemRef>                                         <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                            <!-- opt -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <CustomerRef>                                     <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
          <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>         <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <ItemGroupLineRet>                                  <!--  not supported by QBOE -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                     <!-- opt -->
          <ItemLineRet>                                     <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
            <ItemRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <Desc>STRTYPE</Desc>                            <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
            <Quantity>QUANTYPE</Quantity>                   <!-- opt -->
            <Cost>PRICETYPE</Cost>                          <!-- opt -->
            <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                        <!-- opt -->
            <CustomerRef>                                   <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ClassRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
              <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                       <!-- opt -->
              <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                  <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <!-- BillableStatus may have one of the following values: Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled -->
            <BillableStatus>ENUMTYPE</BillableStatus>       <!-- opt -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- JournalEntryAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <JournalEntryAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <JournalEntryRet>                                     <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBOE max = 4000,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more JournalDebitLine OR JournalCreditLine -->
        <!-- JournalDebitLine contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <JournalDebitLine defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                     <!-- opt -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <EntityRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- JournalCreditLine contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <JournalCreditLine defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                     <!-- opt -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <EntityRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- JournalEntryQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <JournalEntryQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <JournalEntryRet>                                     <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 11, QBOE max = 21 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBOE max = 4000,  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 0 or more JournalDebitLine OR JournalCreditLine -->
        <!-- JournalDebitLine contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <JournalDebitLine defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                     <!-- opt -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <EntityRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- JournalCreditLine contains 1 optional attribute: 'defMacro' -->
        <JournalCreditLine defMacro = "MACROTYPE">
          <TxnLineID>IDTYPE</TxnLineID>                     <!-- opt -->
          <AccountRef>                                      <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Amount>AMTTYPE</Amount>                          <!-- opt -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095, QBOE max = 4000 -->
          <EntityRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep,  not supported by QBOE -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- DepositAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DepositAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <DepositRet>                                          <!-- opt -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <CashBackInfoRet>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <DepositLineRet>                                    <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <TxnType>ENUMTYPE</TxnType>                       <!-- opt -->
          <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                             <!-- opt -->
          <EntityRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <CheckNumber>STRTYPE</CheckNumber>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
          <PaymentMethodRef>                                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- DepositQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DepositQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <DepositRet>                                          <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <EditSequence>STRTYPE</EditSequence>                <!-- QBD max = 16, QBOE max = 10 -->
        <TxnNumber>INTTYPE</TxnNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                                <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <CashBackInfoRet>                                   <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
        <DepositLineRet>                                    <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- TxnType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, LiabilityAdjustment, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, Transfer, VendorCredit -->
          <TxnType>ENUMTYPE</TxnType>                       <!-- opt -->
          <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                             <!-- opt -->
          <EntityRef>                                       <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 209, QBOE max = 1000 -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
          <Memo>STRTYPE</Memo>                              <!-- opt, QBD max = 4095 -->
          <CheckNumber>STRTYPE</CheckNumber>                <!-- opt, QBD max = 11 -->
          <PaymentMethodRef>                                <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 31, QBOE max = 100 -->
          <ClassRef>                                        <!-- opt -->
            <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                         <!-- opt -->
            <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                    <!-- opt, QBD max = 159, QBOE max = 1000 -->
        <DataExtRet>                                        <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                       <!-- opt -->
          <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
          <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- ListDelRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ListDelRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <!-- ListDelType may have one of the following values: Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, StandardTerms, DateDrivenTerms, Class, SalesRep, CustomerType, VendorType, JobType, CustomerMsg, PaymentMethod, ShipMethod, SalesTaxCode, ToDo, ItemService, ItemNonInventory, ItemOtherCharge, ItemInventory, ItemInventoryAssembly, ItemSubtotal, ItemDiscount, ItemPayment, ItemSalesTax, ItemSalesTaxGroup, ItemGroup -->
      <ListDelType>ENUMTYPE</ListDelType>                   <!-- opt -->
      <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                               <!-- opt -->
      <TimeDeleted>DATETIMETYPE</TimeDeleted>               <!-- opt -->
      <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                          <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ListDeletedQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ListDeletedQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ListDeletedRet>                                      <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <!-- ListDelType may have one of the following values: Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, StandardTerms, DateDrivenTerms, Class, SalesRep, CustomerType, VendorType, JobType, CustomerMsg, PaymentMethod, ShipMethod, SalesTaxCode, ToDo, ItemService, ItemNonInventory, ItemOtherCharge, ItemInventory, ItemInventoryAssembly, ItemSubtotal, ItemDiscount, ItemPayment, ItemSalesTax, ItemSalesTaxGroup, ItemGroup -->
        <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                        <!-- opt -->
    <!-- TxnDelRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <TxnDelRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <!-- TxnDelType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt,  TimeTracking, VendorCredit  -->
      <TxnDelType>ENUMTYPE</TxnDelType>                     <!-- opt -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- opt -->
      <TimeDeleted>DATETIMETYPE</TimeDeleted>               <!-- opt -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- opt -->
    <!-- TxnVoidRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <TxnVoidRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <!-- TxnVoidType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, SalesReceipt, VendorCredit -->
      <TxnVoidType>ENUMTYPE</TxnVoidType>                   <!-- opt -->
      <TxnID>IDTYPE</TxnID>                                 <!-- opt -->
      <TimeCreated>DATETIMETYPE</TimeCreated>               <!-- opt -->
      <TimeModified>DATETIMETYPE</TimeModified>             <!-- opt -->
      <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                        <!-- opt -->
    <!-- TxnDeletedQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <TxnDeletedQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <TxnDeletedRet>                                       <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <!-- TxnDelType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, Invoice, InventoryAdjustment, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt,  TimeTracking, VendorCredit  -->
        <RefNumber>STRTYPE</RefNumber>                      <!-- opt -->
    <!-- ClearedStatusModRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <ClearedStatusModRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE"/>
    <!-- GeneralSummaryReportQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <GeneralSummaryReportQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ReportRet>                                           <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ReportBasis may have one of the following values: Cash, Accrual, None -->
        <ReportBasis>ENUMTYPE</ReportBasis>                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ColDesc contains 2 attributes -->
        <!--    'colID' is required -->
        <ColDesc colID = "INTTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE">   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColTitle contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'titleRow' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <ColTitle titleRow = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColType may have one of the following values: Account, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, Addr5, Aging, Amount, AmountDifference, AverageCost, BilledDate, BillingStatus, Blank, CalculatedAmount, Class, ClearedStatus, CostPrice, CreateDate, Credit, CustomField, Date, Debit, DeliveryDate, DueDate, Duration, EarliestReceiptDate, EstimateActive, FOB, IncomeSubjectToTax, Item, ItemDesc, ItemVendor, Label, LastModifiedBy, Memo, ModifiedTime, Name, NameAccountNumber, NameAddress, NameCity, NameContact, NameEmail, NameFax, NamePhone, NameState, NameZip, OpenBalance, OriginalAmount, PaidAmount, PaidStatus, PaidThroughDate, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, Percent, PercentChange, PercentOfTotalRetail, PercentOfTotalValue, PhysicalCount, PONumber, PrintStatus, ProgressAmount, ProgressPercent, Quantity, QuantityAvailable, QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, QuantityOnSalesOrder, ReceivedQuantity, RefNumber, ReorderPoint, RetailValueOnHand, RunningBalance, SalesPerWeek, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipDate, ShipMethod, ShipToAddr1, ShipToAddr2, ShipToAddr3, ShipToAddr4, ShipToAddr5, SONumber, SourceName, SplitAccount, SSNOrTaxID, SuggestedReorder, TaxLine, Terms, Total, TxnNumber, TxnType, UnitPrice, ValueOnHand, WageBase, WageBaseTips -->
        <ReportData>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more DataRow OR TextRow OR SubtotalRow OR TotalRow -->
          <!-- DataRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <DataRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TextRow contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'rowNumber' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <TextRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/>
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- SubtotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <SubtotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <TotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- JobReportQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <JobReportQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ReportRet>                                           <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ReportBasis may have one of the following values: Cash, Accrual, None -->
        <ReportBasis>ENUMTYPE</ReportBasis>                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ColDesc contains 2 attributes -->
        <!--    'colID' is required -->
        <ColDesc colID = "INTTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE">   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColTitle contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'titleRow' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <ColTitle titleRow = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColType may have one of the following values: Account, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, Addr5, Aging, Amount, AmountDifference, AverageCost, BilledDate, BillingStatus, Blank, CalculatedAmount, Class, ClearedStatus, CostPrice, CreateDate, Credit, CustomField, Date, Debit, DeliveryDate, DueDate, Duration, EarliestReceiptDate, EstimateActive, FOB, IncomeSubjectToTax, Item, ItemDesc, ItemVendor, Label, LastModifiedBy, Memo, ModifiedTime, Name, NameAccountNumber, NameAddress, NameCity, NameContact, NameEmail, NameFax, NamePhone, NameState, NameZip, OpenBalance, OriginalAmount, PaidAmount, PaidStatus, PaidThroughDate, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, Percent, PercentChange, PercentOfTotalRetail, PercentOfTotalValue, PhysicalCount, PONumber, PrintStatus, ProgressAmount, ProgressPercent, Quantity, QuantityAvailable, QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, QuantityOnSalesOrder, ReceivedQuantity, RefNumber, ReorderPoint, RetailValueOnHand, RunningBalance, SalesPerWeek, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipDate, ShipMethod, ShipToAddr1, ShipToAddr2, ShipToAddr3, ShipToAddr4, ShipToAddr5, SONumber, SourceName, SplitAccount, SSNOrTaxID, SuggestedReorder, TaxLine, Terms, Total, TxnNumber, TxnType, UnitPrice, ValueOnHand, WageBase, WageBaseTips -->
        <ReportData>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more DataRow OR TextRow OR SubtotalRow OR TotalRow -->
          <!-- DataRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <DataRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TextRow contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'rowNumber' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <TextRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/>
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- SubtotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <SubtotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <TotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- TimeReportQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <TimeReportQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ReportRet>                                           <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ReportBasis may have one of the following values: Cash, Accrual, None -->
        <ReportBasis>ENUMTYPE</ReportBasis>                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ColDesc contains 2 attributes -->
        <!--    'colID' is required -->
        <ColDesc colID = "INTTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE">   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColTitle contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'titleRow' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <ColTitle titleRow = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColType may have one of the following values: Account, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, Addr5, Aging, Amount, AmountDifference, AverageCost, BilledDate, BillingStatus, Blank, CalculatedAmount, Class, ClearedStatus, CostPrice, CreateDate, Credit, CustomField, Date, Debit, DeliveryDate, DueDate, Duration, EarliestReceiptDate, EstimateActive, FOB, IncomeSubjectToTax, Item, ItemDesc, ItemVendor, Label, LastModifiedBy, Memo, ModifiedTime, Name, NameAccountNumber, NameAddress, NameCity, NameContact, NameEmail, NameFax, NamePhone, NameState, NameZip, OpenBalance, OriginalAmount, PaidAmount, PaidStatus, PaidThroughDate, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, Percent, PercentChange, PercentOfTotalRetail, PercentOfTotalValue, PhysicalCount, PONumber, PrintStatus, ProgressAmount, ProgressPercent, Quantity, QuantityAvailable, QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, QuantityOnSalesOrder, ReceivedQuantity, RefNumber, ReorderPoint, RetailValueOnHand, RunningBalance, SalesPerWeek, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipDate, ShipMethod, ShipToAddr1, ShipToAddr2, ShipToAddr3, ShipToAddr4, ShipToAddr5, SONumber, SourceName, SplitAccount, SSNOrTaxID, SuggestedReorder, TaxLine, Terms, Total, TxnNumber, TxnType, UnitPrice, ValueOnHand, WageBase, WageBaseTips -->
        <ReportData>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more DataRow OR TextRow OR SubtotalRow OR TotalRow -->
          <!-- DataRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <DataRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TextRow contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'rowNumber' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <TextRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/>
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- SubtotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <SubtotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <TotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- AgingReportQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <AgingReportQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ReportRet>                                           <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ReportBasis may have one of the following values: Cash, Accrual, None -->
        <ReportBasis>ENUMTYPE</ReportBasis>                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ColDesc contains 2 attributes -->
        <!--    'colID' is required -->
        <ColDesc colID = "INTTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE">   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColTitle contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'titleRow' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <ColTitle titleRow = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColType may have one of the following values: Account, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, Addr5, Aging, Amount, AmountDifference, AverageCost, BilledDate, BillingStatus, Blank, CalculatedAmount, Class, ClearedStatus, CostPrice, CreateDate, Credit, CustomField, Date, Debit, DeliveryDate, DueDate, Duration, EarliestReceiptDate, EstimateActive, FOB, IncomeSubjectToTax, Item, ItemDesc, ItemVendor, Label, LastModifiedBy, Memo, ModifiedTime, Name, NameAccountNumber, NameAddress, NameCity, NameContact, NameEmail, NameFax, NamePhone, NameState, NameZip, OpenBalance, OriginalAmount, PaidAmount, PaidStatus, PaidThroughDate, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, Percent, PercentChange, PercentOfTotalRetail, PercentOfTotalValue, PhysicalCount, PONumber, PrintStatus, ProgressAmount, ProgressPercent, Quantity, QuantityAvailable, QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, QuantityOnSalesOrder, ReceivedQuantity, RefNumber, ReorderPoint, RetailValueOnHand, RunningBalance, SalesPerWeek, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipDate, ShipMethod, ShipToAddr1, ShipToAddr2, ShipToAddr3, ShipToAddr4, ShipToAddr5, SONumber, SourceName, SplitAccount, SSNOrTaxID, SuggestedReorder, TaxLine, Terms, Total, TxnNumber, TxnType, UnitPrice, ValueOnHand, WageBase, WageBaseTips -->
        <ReportData>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more DataRow OR TextRow OR SubtotalRow OR TotalRow -->
          <!-- DataRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <DataRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TextRow contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'rowNumber' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <TextRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/>
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- SubtotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <SubtotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <TotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- GeneralDetailReportQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <GeneralDetailReportQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ReportRet>                                           <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ReportBasis may have one of the following values: Cash, Accrual, None -->
        <ReportBasis>ENUMTYPE</ReportBasis>                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ColDesc contains 2 attributes -->
        <!--    'colID' is required -->
        <ColDesc colID = "INTTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE">   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColTitle contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'titleRow' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <ColTitle titleRow = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColType may have one of the following values: Account, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, Addr5, Aging, Amount, AmountDifference, AverageCost, BilledDate, BillingStatus, Blank, CalculatedAmount, Class, ClearedStatus, CostPrice, CreateDate, Credit, CustomField, Date, Debit, DeliveryDate, DueDate, Duration, EarliestReceiptDate, EstimateActive, FOB, IncomeSubjectToTax, Item, ItemDesc, ItemVendor, Label, LastModifiedBy, Memo, ModifiedTime, Name, NameAccountNumber, NameAddress, NameCity, NameContact, NameEmail, NameFax, NamePhone, NameState, NameZip, OpenBalance, OriginalAmount, PaidAmount, PaidStatus, PaidThroughDate, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, Percent, PercentChange, PercentOfTotalRetail, PercentOfTotalValue, PhysicalCount, PONumber, PrintStatus, ProgressAmount, ProgressPercent, Quantity, QuantityAvailable, QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, QuantityOnSalesOrder, ReceivedQuantity, RefNumber, ReorderPoint, RetailValueOnHand, RunningBalance, SalesPerWeek, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipDate, ShipMethod, ShipToAddr1, ShipToAddr2, ShipToAddr3, ShipToAddr4, ShipToAddr5, SONumber, SourceName, SplitAccount, SSNOrTaxID, SuggestedReorder, TaxLine, Terms, Total, TxnNumber, TxnType, UnitPrice, ValueOnHand, WageBase, WageBaseTips -->
        <ReportData>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more DataRow OR TextRow OR SubtotalRow OR TotalRow -->
          <!-- DataRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <DataRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TextRow contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'rowNumber' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <TextRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/>
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- SubtotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <SubtotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <TotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- CustomDetailReportQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CustomDetailReportQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ReportRet>                                           <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ReportBasis may have one of the following values: Cash, Accrual, None -->
        <ReportBasis>ENUMTYPE</ReportBasis>                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ColDesc contains 2 attributes -->
        <!--    'colID' is required -->
        <ColDesc colID = "INTTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE">   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColTitle contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'titleRow' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <ColTitle titleRow = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColType may have one of the following values: Account, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, Addr5, Aging, Amount, AmountDifference, AverageCost, BilledDate, BillingStatus, Blank, CalculatedAmount, Class, ClearedStatus, CostPrice, CreateDate, Credit, CustomField, Date, Debit, DeliveryDate, DueDate, Duration, EarliestReceiptDate, EstimateActive, FOB, IncomeSubjectToTax, Item, ItemDesc, ItemVendor, Label, LastModifiedBy, Memo, ModifiedTime, Name, NameAccountNumber, NameAddress, NameCity, NameContact, NameEmail, NameFax, NamePhone, NameState, NameZip, OpenBalance, OriginalAmount, PaidAmount, PaidStatus, PaidThroughDate, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, Percent, PercentChange, PercentOfTotalRetail, PercentOfTotalValue, PhysicalCount, PONumber, PrintStatus, ProgressAmount, ProgressPercent, Quantity, QuantityAvailable, QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, QuantityOnSalesOrder, ReceivedQuantity, RefNumber, ReorderPoint, RetailValueOnHand, RunningBalance, SalesPerWeek, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipDate, ShipMethod, ShipToAddr1, ShipToAddr2, ShipToAddr3, ShipToAddr4, ShipToAddr5, SONumber, SourceName, SplitAccount, SSNOrTaxID, SuggestedReorder, TaxLine, Terms, Total, TxnNumber, TxnType, UnitPrice, ValueOnHand, WageBase, WageBaseTips -->
        <ReportData>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more DataRow OR TextRow OR SubtotalRow OR TotalRow -->
          <!-- DataRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <DataRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TextRow contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'rowNumber' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <TextRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/>
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- SubtotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <SubtotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <TotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- CustomSummaryReportQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <CustomSummaryReportQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <ReportRet>                                           <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ReportBasis may have one of the following values: Cash, Accrual, None -->
        <ReportBasis>ENUMTYPE</ReportBasis>                 <!-- opt -->
        <!-- ColDesc contains 2 attributes -->
        <!--    'colID' is required -->
        <ColDesc colID = "INTTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE">   <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColTitle contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'titleRow' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <ColTitle titleRow = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- rep (1 or more) -->
          <!-- ColType may have one of the following values: Account, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, Addr5, Aging, Amount, AmountDifference, AverageCost, BilledDate, BillingStatus, Blank, CalculatedAmount, Class, ClearedStatus, CostPrice, CreateDate, Credit, CustomField, Date, Debit, DeliveryDate, DueDate, Duration, EarliestReceiptDate, EstimateActive, FOB, IncomeSubjectToTax, Item, ItemDesc, ItemVendor, Label, LastModifiedBy, Memo, ModifiedTime, Name, NameAccountNumber, NameAddress, NameCity, NameContact, NameEmail, NameFax, NamePhone, NameState, NameZip, OpenBalance, OriginalAmount, PaidAmount, PaidStatus, PaidThroughDate, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, Percent, PercentChange, PercentOfTotalRetail, PercentOfTotalValue, PhysicalCount, PONumber, PrintStatus, ProgressAmount, ProgressPercent, Quantity, QuantityAvailable, QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, QuantityOnSalesOrder, ReceivedQuantity, RefNumber, ReorderPoint, RetailValueOnHand, RunningBalance, SalesPerWeek, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipDate, ShipMethod, ShipToAddr1, ShipToAddr2, ShipToAddr3, ShipToAddr4, ShipToAddr5, SONumber, SourceName, SplitAccount, SSNOrTaxID, SuggestedReorder, TaxLine, Terms, Total, TxnNumber, TxnType, UnitPrice, ValueOnHand, WageBase, WageBaseTips -->
        <ReportData>                                        <!-- opt -->
          <!-- BEGIN OR: You may have 1 or more DataRow OR TextRow OR SubtotalRow OR TotalRow -->
          <!-- DataRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <DataRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TextRow contains 2 attributes -->
          <!--    'rowNumber' is required -->
          <!--    'value' is optional -->
          <TextRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/>
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- SubtotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <SubtotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- OR -->
          <!-- TotalRow contains 1 required attribute: 'rowNumber' -->
          <TotalRow rowNumber = "INTTYPE">
            <!-- RowData contains 2 attributes -->
            <!--    'rowType' may have one of the following values: account, class, customer, customerMessage, customerType, employee, item, jobType, label, memorizedTxn, memorizedReport, name, otherName, paymentMethod, payrollItem, salesRep, salesTaxCode, shipMethod, state, style, terms, toDo, vendor, vendorType -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <RowData rowType = "ENUMTYPE" value = "STRTYPE"/> <!-- opt -->
            <!-- ColData contains 3 attributes -->
            <!--    'colID' is required -->
            <!--    'value' is optional -->
            <ColData colID = "INTTYPE" value = "STRTYPE" dataType = "ENUMTYPE"/> <!-- opt, may rep -->
          <!-- END OR -->
    <!-- DataExtDefAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DataExtDefAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <DataExtDefRet>                                       <!-- opt -->
        <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                         <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- AssignToObject may have one of the following values: Company, Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, Item, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
        <AssignToObject>ENUMTYPE</AssignToObject>           <!-- opt, may rep -->
    <!-- DataExtDefModRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DataExtDefModRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <DataExtDefRet>                                       <!-- opt -->
        <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                         <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- AssignToObject may have one of the following values: Company, Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, Item, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
        <AssignToObject>ENUMTYPE</AssignToObject>           <!-- opt, may rep -->
    <!-- DataExtDefDelRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DataExtDefDelRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <DataExtDefDelRet>                                    <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <TimeDeleted>DATETIMETYPE</TimeDeleted>             <!-- opt -->
    <!-- DataExtDefQueryRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DataExtDefQueryRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
      <DataExtDefRet>                                       <!-- opt, may rep -->
        <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                         <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
        <!-- AssignToObject may have one of the following values: Company, Account, Customer, Employee, OtherName, Vendor, Item, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
        <AssignToObject>ENUMTYPE</AssignToObject>           <!-- opt, may rep -->
    <!-- DataExtAddRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DataExtAddRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
        <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                         <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- DataExtModRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DataExtModRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
        <OwnerID>GUIDTYPE</OwnerID>                         <!-- opt -->
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- DataExtType may have one of the following values: INTTYPE, AMTTYPE, PRICETYPE, QUANTYPE, PERCENTTYPE, DATETIMETYPE, STR255TYPE, STR1024TYPE -->
    <!-- DataExtDelRs contains 4 attributes -->
    <!--    'requestID' is optional -->
    <!--    'statusCode' is required -->
    <!--    'statusSeverity' is required -->
    <!--    'statusMessage' is optional -->
    <DataExtDelRs requestID = "UUIDTYPE" statusCode = "INTTYPE" statusSeverity = "STRTYPE" statusMessage = "STRTYPE">
        <DataExtName>STRTYPE</DataExtName>                  <!-- QBD max = 31 -->
        <!-- BEGIN OR: You may optionally have  ( ListDataExtType AND ListObjRef )  OR ( TxnDataExtType AND TxnID )  OR OtherDataExtType -->
        <!-- ListDataExtType may have one of the following values: Customer, Vendor, Employee, OtherName, Item, Account -->
          <ListID>IDTYPE</ListID>                           <!-- opt -->
          <FullName>STRTYPE</FullName>                      <!-- opt -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <!-- TxnDataExtType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
        <!-- OtherDataExtType may have one of the following values: Company -->
        <!-- OR -->
        <OtherDataExtType>ENUMTYPE</OtherDataExtType>       <!--  not supported by QBD -->
        <!-- END OR -->
        <TimeDeleted>DATETIMETYPE</TimeDeleted>             <!-- opt -->