module Fog module Compute class XenServer module Models class Pool < Model # API Reference here: # provider_class :pool collection_name :pools identity :reference attribute :blobs attribute :description, :aliases => :name_description attribute :gui_config attribute :ha_allow_overcommit attribute :ha_configuration attribute :ha_enabled attribute :ha_host_failures_to_tolerate attribute :ha_overcommitted attribute :ha_plan_exists_for attribute :ha_statefiles attribute :name, :aliases => :name_label attribute :other_config attribute :redo_log_enabled attribute :redo_log_vdi attribute :restrictions attribute :tags attribute :uuid attribute :vswitch_controller attribute :wlb_enabled attribute :wlb_url attribute :wlb_username attribute :wlb_verify_cert has_one_identity :crash_dump_sr, :storage_repositories, :aliases => :crash_dump_SR, :as => :crash_dump_SR has_one_identity :default_sr, :storage_repositories, :aliases => :default_SR, :as => :default_SR has_one_identity :master, :hosts has_many_identities :metadata_vdis, :vdis, :aliases => :metadata_VDIs, :as => :metadata_VDIs has_one_identity :suspend_image_sr, :storage_repositories, :aliases => :suspend_image_SR, :as => :suspend_image_SR alias_method :default_storage_repository, :default_sr methods = %w{ certificate_install certificate_list certificate_sync certificate_uninstall create_vlan \ create_vlan_from_pif crl_install crl_list crl_uninstall designate_new_master disable_ha \ disable_redo_log emergency_reset_master emergency_transition_to_master enable_ha \ enable_redo_log ha_compute_hypothetical_max_host_failures_to_tolerate \ ha_compute_max_host_failures_to_tolerate ha_compute_vm_failover_plan \ ha_failover_plan_exists ha_prevent_restarts_for join join_force recover_slaves \ send_test_post set_vswitch_controller sync_database } # would be much simpler just call __callee__ on request without reference # instead of __method__ and set an alias for each method defined on # methods, just creating a method for each one, so we can keep compatability # with ruby 1.8.7 that does not have __callee__ methods.each do |method| define_method(method.to_sym) { |*args| service.send("#{__method__}_#{provider_class.downcase}", *args) } end end end end end end