module Aws class Mon < Aws::AwsBase include Aws::AwsBaseInterface #Amazon EC2 API version being used API_VERSION = "2009-05-15" DEFAULT_HOST = "" DEFAULT_PATH = '/' DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = 'https' DEFAULT_PORT = 443 # Available measures for EC2 instances: # NetworkIn NetworkOut DiskReadOps DiskWriteOps DiskReadBytes DiskWriteBytes CPUUtilization measures=%w(NetworkIn NetworkOut DiskReadOps DiskWriteOps DiskReadBytes DiskWriteBytes CPUUtilization) @@bench = def self.bench_xml @@bench.xml end def self.bench_ec2 @@bench.service end # Current API version (sometimes we have to check it outside the GEM). @@api = ENV['EC2_API_VERSION'] || API_VERSION def self.api @@api end def initialize(aws_access_key_id=nil, aws_secret_access_key=nil, params={}) init({ :name => 'MON', :default_host => ENV['MON_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['MON_URL']).host : DEFAULT_HOST, :default_port => ENV['MON_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['MON_URL']).port : DEFAULT_PORT, :default_service => ENV['MON_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['MON_URL']).path : DEFAULT_PATH, :default_protocol => ENV['MON_URL'] ? URI.parse(ENV['MON_URL']).scheme : DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, :api_version => API_VERSION }, aws_access_key_id || ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], aws_secret_access_key|| ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], params) end def generate_request(action, params={}) service_hash = {"Action" => action, "AWSAccessKeyId" => @aws_access_key_id, "Version" => @@api } service_hash.update(params) service_params = signed_service_params(@aws_secret_access_key, service_hash, :get, @params[:server], @params[:service]) # use POST method if the length of the query string is too large if service_params.size > 2000 if signature_version == '2' # resign the request because HTTP verb is included into signature service_params = signed_service_params(@aws_secret_access_key, service_hash, :post, @params[:server], @params[:service]) end request = request.body = service_params request['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' else request ="#{@params[:service]}?#{service_params}") end #puts "\n\n --------------- QUERY REQUEST TO AWS -------------- \n\n" #puts "#{@params[:service]}?#{service_params}\n\n" # prepare output hash { :request => request, :server => @params[:server], :port => @params[:port], :protocol => @params[:protocol] } end # Sends request to Amazon and parses the response # Raises AwsError if any banana happened def request_info(request, parser) conn = get_conn(:elb_connection, @params, @logger) request_info_impl(conn, @@bench, request, parser) end #----------------------------------------------------------------- # REQUESTS #----------------------------------------------------------------- def list_metrics(options={}) next_token = options[:next_token] || nil params = { } params['NextToken'] = next_token unless next_token.nil?"list Metrics ") link = generate_request("ListMetrics", params) resp = request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end # measureName: CPUUtilization (Units: Percent), NetworkIn (Units: Bytes), NetworkOut (Units: Bytes), DiskWriteOps (Units: Count) # DiskReadBytes (Units: Bytes), DiskReadOps (Units: Count), DiskWriteBytes (Units: Bytes) # stats: array containing one or more of Minimum, Maximum, Sum, Average, Samples # start_time : Timestamp to start # end_time: Timestamp to end # unit: Either Seconds, Percent, Bytes, Bits, Count, Bytes, Bits/Second, Count/Second, and None # # Optional parameters: # period: Integer 60 or multiple of 60 # dimensions: Hash containing keys ImageId, AutoScalingGroupName, InstanceId, InstanceType # customUnit: nil. not supported currently. # namespace: AWS/EC2 def get_metric_statistics ( measure_name, stats, start_time, end_time, unit, options={}) period = options[:period] || 60 dimensions = options[:dimensions] || nil custom_unit = options[:custom_unit] || nil namespace = options[:namespace] || "AWS/EC2" params = {} params['MeasureName'] = measure_name i=1 stats.each do |s| params['Statistics.member.'+i.to_s] = s i = i+1 end params['Period'] = period if (dimensions != nil) i = 1 dimensions.each do |k, v| params['Dimensions.member.'+i.to_s+".Name."+i.to_s] = k params['Dimensions.member.'+i.to_s+".Value."+i.to_s] = v i = i+1 end end params['StartTime'] = start_time params['EndTime'] = end_time params['Unit'] = unit #params['CustomUnit'] = customUnit always nil params['Namespace'] = namespace link = generate_request("GetMetricStatistics", params) resp = request_info(link, => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end #----------------------------------------------------------------- # PARSERS: Instances #----------------------------------------------------------------- class QMonGetMetricStatistics < Aws::AwsParser def reset @result = [] end def tagstart(name, attributes) @metric = {} if name == 'member' end def tagend(name) case name when 'Timestamp' then @metric[:timestamp] = @text when 'Samples' then @metric[:samples] = @text when 'Unit' then @metric[:unit] = @text when 'Average' then @metric[:average] = @text when 'Minimum' then @metric[:minimum] = @text when 'Maximum' then @metric[:maximum] = @text when 'Sum' then @metric[:sum] = @text when 'Value' then @metric[:value] = @text when 'member' then @result << @metric end end end class QMonListMetrics < Aws::AwsParser def reset @result = [] @namespace = "" @measure_name = "" end def tagstart(name, attributes) @metric = {} if name == 'member' end def tagend(name) case name when 'MeasureName' then @measure_name = @text when 'Namespace' then @namespace = @text when 'Name' then @metric[:name] = @text when 'Value' then @metric[:value] = @text when 'member' then @metric[:namespace] = @namespace @metric[:measure_name] = @measure_name @result << @metric end end end end end