# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path('spec/spec_helper') describe Ruco::TextArea do describe :move do describe 'pages' do it "can move down a page" do text = Ruco::TextArea.new("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n", :lines => 3, :columns => 3) text.move(:page_down) text.view.should == "3\n4\n5" text.cursor.should == [1,0] end it "keeps cursor position when moving down" do text = Ruco::TextArea.new("1\n2abc\n3\n4\n5ab\n6\n7\n8\n9\n", :lines => 3, :columns => 5) text.move(:to, 1,4) text.move(:page_down) text.view.should == "4\n5ab\n6" text.cursor.should == [1,3] end it "can move up a page" do text = Ruco::TextArea.new("0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n", :lines => 3, :columns => 3) text.move(:to, 4, 0) text.view.should == "3\n4\n5" text.cursor.should == [1,0] text.move(:page_up) text.view.should == "0\n1\n2" text.cursor.should == [1,0] end it "keeps column position when moving up" do text = Ruco::TextArea.new("0\n1\n2ab\n3\n4\n5abc\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10\n11\n", :lines => 3, :columns => 5) text.move(:to, 5, 3) text.view.should == "4\n5abc\n6" text.cursor.should == [1,3] text.move(:page_up) text.view.should == "1\n2ab\n3" text.cursor.should == [1,3] end it "moves pages symetric" do text = Ruco::TextArea.new("0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n", :lines => 3, :columns => 3) text.move(:to, 4, 1) text.view.should == "3\n4\n5" text.cursor.should == [1,1] text.move(:page_down) text.move(:page_down) text.move(:page_up) text.move(:page_up) text.cursor.should == [1,1] text.view.should == "3\n4\n5" end end end describe :insert do let(:text){Ruco::TextArea.new("", :lines => 3, :columns => 10)} describe "inserting surrounding characters" do xit "does nothing special when pasting" do text.insert("'bar'") text.view.should == "'bar'\n\n" text.cursor.should == [0,5] end xit "inserts a pair when just typing" do text.insert("'") text.view.should == "''\n\n" text.cursor.should == [0,1] end xit "closes the surround if only char in surround" do text.insert("'") text.insert("'") text.view.should == "''\n\n" text.cursor.should == [0,2] end xit "overwrites next if its the same" do text.insert("'bar'") text.move(:relative, 0,-1) text.insert("'") text.view.should == "'bar'\n\n" text.cursor.should == [0,5] end it "surrounds text when selecting" do text.insert('bar') text.move(:to, 0,0) text.selecting{ move(:to, 0,2) } text.insert("{") text.view.should == "{ba}r\n\n" text.cursor.should == [0,4] end it "does not surround text with closing char when selecting" do text.insert('bar') text.move(:to, 0,0) text.selecting{ move(:to, 0,2) } text.insert("}") text.view.should == "}r\n\n" text.cursor.should == [0,1] end it "replaces surrounding quotes" do text.insert('"bar"') text.move(:to, 0,0) text.selecting{ move(:to, 0,5) } text.insert("'") text.view.should == "'bar'\n\n" text.cursor.should == [0,5] end it "replace surrounding braces" do text.insert('(bar)') text.move(:to, 0,0) text.selecting{ move(:to, 0,5) } text.insert("'") text.view.should == "'bar'\n\n" text.cursor.should == [0,5] end it "does not replace when only one side has surrounding char" do text.insert("\"bar\"") text.move(:to, 0,0) text.selecting{ move(:to, 0,3) } text.insert("'") text.view.should == "'\"ba'r\"\n\n" text.cursor.should == [0,5] end it "expands selection when surrounding" do text.insert('bar') text.move(:to, 0,0) text.selecting{ move(:to, 0,2) } text.insert("{") text.view.should == "{ba}r\n\n" text.selection.should == ([0,0]..[0,4]) end it "keeps selection when replacing surround" do text.insert('"bar"') text.move(:to, 0,0) text.selecting{ move(:to, 0,5) } text.insert("'") text.view.should == "'bar'\n\n" text.selection.should == ([0,0]..[0,5]) end it "surrounds across lines" do text.insert("ab\ncd\nef") text.move(:to, 0,0) text.selecting{ move(:to, 1,0) } text.insert("'") text.view.should == "'ab\n'cd\nef" text.selection.should == ([0,0]..[1,1]) end end end if ''.respond_to?(:encoding) describe "encoding" do def build(encoding) Ruco::TextArea.new("asd".force_encoding(encoding), :lines => 3, :columns => 10) end it "upgrades ascii-8 to utf8" do build('ASCII-8BIT').lines.first.encoding.to_s.should == 'UTF-8' end it "upgrades ascii-7 to utf8" do build('US-ASCII').lines.first.encoding.to_s.should == 'UTF-8' end it "does not convert weird encodings to utf-8" do build('eucJP').lines.first.encoding.to_s.should == 'EUC-JP' end end end end