Do this to generate your change history git log --date=relative --pretty=format:' * %h - %s (%an, %ad)' ### 1.0.33 (13 March 2013) * 49456cc - Added the ability to configure modules that can be used in provider state definitions (Beth Skurrie, 75 ### 1.0.32 (11 March 2014) * 5a7cc36 - Adding as_json methods for diff indicators (index/key not found/unexpected) (Beth Skurrie, 2 days ago) ### 1.0.31 (11 March 2013) * e109722 - Fixed output of pact:verify failures when active_support is loaded (Beth Skurrie, 2 days ago) * 90d62fb - Returning a json error with a backtrace when a StandardError occurs in the MockServer, in an at * 044cc71 - Using PATH_INFO instead of REQUEST_PATH as recommended by Rack spec - REQUEST_PATH isn't offici * e40d785 - Using webrick instead of thin to run pact service as thin does not work on jruby (Beth Skurrie, 9 days * ec732de - use puma instead of then as that gem works on JRuby (Ronald Holshausen, 9 days ago) * 8720da9 - removed ruby head from travis config as event machine gem is not building on it (Ronald Holshau * d46f712 - removed JRuby from config as JRubests can now use the pact-jvm (Ronald Holshausen, 9 * a1b0796 - Merge pull request #5 from jessedc/patch-1 (Ronald Holshausen, 9 days ago) * bd1f9ed - Update link to DiUS repository. (Jesse Collis, 9 days ago) * 5cbe40b - Added Shokkenki link and a Google form link. (Beth Skurrie, 2 weeks ago) * 284481e - Updating example spec (Beth Skurrie, 2 weeks ago) * 346cd57 - Fixed SomethingModel example code. (Beth Skurrie, 2 weeks ago) * ac37919 - Adding terminology and 'reasons why pact is good' (Beth Skurrie, 10 weeks ago) * 49923c6 - Added FAQ about non ruby codebases. (Beth Skurrie, 2 months ago) * cba6409 - Splitting up the REAME into more manageable chunks (Beth Skurrie, 2 months ago) * 115e786 - Added diagram to help explain testing with pact (Beth Skurrie, 2 months ago) * 8962afe - Using Pact::DSL for provider states (Beth Skurrie, 3 months ago) * 77d087f - Added helper method for mock service base URL (Beth Skurrie, 3 months ago) * 0e7e249 - Updated example app with latest good practise pact code (Beth Skurrie, 3 months ago) * bf225c6 - Added documentation for standalone mock server (Beth Skurrie, 3 months ago) ### 1.0.30 (17 December 2013) * c8278c7 - Added thin into the gemspec for pact standalone mock server (Beth Skurrie, 2 minutes ago) ### 1.0.29 (12 December 2013) * 8ffde69 - Providing before :all like functionality using before :each to get the dual benefits of faster tests and the ability to use stubbing (Beth Skurrie, 53 seconds ago) * d30a78b - Added test to ensure rspec stubbing always works (Beth Skurrie, 15 hours ago) ### 1.0.28 (11 December 2013) * 24f9ea0 - Changed provider set up and tear down back to running in before :each, as rspec stubbing is not supported in before :all (Beth Skurrie, 15 seconds ago) * 825e787 - Fixing failing tests (Beth Skurrie, 4 hours ago) * fb6a1c8 - Moving ProviderState collection into its own class (Beth Skurrie, 6 hours ago) ### 1.0.27 (10 December 2013) * 388fc7b - Changing provider set up and tear down to run before :all rather than before :each (Beth Skurrie, 13 minutes ago) * 06b5626 - Updating TODO list in the README. (Beth Skurrie, 25 hours ago) * 823f306 - Update (Beth Skurrie, 32 hours ago) * 7d96017 - Improving layout of text diff message (Beth Skurrie, 2 days ago) * 9c88c3a - Working on a new way to display the diff between an expected and actual request/response (Beth Skurrie, 2 days ago) * ff2c448 - Added a Difference class instead of a hash with :expected and :actual (Beth Skurrie, 2 days ago) * b34457c - Moved all missing provider state templates into the one message at the end of the test so it's easier to digest and can be copied directly into a file. (Beth Skurrie, 2 * 1729887 - Moving ProviderStateProxy on to Pact World (Beth Skurrie, 3 days ago) * c53cb4d - Starting to add Pact::World (Beth Skurrie, 4 days ago) * f7af9e2 - Recording missing provider states (Beth Skurrie, 4 days ago) * 4caa171 - Starting work on ProviderStateProxy - intent is for it to record missing and unused states to report at the end of the pact:verify (Beth Skurrie, 4 days ago) ### 1.0.26 (5 December 2013) * e4be654 - BEST COMMIT TO PACT EVER since the introduction of pact:verify. Got rid of the horrific backtraces. (Beth Skurrie, 5 hours ago) * 2810db7 - Updated README to point to realestate-com-au travis CI build (Ronald Holshausen, 28 hours ago) * bfa357a - Update (Beth Skurrie, 30 hours ago) ### 1.0.25 (4 December 2013) * 20dd5fa - Updated the homepage in gemspec (Beth Skurrie, 4 minutes ago) ### 1.0.24 (4 December 2013) * fd30d36 - Merge branch 'master' of (Beth Skurrie, 13 minutes ago) * 45430b1 - Whoops; use actual latest ruby p484, not p448 (Daniel Heath, 18 hours ago) * 9a999ad - Specify a non-compromised version of ruby in .ruby-version (Daniel Heath, 18 hours ago) * bb8d4d9 - Merge pull request #13 from stevenfarlie/update-awesome-print (Ronald Holshausen, 20 hours ago) * 6582d15 - Allow newer awesome_print versions (Steven Farlie, 2 days ago) ### 1.0.23 (29 November 2013) * a978654 - Improving the display of verification errors in the consumer project. (Beth Skurrie, 2 days ago) ### 1.0.22 (25 November 2013) * f742833 - Updating README (Beth Skurrie, 36 seconds ago) * ec0d9e2 - Refactor config_ru lambda (Beth Skurrie, 8 minutes ago) * 5cb5702 - Added code to use app in if non is specified as per (Beth Skurrie, 10 minutes ago) ### 1.0.21 (25 November 2013) * f810795 - add jruby 2.0 to travis (Ronald Holshausen, 4 days ago) * 65e0ea2 - dropped rbx as it was failing in a crazy way (Ronald Holshausen, 4 days ago) * 1403594 - added ruby 2 to travis (Ronald Holshausen, 4 days ago) * c72662e - rbx requires the rubysl-thwait gem (Ronald Holshausen, 4 days ago) * 70745dc - require webrick (Ronald Holshausen, 4 days ago) * 43110ad - removed thin as a runtime dependancy as it is not supported on all rubies (Ronald Holshausen, 4 days ago) * d4eea58 - dropped all rubies < 1.9.3 (Ronald Holshausen, 4 days ago) * cb312b5 - removed debugger as a development dependancy as it will not build on all rubies (Ronald Holshausen, 4 days ago) * 872c649 - removed ruby 1.9.2 as active support does not active support it (Ronald Holshausen, 4 days ago) * 1930269 - added travis CI for the uglyog repo (Ronald Holshausen, 4 days ago) * 7750ee1 - added travis build status image (Ronald Holshausen, 5 days ago) * 9f72b31 - added travis build status image (Ronald Holshausen, 5 days ago) * d9be65b - Added .travis.yml (Beth Skurrie, 6 days ago) * e7a7e7b - Refactoring pact_helper loading. (Beth Skurrie, 6 days ago) * 0224d36 - Only log loading of pact_helper once (Beth Skurrie, 6 days ago) * 0123207 - Updating gemspec description (Beth Skurrie, 7 days ago) * 697cbdc - Updating (Beth Skurrie, 4 weeks ago) * ca79968 - Investigating Rack and HTTP headers in response to Updated tests and README with info on multiple headers with the same name. (B * 01f0b9a - Updating README (Beth Skurrie, 4 weeks ago) ### 1.0.20 (29 October 2013) * c03f34f - Fixed the pretty generation of JSON when active support is loaded. It is both a sad and a happy moment. (Beth Skurrie, 7 minutes ago) ### 1.0.19 (29 October 2013) * e4b990e - Gsub '-' to '_' in request headers. (Sebastian Glazebrook, 4 minutes ago) * 52ac8f8 - Added documentation for PACT_DESCRIPTION and PACT_PROVIDER_STATE to README. (Beth Skurrie, 13 hours ago) ### 1.0.18 (29 October 2013) * f2892d4 - Fixed bug where an exception is thrown when a key is not found and is attempted to be matched to a regexp (Beth Skurrie, 60 seconds ago) ### 1.0.17 (29 October 2013) * 74bdf09 - Added missing require for Regexp json deserialisation (Beth Skurrie, 3 minutes ago) * d69482e - Removed JsonWarning for ActiveSupport JSON. (Beth Skurrie, 3 hours ago) * 5f72720 - Fixing ALL THE REGEXPS that ActiveSupport JSON broke. The pact gem should now serialise and deserialise its own JSON properly even when ActiveSupport is loaded by the call * c3e6430 - Added parsing to best practices. (Beth Skurrie, 9 hours ago) * ae3a70f - DRYing up pact file reading code. (Beth Skurrie, 11 hours ago) * dc83557 - Fixing VerificationTask spec (Beth Skurrie, 11 hours ago) * bae379c - Added consumer name, provider name and request method to output of rspec. (Beth Skurrie, 12 hours ago) * 89c2620 - Adding spec filtering using PACT_DESCRIPTION and PACT_PROVIDER_STATE to pact:verify and pact:verify:at tasks. (Beth Skurrie, 28 hours ago) * 7ab43a9 - Adding puts to show when pact:verify specs are being filtered. (Beth Skurrie, 28 hours ago) ### 1.0.16 (28 October 2013) * ce0d102 - Fixing specs after adding pact_helper and changing producer_state to provider_state. There is no producer here any more! Naughty producer. (Beth Skurrie, 71 seconds ago) * 90f7203 - Fixing bug where RSpec world was not cleared between pact:verify tasks. (Beth Skurrie, 16 minutes ago) * b323336 - Fixed bug where pact_helper option was not being passed into the PactSpecRunner from the task configuration (Beth Skurrie, 4 hours ago) * b1e78f5 - Added environment variable support. (Sergei Matheson, 3 days ago) * 2b9f39a - Allow match criteria to be passed through to pact:verify tasks on command line (Sergei Matheson, 3 days ago) * 2241f29 - Un-deprecating the support_file functionality after having discovered a valid use for it (project that contains two rack apps that have a pact with each other). Renamed op * c94fc13 - Updating example provider state (Beth Skurrie, 4 days ago) * 6900f39 - Updating README with better client class example (Beth Skurrie, 5 days ago) * e41f755 - Update (bskurrie, 5 days ago) * 2abcce4 - Adding to pact best practices. (Beth Skurrie, 5 days ago) ### 1.0.15 (22 October 2013) * 6800a58 - Updating README with latest TODOs (Beth Skurrie, 2 hours ago) * 99a6827 - Improving logging in pact:verify. Fixing bug where Pact log level was ignored. (Beth Skurrie, 3 hours ago) * 5434f54 - Updating README with best practice and information on the :pact => :verify metadata. (Beth Skurrie, 4 hours ago) * 16dd2be - Adding :pact => :verify to pact:verify rspec examples for (Beth Skurrie, 5 hours ago) ### 1.0.14 (22 October 2013) * 406e746 - Added a template for the provider state when no provider state is found (Beth Skurrie, 9 minutes ago) * 1f58be8 - Adding error messages when set_up or tear_down are not defined, and added no_op as a way to avoid having to use an empty set_up block when there is no data to set up (Beth) * 78d3999 - Merge pull request #2 from stuliston/json_warning_minor_refactor (Ronald Holshausen, 18 hours ago) * be4a466 - Altering JsonWarning so that it only warns once. Added spec to confirm that's the case. (Stuart Liston, 21 hours ago) * 3b11b42 - Fixing the issue where a method defined in global scope could not be accessed in the DSL delegation code (Beth Skurrie, 11 days ago) ### 1.0.13 (10 October 2013) * Fixed bug deserialising Pact::SomethingLike [Beth Skurrie] ### 1.0.12 (9 October 2013) * Changing default pactfile_write_mode to :overwrite, and adding :smart option to dynamically determine whether rake is running. [Beth Skurrie] ### 1.0.11 (26 September 2013) * Added X-Pact-Mock-Service headers to all mock service administration requests, reducing the risk of the client project making a request that is unintentionally intercepted by the mock service administration handlers. [Beth Skurrie] ### 1.0.10 (24 September 2013) * Removing unused requires [Beth Skurrie, 20 hours ago] * Adding example changes [Beth Skurrie, 20 hours ago] * Cleaning up provider configuration DSL. [Beth Skurrie, 6 days ago] * Cleaned up consumer configuration DSL. [Beth Skurrie, 6 days ago] * Splitting MockService request handlers into their own separate files. Divide and conquer... [Beth Skurrie, 6 days ago] * Improving logging in mock service. [Beth Skurrie, 6 days ago] * Cleaned up interaction list test. [Beth Skurrie, 6 days ago] * Added better messages for matching when arrays are of different lengths. [Beth Skurrie, 6 days ago] * Refactoring the Request world. Put each sub class of Request into it's relevant module. [Beth Skurrie, 6 days ago] * Renaming request.match to request.matches? [Beth Skurrie, 7 days ago] * Commenting and cleaning code. [Beth Skurrie, 7 days ago] * Removed horrible as_json_for_mock_service method and created new class to do the same thing. [Beth Skurrie, 7 days ago] * Moving rake task files into tasks directory. [Beth Skurrie, 7 days ago] * Moving request file into consumer_contract folder. [Beth Skurrie, 7 days ago] * Symbolizing keys so from_hash does not have to duplicate so much of the constructor methods. Service provider is now mandatory. [Beth Skurrie, 7 days ago] * Removed Hashie from run time dependencies. [Beth Skurrie, 7 days ago] * Starting to clean up mock service. Adding integration tests for failure scenarios. [Beth Skurrie, 7 days ago] * Added RSpec fire to ensure stubbed methods exist. Pulled the recreation of a repayable request from an expected request out of the TestHelper into its own class. [Beth Skurrie, 7 days ago] * Fixed problem where methods in previous scope could not be accessed by the DSL delegator [Beth Skurrie] ### 1.0.9 (16 September 2013) * Fixing pretty generate of json [Beth Skurrie] * Fixed missing require [Beth Skurrie] ### 1.0.8 (13 September 2013) * Added validation to ensure that a Term has both a matcher and a generate value, and that the value to generate matches the given regular expression [Beth Skurrie] * Added the SomethingLike class that does a structure diff on anything contianed within in it. Will change the name when we can think of something better! [Beth Skurrie, Greg Dziemidowicz] ### 1.0.7 (11 September 2013) * Allow request query to be a Pact Term. [Seb Glazebrook] ### 1.0.6 (11 September 2013) * Made reports dir configurable [Beth Skurrie] * Changed the way the pact files are configured. They are now in the Pact.service_provider block in the pact_helper file. Require 'pact/tasks' in the Rakefile and run 'rake pact:verify' instead of setting up custom tasks. [Beth Skurrie] ### 1.0.5 (6 September 2013) * Added verification reports when running rake pact:verify:xxx [Latheesh Padukana, Beth Skurrie] * Changed pact:verify failure message to display in red [Latheesh Padukana, Beth Skurrie] ### 1.0.4 (6 September 2013) * Added pact/tasks as an easy way to load the rake tasks and classes into the client project [Beth Skurrie] * Removed unused rake_task.rb file [Beth Skurrie] ### 1.0.3 (5 September 2013) * pact_helper.rb is located and loaded automatically if a support_file is not defined in a pact:verify task [Beth Skurrie]