<% public_email = @old_cfg['public_email'] private_email = @old_cfg['private_email'] ml_url = @old_cfg['ml_url'] git_doc = 'https://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/' se_url = "#{git_doc}git-send-email.html" rp_url = "#{git_doc}git-request-pull.html" if public_email && private_email && ml_url %>

We love to hear from you!
Email patches (using git send-email), pull requests (formatted using git request-pull), questions, bug reports, suggestions, etc. to us publically at:
<%= public_email %>
Mail archives are available at: <%= ml_url %>
Please send plain-text email only and do not waste bandwidth on HTML mail, HTML mail will not be read.
Quote as little as reasonable and do not top post.
For sensitive topics, email us privately at: <%= private_email %><% end %>