= Change route path
You can change the URL path of any Rodauth route by overriding the
corresponding *_route method:
plugin :rodauth do
enable :login, :logout, :create_account, :reset_password
# Change login route to "/signin"
login_route "signin"
# Change redirect when login is required to "/signin"
require_login_redirect { login_path }
# Change create account route to "/register"
create_account_route "register"
# Change password reset request route to "/reset-password/request"
reset_password_request_route "reset-password/request"
If you want to add a prefix to all Rodauth routes, you should use the +prefix+
plugin :rodauth do
enable :login, :logout
# Use /auth prefix to each Rodauth route
prefix "/auth"
route do |r|
r.on "auth" do
# Serve Rodauth routes under the /auth branch of the routing tree
# ...
There are cases where you may want to disable certain routes. For example, you
may want to enable the create_account feature to allow creating admins, but
only make it possible programmatically via internal requests. In this case,
you should set the corresponding *_route method to +nil+:
plugin :rodauth, name: :admin do
enable :create_account
# disable the /create-account route
create_account_route nil