### # wxRuby3 wxWidgets interface director # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands ### require_relative './window' module WXRuby3 class Director class TreeCtrl < Window include Typemap::TreeItemId def setup spec.post_processors << :fixtreectrl spec.items.replace %w[wxTreeCtrl treebase.h] spec.override_inheritance_chain('wxTreeCtrl', %w[wxControl wxWindow wxEvtHandler wxObject]) # mixin WithImages spec.include_mixin 'wxTreeCtrl', 'Wx::WithImages' spec.ignore('operator!=', 'operator==') spec.include 'wx/dirctrl.h' # These only differ from SetXXXList in the way memory ownership is # transferred. So only support the version that won't leak on wxRuby. spec.ignore %w[ wxTreeCtrl::AssignButtonsImageList wxTreeCtrl::AssignStateImageList wxTreeCtrl::GetFirstChild wxTreeCtrl::GetNextChild ] # these are potentially involved in GC mark phase so # we can't have them redirecting to Ruby calls spec.no_proxy %w[ wxTreeCtrl::GetRootItem wxTreeCtrl::ItemHasChildren wxTreeCtrl::GetFirstVisibleItem wxTreeCtrl::GetItemParent wxTreeCtrl::GetPrevSibling wxTreeCtrl::GetNextSibling wxTreeCtrl::GetItemData wxTreeCtrl::IsVisible wxTreeCtrl::GetBoundingRect ] # as the above can't be proxied it doesn not really make # sense to allow these spec.no_proxy %w[ wxTreeCtrl::SetItemData wxTreeCtrl::GetNextVisible wxTreeCtrl::GetPrevVisible wxTreeCtrl::GetLastChild wxTreeCtrl::SetItemHasChildren wxTreeCtrl::AddRoot wxTreeCtrl::GetFocusedItem wxTreeCtrl::GetSelection ] if Config.instance.features_set?('wxHAS_LAST_VISIBLE') spec.no_proxy 'wxTreeCtrl::GetLastVisible' end # simply a nuisance to support spec.no_proxy %w[ wxTreeCtrl::GetEditControl wxTreeCtrl::EndEditLabel ] # for now, ignore this version as the added customization features # do not work as yet and may cause us more trouble than it's worth spec.ignore 'wxTreeCtrl::EditLabel' # add simplified non-virtual version spec.add_extend_code 'wxTreeCtrl', <<~__HEREDOC void EditLabel(const wxTreeItemId &item) { // route to original method (void)self->EditLabel(item); } __HEREDOC if [:wxMSW, :wxQT].include?(Config.instance.wx_port) spec.ignore('wxTreeCtrl::SetButtonsImageList') spec.ignore('wxTreeCtrl::GetButtonsImageList') end # these reimplemented window base methods need to be properly wrapped but # are missing from the XML docs spec.extend_interface('wxTreeCtrl', 'virtual bool SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour)', 'virtual bool SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& colour)', 'virtual void Refresh(bool eraseBackground = true, const wxRect *rect = NULL)', 'virtual bool SetFont( const wxFont &font )', 'virtual void SetWindowStyleFlag(long styles)', 'virtual void OnInternalIdle()') # see below spec.ignore 'wxTreeCtrl::InsertItem(const wxTreeItemId &,size_t,const wxString &,int,int,wxTreeItemData *)' # Dealt with below spec.ignore 'wxTreeCtrl::GetSelections' # Typemap to return the flags in hit_test spec.map_apply 'int *OUTPUT' => 'int& flags' # ITEM DATA fixes - This is done so the API user never sees a # TreeItemData object - where in Wx C++ such an object # would be passed or returned by a method, any Ruby object may be used. spec.add_header_code <<~__HEREDOC class wxRbTreeItemData : public wxTreeItemData { public: wxRbTreeItemData(VALUE obj = Qnil) { m_obj = obj; } VALUE GetRubyObject() { return m_obj; } void SetRubyObject(VALUE obj) { m_obj = obj; } protected: VALUE m_obj; }; __HEREDOC # typemaps for setting and getting ruby objects as itemdata. spec.map 'wxTreeItemData*' => 'Object' do map_in code: '$1 = new wxRbTreeItemData($input);' map_directorin code: <<~__CODE wxRbTreeItemData* ruby_item_data = (wxRbTreeItemData *)$1; $input = ruby_item_data->GetRubyObject(); __CODE map_out code: <<~__CODE if ( $1 == NULL ) { $result = Qnil; } else { wxRbTreeItemData* ruby_item_data = (wxRbTreeItemData *)$1; $result = ruby_item_data->GetRubyObject(); } __CODE end # End item data fixes # GC handling for item data objects. These are static because it avoids # having to wrap a complete subclass spec.add_header_code <<~__HEREDOC extern VALUE mWxTreeItemId; extern VALUE _wxRuby_Wrap_wxTreeItemId(const wxTreeItemId& id); extern wxTreeItemId _wxRuby_Unwrap_wxTreeItemId(VALUE id); // general recursion over a treectrl, starting from a base_id // the function rec_func will be called in turn for each tree item, // rec_func should be a funtion that receives a treectrl pointer and an ItemId static void RecurseOverTreeIds(wxTreeCtrl *tree_ctrl, const wxTreeItemId& base_id, void(*rec_func)(void *, const wxTreeItemId&) ) { if (!base_id.IsOk()) return; rec_func(tree_ctrl, base_id); // recurse through children if (tree_ctrl->ItemHasChildren(base_id)) { wxTreeItemIdValue cookie; wxTreeItemId child = tree_ctrl->GetFirstChild(base_id, cookie); while (child.IsOk()) { RecurseOverTreeIds(tree_ctrl, child, *rec_func); child = tree_ctrl->GetNextChild(base_id, cookie); } } } // Only really useful for HIDDEN_ROOT style; manually detect the first // root-like item. static wxTreeItemId FindFirstRoot(wxTreeCtrl *tree_ctrl) { wxTreeItemId base_id = tree_ctrl->GetFirstVisibleItem(); if (base_id.IsOk()) { wxTreeItemId prev_id = tree_ctrl->GetItemParent(base_id); wxTreeItemId root_id = tree_ctrl->GetRootItem(); while ( prev_id.IsOk() && prev_id != root_id ) { base_id = prev_id; prev_id = tree_ctrl->GetItemParent(base_id); } prev_id = tree_ctrl->GetPrevSibling(base_id); while ( prev_id.IsOk() ) { base_id = prev_id; prev_id = tree_ctrl->GetPrevSibling(base_id); } } return base_id; } // Safe version of recursion from base across all contained items that // works whether or not the TreeCtrl has the TR_HIDE_ROOT // style. Required to ensure that marking of item data is done // correctly for hidden-root treectrls. static void RecurseFromRoot(wxTreeCtrl *tree_ctrl, void(*rec_func)(void *, const wxTreeItemId&) ) { // straightforward if ((tree_ctrl->GetWindowStyle() & wxTR_HIDE_ROOT) != wxTR_HIDE_ROOT) { RecurseOverTreeIds(tree_ctrl, tree_ctrl->GetRootItem(), *rec_func); return; } else // Find the top-left most item, then recurse over it and siblings { wxTreeItemId base_id = FindFirstRoot(tree_ctrl); if (base_id.IsOk()) { // now do recursion RecurseOverTreeIds(tree_ctrl, base_id, *rec_func); while ((base_id = tree_ctrl->GetNextSibling(base_id)).IsOk()) RecurseOverTreeIds(tree_ctrl, base_id, *rec_func); } return; } } // Recursively-called function to implement of TreeCtrl#traverse static void DoTreeCtrlYielding(void *ptr, const wxTreeItemId& item_id) { // wrap and give to ruby rb_yield(_wxRuby_Wrap_wxTreeItemId(item_id)); } // Recursively-called function to do GC marking of itemdata for every // tree item static void DoGCMarkItemData(void *ptr, const wxTreeItemId& item_id) { wxTreeCtrl* tree_ctrl = (wxTreeCtrl*) ptr; // check if there's item data, and mark it wxRbTreeItemData* ruby_item_data = (wxRbTreeItemData *)tree_ctrl->GetItemData(item_id); if (ruby_item_data != NULL) { VALUE ruby_obj = ruby_item_data->GetRubyObject(); rb_gc_mark(ruby_obj); } } // SWIG's entry point function for GC mark static void GC_mark_wxTreeCtrl(void *ptr) { if ( GC_IsWindowDeleted(ptr) ) return; // Do standard marking routines as for all wxWindows GC_mark_wxWindow(ptr); wxTreeCtrl* tree_ctrl = (wxTreeCtrl*) ptr; wxImageList* img_list; // First check if there's ImageLists and mark if found img_list = tree_ctrl->GetImageList(); if ( img_list ) rb_gc_mark(SWIG_RubyInstanceFor(img_list)); #if !defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXQT__) img_list = tree_ctrl->GetButtonsImageList(); if ( img_list ) rb_gc_mark(SWIG_RubyInstanceFor(img_list)); #endif img_list = tree_ctrl->GetStateImageList(); if ( img_list ) rb_gc_mark(SWIG_RubyInstanceFor(img_list)); // Stop here if it's a TreeCtrl belonging to a GenericDirCtrl, as // the item data aren't ruby objects wxWindow* parent = tree_ctrl->GetParent(); if ( parent->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO(wxGenericDirCtrl) ) ) return; // Otherwise proceed and GC mark the item data objects associated // with the TreeCtrl RecurseFromRoot(tree_ctrl, &DoGCMarkItemData); } __HEREDOC spec.add_swig_code '%markfunc wxTreeCtrl "GC_mark_wxTreeCtrl";' spec.add_extend_code 'wxTreeCtrl', <<~__HEREDOC // The C++ interface uses a "cookie" to enable iteration over the // children. This is not very rubyish. // Change signature so it only accepts a root TreeItemId and returns // an array of the child TreeItemId and the cookie, as Ruby Fixnums. VALUE get_first_child(const wxTreeItemId& item) { void* cookie = 0; wxTreeItemId ret_item = self->GetFirstChild(item, cookie); VALUE array = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(array, _wxRuby_Wrap_wxTreeItemId(ret_item)); rb_ary_push(array,LL2NUM((int64_t)cookie)); return array; } // Change signature so it accepts a TreeItemId and Ruby cookie value // and returns an array of the next child TreeItemId and the cookie // as Ruby Fixnums. VALUE get_next_child(const wxTreeItemId& item, long long rbcookie) { void* cookie = (void*)rbcookie; wxTreeItemId ret_item = self->GetNextChild(item, cookie); VALUE array = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(array, _wxRuby_Wrap_wxTreeItemId(ret_item)); rb_ary_push(array,LL2NUM((long long)cookie)); return array; } // Return an array of root items; mainly useful for TR_HIDE_ROOT // style where there are multiple root-like items, and GetItemRoot // doesn't work properly VALUE get_root_items() { VALUE rb_tree_ids = rb_ary_new(); if ( self->GetWindowStyle() & wxTR_HIDE_ROOT ) { wxTreeItemId base_id = FindFirstRoot(self); // now do recursion while (base_id.IsOk()) { rb_ary_push(rb_tree_ids, _wxRuby_Wrap_wxTreeItemId(base_id)); base_id = self->GetNextSibling(base_id); } } // Standard single-root TreeCtrl else { rb_ary_push(rb_tree_ids, _wxRuby_Wrap_wxTreeItemId(self->GetRootItem())); } return rb_tree_ids; } // Just return a simple array in ruby VALUE get_selections() { VALUE rb_tree_ids = rb_ary_new(); wxArrayTreeItemIds tree_ids = wxArrayTreeItemIds(); size_t sel_count = self->GetSelections(tree_ids); for ( size_t i = 0; i < sel_count; i++ ) { rb_ary_push(rb_tree_ids, _wxRuby_Wrap_wxTreeItemId(tree_ids.Item(i))); } return rb_tree_ids; } // Changed this version of insert_item to insert_item_before so SWIG // does not get confused between the 2 method signatures // This behaviour matches that used by wxPython. wxTreeItemId insert_item_before(const wxTreeItemId& parent, size_t index, const wxString& text, int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1, wxTreeItemData *data = NULL) { return self->InsertItem(parent,index,text,image,selectedImage,data); } // Loop over the items in the TreeCtrl, starting from the item // identified by start_id, passing the id of each item into the // passed ruby block. Starts from root and covers all if no arg. VALUE traverse( VALUE start_id = Qnil ) { if ( start_id == Qnil ) RecurseFromRoot(self, &DoTreeCtrlYielding); else { wxTreeItemId base_id = _wxRuby_Unwrap_wxTreeItemId(start_id); if (!base_id.IsOk()) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Invalid tree identifier"); else RecurseOverTreeIds(self, base_id, &DoTreeCtrlYielding); } return Qnil; } __HEREDOC super end end # class TreeCtrl end # class Director module SwigRunner class Processor # special post-processor for TreeCtrl class Fixtreectrl < Processor def run director_found = false update_source do |line| # Ugly: special fixes for TreeCtrl - these macros and extra funcs # are needed to allow user-defined sorting to work # default ctor needed for Swig::Director if line["Director(VALUE self) : swig_self(self), swig_disown_flag(false)"] line = " Director() { } // added by fixmodule.rb \n" + line end if line["SwigDirector_wxTreeCtrl::SwigDirector_wxTreeCtrl(VALUE self)"] line = "IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(SwigDirector_wxTreeCtrl, wxTreeCtrl);\n" + line director_found = true end line end if director_found # We also need to tweak the header file update_header do |line| if line.strip == 'public:' line << "\nSwigDirector_wxTreeCtrl() {};" elsif /\A};/ =~ line line = <<~__HEREDOC private: DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(SwigDirector_wxTreeCtrl); }; __HEREDOC end line end end end end # class Fixtreectrl end end end # module WXRuby3