class User < Auth::User include Mongoid::Document include Auth::Concerns::UserConcern include Auth::Concerns::SmsOtpConcern field :name, type: String create_es_index(INDEX_DEFINITION) ##FUNCTION OVERRIDEN FROM THE USER CONCERN TO FORMAT AND PARSE THE ADDITIONAL_LOGIN_PARAM. ##here we are processing it assuming it is a mobile number ##the regex is the same one used on the javascript side as well. def additional_login_param_format if !additional_login_param.blank? if additional_login_param =~/^([0]\+[0-9]{1,5})?([7-9][0-9]{9})$/ else errors.add(:additional_login_param,"please enter a valid mobile number") end end end ################ ## ## OVERRIDE SMS OTP METHODS ## auth/app/models/auth/concerns/sms_otp_concern.rb ## ################ def send_sms_otp super OtpJob.perform_later([,,"send_sms_otp"]) end def verify_sms_otp(otp) super(otp) ## will need to pass the request_send_password_link here. as well. OtpJob.perform_later([,,"verify_sms_otp",JSON.generate({:otp => otp})]) end def check_otp_errors ## should make a call to the two factor otp check_errors class method, passing in self. Auth::TwoFactorOtp.resource = self Auth::TwoFactorOtp.check_errors end =begin def send_reset_password_instructions token = set_reset_password_token send_reset_password_instructions_notification(token) puts "token is: #{token}" token end =end ## only will work as long as you specify a default queue adapter at the application level, otherwise defaults to inline which basically means that it will block till email is sent. ## refer: def send_devise_notification(notification, *args) puts "sending devise notification." devise_mailer.send(notification, self, *args).deliver_later puts "finished send." end def send_reset_password_link super.tap do |r| if r notification = resource_ids = {} resource_ids[] = [self.resource_id] notification.resource_ids = JSON.generate(resource_ids) notification.objects[:payment_id] = r ## so this notification goes through here. ## Auth::Notify.send_notification(notification) else #puts "no r." end end end def set_autocomplete_tags if self.new_record? self.tags << "user" self.tags << self.tags << self.tags << self.additional_login_param end end end