= simple_form_for(page, (EffectivePages.simple_form_options || {}).merge(:url => (page.persisted? ? effective_pages.admin_page_path(page.id) : effective_pages.admin_pages_path))) do |f|
= f.input :title, :hint => "Give this page a title", :input_html => {:maxlength => 255}
= f.input :draft, :hint => "Save this page as a draft. It will not be accessible on the website."
- if !f.object.new_record? || f.object.errors.include?(:slug)
- current_url = (effective_pages.page_url(f.object) rescue nil)
= f.input :slug, :hint => "The slug controls this page's internet address. Be careful, changing the slug will break links that other websites may have to the old address.
#{('This page is currently reachable via ' + link_to(current_url.gsub(f.object.slug, '' + f.object.slug + '').html_safe, current_url)) if current_url }".html_safe
= f.input :meta_description, :hint => "A one or two sentence summary of this page. Appears on Google search results underneath the page title.", :input_html => {:maxlength => 150}
- if EffectivePages.pages.length == 1
= f.input :template, :as => :hidden, input_html: { :value => EffectivePages.pages.first.first }
- else
= f.input :template, :as => :select, :collection => EffectivePages.pages, :include_blank => false
- if EffectivePages.layouts.length == 1
= f.input :layout, :as => :hidden, :value => EffectivePages.layouts.first
- else
= f.input :layout, :as => :select, :collection => EffectivePages.layouts, :include_blank => false
- if f.object.respond_to?(:roles)
= f.input :roles, :collection => EffectiveRoles.roles_collection(f.object), :as => :check_boxes, :hint => '* leave blank for a regular public page that anyone can view'
= f.button :submit, 'Save', data: { disable_with: 'Saving...' }
- if defined?(EffectiveRegions)
= f.button :submit, 'Save and Edit Content', data: { disable_with: 'Saving...' }
= f.button :submit, 'Save and Add New', data: { disable_with: 'Saving...' }
= link_to 'Cancel', effective_pages.admin_pages_path