# Copyright (c) 2013 AppNeta, Inc. # All rights reserved. require 'uri' require 'cgi' module TraceView class Rack attr_reader :app def initialize(app) @app = app end def collect(req, env) report_kvs = {} begin report_kvs['HTTP-Host'] = req.host report_kvs['Port'] = req.port report_kvs['Proto'] = req.scheme report_kvs[:Method] = req.request_method report_kvs['AJAX'] = true if req.xhr? report_kvs['ClientIP'] = req.ip if TraceView::Config[:rack][:log_args] report_kvs['Query-String'] = ::CGI.unescape(req.query_string) unless req.query_string.empty? end report_kvs['X-TV-Meta'] = env['HTTP_X_TV_META'] if env.key?('HTTP_X_TV_META') # Report any request queue'ing headers. Report as 'Request-Start' or the summed Queue-Time report_kvs['Request-Start'] = env['HTTP_X_REQUEST_START'] if env.key?('HTTP_X_REQUEST_START') report_kvs['Request-Start'] = env['HTTP_X_QUEUE_START'] if env.key?('HTTP_X_QUEUE_START') report_kvs['Queue-Time'] = env['HTTP_X_QUEUE_TIME'] if env.key?('HTTP_X_QUEUE_TIME') report_kvs['Forwarded-For'] = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] if env.key?('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') report_kvs['Forwarded-Host'] = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] if env.key?('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST') report_kvs['Forwarded-Proto'] = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] if env.key?('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') report_kvs['Forwarded-Port'] = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'] if env.key?('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT') report_kvs['Ruby.TraceView.Version'] = ::TraceView::Version::STRING report_kvs['ProcessID'] = Process.pid report_kvs['ThreadID'] = Thread.current.to_s[/0x\w*/] rescue StandardError => e # Discard any potential exceptions. Debug log and report whatever we can. TraceView.logger.debug "[traceview/debug] Rack KV collection error: #{e.inspect}" end report_kvs end def call(env) rack_skipped = false # In the case of nested Ruby apps such as Grape inside of Rails # or Grape inside of Grape, each app has it's own instance # of rack middleware. We avoid tracing rack more than once and # instead start instrumenting from the first rack pass. # If we're already tracing a rack layer, dont't start another one. if TraceView.tracing? && TraceView.layer == 'rack' rack_skipped = true TraceView.logger.debug "[traceview/rack] Rack skipped!" return @app.call(env) end req = ::Rack::Request.new(env) report_kvs = {} if TraceView::Config[:rack][:log_args] report_kvs[:URL] = ::CGI.unescape(req.fullpath) else report_kvs[:URL] = ::CGI.unescape(req.path) end # Check for and validate X-Trace request header to pick up tracing context xtrace = env.is_a?(Hash) ? env['HTTP_X_TRACE'] : nil xtrace_header = xtrace if xtrace && TraceView::XTrace.valid?(xtrace) # Under JRuby, JTraceView may have already started a trace. Make note of this # if so and don't clear context on log_end (see traceview/api/logging.rb) TraceView.has_incoming_context = TraceView.tracing? TraceView.has_xtrace_header = xtrace_header TraceView.is_continued_trace = TraceView.has_incoming_context or TraceView.has_xtrace_header TraceView::API.log_start('rack', xtrace_header, report_kvs) # We only trace a subset of requests based off of sample rate so if # TraceView::API.log_start really did start a trace, we act accordingly here. if TraceView.tracing? report_kvs = collect(req, env) # We log an info event with the HTTP KVs found in TraceView::Rack.collect # This is done here so in the case of stacks that try/catch/abort # (looking at you Grape) we're sure the KVs get reported now as # this code may not be returned to later. TraceView::API.log_info('rack', report_kvs) status, headers, response = @app.call(env) xtrace = TraceView::API.log_end('rack', :Status => status) else status, headers, response = @app.call(env) end [status, headers, response] rescue Exception => e unless rack_skipped TraceView::API.log_exception('rack', e) xtrace = TraceView::API.log_end('rack', :Status => 500) end raise ensure if !rack_skipped && headers && TraceView::XTrace.valid?(xtrace) unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && TraceView.is_continued_trace? headers['X-Trace'] = xtrace if headers.is_a?(Hash) end end end end end