module Axlsx # A Chart is the superclass for specific charts # @note Worksheet#add_chart is the recommended way to create charts for your worksheets. class Chart # The title object for the chart. # @return [Title] attr_accessor :title # The 3D view properties for the chart attr_accessor :view3D # A reference to the graphic frame that owns this chart # @return [GraphicFrame] attr_reader :graphic_frame # A collection of series objects that are applied to the chart # @return [SimpleTypedList] attr_reader :series # The type of series to use for this chart # @return [Series] attr_reader :series_type # The index of this chart in the workbooks charts collection # @return [Integer] attr_reader :index # The part name for this chart # @return [String] attr_reader :pn #TODO data labels! #attr_accessor :dLabls # The starting marker for this chart # @return [Marker] attr_reader :start_at # The ending marker for this chart # @return [Marker] attr_reader :end_at # Show the legend in the chart # @return [Boolean] attr_accessor :show_legend # Creates a new chart object # @param [GraphicalFrame] frame The frame that holds this chart. # @option options [Cell, String] title # @option options [Boolean] show_legend def initialize(frame, options={}) @graphic_frame=frame @graphic_frame.anchor.drawing.worksheet.workbook.charts << self @series = Series @show_legend = true @series_type = Series options.each do |o| self.send("#{o[0]}=", o[1]) if self.respond_to? "#{o[0]}=" end yield self if block_given? end def index @graphic_frame.anchor.drawing.worksheet.workbook.charts.index(self) end def pn "#{CHART_PN % (index+1)}" end def view3D=(v) DataTypeValidator.validate "#{self.class}.view3D", View3D, v; @view3D = v; end def title=(v) v = if v.is_a?(String) || v.is_a?(Cell) DataTypeValidator.validate "#{self.class}.title", Title, v @title = v end def show_legend=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean(v); @show_legend = v; end # Adds a new series to the chart's series collection. # @return [Series] # @see Series def add_series(options={}), options) @series.last end # Chart Serialization # serializes the chart def to_xml builder = => ENCODING) do |xml| xml.send('c:chartSpace',:'xmlns:c' => XML_NS_C, :'xmlns:a' => XML_NS_A) { xml.send('c:chart') { @title.to_xml(xml) unless @title.nil? @view3D.to_xml(xml) unless @view3D.nil? xml.send('c:plotArea') { xml.send('c:layout') yield xml if block_given? } if @show_legend xml.send('c:legend') { xml.send('c:legendPos', :val => "r") xml.send('c:layout') } end } } end builder.to_xml end private def start_at=(v) DataTypeValidator.validate "#{self.class}.start_at", Marker, v; @start_at = v; end def end_at=(v) DataTypeValidator.validate "#{self.class}.end_at", Marker, v; @end_at = v; end end end