describe '', -> u = up.util describe 'JavaScript functions', -> describe 'up.follow', -> describeCapability 'canPushState', -> it 'loads the given link via AJAX and replaces the response in the given target', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.before').text('old-before') affix('.middle').text('old-middle') affix('.after').text('old-after') $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-target=".middle"]') up.follow($link) next => @respondWith """
""" next => expect($('.before')).toHaveText('old-before') expect($('.middle')).toHaveText('new-middle') expect($('.after')).toHaveText('old-after') it 'uses the method from a data-method attribute', asyncSpec (next) -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][data-method="PUT"]') up.follow($link) next => request = @lastRequest() expect(request).toHaveRequestMethod('PUT') it 'allows to refer to the link itself as "&" in the CSS selector', asyncSpec (next) -> $container = affix('div') $link1 = $('first-link').appendTo($container) $link2 = $('second-link').appendTo($container) up.follow($link2) next => @respondWith '
' next => expect($container.text()).toBe('first-linksecond-div') it 'adds history entries and allows the user to use the back- and forward-buttons', asyncSpec (next) -> up.history.config.enabled = true waitForBrowser = 70 # By default, up.history will replace the tag when # the user presses the back-button. We reconfigure this # so we don't lose the Jasmine runner interface. up.history.config.popTargets = ['.container'] respondWith = (html, title) => @lastRequest().respondWith status: 200 contentType: 'text/html' responseText: "
" responseHeaders: { 'X-Up-Title': title } # followAndRespond = ($link, html, title) -> # promise = up.follow($link) # respondWith(html, title) # promise $link1 = affix('a[href="/one"][up-target=".target"]') $link2 = affix('a[href="/two"][up-target=".target"]') $link3 = affix('a[href="/three"][up-target=".target"]') $container = affix('.container') $target = affix('.target').appendTo($container).text('original text') up.follow($link1) next => respondWith('text from one', 'title from one') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('text from one') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/one') expect(document.title).toEqual('title from one') up.follow($link2) next => respondWith('text from two', 'title from two') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('text from two') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/two') expect(document.title).toEqual('title from two') up.follow($link3) next => respondWith('text from three', 'title from three') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('text from three') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/three') expect(document.title).toEqual('title from three') history.back() next.after waitForBrowser, => respondWith('restored text from two', 'restored title from two') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('restored text from two') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/two') expect(document.title).toEqual('restored title from two') history.back() next.after waitForBrowser, => respondWith('restored text from one', 'restored title from one') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('restored text from one') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/one') expect(document.title).toEqual('restored title from one') history.forward() next.after waitForBrowser, => # Since the response is cached, we don't have to respond expect($('.target')).toHaveText('restored text from two', 'restored title from two') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/two') expect(document.title).toEqual('restored title from two') it 'does not add additional history entries when linking to the current URL', asyncSpec (next) -> up.history.config.enabled = true # By default, up.history will replace the tag when # the user presses the back-button. We reconfigure this # so we don't lose the Jasmine runner interface. up.history.config.popTargets = ['.container'] up.proxy.config.cacheExpiry = 0 respondWith = (text) => @respondWith """
""" $link1 = affix('a[href="/one"][up-target=".target"]') $link2 = affix('a[href="/two"][up-target=".target"]') $container = affix('.container') $target = affix('.target').appendTo($container).text('original text') up.follow($link1) next => respondWith('text from one') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('text from one') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/one') up.follow($link2) next => respondWith('text from two') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('text from two') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/two') up.follow($link2) next => respondWith('text from two') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('text from two') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/two') history.back() next.after 50, => respondWith('restored text from one') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('restored text from one') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/one') history.forward() next.after 50, => respondWith('restored text from two') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('restored text from two') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/two') it 'does adds additional history entries when linking to the current URL, but with a different hash', asyncSpec (next) -> up.history.config.enabled = true # By default, up.history will replace the tag when # the user presses the back-button. We reconfigure this # so we don't lose the Jasmine runner interface. up.history.config.popTargets = ['.container'] up.proxy.config.cacheExpiry = 0 respondWith = (text) => @respondWith """
""" $link1 = affix('a[href="/one"][up-target=".target"]') $link2 = affix('a[href="/two"][up-target=".target"]') $link2WithHash = affix('a[href="/two#hash"][up-target=".target"]') $container = affix('.container') $target = affix('.target').appendTo($container).text('original text') up.follow($link1) next => respondWith('text from one') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('text from one') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/one') expect(location.hash).toEqual('') up.follow($link2) next => respondWith('text from two') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('text from two') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/two') expect(location.hash).toEqual('') up.follow($link2WithHash) next => respondWith('text from two with hash') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('text from two with hash') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/two') expect(location.hash).toEqual('#hash') history.back() next.after 50, => respondWith('restored text from two') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('restored text from two') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/two') expect(location.hash).toEqual('') history.forward() next.after 50, => respondWith('restored text from two with hash') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('restored text from two with hash') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/two') expect(location.hash).toEqual('#hash') describe 'with { restoreScroll: true } option', -> beforeEach -> up.history.config.enabled = true it 'does not reveal, but instead restores the scroll positions of all viewports around the target', asyncSpec (next) -> $viewport = affix('div[up-viewport] .element').css 'height': '100px' 'width': '100px' 'overflow-y': 'scroll' followLink = (options = {}) -> $link = $viewport.find('.link') up.follow($link, options) respond = (linkDestination) => @respondWith """
""" up.replace('.element', '/foo') next => # Provide the content at /foo with a link to /bar in the HTML respond('/bar') next => $viewport.scrollTop(65) # Follow the link to /bar followLink() next => # Provide the content at /bar with a link back to /foo in the HTML respond('/foo') next => # Follow the link back to /foo, restoring the scroll position of 65px followLink(restoreScroll: true) # No need to respond because /foo has been cached before next => expect($viewport.scrollTop()).toEqual(65) describe "when the browser is already on the link's destination", -> it "doesn't make a request and reveals the target container" it "doesn't make a request and reveals the target of a #hash in the URL" describe 'with { confirm } option', -> it 'follows the link after the user OKs a confirmation dialog', asyncSpec (next) -> spyOn(up, 'replace') spyOn(window, 'confirm').and.returnValue(true) $link = affix('a[href="/danger"][up-target=".middle"]') up.follow($link, confirm: 'Do you really want to go there?') next => expect(window.confirm).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Do you really want to go there?') expect(up.replace).toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does not follow the link if the user cancels the confirmation dialog', asyncSpec (next) -> spyOn(up, 'replace') spyOn(window, 'confirm').and.returnValue(false) $link = affix('a[href="/danger"][up-target=".middle"]') up.follow($link, confirm: 'Do you really want to go there?') next => expect(window.confirm).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Do you really want to go there?') expect(up.replace).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does not show a confirmation dialog if the option is not a present string', asyncSpec (next) -> spyOn(up, 'replace') spyOn(window, 'confirm') $link = affix('a[href="/danger"][up-target=".middle"]') up.follow($link, confirm: '') next => expect(window.confirm).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(up.replace).toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does not show a confirmation dialog when preloading', asyncSpec (next) -> spyOn(up, 'replace') spyOn(window, 'confirm') $link = affix('a[href="/danger"][up-target=".middle"]') up.follow($link, confirm: 'Are you sure?', preload: true) next => expect(window.confirm).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(up.replace).toHaveBeenCalled() describeFallback 'canPushState', -> it 'navigates to the given link without JavaScript', asyncSpec (next) -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"]') spyOn(up.browser, 'navigate') up.follow($link) next => expect(up.browser.navigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/path', jasmine.anything()) it 'uses the method from a data-method attribute', asyncSpec (next) -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][data-method="PUT"]') spyOn(up.browser, 'navigate') up.follow($link) next => expect(up.browser.navigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/path', { method: 'PUT' }) describe '', -> buildEvent = ($element, attrs) -> event = Trigger.createMouseEvent('mousedown', attrs) event = $.event.fix(event) # convert native event to jQuery event = u.unJQuery($element) event it "returns true when the given event's target is the given link itself", -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"]') event = buildEvent($link) expect(, $link)).toBe(true) it "returns true when the given event's target is a non-link child of the given link", -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"]') $span = $link.affix('span') event = buildEvent($span) expect(, $link)).toBe(true) it "returns false when the given event's target is a child link of the given link (think [up-expand])", -> $link = affix('div[up-href="/foo"]') $childLink = $link.affix('a[href="/bar"]') event = buildEvent($childLink) expect(, $link)).toBe(false) it "returns false when the given event's target is a child input of the given link (think [up-expand])", -> $link = affix('div[up-href="/foo"]') $childInput = $link.affix('input[type="text"]') event = buildEvent($childInput) expect(, $link)).toBe(false) it 'returns false if the right mouse button is used', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"]') event = buildEvent($link, button: 2) expect(, $link)).toBe(false) it 'returns false if shift is pressed during the click', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"]') event = buildEvent($link, shiftKey: 2) expect(, $link)).toBe(false) it 'returns false if ctrl is pressed during the click', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"]') event = buildEvent($link, ctrlKey: 2) expect(, $link)).toBe(false) it 'returns false if meta is pressed during the click', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"]') event = buildEvent($link, metaKey: 2) expect(, $link)).toBe(false) describe '', -> it "adds [up-follow] to a link that wouldn't otherwise be handled by Unpoly", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"]').text('label')$link) expect($link.attr('up-follow')).toEqual('') it "does not add [up-follow] to a link that is already [up-target]", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-target=".target"]').text('label')$link) expect($link.attr('up-follow')).toBeMissing() it "does not add [up-follow] to a link that is already [up-modal]", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-modal=".target"]').text('label')$link) expect($link.attr('up-follow')).toBeMissing() it "does not add [up-follow] to a link that is already [up-popup]", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-popup=".target"]').text('label')$link) expect($link.attr('up-follow')).toBeMissing() describe 'up.visit', -> it 'should have tests' describe '', -> it 'returns true for an [up-target] link', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"][up-target=".target"]') up.hello $link expect($link)).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an [up-follow] link', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"][up-follow]') up.hello $link expect($link)).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an [up-modal] link', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"][up-modal=".target"]') up.hello $link expect($link)).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an [up-popup] link', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"][up-popup=".target"]') up.hello $link expect($link)).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an [up-drawer] link', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"][up-drawer=".target"]') up.hello $link expect($link)).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an [up-target] span with [up-href]', -> $link = affix('span[up-href="/foo"][up-target=".target"]') up.hello $link expect($link)).toBe(true) it 'returns false if the given link will be handled by the browser', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"]') up.hello $link expect($link)).toBe(false) it 'returns false if the given link will be handled by Rails UJS', -> $link = affix('a[href="/foo"][data-method="put"]') up.hello $link expect($link)).toBe(false) describe 'unobtrusive behavior', -> describe 'a[up-target]', -> it 'does not follow a form with up-target attribute (bugfix)', asyncSpec (next) -> $form = affix('form[up-target]') up.hello($form) followSpy ='defaultFollow').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve()) Trigger.clickSequence($form) next => expect(followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describeCapability 'canPushState', -> it 'adds a history entry', asyncSpec (next) -> up.history.config.enabled = true affix('.target') $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-target=".target"]') Trigger.clickSequence($link) next => @respondWith('
new text
') next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('new text') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/path') it 'respects a X-Up-Location header that the server sends in case of a redirect', asyncSpec (next) -> up.history.config.enabled = true affix('.target') $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-target=".target"]') Trigger.clickSequence($link) next => @respondWith responseText: '
new text
' responseHeaders: { 'X-Up-Location': '/other/path' } next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('new text') expect(location.pathname).toEqual('/other/path') describe 'choice of target layer', -> beforeEach -> up.motion.config.enabled = false it 'prefers to update a container in the same layer as the clicked link', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.document').affix('.target').text('old document text') up.modal.extract('.target', "
old modal text
") next => expect($('.document .target')).toHaveText('old document text') expect($('.up-modal .target')).toHaveText('old modal text') $linkInModal = $('.up-modal').affix('a[href="/bar"][up-target=".target"]') Trigger.clickSequence($linkInModal) next => @respondWith '
new text from modal link
' next => expect($('.document .target')).toHaveText('old document text') expect($('.up-modal .target')).toHaveText('new text from modal link') describe 'with [up-layer] modifier', -> it 'allows to name a layer for the update', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.document').affix('.target').text('old document text') up.modal.extract('.target', "
old modal text
", sticky: true) next => expect($('.document .target')).toHaveText('old document text') expect($('.up-modal .target')).toHaveText('old modal text') $linkInModal = $('.up-modal').affix('a[href="/bar"][up-target=".target"][up-layer="page"]') Trigger.clickSequence($linkInModal) next => @respondWith '
new text from modal link
' next => expect($('.document .target')).toHaveText('new text from modal link') expect($('.up-modal .target')).toHaveText('old modal text') it 'ignores [up-layer] if the server responds with a non-200 status code', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.document').affix('.target').text('old document text') up.modal.extract('.target', "
old modal text
", sticky: true) next => expect($('.document .target')).toHaveText('old document text') expect($('.up-modal .target')).toHaveText('old modal text') $linkInModal = $('.up-modal').affix('a[href="/bar"][up-target=".target"][up-fail-target=".target"][up-layer="page"]') Trigger.clickSequence($linkInModal) next => @respondWith responseText: '
new failure text from modal link
' status: 500 next => expect($('.document .target')).toHaveText('old document text') expect($('.up-modal .target')).toHaveText('new failure text from modal link') it 'allows to name a layer for a non-200 response using an [up-fail-layer] modifier', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.document').affix('.target').text('old document text') up.modal.extract('.target', "
old modal text
", sticky: true) next => expect($('.document .target')).toHaveText('old document text') expect($('.up-modal .target')).toHaveText('old modal text') $linkInModal = $('.up-modal').affix('a[href="/bar"][up-target=".target"][up-fail-target=".target"][up-fail-layer="page"]') Trigger.clickSequence($linkInModal) next => @respondWith responseText: '
new failure text from modal link
' status: 500 next => expect($('.document .target')).toHaveText('new failure text from modal link') expect($('.up-modal .target')).toHaveText('old modal text') describe 'with [up-fail-target] modifier', -> beforeEach -> affix('.success-target').text('old success text') affix('.failure-target').text('old failure text') @$link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-target=".success-target"][up-fail-target=".failure-target"]') it 'uses the [up-fail-target] selector for a failed response', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.clickSequence(@$link) next => @respondWith('
new failure text
', status: 500) next => expect($('.success-target')).toHaveText('old success text') expect($('.failure-target')).toHaveText('new failure text') it 'uses the [up-target] selector for a successful response', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.clickSequence(@$link) next => @respondWith('
new success text
', status: 200) next => expect($('.success-target')).toHaveText('new success text') expect($('.failure-target')).toHaveText('old failure text') describe 'with [up-transition] modifier', -> it 'morphs between the old and new target element', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.target.old') $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-target=".target"][up-transition="cross-fade"][up-duration="500"][up-easing="linear"]') Trigger.clickSequence($link) next => @respondWith '
new text
' next => @$oldGhost = $('.target.old.up-ghost') @$newGhost = $('') expect(@$oldGhost).toExist() expect(@$newGhost).toExist() expect(u.opacity(@$oldGhost)).toBeAround(1, 0.15) expect(u.opacity(@$newGhost)).toBeAround(0, 0.15) next.after 250, => expect(u.opacity(@$oldGhost)).toBeAround(0.5, 0.15) expect(u.opacity(@$newGhost)).toBeAround(0.5, 0.15) describe 'wih a CSS selector in the [up-fallback] attribute', -> it 'uses the fallback selector if the [up-target] CSS does not exist on the page', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.fallback').text('old fallback') $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-target=".target"][up-fallback=".fallback"]') Trigger.clickSequence($link) next => @respondWith """
new target
new fallback
""" next => expect('.fallback').toHaveText('new fallback') it 'ignores the fallback selector if the [up-target] CSS exists on the page', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.target').text('old target') affix('.fallback').text('old fallback') $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-target=".target"][up-fallback=".fallback"]') Trigger.clickSequence($link) next => @respondWith """
new target
new fallback
""" next => expect('.target').toHaveText('new target') expect('.fallback').toHaveText('old fallback') it 'does not add a history entry when an up-history attribute is set to "false"', asyncSpec (next) -> up.history.config.enabled = true oldPathname = location.pathname affix('.target') $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-target=".target"][up-history="false"]') Trigger.clickSequence($link) next => @respondWith responseText: '
new text
' responseHeaders: { 'X-Up-Location': '/other/path' } next => expect($('.target')).toHaveText('new text') expect(location.pathname).toEqual(oldPathname) describe 'a[up-follow]', -> beforeEach -> @$link = affix('a[href="/follow-path"][up-follow]') @followSpy ='defaultFollow').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve()) @defaultSpy = spyOn(, 'allowDefault').and.callFake((event) -> event.preventDefault()) it "calls up.follow with the clicked link", asyncSpec (next) ->$link) next => expect(@followSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(@$link, {}) # IE does not call JavaScript and always performs the default action on right clicks unless AgentDetector.isIE() || AgentDetector.isEdge() it 'does nothing if the right mouse button is used', asyncSpec (next) ->$link, button: 2) next => expect(@followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if shift is pressed during the click', asyncSpec (next) ->$link, shiftKey: true) next => expect(@followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if ctrl is pressed during the click', asyncSpec (next)->$link, ctrlKey: true) next => expect(@followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if meta is pressed during the click', asyncSpec (next)->$link, metaKey: true) next => expect(@followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'with [up-instant] modifier', -> beforeEach -> @$link.attr('up-instant', '') it 'follows a link on mousedown (instead of on click)', asyncSpec (next)-> Trigger.mousedown(@$link) next => expect(@followSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual(@$link) it 'does nothing on mouseup', asyncSpec (next)-> Trigger.mouseup(@$link) next => expect(@followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing on click', asyncSpec (next)->$link) next => expect(@followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() # IE does not call JavaScript and always performs the default action on right clicks unless AgentDetector.isIE() || AgentDetector.isEdge() it 'does nothing if the right mouse button is pressed down', asyncSpec (next)-> Trigger.mousedown(@$link, button: 2) next => expect(@followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if shift is pressed during mousedown', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.mousedown(@$link, shiftKey: true) next => expect(@followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if ctrl is pressed during mousedown', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.mousedown(@$link, ctrlKey: true) next => expect(@followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing if meta is pressed during mousedown', asyncSpec (next) -> Trigger.mousedown(@$link, metaKey: true) next => expect(@followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe '[up-dash]', -> it "is a shortcut for [up-preload], [up-instant] and [up-target], using [up-dash]'s value as [up-target]", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-dash=".target"]').text('label') up.hello($link) expect($link.attr('up-preload')).toEqual('') expect($link.attr('up-instant')).toEqual('') expect($link.attr('up-target')).toEqual('.target') it "adds [up-follow] attribute if [up-dash]'s value is 'true'", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-dash="true"]').text('label') up.hello($link) expect($link.attr('up-follow')).toEqual('') it "adds [up-follow] attribute if [up-dash] is present, but has no value", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-dash]').text('label') up.hello($link) expect($link.attr('up-follow')).toEqual('') it "does not add an [up-follow] attribute if [up-dash] is 'true', but [up-target] is present", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-dash="true"][up-target=".target"]').text('label') up.hello($link) expect($link.attr('up-follow')).toBeMissing() expect($link.attr('up-target')).toEqual('.target') it "does not add an [up-follow] attribute if [up-dash] is 'true', but [up-modal] is present", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-dash="true"][up-modal=".target"]').text('label') up.hello($link) expect($link.attr('up-follow')).toBeMissing() expect($link.attr('up-modal')).toEqual('.target') it "does not add an [up-follow] attribute if [up-dash] is 'true', but [up-popup] is present", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-dash="true"][up-popup=".target"]').text('label') up.hello($link) expect($link.attr('up-follow')).toBeMissing() expect($link.attr('up-popup')).toEqual('.target') it "removes the [up-dash] attribute when it's done", -> $link = affix('a[href="/path"]').text('label') up.hello($link) expect($link.attr('up-dash')).toBeMissing() describe '[up-expand]', -> it 'copies up-related attributes of a contained link', -> $area = affix('div[up-expand] a[href="/path"][up-target="selector"][up-instant][up-preload]') up.hello($area) expect($area.attr('up-target')).toEqual('selector') expect($area.attr('up-instant')).toEqual('') expect($area.attr('up-preload')).toEqual('') it "renames a contained link's href attribute to up-href so the container is considered a link", -> $area = affix('div[up-expand] a[up-follow][href="/path"]') up.hello($area) expect($area.attr('up-href')).toEqual('/path') it 'copies attributes from the first link if there are multiple links', -> $area = affix('div[up-expand]') $link1 = $area.affix('a[href="/path1"]') $link2 = $area.affix('a[href="/path2"]') up.hello($area) expect($area.attr('up-href')).toEqual('/path1') it "copies an contained non-link element with up-href attribute", -> $area = affix('div[up-expand] span[up-follow][up-href="/path"]') up.hello($area) expect($area.attr('up-href')).toEqual('/path') it 'adds an up-follow attribute if the contained link has neither up-follow nor up-target attributes', -> $area = affix('div[up-expand] a[href="/path"]') up.hello($area) expect($area.attr('up-follow')).toEqual('') it 'can be used to enlarge the click area of a link', asyncSpec (next) -> $area = affix('div[up-expand] a[href="/path"]') up.hello($area) spyOn(up, 'replace') Trigger.clickSequence($area) next => expect(up.replace).toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does nothing when the user clicks another link in the expanded area', asyncSpec (next) -> $area = affix('div[up-expand]') $expandedLink = $area.affix('a[href="/expanded-path"][up-follow]') $otherLink = $area.affix('a[href="/other-path"][up-follow]') up.hello($area) followSpy ='defaultFollow').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve()) Trigger.clickSequence($otherLink) next => expect(followSpy.calls.count()).toEqual(1) expect(followSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual($otherLink) it 'does nothing when the user clicks on an input in the expanded area', asyncSpec (next) -> $area = affix('div[up-expand]') $expandedLink = $area.affix('a[href="/expanded-path"][up-follow]') $input = $area.affix('input[type=text]') up.hello($area) followSpy ='defaultFollow').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve()) Trigger.clickSequence($input) next => expect(followSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does not trigger multiple replaces when the user clicks on the expanded area of an [up-instant] link (bugfix)', asyncSpec (next) -> $area = affix('div[up-expand] a[href="/path"][up-follow][up-instant]') up.hello($area) spyOn(up, 'replace') Trigger.clickSequence($area) next => expect(up.replace.calls.count()).toEqual(1) it 'does not add an up-follow attribute if the expanded link is [up-dash] with a selector (bugfix)', -> $area = affix('div[up-expand] a[href="/path"][up-dash=".element"]') up.hello($area) expect($area.attr('up-follow')).toBeMissing() it 'does not an up-follow attribute if the expanded link is [up-dash] without a selector (bugfix)', -> $area = affix('div[up-expand] a[href="/path"][up-dash]') up.hello($area) expect($area.attr('up-follow')).toEqual('') describe 'with a CSS selector in the property value', -> it "expands the contained link that matches the selector", -> $area = affix('div[up-expand=".second"]') $link1 = $area.affix('a.first[href="/path1"]') $link2 = $area.affix('a.second[href="/path2"]') up.hello($area) expect($area.attr('up-href')).toEqual('/path2') it 'does nothing if no contained link matches the selector', -> $area = affix('div[up-expand=".foo"]') $link = $area.affix('a[href="/path1"]') up.hello($area) expect($area.attr('up-href')).toBeUndefined() it 'does not match an element that is not a descendant', -> $area = affix('div[up-expand=".second"]') $link1 = $area.affix('a.first[href="/path1"]') $link2 = affix('a.second[href="/path2"]') # not a child of $area up.hello($area) expect($area.attr('up-href')).toBeUndefined()