require 'spec_helper' require 'fog/openstack' module Beaker describe Openstack do let(:options) { make_opts.merge({'logger' => double().as_null_object, 'openstack_floating_ip' => true}) } let(:openstack) {, options) } before :each do @hosts = make_hosts() @compute_client = double().as_null_object @network_client = double().as_null_object allow( Fog::Compute ).to receive( :new ).and_return( @compute_client ) allow( Fog::Network ).to receive( :new ).and_return( @network_client ) end context 'keystone version support' do it 'supports keystone v2' do credentials = openstack.instance_eval('@credentials') expect(credentials[:openstack_user_domain]).to be_nil expect(credentials[:openstack_project_domain]).to be_nil end it 'supports keystone v3 with implicit arguments' do v3_options = options v3_options[:openstack_auth_url] = '' v3_options[:openstack_project_name] = 'TeamTest_ab_c' v3_options[:openstack_tenant] = nil credentials =, v3_options).instance_eval('@credentials') expect(credentials[:openstack_user_domain]).to eq('Default') expect(credentials[:openstack_project_domain]).to eq('Default') expect(credentials[:openstack_project_name]).to eq('TeamTest_ab_c') expect(credentials[:openstack_tenant]).to be_nil end it 'supports keystone v3 with explicit arguments' do v3_options = options v3_options[:openstack_auth_url] = '' v3_options[:openstack_user_domain] = '' v3_options[:openstack_project_domain] = 'R&D' v3_options[:openstack_project_name] = 'Team_test_abc' v3_options[:openstack_tenant] = nil credentials =, v3_options).instance_eval('@credentials') expect(credentials[:openstack_user_domain]).to eq('') expect(credentials[:openstack_project_domain]).to eq('R&D') expect(credentials[:openstack_project_name]).to eq('Team_test_abc') expect(credentials[:openstack_tenant]).to be_nil end end describe '#provision' do it 'check openstack options during initialization' do options = openstack.instance_eval('@options') expect(options['openstack_api_key']).to eq('P1as$w0rd') expect(options['openstack_username']).to eq('user') expect(options['openstack_auth_url']).to eq('') expect(options['openstack_tenant']).to eq('testing') expect(options['openstack_network']).to eq('testing') expect(options['openstack_keyname']).to eq('nopass') expect(options['security_group']).to eq(['my_sg', 'default']) expect(options['floating_ip_pool']).to eq('my_pool') end it 'check hosts options during initialization' do @hosts.each do |host| expect(host['image']).to eq('default_image') expect(host['flavor']).to eq('m1.large') expect(host['user_data']).to eq('#cloud-config\nmanage_etc_hosts: true\nfinal_message: "The host is finally up!"') end end it 'check host options during server creation' do mock_flavor = allow( mock_flavor ).to receive( :id ).and_return( 12345 ) allow( openstack ).to receive( :flavor ).and_return( mock_flavor ) expect( openstack ).to receive( :flavor ).with( 'm1.large' ) mock_image = allow( mock_image ).to receive( :id ).and_return( 54321 ) allow( openstack ).to receive( :image ).and_return( mock_image ) expect( openstack ).to receive( :image ).with( 'default_image' ) mock_servers = double().as_null_object allow( @compute_client ).to receive( :servers ).and_return( mock_servers ) expect(mock_servers).to receive(:create).with(hash_including( :user_data => '#cloud-config\nmanage_etc_hosts: true\nfinal_message: "The host is finally up!"', :flavor_ref => 12345, :image_ref => 54321) ) @hosts.each do |host| allow(host).to receive(:wait_for_port).and_return(true) end openstack.provision end it 'generates valid keynames during server creation' do # Simulate getting a dynamic IP from OpenStack to test key generation code # after provisioning. See _validate_new_key_pair in openstack/nova for reference mock_ip = double().as_null_object allow( openstack ).to receive( :get_floating_ip ).and_return( mock_ip ) allow( mock_ip ).to receive( :ip ).and_return( '' ) openstack.instance_eval('@options')['openstack_keyname'] = nil @hosts.each do |host| allow(host).to receive(:wait_for_port).and_return(true) end openstack.provision @hosts.each do |host| expect(host[:keyname]).to match(/^[_\-0-9a-zA-Z]+$/) end end it 'get_floating_ip always allocates a new floatingip' do # Assume beaker is being executed in parallel N times by travis (or similar). # IPs are allocated (but not associated) before an instance is created; it is # hightly possible the first instance will allocate a new IP and create an ssh # key. While the instance is being created the other N-1 instances come along, # find the unused IP and try to use it as well which causes keyname clashes # and other IP related shenannigans. Ensure we allocate a new IP each and every # time mock_addresses = double().as_null_object mock_ip = double().as_null_object allow(@compute_client).to receive(:addresses).and_return(mock_addresses) allow(mock_addresses).to receive(:create).and_return(mock_ip) expect(mock_addresses).to receive(:create).exactly(3).times (1..3).each { openstack.get_floating_ip } end context 'volume creation option' do it 'provisions volume by default' do mock_flavor = allow( mock_flavor ).to receive( :id ).and_return( 12345 ) allow( openstack ).to receive( :flavor ).and_return( mock_flavor ) mock_image = allow( mock_image ).to receive( :id ).and_return( 54321 ) allow( openstack ).to receive( :image ).and_return( mock_image ) mock_servers = double().as_null_object allow( @compute_client ).to receive( :servers ).and_return( mock_servers ) @hosts.each do |host| allow(host).to receive(:wait_for_port).and_return(true) expect(openstack).to receive(:provision_storage) end openstack.provision end it 'skips provisioning when disabled' do mock_flavor = allow( mock_flavor ).to receive( :id ).and_return( 12345 ) allow( openstack ).to receive( :flavor ).and_return( mock_flavor ) mock_image = allow( mock_image ).to receive( :id ).and_return( 54321 ) allow( openstack ).to receive( :image ).and_return( mock_image ) mock_servers = double().as_null_object allow( @compute_client ).to receive( :servers ).and_return( mock_servers ) openstack.instance_eval('@options')['openstack_volume_support'] = false @hosts.each do |host| allow(host).to receive(:wait_for_port).and_return(true) expect(openstack).not_to receive(:provision_storage) end openstack.provision end end end describe '#provision_storage' do it 'creates volumes with cinder v1' do # Mock a volume allow(openstack).to receive(:get_volumes).and_return({'volume1' => {'size' => 1000000 }}) # Stub out the call to create the client and hard code the return value allow(openstack).to receive(:volume_client_create).and_return(nil) client = double().as_null_object openstack.instance_variable_set(:@volume_client, client) allow(openstack).to receive(:get_volume_api_version).and_return(1) # Check the parameters are valid, correct 'name' parameter and correct size conversion mock_volume = double().as_null_object expect(client).to receive(:create).with(:display_name => 'volume1', :description => 'Beaker volume: host=alan volume=volume1', :size => 1000 ).and_return(mock_volume) allow(mock_volume).to receive(:wait_for).and_return(nil) # Perform the test! mock_vm = double().as_null_object allow(mock_volume).to receive(:id).and_return('Fake ID') expect(mock_vm).to receive(:attach_volume).with('Fake ID', '/dev/vdb') mock_host = double().as_null_object allow(mock_host).to receive(:name).and_return('alan') openstack.provision_storage mock_host, mock_vm end it 'creates volumes with cinder v2' do # Mock a volume allow(openstack).to receive(:get_volumes).and_return({'volume1' => {'size' => 1000000 }}) # Stub out the call to create the client and hard code the return value allow(openstack).to receive(:volume_client_create).and_return(nil) client = double().as_null_object openstack.instance_variable_set(:@volume_client, client) allow(openstack).to receive(:get_volume_api_version).and_return(-1) # Check the parameters are valid, correct 'name' parameter and correct size conversion mock_volume = double().as_null_object expect(client).to receive(:create).with(:name => 'volume1', :description => 'Beaker volume: host=alan volume=volume1', :size => 1000 ).and_return(mock_volume) allow(mock_volume).to receive(:wait_for).and_return(nil) # Perform the test! mock_vm = double().as_null_object allow(mock_volume).to receive(:id).and_return('Fake ID') expect(mock_vm).to receive(:attach_volume).with('Fake ID', '/dev/vdb') mock_host = double().as_null_object allow(mock_host).to receive(:name).and_return('alan') openstack.provision_storage mock_host, mock_vm end end end end